Archive for August 2024

It is ALL fake

One of the most frustrating aspects of the 98% of NPC that roam around like zombies is their utter inability to think beyond binary level concepts.

Or indeed at all.

As a result the Freemasonic strategy of playing BOTH sides of the coin means they are fooled by it EVERY SINGLE TIME.

You can show them the evidence. You can show them the facts. You can predict the outcome before, the results and point to all the moving part during the process and show the confirmed expected result after it with the strictest scientific methodology, and they still won’t get it.

You can literally see them standing under a satanist pissing on them as they look up to him and they will tell you it’s raining.

Here is a case in point currently affecting almost every American alive today:

They think it matters greatly who “wins” the “election” in their pretend country that is really the Freemasonic cuckold nest par exellance.

They think that because of this:

And this:

And this:

While they totally and completely ignore the significance of this:

Trump addresses a panel of Jewish supporters.

It really does not matter at all whether Kameltoe Harridan or Donnie Trumpeteer wins. They are both cartoon characters designed to appease one of the two factions of NPCs that argue for “their” views with the same efficacy, personal thought, and prescribed outcome that a set of drawings for a Tom and Jerry cartoon has.

Neither of these characters will change anything at all that matters or make any meaningful difference to the Rothschilds and Co. who are really running the planet.

None of these people will return any direct sovereignty to you as a living human being, nor even as a nationalist of some supposed nation.

None of them will return the global or even national monetary process to a fractionated gold standard, a concept I white papered in the early 1990s.

None of them will even remove most of the idiotic laws and bureaucracy that infests every nation now thanks to ever-spreading tentacles of Satanic legalism that is the very swamp-grounds in which freemasonry is hatched, spore-like.

None of them will create a government or rule of law that respects basic common sense such as the right to self-defence, personal autonomy with regard to any medical procedure, and the right to work and transact in business and with various payment processors regardless of political, ideological, or religious inclination or membership.

None of them at all will ever confront and abolish the practice of usury.

And absolutely not a single one of them will even mention the Jews and their general practices towards non-Jews.

But even if they did start talking about these things, it’s all just theatre. Window dressing. Fake. It’s all fake. Meloni swore up and down the country she would stop illegal immigration. But she was an occultist since her early 20s and more illegal criminal aliens have entered Italy so far than previous years.

No one is going to save you.

No one will build a proper society for you.

The only one that MIGHT do it is you.

That’s it. There is no one else.

That’s what I am doing and it’s slow, painful, thankless work. But it works and there is nothing more worthwhile to do for your children as well as your own future.


Ignore all the lies.

Ignore all the fake.

Build something real.

On the “good” vaccines…

Tucker Carlson said he has to Bleep out a Segment of his Interview on YouTube, because Rob talked about a Medical Doctor who wouldn’t Give Their own Newborn Infant any Vaccines “because there are too Many Toxins in them”

• You have an immune system, and the mothers breast milk which act as an immune system…

• Today there are approximately 72 shots, between 16 different vaccines, before the age of 6

This subject infuriates me man… our children… our babies, our future has greatly suffered and died over the gross intentional malpractice of the pharmaceutical industry.

Like most people, I didn’t really have anything against vaccines, having been taught since childhood they were “good” for us.

When my first daughter was born I refused the vitamin K shot which they give to ALL newborns, because I had actually researched it.

It’s supposed to stop bleeding on the brain that happens to about 2 out of 100,000 births and then it is only potentially useful on those cases that have it due to being injured in birth as a result of use of forceps say. Which forceps were in fact used on my daughter, thanks to utter and complete incompetence of the two female Indian doctors that were present, who refused to do a C-section when it was clear her head was too big for her mother to birth naturally, and who then failed to pull her out using a suction cup, pulling so hard on her unborn head that it popped off and the doctor fell on her arse in the delivery room. They eventually had to cut the mother to get her out, all of which could have been done 6 hours earlier with a C-section, but by then was too late and required a cut to enlarge the exit.

After that little ordeal, she came out blue and terrified, and when her eyes finally latched on to mine, her little hand grabbed my finger and I stood there looking at her as she looked at me.

The same level of incompetent doctor will tell you babies’ eyes don’t work (it’s a lie they work perfectly fine, they just never used them before but she definitely recognised me as something worth seeing, because I think the eyes show another presence, another living creature and soul, so she fixed on that first) that they can’t smile (also a lie) and so on.

When the retarded nurse number 2 came along and tried to give her the vitamin K shot I told her not thanks. She started trying to argue with me by making reference to the MMR multi-shot vaccine, saying “that doctor has been discredited”, referring to the doctor that had shown a link between that shot and autism (who was later vindicated by the way). Showing with absolute clarity she had not a clue what the hell she was talking about. She had no idea what the shot she wanted to administer even was.

I told her she was just as incompetent as the rest of the staff we had met so far (the first nurse had failed to insert a catheter in the mother seven times in a row) and to leave the room. She brought back a young doctor who politely asked me why I was refusing the vitamin K shot. I congratulated him on knowing what it was he was asking me about, unlike his nurse, and pulled out the folder I had with all the proof that the stupid vitamin K shot injects 20,000 TIMES the level of vitamin K that a person first has when they develop it (babies don’t have it) for something that MIGHT help 2 times out of 100,000 but that has been shown to have statistical significance with the development of leukaemia 20 years later with an average of 2% probability.

He admitted he had never known this, asked me if he could copy the information. I told him to keep the file as I had two copies.

Even then I stupidly gave my daughter the first couple of vaccines. An error I would never repeat today, after I actually spent some rime reading up on the entire history of vaccines as well as what is in them, and what almost all doctors are specifically trained to NOT know about them.

And the main reason they try and force you to inject those poisons into your kids?

To “safeguard” other kids.

Which of course makes about as much sense as asking your neighbour to wear his seatbelt when he drives around in his car, so it makes YOU safer when YOU drive around in your car.

If your vaccine works at all, what do you care if I am vaccinated or not? You’re supposedly immune now, right?

Yeah… turns out if you actually read up on vaccines and their origins… it’s far, far, far, worse than you imagine.

And that’s the ones that are supposed to be actual vaccines. Never mind the mRNA non-vaccines, that are genetic experiments that change your DNA, have NEVER worked for over 30 years and invariably have resulted in the eventual death of the animals they were experimented on for over three decades.

So yeah… trusting doctors is even worse than trusting prostitutes, and far more likely to result in your eventual illness or death.

You’re Gonna Have Days Like This

So 2 days ago i once more broke the joint to the trincia, although in a brand new way, so… yeah not a silver lining exactly, just a new way to screw up I hope to not repeat.

I also had the chainsaw die on me. Looks like a bolt snapped and the carburettor now has an air leak. The wife’s phone died, and so did her computer.

And the paperwork for the export of oil has been sorted but now the oil mill guys are worried about it all being correct (which it is, but they don’t read English so it’s very understandable).

Then there was the arguing with the kids, then the wife. And the electric company decided to reduce our power to a level where we could not run the washing machine or the oven. All because of an unpaid bill from 2022 when during covid they QUINTUPLED the rates for four months in a row. I paid one of those, bills (bimonthly) not the other. Because it turns out there was absolutely no reason for the increase. Something that came out in national papers too. And they did it without any warning or any answer as to why the increase took place.

And the water company over-bills us every month.

And my car has something not right with the petrol pump.

On days like that, if you’re a lukewarm heretic, you will question why God is punishing you, pray for deliverance from your misery, and so on.

If you are an actual Catholic, instead of a pretend one, you will pray that God helps you become better for your family by whatever means He deems best, realise trials are a way to train you to become stronger and better and work your ass off to do what you can.

The tractor part and chainsaw are still broken, and the car issue is not getting resolved any time soon, but the power company figured getting their name in the papers for the wrong reason was not a great idea. So the power is back to normal. We’ll see how it plays out in time.

The argument led to a better way of doing things from both the wife and I, and we think the kids too in due course can benefit from a few changes we are making.

Her phone is kaput, but we went to an Apple store and her laptop is now better than before. I’ll take the chainsaw apart in the next day or two and hopefully I can fix it. The tractor joint may cost more this time round, which I hope not, because I am counting every penny these days.

The point is: life is not that different from martial arts and endeavours. You gotta keep observing, learning from every mistake you make, and getting back up every time you get knocked down.

And don’t worry too much. No problem is permanent. Give it enough time and absolutely everything will pass. If not now, for sure when you do. So you may as well keep going.

Ancient Technology

The ancients were far more advanced than modern people at almost every level on a personal level of ability to do things. Both mentally as well as physically. Your average man from the year 1000 could endure a lot more than the perfumed princes of today.

An actual knight in armour in the crusades would make a modern soldier look like a pansy in a tutu on any comparable physical test of endurance or strength, and above all, mental fortitude.

But even certain aspects of their technology were advanced, and comparatively also higher quality.

Even when the actual technology was not in fact more advanced, the level of skill in building it was absolutely phenomenal.

Obsidian knives made from a type of volcanic glass are so sharp they cut on a cellular level. They have been used as tools since the Stone Age.

The mechanical Turk although not an actual intelligent robot, is nevertheless an ingenious device that took a lot of time and extremely precise work to construct.

If you bother to read the classics, Herodotus, Homers, Plato, Aristotle, Julius Cesar, you will realise that the ancient also had great thinkers.

If modern men aspired to be more like their ancestors, the world could only benefit from it.

Dark Futura Post

You should read the whole thing. It basically discusses the utter catastrophic failure of the modelling of providing a Universal Basic Income to the underclass (which ultimately means everyone but the elite).

We’ve often talked about how the elites typify a detached aristocratic conception of society which treats humans like a string of code to be tweaked and optimized. It’s why their worldview so perfectly aligns with the modern managerial ‘Longhouse’ paradigm of restructuring the natural, unmappable human anima into a sort of antiseptic DMV or HR mode. It also quite snuggly conforms to our materialist age’s mandate of ‘The Science’, sensitivity, and victim culture which aims to reduce human activity to a sterile, programmable state. 

This is a literal war of the Technocratic Machine against human nature itself, in all its flawed, unchartable, and impure chaos. It is the imposition of routine over adventure, regulation over mystery, and a mathematically deterministic model of existence over faith, chance, and fate. It’s the destruction of our ancient calling for the sake of a grotesquely misplaced sympathy for abstracted suffering. Rather than let you suffer the agonies of a papercut on your finger, we’ll force you into a medicated ‘safety’ strapped in perpetuity to a gurney in an inoffensively white-walled room. 

It’s the epitome of protecting us ‘from ourselves’ for the sake of an increasingly disconnected moral framework.

But in reality, these diversionary half-measures ignore the real root causes of every moral and social issue of our times. 

Ultimately, the question of a societal panacea in the form of a UBI drip-feed to keep us half-consciously plugged in to the consumerist-banking-financial panopticon doesn’t even pass the most basic competency assessments. 

Primarily: if the whole question of UBI is being brought up due to AI robots eliminating our jobs, then shouldn’t the very same robots provide so much cheap excess labor that prices then consequently plummet in every economic category? The need for a $1,000 monthly check would be obviated by virtue of rent, food, etc., dropping to the equivalent tune of $1,000 owing to robots making those things cheaper. 

After all, Sam Altman himself stated

Altman’s interest in universal basic income is related to his work as CEO of OpenAI—if AI eliminates jobs, could guaranteed cash help workers who lose their income? In 2021, Altman said he believed AI could generate enough wealth to pay every U.S. adult $13,500 a year. “He was definitely thinking about future labor market changes—not just what happens if robots take jobs, but also a recognition of the challenges we’re facing today with distribution of resources and opportunities across the population,” Rhodes says.

Unfortunately, that’s where the Great Lie of our rent-seeking economy rears its head. Production costs have already historically plummeted since the ‘80s with the onset of globalization, but the bonanza of extra profits gained by corporations were absorbed for pure greed, being financialized back into the system via derivatives, stock buybacks, executive pay hikes, etc. 

A corporation would never re-circulate excess profit back to the little guy if it didn’t have to. We can only expect the age of AI to drive another bubble to be gobbled up by corpos to fund massive buyouts and mergers until only a few megacorps remain to consolidate their control of the globe. 

Some have even proposed futures consisting of ‘gamified’ forms of UBI that will see our daily lives be relegated to the plasticity of a cheap mobile sim.

I said about 30 years ago, in the early 1990s (circa 1993 to 1995) that the average person was so stupid that perhaps they should all just be given VR helmets (they were a possibility of new tech that usually made people vomit when they tried it out), shoved into huge buildings filled with little condos, hook them up to free pornography and computer controlled sex toys and attach intravenous tubes for feeding them glop.

Essentially I had come up with the concept of The Matrix several years before it came out. Perhaps the Elites were spying on me already back then (I was definitely hacked by government level people for my discussing antigravity technology and writing The Face on Mars) and they decided to basically execute that half-joke.

I don’t know where the future is heading but I think it’s gonna get a lot darker before anyone sees any light.

On the other hand, I am hopeful that when the light does come, it will be a cleansing fire, that will rid us of a lot of the Satanists, Freemasons and evil servants of the Enemy.

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
Website maintained by IT monks