Archive for August 2024

Public Apology

I erroneously labelled NC Renegade a plagiarist because this is what I saw when I went there:

HOWEVER… If you click on the continue reading button on the post it links directly to my site. So he did not plagiarise. I therefore apologise unreservedly for the mischaracterisation and hope I did not cause any harm.

On days like this…

You just gotta clear out the drains, including the shower one that has been blocked because you have a wife and 4 daughters that have long hair…

At least, thanks to some foresight from the last time, which took 14 hours to clear that drain, I had left the cable with alien intruder looking attachment in the drain, so I linked a small steel cable to it and thanks to the help of 4 of the children, we cleared out the whole drain in about an hour, while their mother and little sister had a well deserved little nap.

Tomorrow I will take the tractor part to get fixed and pray some money falls out of the sky to pay for it, then I will take the chainsaw apart and hope I can figure out how to fix it, because without a chainsaw winter is going to be too cold to deal with.

Life throwing lemons is easy enough to handle. Dog turds a little harder, but until it’s bullets and grenades, it’s all good.

The importance of stretching

My wife noted that as adults when we wake up we are immediately assaulted by worries, concerns of what to do or what we have not done and so on.

And that is the intent, to keep us in a perpetual state of constant mild anxiety.

As a child, the first thing you do when you wake up, is stretch. Animals do it too.

And that is just one aspect in which we have been conditioned —Pavlovian style— to abandon our God-given natural process of maintaining bodily health, and instead take on the self-destructive attitudes, behaviours, modalities, habits and practices that are today considered “normal” or even “necessary”.

Impostors and Frauds

UPDATE: I was totally wrong. Full retrction posted. NC Renegade is NOT a plagiarist. I had NOT clicked on the continue reading part, which linked directly to my blog. So, I apologise fully. I make mistakes too. You may record this in your diaries!

Just so you know NC Renegade is a fake site with zero original content who steals posts from people like me and pretends it was written by a non-existent Roth Harbard.

I know most will not cate at all, but plagiarism as blatant as this has always pissed me off. Ever since some Indian kid a few years younger than me copied my essay for the yearbook that I graduated on, verbatim, because it had won first prize and passed it off as his own, winning that year’s prize too because teachers had changed and a few years down the line no one knew.

It is the act of a subhuman gutter rat that has no actual human imagination at all. Worse than beasts of the field, because they steal, shit in the street and spread disease.

And no, it is not about the “fame” or “glory”, though sure, it can irk a little when Graham Hancock plagiarises some parts of The Face on Mars and still gets it wrong but makes a crap load of money from it.

But the main reason I am saying exactly what I think about plagiarists here is simply because innocuous though their crime may seem, it is, in fact, a very good measure of the overall intellect and integrity of a person.

The most prominent sensation plagiarists elicit in me is a complete and total dismissal of them as even remotely worthwhile creatures. They instantly pass from potential human to merely a faint, bad smell —like a stale and partially dissipated small fart in a vast space— forever.

And so far not a single one of them has ever crossed that barrier in the other direction. They are, eternally, mere ghost-farts in human form.

The Retarded “Hopefuls”

On X this clip was posted with the comment:

Germany: 300 young German Nationalist crashed an LGBT event and began shouting “Immigrants OUT” and “homosexuals OUT” This happened today in Leipzig.

Except it‘s a lie.

If you go to the link, you will see that a reader added context explains they are really shouting “East, East, East Germany,” which is a football slogan. And there is no mention of homosexuals.

Tbis kind of psyops is designed to get the average person who has had enough of the overall wokeness, rape and murder of his co-native Europeans to essentially relax and take no positive action towards safeguarding the future because he is now deluded i to thinking someone else, someone more extreme and therefore more active than him, will somehow “fix it.”

All you need to do to see this phenomenon is read the comment by Pytor under my post titled It is ALL Fake below.

People are dumb.

That is why they are being let to slaughter like cattle. Cattle are dumb too.

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
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