Archive for August 2024

Life on Earth in one image

I entirely agree

Vox posted on the intentional wish to harm and kill children by officious, disgusting, and demonic government employees.

And I entirely concur that anyone doing this should absolutely and immediately face the death penalty, and I don’t care at all if that just punishment is exacted by a proper and rightful court or mob justice.

In the end, if parents are not willing to die and kill for their children, they are not parents at all.


I got the little Viking and Piglet tiny metal crosses as they keep noting my simple steel one.

The little Viking’s is silver and pretty plain and simple on a silver chain.

Piglet’s is a little fancier gold-plated chain and gold plated little cross.

As it turn out the little Viking doesn’t like the feel of something around his neck so he leaves it off, though he is very conscious of it and its symbolic importance. Today he saw it next on the bedside table and asked about it, wondering if I got him a silver one so it looks similar to mine. I replied that was indeed the case.

Piglet (3) who was standing up on the bed near me, says:

“He’s got a silver one and I have a gold one…”

Then she flings her arms up to the sky, her fuzzy curly haired head also looking up at the sky like some miniature pagan and shouts:

“I love gold!”

In case there was any doubt, she’s obviously from Viking raiders stock too.

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