Without mentioning any identifiable information regarding any of the people involved, I have recently been directly made aware of one of the usual pushes for the pedophilic grooming of children that is now a continued effort in the West. The intent and planned event was a week long LGBT agenda culminating with a tranny in drag twerking to toddlers.
Several of the parents involved immediately pushed back and demanded to know what the hell was the justification for promoting adult sexual preferences to little children. And immediately, the groomers in charge backed down. Or almost immediately. First they lied with vague concepts of inclusivity, and diversity, when that absurd and nonsensical “justification” was immediately shot down in no uncertain terms by several of the mothers mind you, the relevant officials started to backpedal, state some children could be excluded (would you believe them to actually do so?!? Especially after they already lied about the intent?).
It then transpired that one of the gay teachers told a little girl in his class that girls could become boys by just “taking some tablets”. I am not aware of what the parents of that girl will do if anything, but I sincerely hope they sue the shit out of the school.
Make no mistake: NONE of this has to do with any “inclusivity” it is evil pedophiles trying to pervert children. And it needs to be called out precisely for what it is.
There is ZERO justification for telling 5, 6, 10 year olds anything about the homosexual lifestyle. And if it was really about “inclusivity” then where are the Christian priests and Muslim Imams telling people that sodomy will lead you to hell and that in Islamic countries the punishment for it is to be thrown off a roof, hung or decapitated? I mean, you wouldn’t want to discriminate on the basis of religion now, would you?
The only reason Clown world exists is because weak men allowed it and everyone was too polite to tell the freaks to STFU and get back under the dark holes they crawled out of.
Even under the Inquisition, literally no one got burnt at the stake for sodomy. No one. 163 pedophile that had raped children did. In a period of over a century. I’m fairly sure a proper investigation would turn up several multiples of that number in any major city in the West. And the fact that the FBI was UPLOADING incriminating images to someone that was pointing out some things about them, while they continue literal photographic and video evidence of child sexual rape and abuse by Hunter Biden tells you who is running things and what their proclivities are.
And it seems it is mostly the MOTHERS who are at least speaking out. One wonder where the fathers are. Where the uncles, brothers, and grandfathers are.
And to borrow and paraphrase a sentence from the film the Matrix:
Do you think you’re going to vote your way out of this? Interesting.
That said, I am fully for people that understand what is going on to get involved in everything from the PTA to the local council. Get in there every which way you can and subvert the Clown World agenda by every means available. Install your own in there and return things to a place where normality can thrive and that has absolutely ironclad policies of exclusion for anything that does not follow logic, reason and justice.
And stop being afraid. Speak up. Push back. Do NOT let anything slide. The only reason they keep encroaching is because you keep retreating.
General WWIII escalations
I am not particularly worried about the obvious escalation of the USA using one of their drones to help the Ukis drop a multi-munition frag-type missile of… a beach with sunbathers on it inside Russian territory.
Obviously, it is a massive escalation by the
USA,sorry, I mean Israel, alongside with several terrorist attacks all happening on the same day too, but I think the reaction from Russia will be interesting and possibly already played out with a senior US diplomat dying in Ukraine of… SADS I guess. Or maybe climate change.Sunak is going to be kicked out in UK.
Biden might be “retired” in favour of Big Mike Obummer, or possibly Biden #2 to #5. Either way it will not be Kameltoe.
If nuclear war is avoided before November, I think it’s equally likely Trump “wins” in a kayfabe sort of way (theatre) to appease the masses, or Joepedo stand-ins or Big Mike will possibly “win” with the bestest and most popular vote count ever. Again. But in any case, Americans will continue to do absolutely nothing.
If you Americans could at least start like a small civil war 2.0? Please? Cause that would help us here make some moves towards getting your 150 military bases back home to you. I mean, we’d have to change all the politicians first, but without the nefarious hand of your deep state so far up the puppets in Europe, a couple of them might actually get replaced.
Or we can always hope in the Russians coming to liberate us.
Either way, I put a bit more oil and diesel in the tractor and I’m gonna see if I can drive it a bit around the property without killing myself.
Then I’m going to think about where to put the chicken shelter.
In the meantime, I leave you with these wise words from the son of Idi Amin.
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By G | 28 June 2024 | Posted in Clown World, Farming Life, Russia and GAE, Social Commentary