Archive for April 2024

This is the Level of Delusion we are at

It’s astonishing how susceptible to brainwashing human beings are. It never ceases to amaze me. Primarily because as a hypnotist, what I see is the ease with which people believe the most negative and damaging nonsense that literally runs counter to reality but in line with desperate wish fulfilment fantasies. If people had the mental fortitude to simply be positive about the hard realities of life their life would improve dramatically in a matter of days. In the meantime… Behold the effect of the absolutely idiotic lie of “fit at any size”, “body positivity” etc.

The Joys of Antiracism

I posted on my long-since abandoned (but still present) blog back in 2011 how crime statistics in South Africa had been “hidden” for a long time, but the “hiding” was done in the usual African style of efficiency, meaning you could still get a very clear picture of how things really were.

They had put a moratorium on crime statistics for several years between 1990 and 2009 because wouldn’t you know it, after apartheid was ended the murder and violent crime rates went through the roof. And continued to stay there. Despite the South African Police Services and the office of national crime statistics doing that, no one told the hospitals to stop putting cause of death on death certificates. So when you added up all the “bullet to the chest”, “knife stab to the throat”, and so on on hospital death certificates, you still got a fairly accurate picture of what did not exactly constitute “natural causes”. The upshot of it is that in a very conservative estimate, for that 19 year period, there was an average of almost 24,000 deaths from violent crime a year. Every year. For 19 years in a row. That’s 65 murders a day.

I made the following comparison back then, 13 years ago:


By contrast, the total number of deaths due to the Bosnian war, which lasted from march 1992 to November 1995 and included instances of ethnic cleansing, carpet bombing and mass graves, has wildly fluctuating estimates, but these range from as low as 25,000 to as high as 329,000. Both of these figures are obviously wrong. The best estimate as a result of population census in 2003 is under 150,000 (more like 105,000 or about 25,000 per year).

This includes deaths from all causes, including things like poor conditions, disease and wounding or exposure as indirect results of the war, so is not limited to pure casualties of direct violence.

So a war zone that lasted the better part of 4 years could only do something less than a  quarter the death toll due to violent crime that the “peaceful and democratic” country of South Africa did in 19 years. In other words, a comparable figure of deaths in a war zone when YOU INCLUDE DEATHS FROM NON-DIRECT VIOLENCE IN THE WAR ZONE.

In other words, death by violent crime in South Africa outstrips death by direct military action (inclusive of civilians) in a war zone that included actions of ethnic cleansing (mass genocide) and carpet bombing. And has done so, year on year, for 19 years in a row. Why is this not discussed in the world media?


Now I ask you: Just how “peaceful” and “democratic” and “successful” do you think the new non-apartheid government has been for its people? Please keep in mind that the deaths are generally disproportionately slanted towards the non-white population by representation. In other words, the biggest number of victims are non-white and the biggest number of perpetrators are also non-white, both groups being over-represented for their representation as a race in the country.

13 years have passed since I wrote that.

Well, things have not improved.

Every day in South Africa there are 75 murders and 120 rapes mainly carried out between rival gangs and in the impoverished areas where police rarely venture.

Keep in mind that neither the statistics I demonstrated 13 years ago with their respective impeccable references, nor the ones above from a single point source are the real numbers. The real numbers are much higher, with official statistics stating in some cases that violent crime since 2012 is up by 77%.

Another point to keep in mind is that again, in neither case, are we even mentioning the lives affected by violent crime that don’t result in an actual dead body. Just you know, some mutilation, rape, severe crippling and so on. Never mind psychological trauma and other such things.

For those of you more concerned about my apparent “racism” in pointing out these absolutely rock solid factual realities, keep in mind too, that the majority of these violent events take place between black Africans. Which is not to say white Africans are not affected, they massively are too, but as they comprise less than 10% of the population, it is still a fact that they are not the main numerical number of cases. If they were, there would have been not a single white South African left by now.

Now, I ask you, is it any wonder that even the black African can often be heard complaining that life was better under apartheid?

Compared to this, was it really so evil for the old system to have created internal puppet states like Bophuthatswana, where the apartheid laws of segregation did not apply as they did in greater South Africa, allowing black African to be treated like equals but under a system that actually ensured there was law and order and it was not a giant murder-fest for the people living there?

Which brings me to a wider point.

No doubt, boomers especially will be aghast at my pointing out with hard numbers and facts, the reality that black Africans are simply incapable of governing themselves into anything resembling a European style of civilisation. Oh how rude of me. How racist. Well, the numbers are what they are, and are similar throughout the African continent.

And before mass immigration, and even now after it, crime statistics in Europe reflect the exact same reality. Most crimes and especially sex crimes are caused per capita, by people that don’t need to suntan to get browner. But your modern sensibilities would rather “notice” and be “shocked” at my impoliteness of mentioning this out loud, instead of having that reaction at, say, just to pick one at random, the gang rape of a minor by 7 Egyptian men.

But my point is even wider than that. And includes YOU specifically. Yes, you, the reader.

Because you see, in keeping with your no doubt shocked (or even approving) face, I am now going to remind you of something that every South African knows, and a phrase that was often used by white people there when I lived there.

“You don’t have to be black to be a kaffir.”

Or in American parlance, “You don’t need to be black to be a nigger.”

And lest you think I am going for some boomerism where I say some completely idiotic thing like “I don’t see colour” (everyone does unless you’re blind, deaf and dumb) or “there is only one race, the human race” (genetics and reality disprove this too, just like a chihuahua is not a doberman pincher, though both are dogs), let me be clear that no, I not only do I see colour, I also see ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and everything else too. And I take notice. I absolutely do. So do you, I am just honest about it.

But all that aside, I want to remind you that you too are basically like a feral monkey that needs a big stick to be kept in line. Oh, your behaviour may not result directly in a wanton trail of death, sexual victimisation and destruction, but it still kind of does so indirectly. Your tolerance, your antiracism, your deep hatred of uncomfortable facts, mathematics and logic, creates the conditions where such violence and such crimes are permitted to continue to exist and even flourish. And why?

Well, because like the feral monkey you are, you simply refuse, or are intellectually incapable, of simply adopting a system of behaviour that guarantees peace, justice, the rule of people by just laws, and a system that allows anyone to have the opportunity to achieve a level of practical freedom and success that is based on merit and reality instead of nepotism, greed, nefarious action and deception. Or at least that allows as close to that as any system in the entire history of humanity has ever achieved.

Because you too, you feral baboon, still, despite all the historical evidence and proof of it, despite the unassailable logic of it, despite the absolute truth of it, still, refuse to accept the truth. And the truth is that of all the systems ever created by man, none compare to that created by Jesus Christ when he came to Earth: Catholicism.

So, until you submit to the rules of the Catholic Church, which has without shadow of a doubt created the best civilisations on Earth, you too, are just a feral monkey that corrupts and destroys everything on a longer or shorter timeline.

And of course, the only Catholicism left is 1958 Sedevacantism.

And your dismissive reaction is no different to the one of the average murderous black African when he is told that his way of life is terrible and he too would be happier is he stopped being a murderous rapist.

Hypnosis Services – Prices Updated

Due to an increase in demand for my Hypnosis Services, I have had to up my rate, which is still lower than most Hypnotists by far, and that’s because I don’t do hypnosis as my main income, or even a very relevant part of my income at all.

This is fortunate for those who do use my services, because since hypnosis cures most issues far faster than psychotherapy, any hypnotist that is any good, will have to charge quite high fees.

Most people are not aware that both Freud and Jung were hypnotists before the practice of psychotherapy was “invented” primarily by Freud. And Freud admitted in his private diaries that the whole point of psychology and his brand of psychotherapy was for it to take a long time so he could fleece his victims patients and become wealthy.

Freud was not a very good hypnotists, and this is why he invented an alternate method that would result is more income as well as a level of (largely undeserved) fame, which was his other primary purpose in life. Freud was obsessed with leaving his mark, being famous, and thought of as a great man. These thoughts too, he admitted in his writings.

In any case, the point is that hypnosis, when done properly, tends to be a much faster way of dealing with any issue a person may be trying to resolve.

The unfortunate situation with regard to hypnosis is that since it is impossible to regulate, because ultimately it is done via talking, and you can’t prevent people from speaking to each other, the level and quality of hypnotist you encounter can vary a great deal, and, as with psychotherapists, unfortunately, most are not ideal.

Most hypnotists are “qualified” by a simple week-end course and have few or no clients to speak of. And in great part, their initial reasons for doing hypnosis have often to do with their imagining that they will be able to mind-control everyone from their friends, to their enemies, and random hot girls they bump into at the local supermarket. This aspect too was fuelled by the mostly nonsensical PUA attitudes that I have been essentially exposing for more than a decade now.

Partly this is due to the fact that I had already mastered hypnosis before I came across the PUA stuff, as I have explained before. And my interest in hypnosis was purely personal to begin with and I in fact spent at least a year and mostly more like two of them, doing hypnosis only on myself. It is only after I experienced very deep levels of self-hypnosis that I began to do it for others. At first it was just for friends and work colleagues who asked me unprompted, but after about a hundred people or so I decided that if people were finding it useful (which they were) and kept asking me, I needed to charge at least a nominal fee to cover my time. I have now done dozens of sessions online via Skype and I have seen no appreciable difference in quality or effects for my clients, so I have moved my prices back “up” to what I had them at in 2008. I had halved them because I had not done hypnosis via remote Skype sessions before, but after a year or more of doing them, I can tell that there is no drop in effectiveness, so I have returned my prices to the ones that were still about half of what more mainstream hypnotists charged back in 2008.

I also need to point out that although I don’t like making aggrandising claims wherever fees are concerned, having worked with, and met, and seen, and tested many hypnotists over the years, my reduced prices are not in any way a reflection of my abilities, since in general, I would classify my ability in this regard, without a doubt in the top 5% of professional hypnotists, (that is people who do it as their primary means of making a living) and in all fairness I am certain I would be within the top 1% of them.

But as I said, I am not really interested in making my living from hypnosis. It is something I enjoy doing on a limited basis. And that mostly because it produces good to excellent results for those who have at times failed to resolve life-long issues by any other means.

As I am not good at self-marketing, I have not bothered to update many of the testimonials with more recent ones, but I will begin to perhaps ask new clients to leave me one if they are happy with the results they achieved.

In any case, if you want to have a hypnosis session, I suggest you get one before the inevitable increase in requests over time prompts me to raise the prices again, and to levels more in line with those of people who live off of this skill.

The Mouse

So this morning me and the boy (4) and the girl (3) were up early. After I gave them some breakfast they were off outside, playing on the jumpoline as the girl has called it since she was 2, and then running around outside the forest. I got busy inside for a couple of hours and then realised that aside from the wife and girls still being asleep, I hadn’t heard from the other two in a while. So I went out to see what they were up to and they were sitting on the large tree I downed over a year ago talking and playing. I went back in. After a while I heard the little one calling her mom from our bedroom so I went in and as soon as she saw me her little smile with dimple came up and she said “Dedde!” which is how she says Daddy. A few hugs and kisses later and I thought I’d take her out to see her brother and sister.

As I get near I see the boy is holding a dead mouse in his hand. Not by the tail or anything, but fully in his grasp as one might hold a live mouse gently.

Me: What you got there boy?

B: A mouse. Cali (the cat) chased and killed it.

G: Yeah. We like the mouse.

Me: Right, well, it’s dead and kind of gross, how about we bury it?

B and G together: NOOOO!

Me: Right…let me take a picture for your mom, which I am sure will be delighted by this little development.

B: (Poses with the dead mouse, making silly faces, he literally is like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes it’s almost impossible to take a photograph without him making an idiot face. It’s absolutely done on purpose and even when he pretends to stay still he will freak it at the last second just as you take the shot) after a few attempts…

G: I had the mouse first!

Me: Of course, you want a picture too… (to the boy) give her the dead rat, will you?

G: (takes dead mouse, ecstatically happy and poses with it, by putting it against her cheek and smiling fetchingly.)

Me: No! What are you doing, that’s disgusting… no. Stop. (She’s switching hands…and cheek) that’s… ok, look, I took the picture, see, now stop will you. Ok guys, I think we should go bury it now…

G and B: NOooo!

G: I love it and I like going on the jumpoline with it! It’s so funny the way it bounces. (Smiling and laughing happily. Dead rat still held tightly in her little fist.)

Me: (thinking: WTF kind of little psychopaths have we generated here?! No wait… what we?? That’s not my side of the DNA! That’s the wife’s side!) You… wait… you went on the jumpoline with the dead mouse?

Both: Yes! (Excitedly and happy)

Me: (ugh!) right… I’m going to see if your mother is awake.

*** Later ***

After I showed the wife the video of her little darlings discussing dead mouse trampoline projections.

Wife: (disgusted look on her face) So where is the mouse now?

Me: Probably drying out on the trampoline.

Wife: (horrified) What?!? You left it with them?

Me: (shrugging) They’d had it with them for a couple of hours and had already trampolined with it. What would have been the rationale really? It just seemed mean at that point to take it away from them.

Wife: You’re all wrong in the head. All of you.

*** Later ***

Me: Hey boy, don’t leave the rat drying on the trampoline ok?

B: (Gets dead mouse) Okay.

Me: It’s time to really get rid of that dead mouse you know?

B and G: (They look a little sadly at the dead mouse. Then at me.)

Me: okay?

B and G: (both nod silently. It’s a serious moment. The dignity of death and all that. The final goodbye.)

Me: Okay, you can put him in there (pointing to a rock on the edge of a small retaining wall holding back part of the forest)

B: (Cocks arm right back and flings the dead rat high and deep into the overgrowth. Looks at me meaningfully for approval.)

Me: … uh… okay I guess.

B and G: (they both nod and go back inside. On the way in, the girl says:) We really liked the dead rat you know daddy.

Me: Yes darling, you loved his little dead body very well.

And everyone was happy. The End.

April 8th, Solar Eclipse, and CERN

So, if you have been paying attention, there is a LOT of weirdness being prepared for the April 8th Solar Eclipse in 4 days. In case you were not aware:

  • FEMA has been telling people to prepare, stock up on food and water and not travel if possible.
  • The USA has started recalling retired military personnel, something that usually only happens in dire emergencies, and people who mustered out of the marines and army over a decade ago are now being recalled.
  • CERN has got some event planned for April 8th
  • And I found this little tidbit very interesting:

Apparently in 2019 Elon Musk was contacted by Fabiola Gianotti, the head of CERN to discuss the possibility of his tunnelling machine building the tunnels for the even more gigantic particle accelerator that would be 4 times the size of CERN. Then apparently in 2022 Musk wrote on Twitter/X:

Please let me use CERN Large Hadron Collider: I am normal and can be trusted with a demonic technology unlike anything the world has ever seen.

Now, this is kind of funny to me. I am not particularly worried, I mean, I absolutely think the Satanists are going to try something on the 8th, because in their sick and twisted religion, a solar eclipse is the time that they can act as if “hidden” from God (represented by the Sun, and the temporary “night” of the eclipse giving them superior power to cast their demonic spells, or whatever).

So, yes I do think they will do something. Whether it will be anything actually devastating or just one of their secret rituals, I don’t know, but the hilarious think is that this is the premise I had in my latest totally fiction and Mary-Sue filled novel In the Shadow of Monte Castello (for paper version instead, click here.) And I had no idea about the April 8th event, or CERN actually being involved with it. But then, my fiction stories have turned to quite literally be more like premonitions rather than fiction, so, who knows… you may want to stock up on crosses, silver, holy water, maybe some garlic and make sure you’re properly baptised before the 8th. Just saying.

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