Archive for April 2024

This is where we are

On the aim of life

So, this is turning into a loooooong back and forth between me and Adam Piggott, concerning the aims of a man.

It was all prompted by a post Adam did based on an email he received from what was obviously a rather depressed guy. Adam has forwarded my post to him too. You can go to this post of mine and read the link on it to catch up if you had no idea what I am talking about.

Adam has since responded by a further post here.

And what has become clear to me is that there is a kind of communication gap, which I feel I am mostly responsible for as it is not a new thing.

I have a tendency to see something that to me is obvious but tends to be clearly less so to others, and so I will try to explain it from my perspective but invariably miss some apparently crucial bit of information that would allow the normal humans to understand my perspective.

Because it is not usually clear to me why so many others don’t see perspectives that are obvious to me, it tends to lead me to be more verbose in my writing than is probably good or necessary. Which also irritates me no end, yet if I write just what I think is necessary it comes across as mystical haikus by an insane person to most people. So I try to cover as many of the possible gaps as I can in the hope to transmit the crucial aspects that differentiate my view from that of most people. And it’s all mostly futile.

Nevertheless, it is good for me to practice trying to communicate better with the species of humanoids found on this planet, so here goes:

Succinctly, Adam effectively says:

  • You need to make something of yourself before you attract the right woman for you.
  • Everything else is details and you should focus on that first because chasing after some dreamgirl is pointless anyway if you aren’t amounting to anything as humans measure success.
  • How you feel about it is irrelevant, this is how it works.

I’ll let him say if I have in any way misrepresented him.

My points instead are:

  • Sure, materially speaking that is how it works most of the time, but (and it’s an important but):
    • Telling a depressed guy that has as an aim to be in a relationship, and who is relatively young, who has had little or almost no experience of women that that is just how it is and he should just buckle up and first make something of himself over the next few years, is unlikely to lead that man to anything positive.
    • Materially speaking is not just semantics; it means related to, involved with, tied to, the material world. That aspect that we as Christians are told to not indulge in.
    • The most important aspects of life are rooted in the metaphysical, not the material.
  • Really, I thought I made it perfectly clear that what I thought was wrong with Adam’s “advice” was that it was not helpful. I didn’t say it was necessarily wrong, but it missed the point of how to motivate the man towards the things he desires.

I mean, the very paragraph where I explain this is taken by Adam to mean I am somehow contradicting myself, which I find astonishing, since it’s a clarifying statement of my critique.

As for “doing things” and leaving a mark before you get the girl, sure, that is generally how it works out, but it’s wrong to think that is how you motivate yourself. The motivation is the other way round. You want the girl? So become someone worthy of whatever fantasy girl you have in your head. 

That aside, the example Adam picked to possibly act as some evidence against my perspective is far from perfect since apparently the individual concerned may have worked as a male escort, and in any case was already known to police, and was a diagnosed schizophrenic. So not exactly your common incel. Frankly I find him irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Nor, did I say the man should try and get his dreamgirl before making something of himself. I simply stated that the motivation to make something of himself will not come from telling him to buckle down and carry on unloved and unknown and unsought for in his crushing loneliness for years before he can even think of getting into a relationship. Which essentially is what Adam’s advice boiled down to.

My whole point was that as a motivator, imagining who that woman might be and using that image as a motivator to get you to make something of yourself is far more effective even if you remain just as single and alone for the same length of time described above as years.

Lastly, while I accept that this is Adam’s and probably most people’s perspective on the matter, it is not strictly a fact that if you meet the right girl when you have not yet made your mark in the world you will either be in constant anxiety at the thought she might leave you, and/or that she would. The first serious girlfriend I had lasted 13 years and I had no mark to be made yet and very little money and I had left home with all I owned packed into a car to get as far from my parents as I could. My “fame” at that point was limited to the fact I was unafraid to get into physical fights regardless of numbers against me. That was really about it. In any case I never had any anxiety about being dumped, and in fact I was not. Ultimately it was me that walked away from that relationship.

I also find his statement that

Becoming worthy is conquering the world, which means making a man of yourself.

Rather telling and also amusing. I certainly never had to “make” a man of myself. I was born male and that is really all there was to it.

I have always been thoroughly unconcerned with the perspective of needing to be thought of as “manly” or “being a man” or such concepts. The simple reality is that I was born male, will live every second of my life as male and will die as a male. It is simply a fact. The obsession the Anglos tend to have with being thought of as “a man” is rather telling and a little Shakespearean. In a “the lady doth protest too much” kind of way.

And if one is that way inclined, that is, to worry about being perceived as, or needing to somehow become a man, then, yeah, I am sure one of the many neuroses such people have will certainly extend to the fear of their girlfriend leaving them. And I can see that manifesting too.

Which brings me full circle back to the depressed guy as well as Adam’s ending point about being “fixated” on finding a woman and that being wrong because it would determine the success or failure of your entire life, while it (the finding of the woman) not being entirely in your control.

There is, from my perspective, quite a bit of bad logic there.

Firstly, one could argue that being able to find the right woman and reproducing with her, for the majority of people, is the real measure of success or failure of your life. Unless you are Nikola Tesla, from any one man’s perspective, your line dying out with you is unlikely to improve mankind. There are always exceptions of course, but as a rule most people think their way and their thoughts would be best and thus, procreating and furthering such is a pivotal aspect of life. It is truly few who intentionally choose to not get married and not have children. Priests are among them. Most other men would consider it a failure at life.

Secondly, I don’t see the looking for the right person to make a family with as being a fixation at all. At least no more than I see breathing as a fixation. I hardly ever consciously think about breathing, yet it is absolutely necessary and I do it all day every day. In short, you can go about your day and do what needs doing and still be breathing, or looking for the right woman.

Thirdly, as I said at the start of my critique, the point is that there really is someone right for you out there, no matter what kind of freak you are. Obviously making yourself as appealing as possible, helps your chances, but even the misshapen, unfortunate gargoyles of life have someone out there that will love them. Knowing this is no more an obsession or a fixation than knowing that one day you will die.

Fourthly, not having something be entirely in your control is a far cry from having no control over it at all. Potentially any number of women I was with could have been suitable or “good enough” to make a life with. Regardless of that, due to my character (which may be seen as unfortunate by many, perhaps) I had certain requirements in a prospective mate that are very probably unreasonable. And yet, eventually, I did indeed find possible suitable candidates, and ultimately, even the precisely right one for me. And if someone like me can do it, believe me, most people can do it, but… you do need to apply yourself. In my experience of life, those men who focus on making money or a career and so on, in turn to eventually, get the dreamgirl, rarely accomplish it. It like guys who work like slaves for 40 years to get to retirement only to find their pension is worthless and you’re out of time and energy to even know what you wanted to do in the first place. The guy who goes through life naturally and who is always on the lookout for the right person, the way one might be on the lookout for a red Pontiac firebird, tends to more readily find it, and he’s usually less obsessive about it than the guy who wants to make a man of himself first, in order to later get the girl.

All of this simply to say that despairing at one’s loneliness and current state of the world, is not the way. And when a person confesses their despair in such a matter, the correct way to advise them, is hardly to double down on their need to be harsher on themselves and their already harsh (and erroneous) perception of the world. The way to motivate them to see the light is to remind them that one day, they will meet that woman, and they can approach life from the perspective that whatever unpleasant task you need to do today, is fine, because it advances you a little further along the path of when you do meet her, and perhaps also in terms of your material well-being.

That’s really the only point I made.

And now you see why writing is a love-hate thing for me.

Yes, it was a bioengineered weapon and a total scam to kill you off and push the “Great Reset”

And no, none of this is even remotely a conspiracy theory. It’s now documented in multiple ways by multiple reliable data points, all unconnected to each other.

This is just one relatively comprehensive such data point. Many, many others exist and some have been mentioned before on this blog.

It details how Fauci lied and paid off others to lie and how the whole thing was bioengineered. We knew it was because I had already provided the links to the patents of it by the Pirbright institute and the financing of it by Bill Gates way back in February of 2020, as well as the evidence of event 201 and on and on and on.

The current level we are at is the continued massive push for 5G and chemtrails beginning to activate the generic mind control that has been demonstrated scientifically since the mid 1990s, as I previously linked to on this blog.

And of course the push to digitize cash, make you subject to various forms of digital green-pass and make your ability to be self-sufficient as difficult as possible, as well as your ability to organise as a community that aims to be self-sufficient and free of absurd and evil laws and bureaucracy.

I truly hope you read the post I put up immediately before this one, otherwise you might despair, which is precisely what those who create this situation want.

So fight back.

The War in the Middle East and You

You will have noticed my almost complete silence on this aspect of the ongoing WWIII except to point out that Israel is killing completely innocent civilians en mass and in a completely and clearly genocidal way in Gaza, which is true. They are essentially trying to wipe out an entire people and justifying it by saying, basically that all Palestinians are terrorists and the only good Palestinian is a dead one. If that’s the new rules of engagement, as created and acted on by Israel, then it should not surprise anyone if at some point, a great number of people, using the same rules Israel is using against the Palestinians comes to conclude that the only good Jew is a dead Jew. And then acts on it.

Aside that aspect, the genocidal, inhuman, disgusting, murderous actions of the IDF and Benjamin Netanyahu and those like him, I have not really commented on the goings on there.

Mostly this has been because any commentary on the details of the events there would be missing the much more important and salient point of the entirety of the COVID scam and WWIII overall, which started at the end of October 2019 and in which we are now in the fifth year of.

This has been finally and beautifully summed up in this post at Vox Popoli. Here is the primary extract, but read the whole thing.

All of the economic crises since 1989, and the economic crises to come, are quite literally created in order to weaken the natural resistance to the structural globalization sought by Clown World. This is why we keep hearing about how defeat in Ukraine means not only defeat, but the end of the neoliberal world order.

In short, yes, it is absolutely true and all wars in modern times, certainly from WWI onwards, have all, without exception, been bankers wars.

And when you look at who exactly runs these banks and these wars, who exactly profits from them, the usual suspects, like Rothschilds and Soros and so on are absolutely and completely complicit.

When you see that, the inevitable WWIII fatigue sets in even before WWIII appears. As the meme goes: It’s all just so tiresome. And predictable at the grossest level if not in the details.

As an individual, especially if you’re somewhat misanthropic, like I am, the best strategy until October 2019 was to simply avoid and ignore all the evil that these people running things perpetrated on the planet. This broadly speaking meant:

  • Ignore all political parties and their rhetoric
  • Ignore all economists and their bafflegarble
  • Avoid being in any military or any place that can potentially become a war-zone
  • Look only at realities as they are and ignore all the “theories” of “experts”
  • Ignore journalists and mainstream media
  • Ignore political correctness and any of its hydra-spawning heads like wokeness, liberalism, feminism, socialism, communism, capitalism, and pretty much all the “isms”
  • Focus on your own interests and family and secure what you can as best you can

I pretty much embodied all of the above points except the last one, which I only really did from 2018/19 on. The reason being that the family from which I originated had pretty much scattered to the four winds before I even finished high-school and I did not create a family of my own until 2018/2019, after my first attempt in 2010/2011 failed spectacularly. In essence I had no reason to secure anything in life, and doing so tends to be dreary, routine, “boring” (but necessary) work. I preferred instead to explore and experience life in its many facets. I travelled a lot. I saw many different people and cultures and learnt many different ways that people are both superficially and deeply, and I did it all mostly to just satisfy my own curiosity.

I was never a materialist, even in my brief atheistic stint from age 7 to 16 or thereabouts. Always what mattered most to me was my own internal sense of justice, honour, and perhaps most of all curiosity; especially of things that may be avoided by most, usually due to complexity or danger of the situation or thing being investigated.

It is mostly why I have had what —-by anyone’s standards—- can be said to be an unusual life, if you’re polite; and batshit insane if you’re more accustomed to how most normal people in the West live.

I think there are a couple of types of people in life, those who are constitutionally built that way internally, like me, those who pretend to be because they value the supposed bragging rights or “fame” or “status” such lives apparently inspire in other, and those who avoid such unstable and frankly dangerous lives. While the danger in my case was real and yes, it did include people literally wanting to kill me, a life lived in exploration/curiosity mode is dangerous in far leas obvious way. Aside injury, disease or accidental death, you also have things like not having a pension plan (I was always aware this was a factor and I still think it’s not worth worrying about even at age 54) not necessarily being in a place where medical or emergency attention is even possible, the prospect of being later unable to settle down to create a family, or becoming gradually addicted to being nomadic in work, life, relationships, and so on.

In short, while your life may be personally enriched and deepened by many sights you see and people and circumstances you encounter and involve yourself with, ultimately you may end up leaving nothing behind of much use or worth. Up until 2019, my legacy was limited to the books, The Face on Mars, Systema, and Believe! And while each of these was indeed a book that did inspire and change lives, which I know, because at least some of the people who read them wrote to tell me so, if there was going to be any improvement in the world, it was left for others to do so. The hope being that at least some of those who did read those books, could take those lessons on board and go on to make structural changes in the world that I had little interest to take on personally. And when I say little interest, I mean that I simply could not imagine dedicating my life to try and improve much of anything on a planet that was, by all intents and purposes, populated by a bunch of selfish, destructive, and worst of all, stupid monkeys.

My plan, since age 16 or so had pretty much remained unchanged. Find at least one person worthwhile and make an island of the two of you and forget the world. It was basically the speech that the character played by Sean Penn gives at the end of the film The Thin Red Line. I could have written those same words years before at age 16 when I recall making a clear and committed thought to that kind of life. The world was full of lies, idiots, and an endless ocean of bullshit. The only answer I saw was to get into your own little boat and sail it while remaining detached from it all. Maybe I could find a little island above it, or create it. The idea of children really was not even on the cards, given this boomer-inspired propaganda version of how I saw the world. Absent a real, demonstrable evidence of a loving God that actually cares about us specifically, not much matters. And that evidence must be pretty rock solid, at least to yourself, but in my case that required pretty massive proof.

Why the long paragraphs of apparent self-absorbed biography? Not because you should care about me or my life or my reasons, but because I suspect if you are of my kind, that is, the explorer kind, you may have similar attitudes and approaches to life as I had.

And hopefully you are younger than me today and perhaps you can benefit from my experience, and avoid the things that can otherwise make you waste years of time before you realise what truly matters. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret my life and I spend exactly zero minutes a year pondering “what ifs” in a forlorn manner. My “what ifs” are mostly amused reflections, and at most I have a twinge of nostalgia for some times long gone, and perhaps a self-critique of my relative lack of kindness towards some people or situations, which was usually simply the result of my own pitiless observations of reality as it is, which I then applied to myself before doing so to anyone else.

But the point remains, that some things do matter, and like with my books, I often wish I could as easily transmit those things to others in some efficient way.

My later books, especially Reclaiming the Catholic Church and Caveman Theory, but also the RPG Surviving the Current Zombie Apocalypse, are primarily aimed at showing you the way of moving towards, and achieving, those things that do matter:

  • The knowledge of God and the truth of Him, which for all my supposed (and real) intelligence, I missed for some 43 years or so.
  • The primary relationship you need to create a family, and,
  • How to survive whatever comes at you to create that family and make it thrive.

So, here, in this blog post, let me try to impart onto you why, unless you are personally involved in the hot front of one of the current hotspots of WWIII, your focus should be on building your own realm and thus shifting your reality from that of a subject/victim/cog-in-the-machine, to that of Lord of your tiny realm, and in any event, absolute and sole decider of your choices and consequences you will face in life.

The simple fact of the matter is that absent your conscious rejection and resistance to the path the satanic billionaire pedophiles and bankers (but I repeat myself) that run things want to put you on, you WILL be put on it.

Resisting and rejecting it only step 1.

Step 2 is you need to create communities of others that like you reject and resist it. It is YOUR job to do so. No one else will do it for you. You are that leader. There is no one else.

Step 3 is organise and act as a community.

That’s it.

I have always done step 1 even as child for the most part. But I never bothered to even try and do step 2 until about a year or year and a half ago. Mostly because from 2019 until 2022 I was busy providing a situation for my family that would be resilient to anything that the world could throw at us, and while that is a constant and never ending task, I have for the most part achieved that. The next step is community building and while it is not a natural skill for me, I am relatively successful at it, especially when you consider my lifelong misanthropy.

Step 3 will eventually come along when a critical mass of people is reached.

If you are busy doing these things, the entirety of the war in Ukraine, the genocide happening in Gaza, the possible eventual war-zone of Israel, the reclaiming of Taiwan by China, the incredible embargo being put in place by the Houthis in Yemen on Red Sea shipping, and even the regular crime happening in many cities in Europe and the so-called West, are pretty much irrelevant to you unless there are drones and bullets whizzing past your head.

Your position should be like the one of a soldier in war time that is not yet at the front. Prepare, drill, ensure your gear is up to the task, co-ordinate and co-operate with your team, and if you’re just a couple of guys, use the analogous military metaphor. Sniper teams are two people. But you can recruit the local goat herder to have his goats block a road or act as a warning when enemy enters the territory. Stock up on food and learn the local landscape. Who’s reliable, who’s not and who’s a potential liability? What skills have you developed? What security have you created? And so on.

If you are of the adventuring class, you’re different from the average NPC, your life is certainly less boring, though also probably less secure in some ways and paradoxically more secure in others. Your specific situation will be unique, but the generic advice I have tried to transmit here and that I reiterate below in bullet-point format remains correct for almost all of you. Here it is again:

  • God is real and exists and prayer and miracles are real. You may think this is nonsense as I did for about 43 years. I was wrong. I can’t prove it to you but I have satisfied myself beyond doubt this is the case. And I am almost certainly more skeptical than you have ever been.
  • The family you are born into is incidental and may be good or bad or a mix. The family you create yourself is your responsibility and your duty to provide for. Luxury is not required. It’s why it’s called luxury. Fundamentals are. And the most fundamental things are not material even though you need at least enough material stuff to eat regularly and so on. Find the right woman for yourself and that understands what matters and create your own family. The world right now is completely aimed at preventing you from doing that. I wrote Caveman Theory specifically to help you see how to go about doing that.
  • A certain level of money or resources is required to put yourself in a position where you can provide for your family as well as lead others in a community you begin yourself. So if you have not got that yet, work at it. And hard. Because a financial crash of global proportions is already under way, whether it continues as the rising tide that it has been since 2020 or whether it breaks like a tsunami no one can really predict accurately, and different places will have different things happen, but your entire savings turning to being worth less than second-hand toilet paper is a very real possibility in the months and years to come. So don’t get despondent, get manic at making that money and converting it to tangible assets. If you’re a young single guy in 2024 that might just be getting a motor home and a shotgun, in preparation for the days of Mad Max apocalypse.scenario. Or it may mean you want to buy an Island in Panama (I nearly did). Whatever it is, work at it in emergency mode. Secure the best assets you can as quick as you can and don’t stop hustling. You’ll have time to rest when the collapse happens or you’re dead. Whichever comes first.

And that’s it. And if you are in a hot zone… well, it’s simple really: GTFO.

This is Your Activation Protocol: Awake-N99

While recording the downfall of Western civilisation is important, if for no other reason than to note that it is a directly proportional progression with the departure from true Catholicism, and hence, one hopes, at least somewhat educational.***

It is far more important to present a solution. A way out if you will.

Now, make no mistake, the way out is long, hard, narrow, filled with danger and infinite possibilities of failure, but what did you want to star in? A chick-flick romcom? Come on, get with the spirit of things!

Here is the setting:

You are a sleeper agent. So deeply embedded behind enemy lines, and so trained, that you have literally forgotten you are a soldier in the army of the One True King.

Various subliminal messages activate different agents, and in this dark time of ferociously increased demonic activity, many agents are getting activated. A general “all hands on deck” situation is fast approaching.

But there is a problem.

The Enemy, vastly superior in number and extent throughout our planet, has managed to infiltrate deeply even into the metaphysical subroutines of the telepath-induced awakenings.

The result is that many sleeper agents are awakening with only partial memories, and worse, corrupted truth. The result is an ineffective, fractured and schizophrenic resistance that is easily diverted by the Enemy agents posing as officers of our side.

The Enemy has posted “recruiters” passing themselves off as our own, throughout the planet, but the sole purpose of these impostors is to accumulate as many of the partially activated agents of our side as possible, while also pulling in any potential non-combatants that would have joined our side. They are nothing more than fly-traps for our imperfectly activated sleeper agents.

In as brief a format as possible then, please read and assimilate the following information, as per protocol N99.

* You are a sleeper agent

* In order to preserve your full psycho-emotional and mental integrity, the activation protocol has been reduced as follows:

– You may have no memory of your alegiance

– Your ability to do logic, reason and evaluate objective reality has had to be regressed to a state prior to your entry into the sleeper agent programme. This almost certainly means you may need to re-visit the logical evidence that supports the Truth of our position. Regrettable as this is, the alternative was to risk you awakening with a corrupted ideology

– You may have an affinity with the ancient aspects of our Lord’s Redemptor action, and subsequent historical events that included your brothers in arms who went before you. The men and women martyred in the ancient Roman arena as entertainment for their Pagan citizens; the Crusaders of the Outremer from about Anno Domini 1095 to nearly Anno Domini 1300; the Knight defenders of Malta in 1565, and so on. Nevertheless, some of the false injections of the Enemy into our activation program may still remain as shadows. You may believe those noble actions yet divorce them from the Faith of those immortal Saints. You may be “convinced” of alternate and twisted ideologies related to the True Holy Communion, Baptism, Confirmation, Confession, Marriage, Holy Orders, and Extreme Unction. In short, you may also be returned to a state prior to your acceptance of the True Faith. In such cases, the only remedy is for you to do your own research starting from the earliest sources available to you

– Any efforts you make towards returning to fully activated status are likely to attract attention of the Enemy or at least his minions. These will mostly present as worldly difficulties

– Awareness of this state of affairs is all we can do to support your mission. The remainder of this message is simply a list of factual data you can examine so as to verify the Truth for yourself and return to full active duty.

* The Catholic Church is the One, True, Holy and Apostolic, Church and its truth and message are eternally embodied in its infallible Magisterium, which is wholly and best contained in the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law of 1917. If you can find a copy and read it, you will gradually realise the truth of this statement.

* Everything and anyone espousing any part of Vatican II as legitimate, or any of its “Popes” or “Clergy” as legitimate os at best in error, and if in a position of fame or authority, most likely a knowing collaborator of the Enemy. The last valid Pope in the current era died on the 9th October 1958. He was Pius XII.

* Protestantism is a Satanic twisting of Christianity designed to gradually secularise the Immortal Truth, reducing it to personal, human, emotion-based, flawed concepts of Christianity.

* Once you start on this path, you will be attacked. Do not despair, and do not lose Faith. In fact, all that will happen will go to strengthening you and your Faith, and you will become naturally attracted to the True Sacraments of the True Church. As you partake of them, you will grow stronger and more impervious to the Enemy. Eventually you will realise the old saying is true: The best defence is a good offence. So for every attack you receive, spread the Truth and the Way even more.

* Marriage is the union of one man and one woman, only, and nothing else, for the main purpose of making and raising children into the One True Church, so as to spread His Word as well as His Kingdom here on Earth, for all of Humanity to partake.

* Catholicism has been the most positive force on the Human race of any other religion or belief system, surpassing all others in matters of reason (Catholic monks invented the Scientific Method), Logic (you only need read doctors of the Church like Aquinas to verify it), Humanity (it allowed the appreciation of women as more than chattel and recognised their virtues as mothers and wives, while never falsifying the patriarchal need for order, it placed the needs of human beings above all, yet subject to God’s will), and Justice (the Death penalty is absolutely appropriate for certain crimes and defence of yourself or innocents is a duty for a Catholic man).

* Contraception is a net evil that has directly led to the destruction of the sanctity of the family and marriage, fostering sex outside of marriage, leading to divorce as being acceptable, and ultimately to the murder of babies as being normal (abortion). It was the introduction of it in the 1920s, accepted in the first place by various of the 40,000 denominations of Protestantism, to the point it is considered “normal” today.

* Children are a blessing and your duty as a parent is to protect and teach them to the best of your ability.

* You don’t have to read my books or my blog to find your way, but it almost certainly will save you years of time, because I reference all I say, so you don’t have to take my word for any of it, and having travelled this path in real darkness, I can attest that without a guide, the Way really is very hard, and very narrow.

May God grant you His Grace, protect you, and show you the Way.

That’s it. Now off you go to make trouble for the Enemy.

* ** For the last half-dozen humans or so that may be left that can still change their minds based on objective facts instead of emotions whipped into a frenzy by their controllers.

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