Archive for April 2024

Isn’t it curious…

That in a supposedly secular world, I am free to hate nazis, people that make value judgements based on appearance, but not other people that make value judgments based on appearance. I am free to hate white racists but not black racists. I am free to say it’s ok to be black, but not free to say it’s ok to be white. I am somewhat free to hate almost anybody, for any reason, but never Jews for any reason at all. Or even for any facts, like the current genocide of Palestinians.

But you see, the truth is that you are free to dislike and even actively hate whoever you want. I’m not particularly fond even of Italians, myself. I don’t like humans in general very much at all. The crime is in expressing any opinion on anything. Which is why AI is being ferociously introduced everywhere. AI will make a grey goo of everything and everyone. You will not be allowed to call me a Dago or a Spaniard a Spic or a black guy a Nigger, or a Chinese guy a Chink. No, no, no, that’s terrible! You will be killed for your own good with fake vaccines by supposedly educated and well-meaning doctors, but God (who doesn’t exist according to these “people”) forbid you call Bruce Jenner, Bruce instead of Caytlin, his fake name chosen to pretend he’s a woman. In Germany they now will fine you for “deadnaming” a Tranny.

It’s enough to make you think that even if the Nazis were really as bad as they have been portrayed in every film and every official history book since the end of World War II, living under Nazism might be preferable to living under TransgendericTranshumanistHomoglobalism as eschewed by our Satanic Pedophile “betters”.

But the point of all this is that you have been brainwashed into believing far more dangerous nonsense. You have been taught to believe your vote makes a difference. that politicians make a difference. That the levers of power are somehow influenced by votes and popular wishes.

While early man and pretty much everyone until about 200 years ago, has always known that the levers of power only change hands by one method and one method only. The same one that has resolved all human conflict and problems for good or evil in all instances: Massive amounts of violence.

Yet you watch the goings on in Ukraine and still believe that the powers that be would not sent millions to their death simply for their own entertainment, never mind for a grasp at power and influence in the world.

No one is voting the Satanic pedophiles out of power. That will literally never happen, and has never happened throughout human history.

Digest this fact. Whatever pill you want to call this, it’s the one you really need to take above all.

Might does not make right in the eyes of God, but we live here under the dominion of Satan. Which for a believer leaves only two choices. Martyr of Warrior. Your soul knows which kind you are.

And for all you secularists…

Good luck trusting $cienc-eh and the Cohen-sensus of it.

And yes the NWO has been here a while

You’re only beginningto feel it’s hand rectally inserting itself into your life for the last few years, but, like the infiltration and degradation of the Catholic Church, it has been going on for a long time.

This guy makes a very cogent explanation of it.

Most relevant is this diagram he has up that correctly identifies the Bank for International Settlement) BIS as the head of the snake.

The BIS is the coordinating entity of the world central banks and is based in Basil, Switzerland. It is not subject to the laws of Switzerland and has its own police force. The BIS itself is owned by a very small number of families although the exact details are of course closely guarded and not released for public consumption. See this link which explains how most of the layers above the Policy Subject level are exempted from paying taxes. In other words, this system is a worldwide parasitical system that extracts wealth from the public for its own consumption.

Read the whole thing there, it is really well written. And it also explains clearly why I have been suggesting for some time that it is not enough to move to the country. You need to become absolutely self-sufficient in terms of food, water, energy and ultimately also defence. This above all means you need to become decoupled from the current financial system. you need to be able to exist without any FIAT money whatsoever.

Which is why you need to build communities and why way back in 2014 I predicted, even before I was a Christian, that Christianity and city states would be absolutely pivotal in saving civilisation.

He also gives his perspective to the solution:

Many of you reading this are well educated; most have spent a lot of time following political developments. Why do so few know about this structure even though it is both hierarchical and simple to understand? The answer is they make every attempt to conceal it from the public; even the far right basically just focuses on the World Economic Forum or the Federal Reserve or Jews (the relationship between the Jewish people and the central bank owners I covered previously here). The propaganda outlets would never discuss the actual structure of the world, nor academics or anyone who receives benefits from this system. As the Rothschild firm of London wrote to associates in New York, 1863: 

“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” 

A system designed like this must stay in the shadows and must keep the world’s population focused on distractions. It is more akin to a parasite on a host than anything else. It is a closed feedback system: it prints unlimited money out of thin air via their privately owned central banks then it feeds the media, academic, intelligence community and political systems which then push values and laws that increase the power of the central banks further and impoverish the general population via increased crime, illegal immigration, etc.  It is a closed system so the ability to impact it from the outside is very low (the limited extent it can influence the system is finding ways to decrease the system’s legitimacy, such as via the Canadian trucker protest during COVID), and the #1 priority of the system is to oppress political threats to its continued propagation – hence, it crushes, viciously, any organized opposition.  It is basically like the mafia.  And this is very dispiriting for those outside the system who want to have an impact: dissident energies and funds are quite limited without any institutional or foreign support, and when this closed system simply ignores them and doubles down on egalitarianism and open borders the energies of dissidents get depressed and then dissolve…

With that said they are few in number and we are many; hence populism is what the system is most afraid of, because if enough people wake up to how this worked they would be furious and overthrow it. This is why free speech is de-facto banned and any attempts at organizing are immediately infiltrated with federal provocateurs.

Sadly, we need to keep a few things in perspective when we rest our hopes on the masses…

So… yeah… at LEAST 50% have zero critical thinking ability and the other 20% did it for food and entertainment. So, at a bare minimum, 70% of the population (and we are talking mostly about the supposedly educated population of the Western hemisphere here, remember) are raging, mouth-breathing, idiots.

And that is when it comes to injecting a demonstrable poison that has failed at its supposed function for over 30 years in a row and is absolutely NOT a vaccine. And if you think I am being harsh, I remind you that people I am related to by blood did it too.

The brutal truth is not “ugly” it just hurts the sensibilities of that 70%.

Which is normal. I hate making mistakes too, but generally I try to learn from them and correct. That 70%? Not so much.

And I still think 70% is way lower than the real number. Keep in mind that a good chunk of the remaining 30% did it anyway to keep their job, or whatever else. If there is a 10% that resisted I think that’s probably at most the number, and most of those people will still NOT go through what it takes to become self-sufficient leaders of communities of people that are on that same page.

I am however, having some success locally, though I was committed to this even if I had to go it alone to the ultimate fiery end of Hell. But that’s just how I am wired. The endemic distrust of the government of any country and the masses of the populace of any denomination, ethnicity or culture is probably deeply embedded in my Venetian DNA. And possibly only people with such vestigial genetics from lines of crusaders, Vikings, Zealots of one kind or another might be suited to resist the oncoming Tsunami of bullshit, lies and death fomented by the people who own the BIS and all the puppets below it.

So, While I don’t disparage the “we need the masses to revolt” idea, I don’t put much hope in it. Besides, no revolution of any kind has ever succeeded without infrastructure. So that is what you need to set yourself to building first.

Learning total self-sufficiency is a pretty interesting set of skills to learn anyway and worth doing. You may want to start from the conceptual, to the very, very, practical, but either way, it’s very interesting and worthwhile.

And while I am not the only one suggesting this, so far, I think I am the only one suggesting the holistic approach right up to doing away with the need for reliance on FIAT currency. This is the only true way to be free of the chains. And if you manage that, you can be sure they will attempt to use force on you next. Which leads me to the most important point of all. You absolutely need to stay positive and strong in your mental attitude. This comes gradually as you become more capable and independent unless you are lucky enough to have incredibly misanthropic and ornery genes, like those that run wild in my genetic line.

Keep your head up and keep walking towards the goals before you.

Were dinosaurs ever real?

I have unfortunately spent too much time today reading this series on dinosaur hoaxes at Agent 13 substack. To the point that I am beginning to question how much of the dinosaur theory is real. It is a long series of posts in 5 parts so will take you a while to read, but is definitely worth it, and pretty well-written too.

Let’s be clear that I am not a “the Earth is only 6,000 year old” weirdo, and absolutely, never have been, and never will be a Flat Earther, but the dinosaur thing I always knew was dodgy to some degree or other. It’s just that the degree of it has never been clear to me because primarily I wasn’t too concerned with looking into it. And I like the idea of dinosaurs. And I like the idea of them coming back and eating all the stupid people.

Agent 13 makes a good case and it is also clear he doesn’t disbelieve all fossils, since like amny of us, he has found some himself, but they tend to be little ones mostly of shells and such things.

The one on the left was a gift to me and the one on the right my wife found as a girl in her garden by randomly bashing a rock open with a hammer. So fossils do exist.

What I always questioned, even as a child, was a lot of the narrative around them, such as what they said they looked like exactly, what they ate, or what kind of vascular system they had. I have also been aware for a long time that no actual full skeleton or skull of a T-Rex has ever been found and I became aware of Marsh and Cope as a result of reading Michael Crichton’s book Dragon Teeth based on them and the fictional account of some of the characters around them in one of his earlier books, which I read only a couple of years ago.

I still hope T-Rexes really existed, along with all the other fantastic creatures, however, I am absolutely open to the idea that they were either vastly different than we have been told, or possibly, even almost entirely fabricated.

On the other hand, I am very open to the idea that giant humanoids at least 3 metres (10 feet) or so in height have existed at some point in the past.

You still get banned on sight here for suggesting the Earth is flat though. Especially if you base it on the absolutely ignorant rendering of the word “firmament” in the Freemason Bible ordered by the famously homosexual King James, with it’s 33,000 “errors” of translation, and 700 years of editing by literal Christ killing Pharisees before the German with a penchant for raping maids decided to alter it further before declaring it the one book that is the totality of Christianity on its own (but not before he ripped out books from it apparently).

And my views on the Moon landing have been made clear in both video and my SF series Overlords of Mars, which is wholly encapsulated in the tome Nazi Moon (paper copy), or digital version.

And yeah, I also am not a believer in any kind of Hollow Earth theory, though I do really like the idea of it as a fantasy/escapist concept.

So there you are. Let me know your thoughts.

Comment Moderation

Apologies for the last few days of sparse posting and non-moderation of comments, but I have been busy. Hopefully I am now back at a more routine posting frequency and with regard to comments, please note that even if you are a regular commentator here, all comments are moderated and it can take me a day or more to get to them at times. Though usually not a week as it has this time. Partly this is due to whatever update broke the ability to review comments on my phone, so it means I need to log into my pc to view and moderate them.

And also never forget that commenting on here has certain rules that are enforced with a brutality akin to Judge Joe Dredd in the 2000 AD comic. You can disagree with me as hard as you want as long as you are COGENT and ON TOPIC and don’t make the usual idiotic errors of strawmanning, expressing an opinion that has been repeatedly proven to be idiotic and wrong and/or you ignore the actual content of the post to sperg in yet again, mouth-breathing retard fashion. There are no warnings on this blog. If you make a comment that falls under those categories you just get spammed. And I never look back. Life is too short for me to waste time with people whose opinions or comments or “ideas” are absolutely irrelevant to reality and my life.

I welcome intelligent commentary that is relevant, adds to the conversation, or expresses even a personal opinion that is in keeping with he commenting rules. And as a result thought the brutal enforcement has kept commenting to a general minimum, the comments we do have on here are now generally of a very good quality hat I genuinely enjoy reading and responding to when required.

The “Ugly” Truth

Do you ever ponder how much unadulterated bullshit you’re supposed to swallow on a daily basis?

It’s astonishing. From the macro:

  • Men and women are equal
  • Feminism is good
  • Masculinity is toxic
  • All ethnicities are all equally good
  • Except European Caucasians, they are the worst
  • All religions are equally good. Even the ones that say it’s ok to rape toddlers and minors
  • Chemtrails are just a conspiracy theory
  • 9/11 was the result of muslim terrorists and definitely not mossad operatives
  • Epstein killed himself and was definitely not a Mossad operative. The fact he met monthly with the head of Mossad is just a coincidence
  • Neither was Maxwell or his two daughters, including Ghiselle, in any way related to Mossad
  • Freemasons are not Satanists
  • The Catholic Church before and after 1958 and Vatican II and freemason infiltration is exactly the same church.
  • The government is the best decider of how to raise your children
  • Taxes create a better civilisation
  • IQ is just a number
  • There is no connection whatsoever between homosexuality and child sexual abuse
  • There is no pedophile agenda in the LGBT agenda
  • Anyone can have the same opportunity regardless of political affiliation or religion or ethnicity. Except heterosexual white men, they are cheating at life somehow and should be penalised
  • Your vote matters and your politicians are fairly elected.
  • All vaccines are good for you. Even the generic serums that are not actually vaccines.
  • Covid was a totally natural disease due to a bat raping a monkey in a Chinese open air market.
  • The laws are there to protect you
  • So is the police/army/navy/air force
  • There is no vastly powerful clique trying to run the world by first getting rid of their eternal mortal enemy, European Catholics followed by European nominal “Christians” in general.

To the micro… though once you understand the micro it’s all macro.

  • Fluoride in the water is good
  • Kids now are smarter than kids 200 years ago
  • Reading book is boring and outdated
  • Children running around outside in nature is dangerous

And on and on and on and on.




And you have to ask:

What is the common thread among all this.

Who wants this?

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