Archive for March 2024

Corrupt Clown Clowns, Actual Leader Leads.

Look at this nasty bitch, who is bent to the core, having been financially absolutely tied to the whole covid scamdemic.

Just listen to this bullshit. It doesn’t need any commentary, she makes a clown of herself beyond anything anyone can say. In case you are not aware, Navaly was filmed with an MI6 officer outlining how to start an illegal and foreign funded revolution in Russia. There is absolutely no question he was a traitor and any country on the planet that had one of its citizens doing this would have jailed him. He was literally asking for funds to start a colour revolution.

Now compare it to how this lady behaves instead, representing the people who actually elected her despite personal sacrifice of a not insignificant nature.

Evgenia Gutsul is the leader of the Gagauz Republic in Moldova, and for the crime of meeting with Putin, yes, that is literally the action of meeting a foreign leader and speaking with him, the most democratic of processes anyone can actually do as the leader of a country, she has had an arrest warrant ordered for her by the puppets pretending to be the Moldovan government that are being run by Washington as is the rest of Europe. Despite knowing she will be arrested on her returned, she has stated she will be returning home.

You make up your own mind as to which woman shows the qualities of an actual leader, and which one of a bought and paid for liar and despot.

Critica di Leonardo Santi

This is in Italian, copy and paste the bottom parts into google translate if you care. It is a critique of a guy that goes by the name Leonardo Santi, who is one of the bigger names being followed on Telegram with over 40,000 followers. The guy is absolutely right, he critiques the whole bullshit covid narrative and the Lorenzin Law, a legal requirement in Italy to have ten vaccines done to your children if they want to attend school. It’s an idiotic law and easily bypassed by either doing parental schooling or simply paying the fine and still send your kid to school anyway. In Italy no one can actually force you to have a medical procedure done on you because it’a an anti-fascist state, so all they can to is threaten, coerce and scare you into doing it, just like with the covid genetic modification serums.

Leonardo Santi (I have no idea if that is his real name or not and I don’t care) has also created a platform called Neo-Prometheus for people to find each other and Jon up, find work, etc. So he HAS done something, more than most, and I do not want to take that away from him. People should be using that platform if they wanted to make real life progress in terms of finding like-minded people.

But guess what… people are not.

His complaint below, echoed by another guy he quotes, is that people are like children, expecting to be spoon-fed. Well… HALLELUJAH! You have discovered hot water, like we say in Italian.

Yes, people are weak, scared, dumb and want to be led like sheep. You figured it out. What do you want? A golf clap?

I get it, I too do not relish the idea of leading anyone. It’s a pain in the ass, a thankless task, and one that people like me would take on grudgingly and with displeasure, but if I had simply one thousand men, ready to follow and do what I say, well… we certainly could create an independent little paradise on Earth that would even be able to hold off the inevitable wolves that would try to tear it apart. With a thousand men ready to do as I say, we would have a very peaceful, self-sufficient community within a month. And after a year, nothing short of a vicious assault with tac-nukes would get rid of us.

I have a following of maybe 20-30 people that are not even physically in the same area as I am and yet, most of them would buy property and move here tomorrow if they had the money to do it and several of them are working towards it. One already has bought property, and three others are actively working towards it.

What takes place below is Leonardo’s frustration, his quoted guy’s take on it, and finally, my reply, which, surprise surprise, on his telegram channel, gets immediately deleted when posted from my phone, as I criticised him before for this. This time I posted from the PC so it stayed up at least for now.

Yes this is all happening in a land far, far, away from where most of my readers are, but it is the same thing playing out everywhere.

Draw your own Conclusions.

Ciclicamente, da anni, mi viene fatta sempre la stessa domanda:”ma come ne usciremo?” “Cosa proponi?” 

E dopo aver pensato, concepito, e costruito da zero una piattaforma gratis che mettesse in comunicazione tutte le persone che si trovavano in difficoltà a non sentirsi sole, e ad organizzarsi, mi viene posto l’ennesima quesito: “Eh, ma questo non è sufficiente, dicci tu cosa fare”. 

Partendo dal presupposto che non sono un guru e nemmeno un personaggio che si da delle arie ed è in cerca di visibilità (altrimenti avrei iniziato a fare video, ospitate, conferenze, trasmissione radiofoniche, ecc ecc), mi trovo completamente d’accordo con Stefano Re quando scrive queste parole: 

“Una delle cose che da sempre mi lascia un po’ interdetto è quando, dopo che hai presentato l’analisi di un problema, ti venga fatta l’accusa di non “proporre la soluzione”. Cerchiamo di capirci: fare una analisi è già un lavoro, che qualcuno fa e che chi non fa può noleggiare e risparmiarsi lo sforzo. Trovare soluzioni è un altro lavoro ancora, che a volte chi fa l’analisi sa o vuol fare, altre volte no, ma di certo non è un suo “dovere”. Quando la critica lamentosa diventa: “e allora cosa proponi tu?” siamo davanti a un bimbo che ha il broncio perché gli hanno tolto la regoletta dell’intervallo, incapace di decidere da solo come gestirsi, come ristrutturare la propria percezione di realtà e dunque di identità. 

Nello specifico dei temi evolutivi, chiedere costantemente “cosa dobbiamo fare per progredire” a chi presenta analisi dettagliate di come questa società sia fatta per impedirci di progredire, non è davvero una gran mossa. Il metamessaggio è “dimmelo tu cosa devo credere, cosa devo essere”, ed è il motivo per cui alla fine emergono personaggi con l’ego a spugna che vivono di enfasi e spacciano segretissimi rituali indiani codificati in dieci passi profondi ciascuno con tredici punti interiori per allontanare i malefici narcisisti passivo-aggressivi ed arrivare infine a conoscere vostro vero sé primigenio. Se hai bisogno che ti venga spiegato come evolvere, vuol dire che semplicemente non sei pronto ad evolvere.

Il tempo dei papà finisce, quando diventi un adulto.”

And my response.

Vero. Però… c’è da dire che ormai è assolutamente ovvio che il 90% o più delle persone SONO bambocci. Quindi, se presenti l’analisi del problema a dei bimbi incapaci di trovare la soluzione da soli che cosa stai facendo tu? Io perlomeno tento appunto di DARE una soluzione, non solo un’analisi del problema. Non farlo quando si SA che il 90% piu del mondo sono bambocci è una specie di codardia no? Cosa hai come meta? Far “crescere” un bamboccio oltre le sue capacità? Sentirti figo perchè hai detto la tua? Alla fine, se decrivi i problemi e basta che lo ammetti o no, STAI facendo il guru. O fallo davvero, e da soluzioni, o sta zitto e smetti di darti arie. E si, ti critico anche pubblicamente. 

But Don’t Worry…

All the important people, like Biden, Hillary Clinton and so on are always just themselves, no body doubles or masks or green-screens or anything like that. Nope. It’s all real!

This article in the daily mail indicates this technology was already perfected 33 years ago.

By 1991, the department was developing remarkably life-like latex masks and Mendez was eager to deploy their sophisticated new spy technology where it was needed the most – Soviet Russia. But first, Mendez needed to prove her deceits would work under the most perilous conditions. So, she arranged the ultimate test. Could she fool White House security and the President of the United States himself?

So yeah, believe whatever you see on TV! It’s all more real than real!

As will be the alien invasion they seem to be accelerating the narrative of, in accordance with Werner Von Braun’s explanation of what the plan was.

So, just to be clear…

Vox recently pointed out something about economics which has always been clear to any normal 4 year old that can do very basic math, like I could, or like my son can now, and that is that the very practice of usury is simply, at best, theft, and often considerably worse, as it leads to complete ruination of the victim, which most common thefts normally do not.

He partially quoted zippycatholic who stated:

Understanding usury requires an understanding of how the nature of some contracts differs, fundamentally and categorically, from the nature of others. Usury is not a matter of the same kind of contract differing only by ‘excessive interest’. Usurious contracts constitute a kind of contract which is intrinsically immoral by its very nature.  This FAQ is intended to help people understand what usury is – and is not – and answer many of the questions which naturally arise. [Note: this FAQ is also available in the form of a public domain ebook.  It is also available as a hard copy book.]

But in my four year old brain, which is when I first came across the concept of usurious loans, it was really quite simple. I thought then, wrongly, as most people do now, that money represented a real, agreed upon, intrinsic and finite value. Therefore the concept of borrowing money to buy something made sense, but the concept of paying back more than you borrowed seemed at best dodgy to me from the start, but acceptable if it was limited to a small percentage of the total and remained frozen to that amount. When the idea of interest was explained to me, in basic terms, of course, it made no sense to me at all.

It was clearly unfair and wrong.

Now, it’s true that a four year old would not grasp all the intricacies of compound interest and variations on contracts, and so on, but frankly, if you can‘t make it make sense to a four year old, chances are it’s a scam; and usury is most definitely a scam. Read the whole FAQ if you need to.

But it’s interesting to note that the Catholic Church was completely correct on:

  • The Jews
  • Usury
  • Contraception
  • Marriage
  • Conception
  • Abortion
  • Family
  • Patriarchy
  • The Death Penalty
  • Defence of self and others

And many more far subtler things, and yet, Protestants continue to pretend that they are somehow better informed or equipped in their really special denomination number 38,496 and their own, super-special, individual interpretation of any and all of the above concepts. They also seem to think they are somehow related to the incredible Cathedrals, art-work, scientific discoveries, human progress, concepts of logic and the use and creation of the scientific method, which the Catholic Church produced throughout the centuries, even though their specific brand of heretical belief system had literally nothing to do with any of it.

Protestants talking about the Crusades or the siege of Malta as if those people were somehow philosophically linked to them somehow, when, in truth, every single crusader and Catholic knight on Malta would have rejected them all as heretics one shouldn’t even associate with, never mind be in “fellowship” with.

It really is astonishing the levels of self-deception human beings are capable of.

Smoking Gun on mRNA

On that whole “trust the science” thing, here is the actual science, by a guy that has impeccable credentials, and it’s not just him, who actually worked on the human genome project, the guy with white hair and beard seated near him is Robert Malone, he invented the mRNA technology being used and has been saying the same thing for a couple or three years, as has Steve Kirsch, who spent millions of his own money to research the “vaccines” with actual science.

Listen to him and realise that so-called “conspiracy theorists” like myself, were entirely correct when we told you that the vaxx was a genetic serum that would affect your DNA and contained evil crap in it designed to sterilise and kill you.

Remember I wrote about COVID being a bioweapon in February 2020 (now been proven by Fauci emails as well as genetic examination of the virus) and the related genetic serum “vaccines” even before they came out with them being mRNA and not being vaccines at all.

And by December 2021 Robert Malone was warning people of the dangers (the video at that link has been taken down) and I was reporting in it.

Some of us have known all of this ling before the generic serum shots came out and we did everything we could to warn family and friends not to take it and we were censored and lied to and about and called crazy and evil.

None of us asked you to believe us on blind faith. We linked to the information, we told you to read it for yourself. But for those of you who ignored us and vilified us on top of it, and went ahead and took it anyway, why did you?

I will never understand you. Why not at least read the things we desperately tried to put in front of your eyes? Why not listen to the very people who created some of this technology or research the facts on mRNA technology and realise it has literally led to NOTHING good in over 30 years?


And no, I am not gloating. I am frustrated and saddened by the level of wilful ignorance of so many people, including friends and family.

And I can’t do much for you, but I still am trying to do what I can when I find something that can help. So I hope you will at least listen to this, on how to help those who did take the serum.

And if you have any sense, PLEASE, stop being angry at those of us who tried to warn you, and focus your fear and rage on the evil bastards that lied and convinced you to take that crap and inject yourself, or worse, your children with it.

They are literal mass murderers as far as I am concerned and they are all still in their positions of power.

Just another day in Weimerica

Seth Rogen

Every single time…

I could never stand this guy from the very first time I saw his fat, disgusting head.

Take one guess at what his ethnicity and philosophy concerning the usual topics are.

Schools in the USA

And in El Salvador…

Them third world quasi-dictatorships with free helicopter rides are starting to look mightily attractive aren’t they?

If you know, you know.

Taken from the twitter of Don Ackle

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
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