Archive for March 2024

Churchianity is Evil

This is hard for people to grasp on ANY level because they get emotional.

But it’s a simple and clear concept.

There is ONE truth, objectively. Any deviation from it is error.

That is simple enough even Protestants understand it.

The problem is that is ALL they understand and then promptly go on to buy into whatever error they do and then quadruple down on it right into the pits of Hell.

And by Churchian I absolutely include the Novus Ordo branch of Protestantism falsely referred to these days as “Catholicism”.

It literally leads you to death, an ugly one at that, and not just for you but for your loved ones, murdered by your own hand because you trusted some deceiver pretending to speak for the Truth.

With all the historical veracity and evidence of… uh… the last 70 years of Boomerism Narrative.

This is the result os listening to such “preachers”.

There is only ONE true, infallible Church.

And it does not do things in a blinkered, binary, inhuman mechanisation of the world. The truth is very much like math, but reality relies heavily on statistics and probability, not simple number theory like basic addition and subtraction.

The fruits of the most human, joyous and interesting civilisations on Earth are overwhelmingly Catholic in origin.

It really doesn’t matter if you like it, hate it, or are even able to understand it.

Either you do or take the time to learn to do so, or else you’re gonna end up in the place where you inject your own children with deadly poison. Genetic serum or moral relativism; either way the final destination is death, body and soul.

No Comment Required


I have never listened to this girl before, and she is apparently a well known influencer with a massive following, she has a podcast too I think.

Anyway, she posted this and its in perfect alignment with my Caveman Theory.

Versus… “Toxic” Catholicism

See the immediately previous post below this one, before reading this one. They are linked and you really need to see that one first.

The image below has been blurred for obvious privacy reasons, nevertheless I asked the two ladies in it beside my wife if it was ok to use and they both immediately enthusiastically said yes.

These are three catholic women with their children.

3 women, 15 children.

This, ladies, is what a strong, powerful, heroic woman looks like.

There isn’t one of the women in the picture who has a husband that wouldn’t take a bullet for them. Or that doesn’t appreciate the daily sacrifices they make and love them all the more for it.

I’m not one to “gush” or pedastalise women, as any reader of this blog will know, but neither am I the supposed “misogynist” some toothless overweight shrews might try to label me as.

The truth is that when I saw this picture, shortly after it was taken, it encapsulated for me everything that life is really about. The kids all played awesomely together, and the two women beside my wife are awesome people. The fact that between three of them they have made 15 children is nothing short of heroic, as far as I am concerned.

One of the mums said, “Nah, not heroes.”

I reminded her, as I will any man reading, that as far as I know, there isn’t a man alive that would consider giving birth ONCE not being heroic. Meeting a woman that has given birth to five or more children, as far as men are concerned, trust me, is the equivalent of talking to a Victoria Cross recipient.

Anyway, try and argue against that, Feminists. And… what’s that? Oh, wait, we can’t hear you over the laughter of our children, and the silence of your non-existent progeny, as ours go on to re-populate the Earth after the depopulation attempts of those who fooled you to begin with.

Toxic Feminism

In Caveman Theory I describe in more detail how women have several challenges before them, one is the learning to do logic and reason better, in order to catch up to the changes men have taken on over the last hundred years or so, but I also have a whole section on how women have been dehumanised by the various narratives.

It is an insidious process and has resulted in a lot of damage to both sexes. Men, because they become dumb and binary in their conception of women, and women more or less for the same reason, but even more so, because all the beauty, subtlety and positive aspects of women get literally obliterated.

Here is a typical example, placed outside one of the local councils in Italy.

Yes it’s a crappy picture, but it deserves no better. The writing says:

Some women choose to follow men, others choose to follow their dreams.

That is what in hypnosis is called a double-bind. It’s language that is supposed to present a choice, but in reality removes all options. The unstated implication, which your unconscious picks up on even if your conscious brain does not, is that following a man MUST be mutually exclusive to following your dreams.

The juxtaposition is EITHER you follow your dreams (and abandon men altogether) OR you follow a man, AND THEREFORE, NECESSARILY abandon your dreams altogether.

There is no place at all, in that false equivalency statement for a woman that WANTS and maybe (gasp!) even LIKES the idea of being gently led by a man that cares about her, and making a home for him and their children, being a housewife that dedicates herself to her family that way, as her husband does by providing for them all.

Even a woman that just sees the making of a family with a man, the literal creation of children and raising them, as her aim in life, is essentially left with a bad “taste” from that idiotic sign. Because the implication there, unstated directly but absolutely implied by the double-bind, is that your own dreams and sensations of being in the right place with the universe are impacted on, in direct proportion to which you liaise with a man.

It is literally evil. The sole intent of it is to try and drive a wedge of mistrust, depression and blame on the man for “destroying her dreams”. And women being solipsistic, remember, they are already inclined to believe two other nonsensical ideas:

  1. That life is about “being happy” ( a concept they cannot rigidly define if their life depended on it), and
  2. That whoever is nearest them, is inevitably responsible for whatever misery they feel, even if it comes form their own lack of imagination, genetic depression, recent drug use, or whatever else.

So that sentence is perfectly designed to attach itself to the weaknesses of a woman to begin with and then weaponise them against men in general.

I go into a lot more depth in the book on this, but think about it for a second, thanks to a bunch of shows, from Everybody Loves Raymond to Peppa Pig, the zeitgeist has been to present men and especially fathers and husbands as bumbling idiots. The reality is that if those “bumbling idiots” disappeared from existence today, before the week-end women would be savagely assaulting each other in the street, and two weeks later would probably be reduced to Haitian levels of anarchy and cannibalism.

That aside, the general practice of complimenting a man, or being grateful to him for his efforts in the family home, are essentially as rare as dodo teeth.

There are literally countless support groups for women, for every possible thing that might happen to them in life, but there are no such structures or support groups for men. In most cases there really isn’t even a single support group of any kind in most cities around the world. And it’s all fuelled by toxic nonsense like that image.

99.9999% of people will not even realise the subliminal messaging they are subjected to in this regard throughout their day. This is not noticed or understood by women nor men. But you are being lied to and trained to respond in certain ways. Women on a generic, unspecified, nebulous anger at men (for stealing their dreams, don’t you know!) and men, given this, will tend to treat women as disposable ejaculation ports, because why shouldn’t they, when they are denigrated and treated as if they are all some kind of woman hating, perverted, incompetent idiots, well… may as well play along then, because fuck it.

And the result is a mechanisation, dehumanisation, objectification of both men and women. Those are the fruits of Feminism. A landscape deserted of emotions other than bitterness, acidity, shrewishness, anger, sadness, and so on. In short, a lovelessness that makes the barren land of the Moon seem a fertile forest.

In the immediately next post, I will show you what actual women, real women, who have not bought into that narrative, and who appreciate, respect, and listen to their husbands look like. And why, because of it, they are loved beyond measure by the men they married. By being truly female, truly feminine, they have achieved that kind of marriage and relationship that not only lasts over time, but continues to grow and evolve and creates a tapestry of life that is passed down to children, grandchildren and so on.

I was going to tack that on here, but it deserves its own post, and I think you’ll see why.

The Flatulent Warnings of Macaroon

Mommy’s boy “president” Macron, has been doing what mommy’s boys in playgrounds where their mommy is also their teacher, have been doing forever: He’s been shooting his mouth of as if he was some big, tough, schoolyard manly, man.

The reality, of course is that the only reason no one has bitchslapped him and then flushed his head into the nearest urinal/toilet while giving him an atomic wedgie, is purely because Mommy (the USA) is looking over the playground. But the fact is that Mommy is tired, and has the principal looking over her shoulder (Israel) who has had quite enough of Emannule, or Emmy, as he is known to everyone in the playground, because mommy’s boy is a blusterful, emotional, effemminate little runt, that has only ever been seen kissing mommy, and holding hands with some of the immigrant boys that live near the school, but never an actual girl.

And at least one of the other teachers is not best pleased with Emmy. And hasn’t been for a long time, at least since 2018 when she complained about Emmy’s behaviour and choice of friends from outside the school grounds that he brought into the cafeteria that one time.

The problem is that there is this new exchange student in the school. From Moscow. He’s a patient kid. Took the bullying egged on by the principal of all people, in stride. Got pushed around a bit by a Ukrainian kid who just kept harassing the Russian boy for a long while. And always egged on by the principal of all people. Turns out the Principal hates Russians. A long story about some Russians holding their ground back in his grandfather’s day or something. Anyway, eventually the Russian kid had enough and kicked the shit out of the Ukrainian kid.

The Principal made it known he would do nothing if any of the kids in school were to teach that Russian kid a lesson, but the problem is that the Russian kid was picked up by his dad that day and his dad had bright blue eyes that looked very intense, like he’d been in wars, and he had. And he had a weird tattoo on one forearm that said Hypersonic and on the other that said NukeSubs in your Port. It’s odd tats to have, to be sure, but the thing is he glanced at the Principal of the school when he picked his kid up, and since then the principal has been very quiet about pretty much everything.

And now Emmy is shooting his mouth off, saying he can beat that Russian up, and he isn’t afraid of no Ivans, and blah, blah, blah.

In the meantime, the Russian kid is now going up to each of the bullies that stole his lunch money from him and some of the other smaller kids too and having a bit of a look. He goes up to them with the Ukrainian kid in tow, who just keeps his eyes down now and does whatever the Russia kid tells him. And now he’s looking at this big stupid girl called Moldova, who has been harassing the crap out of this little girl calle Trini Sinistra, and the Russian kid looks at Moldova, then he slaps the Ukrainian boy right in the mouth and says “Odessa. Move it”. And the Ukrainian kid you can see really doesn’t want to but is going to take off his watch, that is an Odessa brand apparently. And the Russian kid keeps looking at Moldova, daring her to do or say anything. And there are a few other kids now following the Russian kid, hoping that the Russian kid and this other big, quiet Chinese guy who seems to be his friend, might help them get their shit back from the Principal’s office, which got confiscated over the years.

And there is Emmy, shooting his mouth off, thinking his aging Mommy will protect him while she breast-feeds him like she does every night, even though he is 13.

Well, it’s not really going to work out so good for Emmy. Everyone can see it but him. Even Mommy can, most likely. But she’s getting on a bit and is tired, and she doesn’t have it in her anymore to fight all his battles. it’s all she can do to keep breastfeeding him and telling him he’s her special boy. And she falls asleep every night she starts to think maybe it will be fine, maybe she won’t wake up anymore. Problem is, at the rate he’s going, Emmy might get a bloody nose. Well, she’d think maybe it would even do him some good, but who’s she kidding, she knows, it won’t. She knows Emmy is gay, always has been. Born that way. He can’t help it, and he’ll never be one of the big boys he so desperately wants to belong to. Well maybe he’ll get lucky. Maybe one of the immigrant bigger kids will take him on and marry him after she goes for the long sleep. That’s her hope anyway.

Her only hope.

Caveman Theory livestream

I will be doing a livestream with Tony who was a beta reader for Caveman Theory tonight in about three hours at 21:30 Rome Italy Time on my Youtube channel here.

There will be also a generic Q&A on it so you can ask questions and as the topic is one I get a steady stream of email on, if there is enough interest and say at least 20 subscribers that have ideally read the book, I will to subscribers only livestreams where specific questions get answered.

For the braver we can maybe even do short interviews either to share their positive experience of using the Caveman Theory concepts or the issues they are having in their relationships.

Yes… terrible as it may sound, we may be straying into Kurgan as agony uncle territory!

If that doesn’t deserve a Horror Film/Law and Order style Dun, Dun, DUN! I don’t know what does!

Caveman Theory

I have kept this a bit hush-hush, but my latest book is now out. It’s only available in various E-book formats from my store.

It’s been a long time in the making considering that I have had people asking me to write this for about 20 years. As you will see from the description of it, this is not the kind of book written by a guy who did everything right first time and was happily married for 30 years.

I am sure those guys do have a bit of advice to give, just like a soldier that has come completely unscathed through D-Day might, but one needs to also understand that such people are statistically bound to exist and don’t necessarily have anything worthwhile to teach in terms of avoiding the pitfalls. Rest assured that I have made just about every mistake and survived every destructive event that can happen in relationships, so think of me as your battle-scarred captain, that has survived D-Day and a bunch of other conflicts not by luck alone, but also because after each engagement, he did not forget the bitter lessons learnt.

Truly it is only by the Grace of God and uncommon obstinacy that I now find myself happily married (third time lucky) with a bunch of children at the age of 54.

I truly hope this book helps to demystify a lot of the specious nonsense that unfortunately abounds on the internet, in books, in the hallowed halls of psychiatrists and in the bottom of too many alcoholic drinks spent in commiseration of some tragic affair of the heart.

How to Fight Demons

The guy who runs the Postcards from Barsoom substation, has an interesting post on the reality of demons. Aside being cogently argued for normies too, it has some nice art from the RPG Rifts.

I also like his affinity for Edgar Rice Burroughs stuff, I mean my older blog had the tagline a Martian in London, and I loved the film John Carter of Mars and of course have read most of the books. But that all aside, and the article being good too, the reality is that no one there TELLS you how to actually fight demons.

Forgetting about the initial barrier to begin with, that is, your conscious acceptance that demons are real, once you have passed that one, what then?

If it were as simple as arming yourself with a big crucifix, a holy water pistol and a blessed assault rifle that shoots silver bullets, life would be grant.

But that’s not how demons fight. They are evil, sneaky, vile, cowardly and they certainly do not prefer a head-on war when they can act by subterfuge and creeping evil by using their minions and the mechanising ways of bankers, taxation, government and demonc laws designed to cripple humanity.

Nevertheless here are some guidelines for you. I am not going to waste time justifying every aspect of what I say, because by now, you either have learnt to research anything you doubt by yourself, or your mind is already made up, so, what I write here is simply the best advice I have. Take it, ignore it, or laugh at it, I don’t care either way. those who are unlucky or unfortunate enough to end up relying on it will attest to the fact that everything I say here is sound.

1. Catholicism is Best.

Catholicism is the only valid Christianity in existence and always was. Your whiny Protestant or “Orthodox” noises notwithstanding. Go cry somewhere else, no one here cares. It’s just how it is.

In any event, even that is much degraded today because the only Catholics left are 1958 Sedevacantist Catholics. Probably no more than a million souls in all around the planet.

According to Catholic Dogma, only a trained Priest that has had the permission from a Bishop should even think of performing an exorcism or tangling directly with demons. This is a very wise and protective rule. I have had the unfortunate experience of having to deal with nefarious forces at least four or five times in my life, and while two were relatively mild affairs, one a mid-type event but that lasted months, the remaining two were really quite serious, and one of which honestly was a very narrow escape. My point is that dealing with demons is not to be taken lightly at all. Let me try to give you a rough idea:

You’re trying to face up to an entity that is immortal and has been around since the dawn of creation, is totally evil and hates you and everything you love with the passion of a thousand suns, is intelligent and has absolutely no moral qualms. It also is intimately familiar with the entire realm of human existence, while you are barely capable of even believing these entities exist, never mind be aware of their natures, laws they have to obey, what these laws might be, or how to invoke such laws, if they exist, and so on. And you think you’re going to go up against them and just dispatch them as if you were Biff the cool jock in a zombie movie where he brains a few slow zombies with his baseball bat? Think again.

Now let’s add a few more important points. They are telepathic, they can get in your head and make you hear or even see things, that may in fact be true, so as to cause you to question your very sanity. They can even affect material reality, once again, making you question your sanity, when an object you just put down disappears or reappears in a different place. You’re far more likely to think you’re in the early stages of dementia than a demon did it. And let’s not forget that if you do have dementia, they are far more likely to make you think a demon did it, just so you will appear even more unhinged to your loved ones. Are you starting to appreciate just how sneaky and evil they are? Because if you are, about now, you should be afraid. Very afraid, of tangling with one unprepared. And in case I have not been clear, you are always unprepared. But… and there is a but, a tiny light at the end of the tunnel, fear itself is not the answer. It never is. Caution is. And caution is not fear. We may all experience fear from time to time, but you don’t need to surrender to it. The very definition of courage is not to not be afraid, but to be afraid and act anyway.

Alright, say you have followed me up to now and at least intellectually you accept as a premise that not only Catholicism is the only religion that really understands how to deal with demons, but you also accept as a premise that their rules for dealing with them are the best or safest. Cool. So what if you don’t have an actual sede priest anywhere near you and yet you suspect some demon activity is involved? Well… my suggestions in this next section will be purely practical and purely protective. We’ll discuss actual fighting demons later.

2. Practical Protection from Demons

Again, without any justifications and blah, blahs, these are the things that will help keep you safe:

  • Be a properly baptised Sedevacantist (1958) Catholic. If you don’t know what that is, read my books Believe! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church (see Books I wrote and my E-store or look for hardcopies on Amazon at the links provided).
  • Actually believe. As a real Sede Catholic does.
  • Trust, with absolute faith and unshakable certainty, in the dimity, protection and salvation within our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Attend Holy Mass as regularly and as often as possible.
  • Have a proper Sede Priest bless your home and give you some Holy Water.
  • Pray regularly. Thank God for all the good things in your life as well as the tests you may be facing. Be as properly Catholic and good as you can in all you do.
  • Do sprinkle some Holy Water around your home if you feel the need and invoke the power of God and Jesus to protect you, your home and your loved ones.

These are the basics. If you suspect actual Demonic oppression or attacks, trust in god, and pray and absolutely use the name of Jesus Christ and say it out aloud that you belong to our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember that as a Catholic, you do not belong to a spirit of fear. So trust in your Lord and your Faith in Him. They hate the name of Jesus Christ and that alone has the power to keep them at bay if not dispel them completely from your vicinity.

Do use Holy Water.

Do cross yourself and use an amulet or cross to remind you and reinforce you faith, not as an icon or idol, but as reminder.

3. Fighting Back

Please understand that I will absolutely repeat what the Catholic Church teaches on this matter:

Only trained exorcists that have had approval from the local Bishop should ever even think of attempting to deal directly with a demon.

We do, however, live in dark times, and a couple of things that are still true might be useful to know.

First, given that there is no current valid pope, Bishops have no authority of jurisdiction anywhere, so Priests can act as exorcists in their own right should they so choose, though it is obviously best if they are trained and do get the approval of whatever Bishop they operate with.

Second, despite all of the above, the rules for having exorcisms and dealing with demons be the purview of only trained priests is not a divine Law, but rather a Church Law. It is protective for the faithful, not an absolute. And you need to realise that exorcism is a skill that includes not only training and specific prayers that are generally used for it, but above all it requires an unshakable Faith. Any and all doubts or fears and weaknesses will be exploited ant taken advantage of and used against anyone that dares to attempt tangling with demons. So, while it is absolutely not advisable to do so, in certain emergencies or cases, you might not have any options. And if your back is against the wall, well, you might as well go down swinging. Sometimes, you even get lucky and survive it, as I can personally attest to.

In such an emergency, that is, one that you happen to find yourself in, not one you necessarily went looking for, you may as well fight back. And I repeat again, do not go looking for these fights. Please, just do not. And if you become aware of a situation that might entail these entities, do your utmost to avoid it yourself and get a proper priest to deal with it.

Lastly, be aware that the overwhelming cases of weird behaviour or events that get labelled “demonic possession” or demonic activity are most often actual psychological disturbances and/or rationally explainable events that do not involve demons at all. So keep that in mind. Right then, all the corollaries and warnings having been given, if you have no other choice, here are the best suggestions I have:

In the case of Demonic Oppression.

This is most difficult to identify as it will tend to just feel like a series of things going wrong, continuous bad luck, and so on. It mostly afflicts people who have just been baptised or who are contemplating doing so, or are on the path to discovering real Catholicism. The response is the same regardless of if it is actual demonic oppression by the minor imps of Hell, or just random bad luck. Throw yourself into your faith and Catholicism. Increase your prayer life and spread the gospel to family, friends, and strangers alike (without becoming a Bible thumping nuisance). Personally, when this started happening I wrote Believe!, which has now helped get over a hundred people to proper baptism and Sedevacantist Catholicism. After that I was left alone for quite a while. When it started up again I wrote Reclaiming the Catholic Church, which has become a basic reference book and manual for anyone wanting to understand Sedevacantism in depth, or wanting to refute the many lies told about it. The general demonic oppression I might suffer now is mostly indistinguishable from day to day life problems that crop up in all our lives. The point here is that a good offence is the best defence. If every time you get oppressed you become even more of a firebrand for Christ, and help convince, awaken and convert more people to Catholicism, they will tend to leave you alone more often. It’s just strategically not wise to poke a guy that starts lighting fires for Christ all around him and then some. So their attacks, if they come any more, will tend to be even more indirect. In such cases, simply redouble your efforts and ensure your immediate family are well educated in the Catholic Faith.

In Cases of Demonic Possession of Places.

Here, you really need to try and get hold of a priest to bless and cleanse the home, office or whatever, but failing that, prayer, your own use of Holy Water, and a strong and powerful belief in the cleansing energy of your faith and the protection and cleansing Grace from God, which you might imagine as a kind of “orbital laser” from Heaven to dispatch unwanted demonic entities, can definitely clear areas.

In Cases of Demonic Possession of People.

There are two types of demonic possession that can happen, partial possession and full possession. In either case, mores than in any other case, I strongly urge you to not ever try to deal with his stuff on your own, and to get a proper Priest and exorcist to do so. I personally believe I have seen and been in very close proximity to one partial demonic possession of a person, and it was absolutely freaky, and no, I was not able to liberate that person of the possible demon that may have been partially possessing herald my attempts to do so where weak and unsuccessful, besides the fact that an exorcism I believe can normally only take place when the victim actually also still has some free will to chose to be exorcised, though I am not certain of this. I can’t imagine what it might be like to have to deal with a full possession, not do I ever want to find out.

Final Words.

I again can only reiterate that you should never, ever tangle with this stuff, and if you need a little nudge to further convince you, then read the scariest book I ever read, Hostage to the Devil, by Malachi Martin. I always caution people to not read this book, because when you do, you will become aware of realities that for now you are blissfully ignorant of, and once you become aware of them, you can’t ignore that reality any more. Your ignorance in the vast majority of cases is protective. You basically being an NPC as far as the demons are concerned, means you’re not a threat to them, nor of any consequence. You’re probably just marching along to the general increasing degeneracy of humanity at large and nothing further needs be done to you specifically. The moment you become aware of this alternate reality, you can begin to potentially be a problem. In short, you might begin to attract some demonic attention. The reason people who begin to move towards Sedevacantist Catholicism begin to encounter various difficulties in life, as do the newly baptised, is precisely because once you have chosen a side, newbie that you are, if they can dissuade you or distract you right at the beginning, that’s one less soldier of Christ they have to worry about later.

Reading Hostage to the Devil will make you aware of things you can’t unseen later. So, I suggest you leave well enough alone. If you decide to read it anyway, I suggest you do so as a properly baptised and believing Catholic first. And with a strong faith and a detached approach to the information you will read in that book.

That’s about all the advice I can give you, and I sincerely pray you never have to use it to fight actual demons. But you may end up having to one day, perhaps we all will. If so, may your metaphorical sword be mercilessly sharp and true, and your armour impervious, pure, and perfectly able to deflect every blow the enemies of our Lord try and inflict upon you and your loved ones.

Ave Soldier. March on and remember: Nec Spe, Nec Metu.

Elon Musk gets the Call

…and yeah… he does get the call…

Makes you wonder doesn’t it? Is he really even a Billionaire? Who actually controls him? And if they do control him, what must they have on him?

He doesn’t strike me as the peso-type, though one never knows. I read on Crazy Day And Nights that he’s supposedly a meth-head, and I know one of his children “transitioned”. Maybe they have that over his head, possible brainwashing or hurting of his children.

I can’t imagine being exposed as a meth-head, or a guy who revels in gang bangs for that matter (I have no knowledge or even suggestion he ever did that by the way) would necessarily stop someone that is an actual billionaire if he was pissed off enough at a situation. Then again, I don’t think like most people.

Still, I keep hoping Elon gets hit by a bolt of lightening, becomes a Jesus freak like me, gives up all his “we are living in a simulation” nonsense and goes on a Holy Crusade to cleanse the world of the Satanic Pedophiles running it. Oh and going to Mars too is cool.

I’d certainly help.

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