Archive for March 2024

On Justice II Short and Sweet

This sensible approach to home invasion was a typical, normal, sane response to home invasion throughout almost the entirety of human existence. And needs to become so again ASAP.

On Justice



You know how I always say that journalists should not be compared to the lowliest, drug addled crack whores, because no one deserves to be denigrate to the point of being compared to a journalist?

Well, this should make it clear why I feel that way, and anyone that disagrees can crawl back under whatever rock they have slithered out of and return there. We will not be friends.

So, in Russia, 139 people were massacred by CIA paid operatives that the Americans knew about from at least March 8 when they said terrorist attacks in or near Moscow were expected. ISIS terrorists. ISIS also being created by the CIA and Mossad as has been amply demonstrated before. Sorry, my keyboards is just racist and antisemitic and clearly a conspiracy theorist. I blame the NSA. Edward Snowden.

They were literally massacred as they cowered in corners.

This is a video of the terrorists killing cowering civilians. It is also instructive to understand why, literally charging towards the gunfire is still a better option than just letting them shoot you without resistance. Statistically people that fight back actually have a higher chance of surviving.

So, then some of these guys get caught and when they appear in court, they look as if they have had a mild interrogation session with the average Russian armed forces operative.

The Western media is up in arms about the “rough justice” “brutal treatment of prisoners” “the indiscriminate use of force against captives”, and on and on, and on.

Not one fucking line about the 139 dead, among which 3 children that these human shaped pieces of shit murdered in cold blood. And they weren’t just shot.

Before I tell you any more context, let me now show you a short video of a quick interrogation of one of the terrorists. Don’t watch this is you have a sensitive stomach.

Yes, that is some of the FSB guys feeding him a part of his own ear.

Brutal right? Terrible! Shocking, surely, right?

Except that by catching him quickly and making him talk, some more of his accomplices were also caught.

OH but poor man, eh? Maybe he would just say anything to stop the torture, see? Well… except for one little detail…

There is a report that none of the FSB guys could be prosecuted, because when asked who had done this every one of them wanted to take credit for it.

And I share Trevor’s sentiment in full. Cheers to you Trevor, and to you guys in the FSB *Clinks champagne glasses*.

The FSB was instructed to capture these guys alive, and they are. Some of them may have tripped and fallen a little bit, like this guy.

But there are several important points being missed here.

First – As someone on Telegram said:

For those of you outraged by field interrogation methods, I would advise not committing acts of terror and killing innocents. The only reason you’re seeing this image is because Putin wants you to see it. This is a deterrent to future terrorists. Your humanity is forfeit.

And I absolutely agree.

Second – These are not some random innocent goatherders. These guys were already being filmed while being gently questioned as soon as caught in flagrante, and thanks to the deeply subtle techniques of Russian interrogation, they immediately explained exactly where they came from who their accomplices where, how much they got paid, what the escape plan was and so on. Some of these videos are literally of the guy being chased down and then gently questioned by a team of professionals.

There is some random cretin in UK saying that the Guantanamo Bay tortures are not comparable, and I agree, but in the opposite direction. The UK “mercenary” thinks Guantanamo was not as cruel. That is absolute bullshit. Some of the people in Guantanamo were tortured for 20 years and water boarded for hours at a time. And they were completely innocent. They literally grabbed whoever was there and without any trial or anything else they lost decades of their lives in the most horrific conditions. Some are still there. These guys are as guilty as sin and deserve the absolute death penalty, without a doubt. And in such cases and such circumstances, where you literally caught the guy red-handed, the immediate extraction of information is absolutely vital. Sometimes that requires extracting a few teeth too, and so be it. I again have zero problem with this in context.

Third: They are all still alive as far as I know. And unless they were trying to kill more people, which might necessitate them being put down there and then, they probably all will be caught alive. I fully agree with this too. People need to see the trial done and do I care they look like this while in the dock?

Not even a little bit. Like really not at all. Zero. I really do not care. Well, except for being a little bit glad they got a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, piece of the Justice that needs to come to them.

Fourth: You need to understand that for a person to behave like these human-shaped viruses did they do NOT see you as in any way human, or of the same species as them. Just like another tribe from the Middle East that has it in their Unholy Talmud book, that those who do not belong t their tribe are like cattle, and it is not an offence to rape, murder, rob or cheat us, these guys, wherever they hail from, simply do NOT view you and yours as in any way related to them any more than you see yourself as being related to an influenza virus or a malaria-ridden mosquito. They may LOOK human-shaped, but they are not. They don’t consider you as part of their species, so why do you insist on treating them as part of yours?

It is well beyond them “not liking you”. Do you have any idea what you need to be like to shoot and kill defenceless women and children? It is not really possible to do if you consider them in any way human as you consider yourself human. You can only do it in the same way a farmer might behead a chicken. Except a farmer still probably cared for hs chickens. It’s more like how you think of the bacteria in your sink when you pour a bit of drain cleaner in it.

Is that a harsh realisation for you to make? Oh I’m sorry… were you fucking sleeping this whole time? Do you know water is wet too?

Yes, the world is absolutely FILLED with evil retards of this nature, and what’s worse, it’s also pretty full of far worse scum: The ones who wind these killer retards up.

Perhaps now a few light bulbs are going off and you are starting to realise how someone can be carpet bombing thousands of innocents, including THOUSANDS of small children in Gaza. Are you starting to understand how the Jews doing that are “considering” not just the “Palestinians” but that’s how they consider anyone that is not a Jew. It really is in their Unholy book. Check it for yourself. Go see if I am making anything up. Now is every single Jew on the planet like that? I am sure not. But do a majority of them have this view on some level? Yes. And guess what, every ethnicity and every group has their own quirks, but in the main, Caucasians have learnt, say at least from when the Chinese slaves and the Red Indian braves started fighting back and giving them a taste of their own medicine, to consider anything that looks human as though it IS human. Well, we are not there yet, but you know how we get there? Same way the Red Indians educated the White Man. You do it all back to them. And you never stop until they do.

And fifth and final point, but really the overarching main one. Imagine if one of those three children was your son or daughter. Or the people that were murdered, decapitated and so on were your family members. Would you be able to refrain from simply putting a bullet through the head of these scum-beings who did it?

I know I would. And I hope you too. Because a bullet is way to quick, and they have a lot of things to say before they are put to death for their crimes.

It has always been normal and just and correct that for certain crimes, the death penalty is absolutely required. And it is high time such rules are brought back. It is the duty of any man to protect his family, innocents and himself. With all available force available to them.

And as I said at the beginning, if you don’t agree, go somewhere else. This is not the blog for you.

So… Nazis are the Good Guys Now?

I admit it… I am so confused…

So… if saying NO TO NAZISM is bad… that means Nazis are good right?

And then we have Jill Biden here… saying Nazis burned LGBTPedo books… which they did…

And since we can infer that is a good thing, because of the thing with the Olympic guy, I guess tranny story hours and raping kids is now bad again, but does that make us all antisemitic?

So, it’s ok now to not like the Jews who are carpet bombing desperate and starving civilians including women and children in Gaza?

It’s almost like my fiction stories slowly always become fact. It’s so weird. Is Nazi Moon far more on point than anyone thought?

Are we like rooting for the Houtis now?

Where are we at with Putin?

I don’t know, it’s all so confusing in Clown World.

One can only ask:

Is it still ok to be white?


In a couple of days or so at most, this should be out on Amazon and at my E-Book Store.

It’s the first time I had all of my test readers enjoy the story and tell me they were looking forward to more, so I’m pleased.

Oh who could it be nooow 🎵🎶

The Terrorist attack near Moscow sure is a mystery… wait, the US seemed to know it was going to happen on March 8th.

But… no… they had no idea…

Because… it must be ISIS! Yeah! That’s it! ISIS!

You know that organisation that was created by the CIA and Mossad and had literal Mossad agents leading it pretending to be Muslim? Yeah that organisation! You know, the bad guys!


Which was defeated and disappeared months ago.

But they’re back! Because that’s what nad guys do.

And don’t you DARE think it could be anything else, you hear? Don’t be an antisemite!

You know how tough it is to bomb unarmed civilian women and children and genocide them when the whole world is like being antisemitic at you for it?

It was ISIS ok? Ok? C’mon man! Just stop saying it was the CIA, Mossad, and MI6 m’hkay? C’mon! You wanna make Macaroon cry cause he wasn’t in on it? C’mon man!

Help for the Vaxxed

I have no idea if this is clinically tested or proven, I haven’t researched the biology enough myself to say, but as far as I can tell none of the things he talks about here are harmful for you. And some of it makes at least a little sense from the little I know off the top of my head. Ao if this applies to you I suggest you look into it.

It’s from a telegram chat called thenatureapothecary based on the writing at the start of it. A friend sent it to me so I can’t vouch for the channel either as I don’t read it.

If you want a laugh…

It helps if you were part of the Sad Puppies or even better, Rabid Puppies event of several years ago, which basically thanks to Larry Correia, exposed the Hugos (writer’s award thing) for the giant inbred cesspool of pedophiles, incels and general human flotsam it is, and the actual awards being less prestigious than a squashed bottle-cap you might find in a gutter by the side of a highway.

Well, if you wondered how that is all going, you may want to head off to Larry’s site and read this long and schadenfreude filled post.

I like Larry and before I got banned so hard from twitter that I STILL can’t get on it,* we used to interact a little on it. And when the whole Portuguese are not white thing came around I sent him a helpful Dulux colour chart. he was always a good guy to interact with and his fisking posts are glorious to read.

Anyway, I had wandered off to his blog because I have a new book out tomorrow that is a pure indulgence.

I have had this idea for a little while and I punched this one out in a ridiculously short time, since it was really fun to write. I have not ever read a monsterhunter book, not because I don’t like Larry, but because the snippets I did read are not really to my taste, which is to take nothing away from Larry. A LOT of people like his books, so it’s clear it’s my tastes that are defective and certainly not his writing. But I was curious about the difference in style, since this latest book, which should be out tomorrow on the E-Store and by middle of next week on Amazon, is indeed a horror.

Kind of. One of the beta readers rightfully stated that this is not a Lovecraftian style horror, and he is quite correct. This is more of a “We have it all figured out and isn’t science grand and there is no such thing as monsters, all stuff of legends…” and then…

I mean it is a horror genere, but I also wrote it as realistically as possible if that situation actually happened to me (yes, the characters are Mary Sues of the worst order, as, I am told is Larry’s character in his monster hunter books). There are the usual Easter eggs for those in the know, but one aspect of my character is that in really serious situations, I invariably see a darkly humorous side.

You know that scene in the film 300 when the Spartans are hiding under their shields from all the arrows raining down on them and they start to laugh at the whole situation? I kind of get like that a little. So I wrote it like that and to me it’s also funny. To the beta readers too because I got a lot of positive feedback about both the realism and the humour. Oh… and the guns. They are described so that anyone who knows guns knows pretty much exactly what is being talked about in the book.

Anyway, the thinking about horror-style books, and Larry’s books and the parallels, though I am sure our styles are quite different, I wandered back over to his blog to have a read and I was not disappointed.

Now here’s hoping this kind of book does half as well as Larry’s do, because writing these types of books is actually not even work. It’s just raw fun to do for me too.

Subscribe or visit tomorrow and the next few days, as I will announce when it will be out. And if I manage I will even update the “books I wrote section”.

*As I still have the same device, I think they banned me at the IP level, or device address, or maybe hint of my magnetic aura, who knows, but that account is as unrecoverable as it’s possible to make it. If Elon knows about it he’s probably got it buried in a vault underground surrounded by caging spells.

Hypothetically Speaking

If I were American and the government was proposing a 40% tax for renouncing citizenship, I would immediately buy whatever cheap-ass citizenship was available, even if it was Haiti. In Haiti’s case that is as long as I don’t have to travel there to get the actual papers/passport, but there are plenty of places that will give you one relatively easily.

Well, I’d be doing that now.

And leaving.

So… there is this Kurganate thing I am building… and if you have any gold bars you need to export before the law passes, we are reliable people and would only charge a reasonable fee for protecting it. And unlike Fort Knox, it would still be here when you eventually come to collect it.

A little mistranslation…

The English subtitles are not really translating what Russian Parliament Deputy Speaker Tolstoy is actually saying, in the unequivocal statements he makes officially and in French.

Every time you see the statement “we don’t care” in the English translation, he’s actually saying in French “we don’t give a fuck”.

And yes, he specifically states repeatedly that they don’t give a fuck about Macron, his red lines, his opinions or what he says, and that they will kill every single French mercenary that goes to Ukraine and have already killed 147 of the 367 they sent so far and will finish the job with the remainder or any new arrivals too.

Precisely as I stated on this very blog just over a year ago, Russia is doing exactly what I predicted, which was entirely obvious would be the case to anyone that understood what I wrote here even before that, on the 10th October 2022, and had been saying from the start of the SMO, which is simply this:

All your bluster and bullshit count for precisely nothing, when the other guy punches you in the mouth and is perfectly ready to do so.

Americans have been brainwashed by their masters from birth and already suffer badly from this hyperbolic idea they are the best and blah, blah, blah, but their Jewish masters are clinically psychotic like the narcissists they are on this point, and will only shut up after they are actually punched in the mouth. And even then, as soon as the puncher is out of range they will start up again incessantly. The only real solution with people like that is to keep punching them in the mouth. Which can get tiresome, which is why throughout human history, such things invariably end up at the usual final solution.

Because some people just will not learn.

Oh Look…

…so, yes, we “conspiracy theorists” that told you all and never changed our story concerning the fact that the Vaxx was a depopulationist, trans-humanist agenda GENETIC SERUM, were indeed always right, and the mass-murdering scum-bags that pushed them always knew it from the start.

Now, while I DO feel sorry for those too ignorant, too busy and innocent, too fooled by the system to ever have looked into the Vaxx before taking it, or those that prayed and hoped for the best because they thought that risking whatever nefarious crap was in the serums was a better gamble than being unable to feed or house their families, who, ultimately could simply be accused of being partially in the above category and partially in the category of people who simply cannot do basic math, I feel absolutely not bad at all for the IDIOTS that hysterically screamed back that “yes they are vaccines too!” And flat out lied and said they had done the research and mRNA genetic serums are perfectly safe.

No they are not. No they never have been for over 30 years, and you lied. Because you are stupid, and arrogant and incapable of actual reasoned thought.

Some will say such people were afraid, or just the fact they are incapable of logical thought and truthfulness is a quality simply of their existence, and as a result we should “forgive” them.

I entirely disagree. Firstly because there is nothing to forgive as far as I (and my immediate family) are concerned. Their arrogant stupidity has never had any effect on my life DIRECTLY. And because contrary to popular belief, I have always been magnanimous with personal slights and offences, I consider their existence no more personally damaging than say poisonous snakes, thorny bushes, fleas, mosquitos and so on. Yes, their arrogance, stupidity and small-minded cretinism can kill you, that is a fact, just like a mosquito can kill you, but I don’t spend my time worrying about it, or worrying about mosquitos. Not even the plague carrying, genetically modified ones Bill Gates has created and since released by the millions. I simply put up mosquito nets and do what I can to adapt. Bill Gates and the other perpetrators are another story. Those guys I pray for.

I pray God punishes them in the most severe, painful, eternal way of all and I pray he doesn’t wait for them to drop dead later, but rather that he makes it happen ASAP.

But getting back to the shouty, arrogant, stupid NPCs that railed against people like me, while I see nothing to forgive, I also see nothing that requires me to give a rat’s ass if you die choking on your own vomit while you go into cardiac arrest because of your own immense stupidity.

I do feel absolute empathy for anyone these complete cretins may have forced the Vaxx on, such as their innocent children, and I hope God in His infinite Mercy takes good care of all those many souls the cretinous NPCs have doomed to an early grave.

Frankly, people that incapable of thought, that incapable of simply being honest to a degree that is the bare minimum required to not kill yourself thanks to your arrogance, from a personal perspective, are not anyone I will miss in the slightest.

Which in no way exonerates the mass-murders from what should be the just punishment, of swinging from a rope; at minimum.

But this post is indeed to you, you stupid, bastards, that thought you were so smart. That thought your idiotic bleating and shouting like the bovine creatures you are was important, that you mattered. That you were smarter than anyone normal who could fucking read. Because that is really all it would have taken to see the obvious. You literally just had to go and look up what mRNA genetic serums did and how long they had been killing test animals for. Yes that stuff is all pretty much memory holed now, but it wasn’t in late 2019 and early 2020.

The Scott Adams of this world, who now realised they fucked up, are STILL playing it off as, “Oh well, I was wrong but for all the right reasons, and you Anti-Vaxxers were just lucky!” even now, they have not evolved one iota. They are still the same, stupid, arrogant to death, morons. If the planet was rid of them entirely, the mass-murdering bastards that did this to the entire planet, and will continue to accelerate the same issues and create new scamdemics and new restrictions and so on, would not last a week before the death penalty would be reinstated around the world as a perfectly sane and legal thing for certain crimes and they would all be hung for their crimes. So, you just carry on being you. You carry on being “sure” and “right” and “on the right side of history” you feckless cretins. And good riddance once you’re gone.

As for the rest of us?

Get married and make lots and lots of babies and raise them well. It may be the last chance we have of repopulating this planet with people who can reason on the basis of objective reality instead of their emotions, so easily directed, dictated and controlled by evil mass-murdering, pedophile satanists, that our ancestors would be so ashamed we have allowed them to control as much as they do that they would have buried us alongside them.

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