I have added a Black Ink on watercolour paper drawing to the E-Book Store, done as my humble homage to Lent 2024.
You can purchase a print or even the original at the E-store.
Or just enjoy a view of it here for free.
I have added a Black Ink on watercolour paper drawing to the E-Book Store, done as my humble homage to Lent 2024.
You can purchase a print or even the original at the E-store.
Or just enjoy a view of it here for free.
I have to say I was very pleased with the first reviews trickling in on the hardcopy version of the book on Amazon
This guy actually came back to update it after he finished it, which is a rare feat for most readers, I am sure.
About 100 pages in, so far I love it. Nice looking book as well. I will update further once finished reading!
It is a great book. It is a great introduction to Filotto’s non-fiction, and inversely it is a great way to understand the various threads of his non-fiction if you have read it. I highly recommend you read his other books as well, in no particular order. Just read them all.
But this review is about this trilogy.
Do you want sci-fi? Are you tired of sci-fi that is just unrealistic?
You were born before Europe sailed to America. You were born to young to visit the stars. Or so you thought.
You are in the right place. The author has gone to great lengths to ensure that his fictional story, involving aether, anti-gravity, nazis on the moon, healing chambers, is realistic. It is to the point that I would see it as an alternative history. Nothing is too far fetched, especially if you have read his other works.
The various plotlines are complicated, but are aligned in an order that makes the whole story easy to follow. I understand if you don’t believe me, but give it a try, you’ll see that it is reasonable.
To those afraid of the nazi theme, I assure you the author is not some kind of neo-nazi. He is quite clear about it in the annex. Nonetheless, he does a good job in representing their ideology in a fair manner, scum-bags that they are.
I should note that this book is R-rated, take that as you will.
All in all, I would like to say more and discuss some of the ideas/implications of this work, but I don’t want to spoil anything either. All I can say is that it is probably my favorite sci-fi trilogy ever and the ending begs for a continuation. I have yet to read confederate rising, the novella in the same world.
Buy it, it is worth it.
Even if you don’t like it, your forearm will get bigger from reading this brick of a book.
And this one breaks it down by book.
This Ombinus was a page turner. From the hook in the first book, Inception, to the twists and turns in the last book, it is worth the read.
Book 1:
This sets the stage (or so you think) for the series. The historical fiction aspects mixed in with the journey to Mars should spark your curiosity about history in general, unless you just are not inquisitive about life in general.
This book also hints at just how odd Mars would be for someone.
Book 2:
Definitely a different pace, as the author cautions. A lot of bedroom scenes too, which in my opinion can be skipped once you realize the general nature of Martian society and how they’ve elected to run it in terms of family structure.
Book 3:
Definitely the most “challenging” and mind bending of them, but also the most fun in terms of “what ifs”, especially in regard to technology. You may end this book wondering how many good guys there really are and if the lines are clear cut (yes in terms of morals, no in terms of each “side”).
Overall, I felt I spent my time well in reading these books. I was entertained.
Thank you to both readers, their taking the time to write a full length review is always appreciated by any author.
Remember the book is also available for less, directly from my E-store in a variety of formats, as are many (but not all) my books. Towards the end of this month, the individual books of the Overlords of Mars Series will also be released from their kindle contracts with Amazon and I will be adding them individually to the E-Store.
The Face on Mars and Systema, remain in book form only for the moment and the near future, as converting them is a lengthy process due to their specific layout and requirements. The Hardcover version of The Crusades has been held up for at present unknown reasons, but you can still get the E-version at the same link for the E-Store above. And as some have asked, no, the E-Books you buy from my E-Store are not controlled by Amazon and we will never change or update them on your device like they did to the Roald Dahl stories to Wokethenise them.
Vox posted on sigma game his version of… a FSSH, I think?
It’s uncharacteristically fuzzy, for one, and doesn’t predict female behaviour other than in the very largest macro-cosmic sense, which, anyone who has dealt with enough women in a dating/relationship context will know is really not that helpful in day-to-day or even week-to-week predictive models.
He states it as follows:
This was written back in 2010 in response to an article on a now-defunct women’s blog, but it remains as valid today as it was then. It is also more reliably predictive of female behavior than the various forms of a female SSH thus far proposed.
To which, I can only say that, no, it does not. And that my own version with the addendum of the Hub/Wheel part Vox helpfully added from a female reader remains a far superior predictor of female behaviour both day to day as well as long term.
But in any case, he explains that this version he presents is for… (emphasis added)
Now, we already know that men place a high value on female beauty, so if we take into account that sexual loyalty also matters a great deal to them as well as how a woman’s sexual history serves as a practical proxy for that otherwise indeterminable loyalty, we can construct a scale that should reliably describe a woman’s socio-sexual attractiveness to men.
But frankly, no man needs a scale to tell him how attracted he is or should be to any given woman. And there are plenty of simp-types that would still put a leash on and be dragged around by an ex-porn star. Nor is this predictive of anything other than very broadly speaking what a woman may behave like in general terms at her current social level in a “normal” context. It’s little better than an anaologous economic predictor of female behaviour saying rich women will shop more often for clothes and accessories than poor women.
That “general terms” needs to be stressed because pretty much almost any woman is susceptible to a “moment of madness” where they may act very inappropriately and even against character, either specific to a situation or with a certain type of man in a given context. I would put that at definitely over 90% for all women on planet Earth. And I think I am being kind saying 10% of them would likely not fall prey to it. And that percentage drops to probably less than 5% if you consider the ages between 18-29 or so. And while yes, most human beings can act unpredictably if the right conditions are aligned just so, that “alignment” for men is a couple of orders of magnitudes more stringent than for women.
So while a “trend” of slutty to chaste can be observed, the presented scale does next to nothing in predicting how a woman will react in any given circumstance. And in any case the broad “category” was already described in my FSSH, being that overall trends are just that, broad categories of “most likely” behaviour, but can turn on a dime when you change the situational circumstances, and more so for the more attractive women.
Perhaps I am mistaken and a large number of men need a “FSSH” that tells them how attractive a woman is, or should be, to them, based on her broad category of general sexual behaviour paired with her attractiveness on a 1-10 scale, but I really doubt it, and certainly, the scores of emails and messages I get from young men, tells me with absolute certainty that what they want and need is a way to predict what a woman will do, both in the immediate future, as well as the intermediate future. And thus get a sense of what her long term activities too, are likely to be; though these are mostly hidden to the mists of time the further out you go.
In any case, this is not about who has the better model, and thus is the cooler double colt .45 wielding Sigma hanging upside down from a helicopter. As far as I am concerned, the point of a FSSH is to help men in general to be better able to predict female behaviour, and as I stated before, a parallel to the MSSH is not really possible on the same terms and basis that Vox’s MSSH works. Vox’s MSSH is a very good predictor of male behaviour, but predicting female behaviour necessarily requires a different approach or perspective, as they do not function in hierarchies that are parallel to male ones, and secondly, their hierarchies shift with a facility and dynamism that is simply not found in male hierarchies. Until I come across a better model, I remain sure that my version remains the best predictor to dat. The added wheel/hub perspective is also helpful but one must keep in mind that it originated with a woman, so… buyer beware, as they say.
If you think I’m Paranoid…
Read this 1000 word summary of what the WHO is trying to get passed as GLOBAL rules every nation must enforce (yes with force) by May 2024. It starts with the history of bioweapons which is important given that we now have absolute proof that covid was intentionally created as a bioweapon by the Fauci clan.
But even if you only read the end of it, it’s important, notice where it explains that this will FORCE all the countries in it to have genome sequencing labs. Yes, labs to sequence the human genetics, with no explanation as to why this is important or needed. But I posited why many months ago. And it is now obvious that is the purpose.
So go read that article because that lady who wrote it, (who was struck from the medical board for actually treating Covid patients and the state congress later stated that the medical board had acted in an unprecedented unethical manner!) has been instrumental in possibly getting the ratification of this treaty to fail. So support her work and if you can, join it.
May 2024 is around the corner.
And if you still think I’m paranoid, well, you’re not gonna make it.
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By G | 12 February 2024 | Posted in Social Commentary