The first module is also available at the E-store and Amazon, but I would like to make sure it is, firstly wanted, and secondly relevant, so I am conducting a small poll as below, the first answer assumes you don’t care about the RPG game and/or about any modules for it. If that is the case I still would appreciating you taking the half-second it takes to indicate your lack of interest by clicking on that option.
The other options assume you either have or will have the game and are interested in the module too but prefer one of the identified scenarios.
The first ten people to leave an actual comment that want me to do so can also give their name and I will include them as either potential pre-made players characters or as relevant NPCs in the game. If you add some detail about yourself I’ll try to include it. By giving your name and leaving a comment you give explicit permission (but not a requirement I am obliged to fulfil) for me to use it in the module.
The module will get done only if there is sufficient interest, so please let me know.
The first module is also available at the E-store and Amazon, but I would like to make sure it is, firstly wanted, and secondly relevant, so I am conducting a small poll as below, the first answer assumes you don’t care about the RPG game and/or about any modules for it. If that is the case I still would appreciating you taking the half-second it takes to indicate your lack of interest by clicking on that option.
The other options assume you either have or will have the game and are interested in the module too but prefer one of the identified scenarios.
The first ten people to leave an actual comment that want me to do so can also give their name and I will include them as either potential pre-made players characters or as relevant NPCs in the game. If you add some detail about yourself I’ll try to include it. By giving your name and leaving a comment you give explicit permission (but not a requirement I am obliged to fulfil) for me to use it in the module.
The module will get done only if there is sufficient interest, so please let me know.
So Transnistria has just officially asked for help from Russia.
And because I know Geography is not taught in schools anymore, here is a little map for you.
The source is Western so there is a lie on it. Crimea was not Annexed. It voted democratically to become Russian after years of conflict about it.
Anyway, you might notice that Odessa is in the way to Transnistria, and what is a good Russian friend to do if not take that too on the way to help the transnistrians?
Which situation I predicted a year ago (March first 2023) in detail, and explained how and why exactly this would happen. Once you have Ukraine Landlocked and access to Transnistria, its s very short step to Romania.
And once you have a border with Romani the entire Eastern Europe will begin to completely ignore the sanctions the West has been forcing them to observe against Russia.
Serbia has already stated in no uncertain terms that they actually do what they are told by the West because they can’t survive economically otherwise. And no one can rightly prevent them from trading with EU member state Romania (EU states are Blue).
In fact, Hungary, which is in a similar position, as Victor Orban would tell you, would certainly increase their trade with Romania right away, and probably Czech Republic with Hungary and so on… and do you really think that with a border shared with Russia Romania would keep doing whatever the pedovores in Washington tell them? I don’t think so.
Sadly, while places like Albania Macedonia Bulgaria, And I think even Greece (if slower) will begin to flourish, places like Germany, France and Italy will continue to kow-tow to the Satanic Pedocrats in their governments being run by the same people who run Biden. And will probably continue to do so for some time unless armed revolution kicks off, which might seem unlikely but is becoming an increasingly non-zero possibility in more and more places. France certainly seems ready to implode, and if Catholic Saints’ prophecies are anything to go by, that is where it may well happen.
Putin has made it clear that if NATO starts a war with Russia, Russia will not back down, and apparently he is now shifting nuclear missiles across the country to make sure everyone in Europe is incentivised to actually open their ears and listen to what he has stated unequivocally.
Even if the whole of Europe really did go to war with Russia, I don’t think they would win. Russia could literally nuke every single capital city in Europe with hypersonic warheads and nothing and no one would be able to stop it. And if Amercia tried to use its ICBMS, aside the fact I wonder if even half of them would still work, the Russians have already made it very clear the Americans will not be saved by the Atlantic this time, as they popped up several nuclear submarines off the coast of Washington over a year ago already, which is the Russian way of sending you a polite message.
And if you’re stupid enough to think that polite people are weak… well… you should really pay more attention. It’s a mistake several people I met made with me in life, and it’s a lesson every Ukrainian Nazi has now learnt shortly before dying; which is why I made the comparison between Russia and a skinny kid who gets bullied at school until he’s had enough. Once that skinny kid picks up a brick and opens the bully’s head as well as that of a few of the bully’s friends, no amount of talk is gonna change the fact that the skinny kid can kick all the bullies’ asses and then some. And this is pretty much where we are now.
On top of that, I severely doubt the citizens of even pretty domesticated Europe would let themselves become the next Ukraine. It’s far more likely the armed forces of Germany, France, Italy and so on, decide it’s safer and smarter to do a coup and change their local government and make nice with the Russians.
Corrupt, blackmailable and bent as they all are, several of the European leaders have apparently already quietly stated that if NATO goes to war with Russia they would not join in. Among them I think are Sweden and Italy, but these are unconfirmed rumours and Sweden and Finland are joining NATO apparently, to which Russia said it would take unspecified technical military action.
In any case, the prospect of a hot WWIII has just increased a few percentage points. Despite that, I don’t think Russia is worried, or really needs to worry at all, given the operational deficiencies of the West.
A belated thank you to Western Rifle Shooters Association for putting me on the map several times over the last few months. It’s appreciated, as I think this kind of analysis and information is probably helpful to a lot of people to prepare for what might come next, since, as you saw, my prediction from a year ago was spot on, and I think will continue to play out this way. Having this information ahead of time can come in useful for anything from preparing for winter/war to gearing up to be ready to sell goods to Russia via Romania once that border is secured. It all depends on where you are and what your strategy for outlasting Clown World is.
Me, I’m just gonna keep sitting on my porch watching the world burn for a while longer, it’s kind of a Gen X thing. I’m not old enough for a pipe yet, but the occasional cigar does go well with decent Cognac.
Larry Correia made a very valid point on his FB page here about the internet basically now being a tool to propagate lies and misinformation.
And AI will only accelerate that process.
Here is a snippet of his post:
The internet started out as a great tool and an incredible collection of knowledge. Then sleazy people realized that it was super easy to screw with “the truth” for their benefit and it was all down hill from there. Think about how much bad information and outright lies are out there on the internet right now, just on topics you are familiar with. Sources are either dishonest or manipulated constantly by bad actors. The politically motivated put their spin on everything.
We have entered the era of untruth and it is only going to get worse from here. This is the Gell-Men Amnesia effect from the newspapers, but orders of magnitude worse.
That’s all true enough. Then he goes on to point out something even more nefarious and also true that has already started to happen.
Think of the destructive potential. In the past if bad actors wanted to target somebody, they’d do a press release and coordinate some bloggers and loyal news media. This was usually pretty easy to spot and hamfisted enough for the astute to laugh at, but it still swayed the ignorant and the useful idiots.
Now they can turn loose a program and say I want to make it so that every single discussion about this target on the internet is overwhelmed with AI generated articles smearing the target, backed up by cites that don’t exist, citing events that never happened, quoting witnesses who aren’t real, written by reporters that don’t exist, and then I want the comments on social media about it to be overwhelmed by bots regurgitating that narrative and linking back to the fake sources.
It is, all quite true and correct.
The irony is that Larry, who by the way I really like, seems to be blind to the fact that this was always the case and he is as affected as many of the people he is trying to warn. Larry is a Mormon.
I like Larry, so this is not a personal swipe at him. Back when twitter had not yet kicked me off at the IP address level for pointing out some facts about homosexuality, we used to follow each other and he has always been a gracious person. He treats others as he wishes to be treated and has made a successful career in a field that is hard enough to do so without being nominally on the “right”, and practically almost impossible if you speak your mind to the extent Larry does.
(Ask me how I know?! Heh)
So as I said, it is not a swipe at him at all, but anyone who can believe the absolute snake oil Joseph Smith was peddling about gold plates only he could read with a tuba hat and special crystal, and such good plates being given to him by the Angel Moroni (I shit you not) is… well… probably not in an ideal place when it cokes to warning people about being fooled by fake news.
I love you Larry, truly I do, and your success makes me happy, and your point stands and is valid; still, something about motes and beams comes to mind.
Pay attention. He has been saying this politely for over 10 years. Listen.
Because the only ones that want that war are your non-elected “democratic” butt-puppets of the people who actually rule America and through that, all the Western hemisphere and every European government.
It is literally time for Euros to remove from any power, people who simply do as they are told by their masters instead of safeguard their people and their nation’s national interests.
Roleplaying the Apocalypse
I’m thinking of writing a second module for my RPG Surviving the Current Zombie Apocalypse.
(Available as a full colour PDF you can print here,
Or as a full colour hardcopy book you can get from Amazon here).
The first module is also available at the E-store and Amazon, but I would like to make sure it is, firstly wanted, and secondly relevant, so I am conducting a small poll as below, the first answer assumes you don’t care about the RPG game and/or about any modules for it. If that is the case I still would appreciating you taking the half-second it takes to indicate your lack of interest by clicking on that option.
The other options assume you either have or will have the game and are interested in the module too but prefer one of the identified scenarios.
The first ten people to leave an actual comment that want me to do so can also give their name and I will include them as either potential pre-made players characters or as relevant NPCs in the game. If you add some detail about yourself I’ll try to include it. By giving your name and leaving a comment you give explicit permission (but not a requirement I am obliged to fulfil) for me to use it in the module.
The module will get done only if there is sufficient interest, so please let me know.
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By G | 29 February 2024 | Posted in Books, Humour, Social Commentary, StCZA - Module 0, StCZA - Q.O.R.G., Zombie Apocalypse