Archive for November 2023

Fighting the Stupid Part 2 of an Infinite series

The previous post was a general one on the reasons why Stupidity, being a throughly noxious thing, must be beaten back despite the tsunami of idiocy that is the human race.

Here we will take a more detailed and practical approach.

First, however, we need to see who is qualified to even take the class.

If you do NOT believe in Christianity of any kind as being a good thing, and more specific a salvific thing, then this post is not for you. It’s fine, I was one of you for most of my life. Not all non-Christians are idiots. It’s just the amount of lies about it have been so many and for so long, it’s hard for anyone sane to take it seriously. Until you really take a good look that is. And you may have not got there. You could still follow the post as a general intellectual exercise with regard to the whole (idiotic) issue of “denominations” however.

Secondly, the extremely VAST majority of people who consider themselves “christians” are not in fact anything of the sort, and telling them this so brutally and without preamble usually upsets them. Tough titties. Such is the way of truth.

It is also true, however, that most of these would-be-but-are-not Christians are not necessarily evil people. The vast majority are not, I am sure. Nor are they necessarily idiots, though, sadly, the vast majority are, but that’s because the vast majority of humanity is composed of idiots too. So, on average, the percentage (always higher than you think, as the brilliant Professor Cipolla reminded us in his first law of human stupidity) remains the same.

Let us then, in vain attempt number 7,942, of an also infinite series, try to bring some clarity to the millions of Protestants that are… no… wait… to the thousands of Protestants that are not complete idiots, and who earnestly believe in Christianity, but for one reason or another, have been fooled into believing that Protestantism is actually Christian.

And let us illuminate this lesson by using the incoherent babbling of an SG denizen who unwisely, and when no one was saying anything, just fired out this beauty:

As it happens, I interacted with this gentleman before on various occasions and prior to this I think he was in general agreement with me on a variety of topics, as was I with him. For whatever reason, however, he decided to start his day with this absolutely retarded statement. Now, let me point out that I don’t think this man is evil. I also think he is probably quite honest and hardworking and generally not prone to extreme hyperbole or self-aggrandisement. That, at any rate, is my considered opinion after a while of general online interaction with him. All that said, that comment is pure, distilled, 100% proof, idiocy. As most of SG that noted it made him aware of, hence the replies.

Right away, we see the chasm that is the first crack. Mehitabel’s point has “nothing to do” with Wolverine’s point, and yet… it apparently really addresses a real issue that Mehitabel is supposedly wrong about that is part of Wolverine’s idiotic belief system. Hmmm.

Let us continue down this road built with stupidity paving.

A couple more people throw lifelines out to Wolverine. Trying to show him the obvious error of his ways and the utter stupidity of his initial comment.

Will our stubborn Protestant take the life-preservers offered?

He will not. So, I gentle reader, enter the scene, with a kind bitchslap to his stupid brain, couched in kindness and mercy, to try and wake him from his stupidity infection.

And here we have the final proof of utter, complete, absolute, mental retardation induced in an otherwise probably decent human being, as a result of lies and nonsense and the complete inability to do even elementary logic. A normal child, of normal intelligence, left to his own devices, aged about 5, can see Wolverine’s assumption is absolutely idiotic to the point of insanity. You can’t possibly claim a book that supposedly has all the answers, without tradition, or anything outside of the book being relevant, if you will not even look at how, where, when, and who put the book together. It is literally beyond stupid. It is a kind of mental retardation on a severe scale that makes the condition proper mental illness.

And what do you think his response will be? Anything even remotely sane, logical, relevant? Of course not.

He even spells Sola Scriptura wrong, but we’ll be kind and say that’s autocorrect. And we won’t ask him why he should use Latin to refer to anything Biblical. That might traumatise the poor dear.

The metaphorical stoning of the heretic has begun, albeit still gently and kindly, I assure you.

And after this, and his blocking TVCL, there has been only tombal silence. Not even crickets.

And for anyone that has read any of Tony’s books (TVCL) he is clearly far from anyone trying to prove to anyone he is a smart boy. Autist he may be, but he is a genuine and honest one, and has no agenda for individual fame or anything of the sort, I assure you, as I know him quite well. His interests are general and for the ultimate service of people in general and Catholics in particular.

In all honesty, no Protestant at all can reconcile the origins of the Bible with the acceptance later of the revised version created by Martin Luther.

Either you accept Christianity from the start, in which case only Catholicism, with its Popes and everything else, which all happened unchanged for over a thousand years before any schism, or you are just making things up out of whole cloth.

Even the first schismatics, the traitorous and backstabbing Eastern “Orthodox”, dare not rewrite the Bible or change it. They merely confine themselves to not being able to read properly and being butt-sore about the pope telling them what is and what is not good Christianity.

Besides, as I said, they are a traitorous and backstabbing lot, who 40 years after they “cut ties” with Rome, begged for help against the Muslim invaders, and the Catholics went and helped them and saved their lands, and their lives, only to be literally backstabbed, and even killed by the “orthodox” in cahoots with the Muslims, not for the first Crusade only, or the second, but all of three Crusades in a row, all launched to help them!

And then they bitched, and still do, like whiny little cowards, about the sacking of Constantinople in the Fourth one. AND if that were not enough, the Catholics kept, financed, and maintained the lands in the Outremer (the Middle East) Christian (Catholic) for 200 more years, before conditions in Europe made the constant drain of funds untenable. At which point the Catholics told the deceiving and traitorous “orthodox”: Hey, here, at least maintain a presence and keep these lands we re-took for you at least nominally “christian”. And did they? Nope. Let it all go to the Muslims. So, it is still quite clear that the only actual Christians remained the Catholics, despite the bad and corrupt Popes and the schismatic “Orthodox” the actual religion and the dogmas of it were not encroached upon by the orgiastic, power-hungry Borgia Popes and their kind. And some Popes were actually really awesome, like Celestino, and Pious X and others.

So there really is no way at all to try and reconcile the Bible being changed by a fat, German of Jewish origins, with a penchant for raping maids and having sex with nuns, that came along some further 500 years after the “orthodox” schism, and then immediately declaring his version of the Bible, the only one that everyone should believe, but without actually defining at all what those beliefs should be.

Or worse still, go on to take as the only and HOLY ONE, the “Bible” which happened to be created by the extremely gay English King called James, who got it “translated” with over 33,000 “errors”, and using the version of the “Bible” that had been edited for 700 years by actual Pharisees that hated Christ. That’s right, many Protestants think the King’s James Bible is the one and only true version of the Bible. Which one must assume sprung directly out of King’s James butt, fully-formed, like a miracle, for Protestantism to even have any possible validity at all.

That last paragraph may have made you aware of another little problem, and that is that Protestants have ZERO Apostolic succession, meaning their version of Christianity has NEVER been approved by ANYONE that can trace a direct lineage to the Apostles and having taken instruction by them, as Jesus commanded.

And trust me when I say that the whole origin of the Bible is merely the very tip of the iceberg when it comes to Protestantism. So many of their ideas about the Bible, Christianity, Catholicism, and even Jesus Himself are such utter insane rubbish that believing in unicorns that fly by farting rainbows is infinitely more sane.

And no, it is not about being a Sedevacantist Catholic Zealot ™ though I absolutely am and wear that badge proudly. No, it has to do with fighting the stupid. Imagine the kind of damage to souls this guy can do, with all the best of intentions I am sure, but stupid, very, very, stupid intentions. That result in much harm, in degeneration of actual truth and justice and above all actual Christianity, that is currently residing ONLY in the last remnant, of Christians, that is, ACTUAL Catholics. Which excludes all the Novus Ordo people who think any one of the fake Popes since 1958 on was actually a Pope, or even Catholic. None of them were.

And yes, yes, those details are rather complex to get into if you are unaware of them, but that’s why I wrote a 530 page book detailing them in excruciating detail (yet entertainingly enough it is not boring, by any account, yet). But that’s not what this post is about.

This post is only about abysmal stupidity, and why it is your imperative duty, for the sake of humanity at large, or at least for that minority of it not composed of absolute retards, that you fight the stupidity.

Push it back. create oases of sanity, and logic, and truth, and beauty.

Why you MUST fight the stupid

Many people do not understand why from time to time, when I feel like it and have time, I take to task some mouth-breathing retard about everything from Protestantism, a known, illogical and obvious degradation of Christianity into secular nonsense, which happens to be followed by millions, including some nominally intelligent people, to the covid “vaccines” which I explained from the start are genetically altering serums that will cause extreme harm to your body, which is a medical reality that has been known for 30 years since the experimentation with mRNA genetic messing started, with testing on animals.

Plus any number of other topics that I feel are relevant to humanity at large.

People think I am just ornery and opinionated, which is not entirely wrong, the average stupidity of humans is indeed irritating to me and I can only suffer them in small doses normally, and I do have strong ideas (but few opinions, which I hardly voice) because they are based usually on decades of empirical testing in the real world.

But I do not fight the idiots because I enjoy it. No, I fight the stupid because it is a sacred duty. If you care about humanity at all (which I find I do, against my own general inclinations) you MUST try to correct their incessant stupidity, passed down from generation to generation, creating an avalanche of imbeciles, which, thanks to those of us that understand engineering, continue being safer and safer and not getting rightfully Darwined out of the gene pool by their own idiocy.

The village idiots, like rabbits run wild with endless food, and ergonomically ultra-safe step-ladders, are creating our own Universe 25. And their damaging idiocy is now so pervasive that they are starting to really affect the entire globe.

We don’t have a climate crisis, we have a fucking abominable retard catastrophe.

Idiots who think the word “gender”, which is used in linguistics, can be re-adapted to be a synonym for sex. And then they try to tell you that human sex is “fluid” or “non-binary”. No. No it is not. You are born male or female, or, if you are unlucky and the result of a natural mishap of chromosomes and body parts, you might be born a hermaphrodite. And some people are born with six fingers or a brain deformation that makes them handicapped in some way. Such is life. Sometimes some guy draws a shitty hand.

But that does not make men women, or vice-versa. Nor does your particular sexual fetish, unnatural propensity, or deviation make it “ok” to tell people it is normal, or even acceptable in many cases. And if one of those mental deviations is one that makes you want to rape children, then, it is simply salutary and best if you are removed from the gene pool forthwith. And we should absolutely pass laws to make this all legal and normal, as it is, and as it should be.

Now, when it comes to pedophiles —the freaks who want to rape children— most people, including most normies (but not all, believe me) especially if they are essentially normal and have children, are not too far-removed from sanity, and those that do have some knowledge of the damage that pedophiles cause are generally quite happy for pedos to get the death penalty and even making it all legal and official. That said, few would volunteer to be the executioner. At least, few that are mentally healthy, because being an executioner is difficult work, and most human beings are not armoured mentally against that kind of work. In the past, a lot more healthy men were, but we have lived in decadent comfort in the West for almost a century now, and while in at least some third world countries corporal punishment is still accepted as more or less normal for certain crimes, so is generally a level of brutality that most would prefer to do away with. A modern, civilised society that does apply the death penalty and corporal punishment in a balanced fashion is rare.

Singapore comes to mind, but some, of course will argue about some of the reasons to issue a death penalty, and very few will consider the issue in the most fair and logical legal manner ever invented by humans, which, like it or not, understand it or not, being aware of it or not, is Roman Law. The principle in Roman is the main framing of an issue, however the details of it are then examined and each case valued on its merits. This at least was the original Roman Law. It has since been somewhat perverted even in Italy, where it originated.

The reality is that the death penalty is absolutely a deterrent against much vicious crime. And anyone that says it is not, is a liar that usually tries to appeal to fake and false “studies” done by compromised and utterly unscientific organisations. Very much like the anti-gun brigade.

Now, I am pro-guns, but even I would not be happy with literally ANYONE being able to buy fully automatic weapons in the same fashion one buys bread. HOWEVER, that is because of the mayhem that would happen for the first, oh, say five years or so. And because I have children and a wife and I care about them. For myself, I’d probably be ok to take my chances (as in any case, I kind of did to a certain extent, working in close protection in South Africa for some years). Mostly out of curiosity and to verify that my prediction would be correct. Because if it became a thing that both civilians as well as the military and police could all have access to fully automatic weapons including machine guns, after five years, I suspect the death by guns would approach zero and for the most part be confined to suicides and the occasional nutter, who probably would not get to fire too much before he became Swiss cheese at the hands of a totally armed citizenry.

To a certain extent I already lived through this kind of change in South Africa. When guns were limited to ownership by whites, there was a regular shooting every week-end over road rage. When gun ownership became open to anyone regardless of skin colour, utter mayhem ensued. And carried on for the next 30 years, because, politically correct to say it or not, it remains a fact, that a people who have NOT developed, invented, and created a certain technology, will invariably misuse it. And the average African is simply not at a civilisational level that permits them to responsibly use or own a firearm. As usual, are there exceptions, sure. But statistics is a thing, and if used correctly, not only it doesn’t lie, it tells all the truths people are uncomfortable with. Besides, if you want to accuse me of “racism”, keep in mind that: a) I don’t give a fuck about your idiotic opinion, b) it is wrong insofar as you use and mean the word “racist” in any case, and c) I’m not the one that made this obvious thing about cultural and technological differences obvious to the world. It was Michael Crichton. Yup. Go ahead and read the original book Jurassic Park.

What did change though was that the number of road rage shootings between whites pretty much disappeared almost overnight. And the average Afrikaner became suddenly a LOT more polite. This is not just a random idea. It is something I personally experienced. And a very real change. The average white man now was so conscious that if he started shooting for a stupid reason, there were a LOT more people that could suddenly shoot back, and that were likely to as well.

The point is that in any case, the statistics are in. In the USA, the states with the highest number of concealed carry citizens have lower gun crimes. The exceptions are areas that are predominantly African-American in population. If you are black does that upset you? Do you think I am some racist Neo-Nazi because I can do math? Well, guess what: Fuck you. I don’t care.

Because if *I* was a big black bald guy, but with *my* brain in my head, instead of yours, I wouldn’t get upset about this at all. Just like I don’t get upset if someone judges Italians on average as being people that generally talk too much, wave their hands a lot, and often speak on topics they are ignorant of as if they knew a lot more than they do (though that Americanism is becoming global in fairness). Or if you said that Venetians are ornery bastards that kinda try to irritate you off the bat, just to see how you react. Or if you said it about me specifically. Hell, I don’t get upset about the Sun rising in the East either, or water being wet. You know why? Because I am not a complete fucking idiot.

So… if *you* are getting all upset… we-eeel… you might wanna check that IQ loooooooooooong before I ever, ever, ever, will check my “privilege”.

White, or Olive Nigger that it may be. In fact I’m kinda quite fond of the term Olive Nigger, I find it funny. As far as I know it was coined by a Lilly white American who, quite frankly, is almost translucent as far as skin colour goes. And he also has a higher IQ than me by a few points. Do I care? Am I offended? Look in my eye pilgrim, go on, take a good long look. You see me offended anywhere? That’s right. I could not care less. So why do you, you unspecified nigger of whichever ethnic, or socio-economic, or skin colour persuasion? I’ll tell you why.

Because you are fucking stupid. Stupid. S T U P I D.

The point is that like it or not, you can’t let stupid people run the world. Not without absolutely dire consequences. Idiocracy was supposed to be a comedy film, not a tragic documentary, although, to be honest, I found the film too irritating and true to life to watch when it actually came out. I could only stomach about 5 minutes of it by skipping large sections of it. And that was nearly 20 years ago now.

And you absolutely can’t let evil people run the world.

Firstly because they are evil, but also because, being evil, they promote and support the stupidity, they increase it and fuel it and feed it. And for that crime alone, among all the others, they should absolutely be hung from the neck until dead, gassed, shot in a firing squad, or even just like rabid dogs Ceausescu style. And they know it. Which is why they promote the stupidity. Smart, intelligent, honest, and good men of strong character, in any great numbers, would storm the places of power where these evil pedophile and child killers live and work, and would dispense rough street justice to them immediately. Which sometimes in the world takes place before appropriate and salutary laws and good people put in place to see them well-enforced are secured in place. As, for example, in Singapore.

My main objection to Singaporean laws is certainly not the death penalty, but perhaps, rather, the level at which it is applied. But that is absolutely NOT a criticism of Singapore or its laws or even the judiciary. It is a criticism of humanity. Allow me to explain.

I am vehemently against drugs of any sort. I never even touched the stuff at all for the entirety of my life until my late thirties and early forties, and even then, the sum total of my experimentation was perhaps a handful of times smoking cannabis, and precisely once, snorting some cocaine. I did it for the sole reason that people I care about and valued had done some of these things; and more. And despite being intelligent and capable, they seem to use this crap regularly. A young guy I used to work with, who was a decent person, worked well, and was smart, apparently snorted coke almost every weekend. People I grew up with, my close friends, hid the fact they occasionally smoked Cannabis because they feared how I would react to them. I simply told them they were morons, but it didn’t concern me, other than make me realise they were more moronic than I thought to begin with.

After that singular experience with cocaine, it became absolutely confirmed to me that the only people who snort cocaine are either idiots or such weak and/or damaged people that they cannot reason their way out of their situations and lives, or at least change them in any really positive way. Are they evil? Usually not, although the drug use can eventually corrode them to the point they become it. Are they weak? Yes. Are they dumb? Not always necessarily, in a classical sense, but certainly in regard to making stupid life choices, yes. No one needs any mind-altering substance in a civilised and logical world. And although we are living far from either thing, it is still not a good idea to drug yourself up in order to temporarily escape it (only to be faced with it again and much more so a little while later).

In short, I am not a fan of drugs.

That said, I think that giving someone the death penalty for having half a kilo of Cannabis is probably a bit extreme. HOWEVER, it is a FACT that if you do NOT do that, then it will start with Cannabis and before you know it you will have meth-heads running around burglarising homes and hurting people to feed their habit. While if you DO have the death penalty for Cannabis, guess what, aside the odd idiot here and there, everyone stops using it to alter their brain chemistry and the entirety of society is better off.

No. I am not interested in your idea that smoking that shit does no harm. I saw it with my dad’s workers for decades at a time, because it was in a country where it is not really criminalised at all; and it absolutely rots your brains. So keep such retarded opinions to yourself.

So my problem with the Singaporean laws is not that they are too harsh. It is that humans are so utterly stupid that they are necessary. In a civilised world, the cannabis smoker would (unrealistically) be smart enough to not do that shit where I can smell it, or where it affects me, or anyone else, or his driving, or his cognitive abilities…

You see why it’s necessary to have the death penalty, right? Because honestly, if a drug addled fucker runs over one of my kids, I don’t care that he was a “responsible” user. He clearly wasn’t.

And therein lies the problem.


Is it clear now why it is absolutely your DUTY, if you are at all a good guy, to call out the stupid. To limit their activity and range and effect they have on others. The village idiots need to be put back in the closets and kept there. And their families made responsible for the harm they cause. Their doors marked with the red letter I for AN IDIOT LIVES HERE.

You must show them up for the harm and damage and stupidity they cause to the world at large and to yours and mine.

It’s not that I enjoy beating atomised ghosts of dead horses. It is that it is a sacred duty. So, if you possess at least the minimum IQ required to understand the point, get to it. Learn the truth, learn logic, learn basic mathematics, and then join me in a crusade against Human Stupidity. We can’t really win the fight, but like Leonidas and his 300, perhaps we will be remembered in the millennia that follow us.

Play the Boomer Game

Vox Posted his wife’s response to this article about the 17 things Boomers consider positive things they have given the world. I think we should all copy the list and make our own observations! It’s a fun game that highlights just how deluded they are. Unlike Spacebunny, my answers are likely to be longer. Because beating the ghosts of dead horses is what I do here. Also, you might think I am joking in some of my replies. I am not. the replies might be funny, but this does not mean they are not my honest opinion.

The baby boomer generation—the 76.4 million of us born between 1946 and 1964—don’t always get the respect we deserve.

Because mostly, you don’t deserve any.

We made driving safer.

Though seat belts were invented all the way back in 1885, most baby boomers remember youths in which nobody wore them. 

As the baroque wallpaper of my very own blog that you are on right now indicates, as well as my thoughts on the matter in general, the late 1800s was actually probably the pinnacle of actual scientific investigation. It was a time when Catholics were still Catholics, where science was still relatively honest, and where people like Tesla, even if robbed and cheated at every turn, still managed to change the world. So. You think even though they invented them, the fact they did not make them mandatory to have nor wear is an error? An oversight? No, you miserable cretin. It was precisely what it was intended to do: A way for the more daring to try and ensure survival for their sin of chasing the adrenaline rush, or to feel safer against those who thought they could chase it but were not as competent as they thought, or… or not. And for the rest, it was Darwinian selection. The too slow, the too foolish, and the occasional unlucky, would not get to reproduce. It was natural selection at its finest.

We immortalized road trips and travel in general.

nothing makes us more nostalgic than the memory of dad studying a Rand McNally atlas—to road trip poets like Jack Kerouac, we were the first generation to prove that it really was the journey, not the destination.

Uh… your own post makes it clear you did not. your father’s generation did. You did not. The Silent and WWII generation did that. The “road trips” of that gay, hedonistic, drug-addled kind that hung out with Jack Kerouac, (who wasn’t a boomer either) and that were “written about” was the hallucinations of the melted brains of the generation before yours. And then you took it on as though it was yours. And produced only more incoherent wandering by drug addled brains that mostly complained that wherever you went, they didn’t do things like you had them back home. The real beauty of travel and adventure was done —you guessed it— in the late 1800s and early 1900s when dirigibles flew the air and then in the WW years, before you were born in 1946. When a trip in a plane was an adventure, as was one in a boat. Where Shanghai was exotic as was the Amazon, and when men carried rifles and handguns pretty much all the time when making such trips. Later, in the 90s, Gen X took to discovering the world just for the sake of it far more than the Boomers ever did. And without using it as a point-score-keeping mechanism with the neighbours either.

We pioneered rock ‘n’ roll.

Rock pioneers like Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry weren’t technically boomers,

That’s right they were not. So you did not. Neither was Jerry Lee Lewis. What you brought the world was the fucking Beatles, for God’s sake. And goddamned Hotel California. And for that you deserve a lower pit of Hell.

We invented the internet.

No. You did not. Computer scientists Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn are credited with inventing the Internet communication protocols we use today and the system referred to as the Internet. Vinton was born in 143 and Bob in 1938. What you did (and do) very well though is try to take credit for anything even remotely or potentially good, and pretend the bad you did just sort of “happened”.

We created personal computers.

We ushered in the era of screen time.
You think millennials are addicted to their phones? Ha, boomers invented screen addiction! During our youth, we were hypnotized by everything that popped up on the small screen, making us feel more connected with the outside world. According to Newsweek, it’s estimated that boomers watched an average of  12,000 hours of TV before they turned 16 years old.

The fact you think this is an accomplishment shows just how utterly detached from reality you are. There was a reason that every night you morons had to have an advert come on TV to tell you that it’s ten o’clock, do you even know where your children are? And it’s because you were abysmal parents in the main. I agree that Millennials are almost as vapid as you were, though.

We launched Saturday Night Live.
When Saturday Night Live premiered in 1975—starring comedy legends (and boomers) like John BelushiBill Murray, and Gilda Radner—it was the hippest thing on TV.

I’m just leaving this here for those Zoomers who can’t believe you’re so self-involved, egomaniacal and out of touch that you would actually write this. Yes, little Zyklon friends, they really are. And they always were.

We turned movies into cultural events.

And it wasn’t just a fun weekend diversion, either; movies like Jaws and Star Wars became true cultural events.

Look up the word culture. Now explain to me what cultural progress was made as a result of jaws or Star Wars. Go on. I’ll wait.

We took volunteering to new heights.
When President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps in 1961, creating opportunities for everyday U.S. citizens to go overseas and help “break the bonds of mass misery,” thousands of letters “poured into Washington from young Americans hoping to volunteer,” 

You’re clearly too stupid to understand that was the geopolitical move to infect the rest of the planet with your toxic version of Americanism, and had nothing to do with helping the poor masses, but rather with influencing and corrupting everyone from the governments of those countries to the young people in them and make them all become twisted copies of yourselves, with outsized greed for material wealth and even more deludedly: fame.

We stood up for LGBTQIA+ rights.
For this alone they deserve the pillow that’s coming.

I can only second Spacebunny’s statement above. You are the beasts for which we now have tranny story hour and an absolute pedophile fest infesting everything from the top government officials to the now freemasons Vatican. And yes, there absolutely IS a link between sexual deviance and sexual child abuse, in both directions. Because math is not an opinion.

We fought for gender equality.
See above – world changing in the worst way.

Again, seconded. Especially true about it being world-changing in the worst way, given the end results of feminism are essentially misery for women even more than for men, as some of the women that have +1SD IQs are figuring out ahead of their slower sisters.

We protested war.
“Legally avoiding the draft was a rational, morally defensible rebuke to the government’s hypocritical way of making war.”

As per your own comment, you actually did NOTHING. In fact you participated and took part in the war. Legally avoiding the draft is certainly not the mark of a revolutionary. Or one that has affected any actual change whatsoever. You just made a bunch of noise as an excuse to slack off and smoke more dope and share your wives and have divorces and on, and on, and on.

We kickstarted environmental activism.
People like to criticize boomers for not doing enough, and it’s true, we could’ve taken bigger strides to save the planet.

Well, you could have gassed yourselves in large numbers I suppose, but that was not likely given the narcissism. And no, it would not have made much difference to the Ten X numbers, you aborted us at record numbers anyway.

But we absolutely cared. We were the first generation to come out in full force, demanding we stop polluting the world. And there’s science to prove it: A 2012 study out of San Diego State University found that boomers in their youth were considerably more committed to environmental activism than Gen Xers or millennials.

Zoomers, please note. Studies show they “made more noise”. Not actually changed anything at all. In fact, they have been the most consistent users of things like strip-mining, deforestation and unsustainable methods of fishing, hunting and farming that has ever been seen on this entire planet.

We made waves in forensic analysis.
Boomers lived in a world where serial killers like Ted BundyRichard Ramirez, and John Wayne Gacy were a horrifying reality.

Translation: Boomers produced the first generation of large scale serial killers ever. So they also tried to find a way to figure out who the serial killers among them were.

We ended the Cold War.
Absolute lie. Boomers perpetrated and kept that shit going long past due. And anyway, the “collapse” of the “Cold War” was pre-ordained, as Werner Von Braun, (also not a boomer and head of the Apollo programme) explained in some detail and as was explained in even more detail by the lady he worked with and explained it to, when she testified before congress (Carol Rosin).

We reduced the stigma around divorce.
For this alone they deserve the pillow that’s coming. World changing in the worst way.

Again, Spacebunny said it all.

We increased life expectancy.
Life expectancy is actually falling, but Boomers don’t care about facts.

And again.

So yeah… one out of 17. About par for the course for Boomers.

Financial Collapse

Do your eyes glaze over when some economist starts talking? Me too. Mostly because they talk absolute nonsense and lies.

So let me explain a few things in a way we can all understand.

The financial crash of 2008 was something I predicted way back in 1995 but I expected it to happen at around the year 2000 at the latest. I didn’t use complicated formulas to figure it out. I had simply played in the stock market for a little bit, made some money and realised how it all worked. It was, and remains, a giant Ponzi scheme build on the vapours of smoke and the imaginings of that vapour. The only thing I had not accounted for was the level of both human greed, dishonesty and general stupidity. I had assumed that even brain damaged lemurs that took a cursory glance at the stock exchange would conclude as I did. And whether I was wrong (I was) or not, surely, anyone sane would not deal in such things (o my naive youth). Instead, of course, no one cares it’s a complete fabrication for themes part, and fake, and fraudulent, and made up of smoke and mirrors. They all just keep playing and they all get more and more people in it. Which makes the Ponzi scheme last longer. But eventually, it has to blow up.

The next crash, after that giant clusterfuck (which even if you only know the basics is ridiculously absurd) of 2008 was predicted (by bankers, this time, not me) for 2014-2015. And it didn’t really happen. Because guess what, whole governments were now jumping into the bandwagon.

The 2008 crash was felt most not by wealthy or even averagely well-to do Westerners. It was felt by third world countries the most. Keep in mind that at times the interest rate in places like South Africa hit 25%. Yes, that’s not a typo.

Places like Argentina in the late 80s and early 90s suffered massive crashes. So did places like Latvia. And they do not get a lot of publicity because it does not suit the “people” (indemoniated parasites) who run things to have you realise this stuff in any conscious way.

But this is what it was like if you lived in one of these countries. Say you worked hard all your life and saved, maybe to buy a house or to get one for your children, you have the local equivalent of say 500,000 US dollars in your bank account, squirrelled away over a lifetime. Then you wake up one day and literally from one day to the next you can’t access your money at all. And not only that, but it is now devalued so that the 500,000 you had is now worth 5,000 dollars. I personally know people that happened to who are my good friends. Imagine for a second how you would feel.

It really is a wonder that a lot more bankers have not been strung up from lampposts all around the world.

And by the way, just so you know, that is precisely what they rely on. Between the faceless bureaucracy they present to the world, and your civilised behaviour, they carry on with impunity, because you’re just gonna bend over yet again and take it, and take it, and take it.

Now, this sort of scenario has been pushed off from 2014-15 a few years, to 2020, then they created the genetic serum injection depopulation event and the Ponzi scheme suddenly went rage-steroid massive. So massive, and so fake, that apparently almost no one realises just how insane it is. They literally just decided to print many tons more money, and in fact, being as printing costs money and is kinda like, you know, work, they just added a bunch of numbers to some computers and gave out loans to governments and banks, and giant firms everywhere. In a way, this is “fine” since the whole fiat money thing was really a con anyway to a large extent. So now it’s like anyone with a shred of financial understanding just went:

“Ah fuck it. Let the peasants “enjoy” a brief reprieve if they are even remotely capable, but only so they go along with the lockdowns, serum injections and chemtrail “climate change” depopulation agenda. And anyway, later we turn the tap off and let them squat like the new pigs in the giant favelas we are creating.”

Now, we are not there… yet… but, and this is one aspect of WW3 most people have zero preparation for, I truly believe we will get there soon.

For example, imagine you’r a Palestinian who was just minding his own business a month ago. All of a sudden, because Bibi either allowed or perhaps even created a false flag on Israel (the accounts of everyone knowing about it and the response being PREVENTED for six hours, are now high-on undeniable) you are suddenly without water, electricity or basic services and you’re getting the crap bombed out of you. That’s pretty sudden.

But hey, it’s Palestine, right? Can’t happen near you, right? Well… have you seen what the streets of Paris look like lately? Or San Francisco? Or most big train terminals around Europe? How quick do you think those brown people —that you work very hard at not seeing the colour, incompatible culture and incompatible religion of— who have very little to lose when they are single, young men with no children or wives to worry or care about will keep behaving in a civilised manner when from one day to the next they have no money and no access to basic facilities?

I mean, you don’t even have to go that far. Mass raids of shops, with semi-feral “Londoners” which all seem melanin enhanced, are happening right in Oxford street. With little to no consequences. And have been happening in American large cities for at least a year. And that’s now. When pretty much everything still works.

But let’s say you planned ahead and are off into the countryside, not a vermin-infested giant city with potential zombies all just a hair’s breath away from turning on you and everything that is good and clean and edible. So you have a little plot of land, you’re fairly remote, but you still use the electric grid and water mains and you don’t quite manage to grow all the food you’d need to be self-sufficient (who does these days? Very, very very few small farmers can, if any). You have enough weapons to hold off a small army, especially if of mostly untrained zombies after easy prey. Even so, what happens to you and yours is suddenly all the money you have, whether in a bank or in cash under your mattress turns to zeros and toilet paper? What do you do? How do you survive?

Quite a few of you, no doubt, if realistic, might be thinking about becoming less than lawful citizens yourselves in such circumstances. So imagine how less well-off, less intelligent, less civilised people might behave.

But there is a way out… well, not really, more of a way in… but still. you could just take the serum, and settle for the basic universal income they will give you, wear only three sets of clothes a year, eat 3d printed “meat” and make do until the turbo-cancers get you.

Welcome to the Brave New World Citizen. You can have your new name tattooed on your forearm. No longer John Smith, you are now Jon-O-Smit 998976. And your friend computer will direct you to the nearest euthanasia booth if you are feeling too depressed to continue.

Sorry, Citizen, but in this brand new Alpha Complex, we are not using cloning technologies yet. there are still too many humans for the liking of the High Programmers… errr… and your friend computer has calculated the optimum number of people for this Alpha complex and it is minus eight hundred thousand, so do not fret, friend citizen, we will reach that quota soon with your help!

You think I am just making funny references to the RPG called Paranoia, but tell me, citizen, precisely how is what we are heading towards any different?

And, friend citizen, what are you doing about it? I’m curious and I’d like to know, to compare notes, so to speak, but then, so does friend computer, also want to know, so… yeah.

It’s almost as if you’re secretly a mutant (your brain still works properly, for the most part) and also member of a secret society. And we all know that either one of those two things is reason enough for friend computer to have you self-report to the nearest euthanasia booth.

So. Think about it. Think about how you would survive a sudden financial crash. And realise that this is why I do advise going off-grid as best as possible and as quick as possible. Short of massive armed revolution, becoming self-sufficient, at all levels, is the safest thing you can be doing right now.

World War III concepts

I plan to do a few posts in the next few days about different aspects of potential situations that are almost certainly going to happen at some point and to sections of the population that have not been subjected to it in living memory mostly. I have covered the basics of surviving a zombie apocalypse, but not some aspects that are really quite “intangible” for most people until it hits them in the face like a brick of sudden reality, even though the whole thing was marked with roadsigns all along the way.

So stay tuned as I will get to these things as I also try to finish the overlords of mars third book.

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
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