Archive for November 2023

What the Great Awakening Looks Like

By now you all have heard of the Great Reset, the Satanic plan of people like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the guy who definitely didn’t kill himself to depopulate the planet and enslave the survivors into a dystopian horror.

And some have also heard the Q-like panacea that “all will be well” because according to some information released by a “whistleblower” in the 1990s, no matter what the globohomo masters of the world do, project Looking Glass (a supercomputer/quantum computer/PSI enhanced thingymajigabob) predicted that an explosion of human consciousness would be inevitable and thus ultimately foil the plans of the evil pedovores running things.

Even if we assume that project Looking Glass exists/ed and/or is real and it really did predict all that… most humans then do exactly what the Q-psyops did: you just relax buddy, no need for you to do anything! Patriots/whitehats/magicians in charge will fix everything while you just keep your ever-expanding arse right there on that couch and binge on your next netflix gender-bender inclusive series.

Well, I have bad news for you. If a Great Awakening is going to happen it’s as a result of two things:

1. You, yes YOU specifically. You the person reading this sentence right now, getting off your comfortable, lazy, don’t-wanna-know, stagnant mental pond, and start working your brain. Yes your brain. And start habituating it to some concepts you have AVOIDED all your life in order to protect your own mental COMFORT. (Yes, physical too, but the root and far more important issue is the mental comfort).

2. Morphic resonance. Morphic resonance is a thing, I wrote about almost 30 years ago, in my book, The Face on Mars, but you can google it and as long as you get the information from Rupert Sheldrake, you can figure it out more or less. My own work on it has been to try to figure out what percentage of a population needs to exhibit the trait in order to cause a mass-effect tipping point. And it is not a straight forward answer because I think the process is fractal (which is good, because if so, it can happen quite fast if enough people get ability X) but in general terms I have concluded it’s about 1/1000 of the population.

Since “population” can be thought of from utterly global (all humanity) to local (my immediate family) the scale is not perfect, but in terms of getting things moving you could think of it as:

One person in a family is an event.

Two people in a family doing it, one having influenced the other) is a tipping point for say a family of 5-6 or even say 7 people, but probably not for a family of 20-30 resistant people.

And so on… hopefully you get the idea.

So… what exactly would I have you DO to spark off the mass awakening?

I could write a few hundred pages to answer that, but no one would read them, and the ones who did wouldn’t put any of it into practice. So let’s try for efficiently achievable for anyone that cares to actually WANT to be part of the solution instead of dead weight, a zombie, a brainwashed slave, or simply dead because they gave up.

This is what you need to do:

1. Face the horrible realities that are actually facts you have avoided knowing about. I have done this brutally since my early 20s so am used to it now, but it is a rude shock when you first start. The Delingpole post Vox referred to here also put it this way:

But isn’t that part of the problem with horrors like child trafficking, adrenochrome harvesting and ritual Satanic abuse? It’s so truly hideous we’d rather look away and pretend it didn’t exist. We put our own mental security, in other words, before the interests of all those tortured children.

Yes, that IS the problem. You need to face this ugly, evil, crap. But… you also need to do the second thing:

2. Use it as fuel. The anger, the sadness, the utter horror of it, use it as fuel to power the thing that WILL actually make things change. You know what that is? It’s the real engine of the Great Awakening if one is ever going to happen and it is simply this:

The conscious, chosen, known, reality that given the level of evil that exists, you will not, and cannot, ever:

1. Act as if you don’t know. Turn a blind eye to it. Pretend all is well when it isn’t. Or ever participate in anything that furthers, promotes, or somehow encourages that evil, no matter the cost, and,

2. And this is the most important part; you cannot EVER, live in despair, defeat, nihilism, depression, feeling overwhelmed, let the weight of the evil drag you down and make you miserable and thus also make life miserable for those around you, letting them perceive your mental, spiritual, physical, general oppression as a weight that crushes them too. You need to CONSCIOUSLY, CHOOSE, listen to me, CHOOSE, with your own free will, CHOOSE, to be a light of inspiration, hope, power, freedom, happiness, faith and love. And you can’t fake it. Saying “You have a wonderful day now!” While flashing your fake teeth, in your botoxed face, while bouncing on air-filled shoes to make you look “sporty” so your barbie-like plastic tits “bounce” sexily, through your smoothing filter on tik-tok, while not meaning a word of it because your soul is shrivelled inside, won’t do it. Won’t fool anyone. And does nothing for you. Those people are already in hell.

Listen to me now, it doesn’t matter if your back is hurting, you’re out of money, things are bad, your health is bad, your credit is bad and you’re worrying about just getting to the next day.

And by “it doesn’t matter” I don’t mean you ignore the things and pretend all is well. No. You do what needs doing, but you CONSCIOUSLY smile at everything worthwhile. You CONSCIOUSLY notice EVERY ONE of the million things in a day you can let affect you positively. Sometimes even the negative things can be positives. “My back hurts” becomes “Oh, I need to set 10 minutes a day for exercises”.

We all need to work and do things that are unpleasant. So make them pleasant. More importantly, YOU become pleasant. Become pleasant to yourself first. Be the kind of mind and person you WANT hanging around inside your own head. Then become it for others too.

Do the work. Do the things. And remain clear in your mind, your heart, your soul, that in NO WAY will you go down into despair, because that means the child-raping and baby-torturing and murdering pedophile cannibals that do exist, and do run the world of things, win.

And are you going to let those fucking evil monsters win?

Even if they should cut me down in pieces, I am going down with a genuine smile on my face or the just and divine rage of the innocents unleashed on them, and taking as many of them down with me as it is possible to take. And never, ever, will I submit to any of their dystopian plans.

And no, I do not live in constant rage, or anxiety. Because your internal emotional state matters. In the “physics” of the metaphysical, or even just the physics of morphic resonance, which is a thing no honest scientist can now deny with decades of reproducible, undeniable, proof for it, your internal state is what matters.

What really matters.

Why do you think they did the scamdemic? And the isolation? And the CONSTANT fear and depression porn and the CONSTANT austerity measures and collapsing economy?

Because it puts you in an internal state of perennial alarm, fear, anxiety. Do you think a whole species put into that state just suddenly, spontaneously, “Great awakens”?


YOU need to be the spark. Yes, YOU.

Not me, not some other guy or girl. You.

You, every day, you.

I am already doing my part. Been doing it all my life in my own misanthropic way (which is wrong, by the way) and it always served me well-enough, but not now. Now it needs to ramp up to include others too. To teach them to stay upright in any storm. And how. And in what way. Because merely staying upright is not enough now. I too need to evolve. And I am, but don’t you worry about what *I* am doing.

Because what matters here and now, is not me. It’s you. You and how you affect those around you. You.

So awaken, buddy. Now.

Not later, not when you “are ready”, not when you just get this one thing done. Now.

Right now.


An addendum to the (frenetic) Vox theology debate

On his recent post, here, Vox made the following comment:

If, at this point, you still don’t believe in evil, real spiritual evil that acts in the material world as described in the Bible, you are consciously averting your eyes.

It is that perspective that probably brings Vox and I closest in terms of any theological differences we might have.

And it is such a central part of I think both our perspectives that as far as that goes, we might as well be in the same spiritual foxhole.

And as anyone who has actually been in a foxhole, in a war, or something analogous to it (which means real people, in the real world, trying to really kill you, not getting your Starbucks latte too hot to drink and getting “PTSD” from it), in such situations, if the other guy is willing and able, despite “the fear and alarm” as my favourite song says (Brothers in Arms – Dire Straits) to stand with you and does not, in fact, desert you, you really don’t care about pretty much anything else. He could be a Talmudic, gay Jew who hates dagos. But after that, you are like brothers.

Obviously Vox and I never shared a foxhole, but metaphorically speaking, I believe we are absolutely on the same page with regard to the enemy, and all the shadings of exactly which part of the enemy he is shooting at compared to me, or what kind of weapon he is using, and my views of it, and vice versa, all pale into comparison with the simple fact that he is one of the more effective fighters around.

He sees the enemy clearly, and, perhaps more importantly, from my perspective, he causes damage to the enemy.

Shortly after I had my road to Damascus moment, for quite a time I just sat and waited and watched, because I knew then, that I knew nothing of this new world I had now seen. This reality that is invisible to our crude sense, but that is really the foundation and the real reality on which absolutely everything else is based, had new rules. Rules I did not know. The physics of this more fundamental reality were different. What was not even considered here was most important there and vice versa. And I had no skill, no talent, no knowledge there. And all my ability and efficiency in the world, the world of things and physical reality, counted for very little if at all, and often was more of a hindrance than a benefit.

I had only one thing; the way of a hunter. Or a warrior. They really are pretty much the same thing, which is different from a fighter. A fighter fights. A hunter can fight, but when he knows he is outclassed he waits. And watches. And learns. So I did that, for a long while. I still do it. I always did it. It just varies in amount from time to time, but back then, it was total.

It’s all I had. No other skill or talent at all, other than the ability to wait and observe.

And in that observing, the thing that became very obvious very quickly, was what I came to call the fingerprints, the clues, the signs, of the eternal psychopath.

It was like waking from a kind of slumber and realising that all the bad things happening that you thought were coincidences or accidents or just how the world is, all have a common set of clues, of “coincidences”, of indelible, undeniable, spiritual fingerprints and blood trails. And they all, always, lead back to him. And his name is Legion.


PS: I fully expect Vox to confirm/deny or otherwise react to this point almost instantly, certainly within the next fifteen years, at most, after his possible reply to the previous post on theological matters within the next ten.

The Complete Deceiver Stephen Fry

Stephen Fry, outright LIES about Thomas Moore, and pretty much everything else regarding the Catholic Church in this 20 minute presentation.

The adoring comments by historically illiterate people under the litany of nonsense this deviant spouts is nauseating.

Fry’s historical knowledge doesn’t even rise to Wikipedia level of understanding. And we can hardly assume such an “erudite and intelligent” “man” (excuse me while I laugh out loud) is ignorant of these facts, can we.

So we MUST assume intentional deception.

Fry, at minute 7 and some 20 seconds begins with this outrageous lie:

“…just imagine in this square mile, how many people were burned, for reading the Bible in English. And one of the principal burners and torturers of those who tried to read the Bible in English, here in London, was Thomas Moore.”

and here is the relevant part of the wikipedia entry, which, as I say, is hardly a defender of the Catholic faith.

Controversy on Extent of Prosecution of Heretics

There is considerable variation in opinion on the extent and nature of More’s prosecution of heretics: witness in recent popular media the difference in portrayals of More in A Man for All Seasons and in Wolf Hall. The English establishment initially regarded Protestants (and Anabaptists) as akin to the Lollards and Hussites whose heresies fed their sedition.[note 5] Ambassador to Charles V Cuthbert Tunstall called Lutheranism the “foster-child” of the Wycliffite heresy[66] that had underpinned Lollardy.

Historian Richard Rex wrote:[49]: 106 

Thomas More, as lord chancellor [1529-1532], was in effect the first port of call for those arrested in London on suspicion of heresy, and he took the initial decisions about whether to release them, where to imprison them, or to which bishop to send them. He can be connected with police or judicial proceedings against around forty suspected or convicted heretics in the years 1529–33.[note 6]

Torture allegations

Torture was not officially legal in England, except in pre-trial discovery phase[67]: 62  of kinds of extreme cases that the King had allowed, such as seditious heresy. It was regarded as unsafe for evidence, and was not an allowed punishment. 

Stories emerged in More’s lifetime regarding persecution of the Protestant “heretics” during his time as Lord Chancellor, and he denied them in detail in his Apologia (1533). 

Many stories were later published by the popular sixteenth-century English Protestant historian John Foxe in his polemical Book of Martyrs. Foxe was instrumental in publicizing accusations of torture, alleging that More had often personally used violence or torture while interrogating heretics.[68] Later Protestant authors such as Brian Moynahan and Michael Farris cite Foxe when repeating these allegations.[69] Biographer Peter Ackroyd also lists claims from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs and other post-Reformation sources that More “tied heretics to a tree in his Chelsea garden and whipped them”, that “he watched as ‘newe men’ were put upon the rack in the Tower and tortured until they confessed”, and that “he was personally responsible for the burning of several of the ‘brethren’ in Smithfield.”[20]: 305 

Historian John Guy commented that “such charges are unsupported by independent proof.”[note 7] Modern historian Diarmaid MacCulloch finds no evidence that he was directly involved in torture.[note 8]  Richard Marius records a similar claim, which tells about James Bainham, and writes that “the story Foxe told of Bainham’s whipping and racking at More’s hands is universally doubted today”.[note 9]

More himself denied these allegations:

Stories of a similar nature were current even in More’s lifetime and he denied them forcefully. He admitted that he did imprison heretics in his house – ‘theyr sure kepynge’ – he called it – but he utterly rejected claims of torture and whipping… ‘as help me God.’[20]: 298–299 

More instead claimed in his “Apology” (1533) that he only applied corporal punishment to two “heretics”: a child servant in his household who was caned (the customary punishment for children at that time) for repeating a heresy regarding the Eucharist, and a “feeble-minded” man who was whipped for disrupting the mass by raising women’s skirts over their heads at the moment of consecration, More taking the action to prevent a lynching.[70]: 404 

Execution allegations

Burning at the stake was the standard punishment by the English state for obstinate or relapsed, major seditious or proselytizing heresy, and continued to be used by both Catholics and Protestants during the religious upheaval of the following decades.[71] In England, following the Lollard uprisings, heresy had been linked to sedition (see De heretico comburendo and Suppression of Heresy Act 1414.)

Ackroyd states that More zealously “approved of burning”.[20]: 298  Novelist Richard Marius maintained that in office More did everything in his power to bring about the extermination of Protestants.[72]

During More’s chancellorship, six people were burned at the stake for heresy, the same rate as under Wolsey: they were Thomas HittonThomas BilneyRichard BayfieldJohn TewkesburyThomas Dusgate, and James Bainham.[20]: 299–306  However, the court of the Star Chamber, which More was the presiding judge of, as Lord Chancellor, could not impose the death sentence: it was a kind of appellate supreme court.[73]: 263 

More took a personal interest in the three London cases:[49]: 105 

  • John Tewkesbury was a London leather seller found guilty by the Bishop of London John Stokesley[note 10] of harbouring English translated New Testaments; he was sentenced to burning for refusing to recant. More declared: he “burned as there was neuer wretche I wene better worthy.”[74]
  • Richard Bayfield was found distributing Tyndale’s Bibles, and examined by Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall. More commented that he was “well and worthely burned”.[20]: 305 
  • James Bainham was arrested on a warrant of Thomas More as Lord Chancellor and detained at his gatehouse. He was examined by Bishop John Stokesley, abjured, penalized and freed. He subsequently re-canted, and was re-arrested, tried and executed as a relapsed heretic.

Moynahan alleges that More influenced the eventual execution of William Tyndale in the Duchy of Brabant, as English agents had long pursued Tyndale.[75] This was despite the fact that the execution took place on October 6, 1536, several years after More had resigned as Chancellor and been executed, as well as in a totally different country. A historian has called this “bizarre”.[49]: 93 

Go on and read the whole entry, by ALL accounts, Moore was a very fair man, as mentioned, going on to whip a man to save him from a lynching. He was a loving and devoted father and step-father and he promoted the education of women more than anyone else had ever done at the time.

Everything else Fry mentions is very much as with this one historical character assassination based on nothing but outrageous lies and his own deviant nature, rebelling at the fact that Christianity has always known that his specific sexual deviancy, leads to nothing good, since it is, in a very obvious and fundamental level, simply unnatural. The human species would literally die out after 45 years if everyone on Earth decided to become a homosexual. And that’s without even mentioning a litany of other problems that lifestyle creates for both those who practice it, as well as those it is inflicted upon by sexual violence when they are children.

And to be clear, I see homosexuality as an unfortunate deviancy if it is there from birth (which it is in a MINORITY of cases, as evidenced by science done over 30 years ago, which was widely reported at the time even in scientific American and such publications but that has been memory holed since), much like one might be born with six fingers, or without legs.

And a sexual deviancy for those that progressed into it consciously and gradually, and a case of particularly vicious trauma for those that end up there as a result of sexual abuse and/or rape. There are known cases where men who are repeatedly raped for years in jail, who absolutely were not homosexual when they went in, come out and are unable to perform sexually with women any more. But such things are not talked about. And lest Stephen Fry accuse me of wanting to burn homosexuals at the stake, let me be absolutely clear that I personally do not care at all if someone choses to be a homosexual, as long as he doesn’t try to tell everyone, or anyone, else that it is a normal and natural thing to do. It is not. Math is also not racist and men cannot become women or vice-versa. And night follows day and water is wet. I also would like it that those people who chose to stop being homosexual and decide to heal whatever ails them, are allowed to do so without persecution, which, unfortunately, the LGBT lobby does.

And let’s not forget, in case, you are unaware, or assume I am simply “casting wild aspersions” that Stephen Fry has certain “predilections” shall we call them? And as the images below would seem to indicate, has had them for years. He also regularly comes up with rather odd things to say.

Cohen, (above) incidentally, was dumped at age 40 for a 26 year old, when Fry was 54 and supposedly offered Cohen a bunch of money from the sale of a house Fry owned in exchanged for signing an NDA.

Who is Steven Webb, which it is reported Fry introduced as his new partner? he’s the guy in the image below.

And who did Fry get engaged to after Webb?

And they went on to get “married” too.

Make up your own mind, but —unlike his accusations against Thomas Moore, which are completely false— there is certainly nothing untrue about what I have linked to here.

What that says about Fry in the specific, I will leave for the reader to decide. I will however, point out that this is just one point of his 20 minute rant, and the other 19 minutes or so could all be gone into similar level of detail.

This exercise is one worth doing if you care to, because it will once and for all demonstrate to you, the precise way in which people like Fry intentionally and expertly, twist, manipulate and pervert facts, in order to present a totally false narrative. Once you have seen the breath-taking facility with which they lie and misrepresent, obfuscate, and pervert facts, you will become a lot more immune to their lies. Which can only be a healthy thing.

If you want to really delve, deep, I do identify the 11 things that deceivers do in my book, Reclaiming the Catholic Church. They only have those 11 modus operandi, nor is it limited to religious lying, it applies in any context in life where they are trying to gaslight you into some false belief based on lies, and once you have seen each one of those methods, the world will suddenly make a lot more sense.

Once you see things as they really are, it might be a bit grimmer, but you can’t fix anything if you’re not even aware what the problem is. And the main problem in this world is liars and deceivers like Fry, and the people in power who make him look like a good choir boy.

Yes, they DO want to kill you

Which in a way is less worse than the enslavement process they are also putting in place in parallel.

Don’t take my word for it, just open you eyes and look at the Cohen-cidences:

  • Did you notice the price of everything, but specifically meat and animal products has doubled in the last year an a half or two?
  • If you still believe in the genetic serum as not being an intentional murder weapon of course, you’re probably not gonna make it anyway. Especially since it has now been confirmed by many official sources —including the same government ones that told you it was all safe and effective— contains:
    • strain of HIV
    • strains of various diseases
    • graphite
    • a carcinegous substance in absurd quantities that has ZERO reason for being in there, as all it does is really just promote cancer
  • The whole 15 minute cities and what that is about.
  • Digital money and the level of control over your life that actually entails, as well as subtraction of buying power because each transaction has a cost, unlike the exchange of physical cash.
  • various social media/social control situations along with total surveillance of everyone, all the time.
  • The complete disconnect between popular votes and who ends up in power in government.
  • The complete disconnect between those in “power” in government and their masters behind the scenes which literally control things like the actual creation of fiat money (and who gets it) out of literally nothing. It’s magic money that supposedly has value and supposedly will not cause a total economic melt-down, because… well, magic!
  • Chemtrails. Which they have been doing for DECADES and have absolutely ramped up by orders of magnitude in the last 3 years.

And also, yeah, they are literally telling you.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, the world’s population 500 years ago was about 500 million, which just happens to Cohen-cidentally be the same number that used to be on the Georgia Guidestones that they wanted to reduce the world’s population down to. And do you think if we magically were reduced to only 500 million people that you would be free then? Putting aside the fact that you have to dispose of 7.5 BILLION bodies for a moment.

So yeah. Please wake up.

It really doesn’t matter if you believe in Satan and Satanists.

They believe in you.

I have written enough times and in enough different ways as to what solutions you should be working towards. The blog is free, after all. Use the Search Me function on the right sidebar to find relevant topics and series of blog posts.

The First Thanksgiving was Catholic

Yup. Once again Protties, you really need to stop pretending you started anything with regards to Christianity. Other than Rebelliously Protesting it that is.

With thanks to David.


First Thanksgiving Was Actually Catholic. It Was a Traditional Latin Mass of Thanksgiving in St. Augustine, Florida in 1565. Fifty five years before the Pilgrims Landed at Plymouth Rock.
History books have long portrayed images of the US’s first Thanksgiving in Plymouth, Massachusetts, with Pilgrims, dressed in black and white, sharing turkey with American Indians.
On the contrary, St. Augustine, the US’s oldest city, was the site of the first Thanksgiving. This first Thanksgiving took place in 1565, when the Spanish founder of St. Augustine, Pedro Menindez de Avilis, and 800 Spanish settlers shared in a Mass of Thanksgiving. A Mass. A Traditional Latin Mass.
Following the Mass, Menindez ordered a communal meal to be shared by the Spaniards and the Seloy Indians who occupied the landing site. The nation’s first Thanksgiving menu would most likely have consisted of what the Spanish settlers had with them during their voyage: cocido, a stew made from salted pork and garbanzo beans laced with garlic seasoning, hard sea biscuits, and red wine (wine!!). The Seloy natives contributed to the meal wild turkey, venison, gopher-tortoise, mullet, corn, beans, and squash. Happy Thanksgiving!

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