Archive for August 2023

On Women and Love

Both Vox and Adam posted interesting views of women and their concept of love.

There was also a marathon length thread on SG that happened as a result of Vox’s post.

The view that is quoted as Florence Nightingale’s writing, is, in my view, the most accurate.

One of the SGers also made a very pertinent comment:

Women are pragmatic while pretending to be romantic. Men are romantic pretending to be pragmatic.

Again, I would say that is most accurate.

As for my own views, like my views of the socio-sexual hierarchy that I developed long before I came across Vox’s far more detailed one, they are relatively simple.

Which is not to say that they are shallow or lack complexity, because they have plenty of depth and perception of myriad factors; it’s just that over my now more than five decades on this Earth, I have reduced those factors to what works for me. And possibly only me. So I am not sure how useful my views will be to anyone else.

That said, maybe some young man at the early stages of his unknowingly sigma grindset, or scout life, as I refer to it, might appreciate my perspective. Most everyone else will assume I am just a terrible, terrible, evil, misogynyst pig.

Fortunately, I learnt to not care at all what mental defectives and idiots think about me —or pretty much anything else— a very long time ago. Which means you now get my unfiltered opinions, with, however, a few —and I stress few— relevant corollaries, to help the not quite complete morons to have a slightly better grasp of my “misogynistic piggery” and understand, at least from their limited perceptive ability, that I am at the very least a noble misogynist pig. And if anyone here actually realises the intent here is purely objective observation, well, buy yourself a drink.

Perhaps the best way to let you perceive the complexity is to simply juxtapose some of my beliefs (which are generic, and statistically very highly correlative with reality but never absolute), and let you try and understand in your own way, how I can hold seemingly opposite beliefs, with equal strength. Because I do. None of this is some “trick” to appear smarter or more mysterious or to confuse etc.

In fact, one of my life’s frustrations is that I often find it difficult to make things that are simple to me, equally simple to others.

Anyway, here we go. The – indicate what most will assume is a “negative” observation/attribute, and the + what most will assume is a “positive” observation/attribute.

I include those signals in order to facilitate the understanding of my approach for some, in reality, these are just my personal statistically very strongly valid observations and thus conclusions over time, and have no value in themselves that is either positive or negative.

– women, are not too dissimilar to dogs, in that the tone of voice in which you deliver a message is far more important/relevant/likely to get the desired behaviour out of them, than the informational content of the actual message, which is almost entirely ignored in pretty much almost all cases.

+ as a man, you should endeavour to make your tone, pleasant, encouraging, and inspiring to them. Highlight the positives and minimise the negatives. So… “Darling, you cleaned the kitchen AS you cooked today, that’s awesome!” or, better yet, “Oh, sweetheart, I can see you’re a bit flustered today, here, let me do the cleaning as you go this time and give you a hand! (Smile) this way it is easier to keep it all neater and already sorted than if we left it all a mess till the end. It’s funny, you know, it took me ages to learn that most simple trick that all women that can cook already know from childhood! Silly me!”

Both will work a LOT better than: “Goddamn it! This counter is a pigsty that makes the stables Hercules cleaned out look like child’s play! Homeless people are neater in their cardboard boxes!”

[Note: just because I know these things and they are beneficial to more than 95% of men, it doesn’t mean I specifically do these myself, the reason is personal, obstinate and counter-productive for almost all men and almost entirely all women, but then… there are levels of Sigma grindsets even most sigmas dread to face. They are the smarter ones than me, but if anyone can get the females of the species to evolve so we can breed logical amazons and heroic men, well, it will be my Asperger-riddled genes, you’ll have to thanks, you weaker cowards!]

– women are almost entirely incapable of dialectic thought processes relating to abstract thought of conceptual ideas and so on. They are essentially limited to dialectic learnt by rote as either social convention, basic mathematical computation, or (more rarely) hard-bitten learnt experience. Please keep in mind that any dialectic they are able to do as a result of experience is almost always not actual dialectic, just a “learnt by rote” approximation of it. So if they had experience X with 10 men they will assume experience X applies to all men. The idea that perhaps it only applies to the type of men they are specifically attracted to only, will almost never enter their head in a serious fashion. Nor will the idea to observe the world at large in order to verify their idea, because the world at large didn’t happen specifically to them, so it doesn’t really exist for them. At all. They may pretend it does and make noises saying they are aware of it and consider it. It’s lies and nonsense. If it does not directly affect her specifically it’s just vapour in the clouds to her.

+ given the above, long term projects, future plans for securing the inheritance of your children, your stockpiling of gold, ammunition, tinned food and building a bunker for the coming economic collapse, your “golfing” weekends that are really cover for your getting together a group to fund an actual real Catholic priest and build a real Catholic church, are best kept to yourself or presented as fleeting shiny objects. That make them look good socially. Male friends can share your heartache at your hopes being crushed and rejoice in your persevering despite it. Women don’t give a shit about your ideas on how to regain antigravity technology, stopping cancer, or even just noting a character trait in your son that needs working on if you’re to keep him out of trouble later in life. They can pretend to care. But they don’t. If you do succeed at curing cancer they will be very proud and happy and take credit for always believing in you through the hard times. Do not bring up the fact the hard times were made 10 times worse by their nagging, complaining and general shittiness towards you during said hard times.

– women care more about social status than probably having all of their limbs. Hey, you can be a classy, brave, and stunning lady with only one leg or one arm. But having the village think you’re a slut or dress badly or are a sub-par mother, well… their husband better burn that village to the ground before they move.

+ women are right to be like that about social status. And as a man you should be willing to burn that village down in order to protect hers. Easier to do when you’re a natural alpha instead of a hardcore sigma that think being on the FBI’s most wanted list for torching villages can get you discounts at the local gun shop, so it evens out.

– women’s emotions and hormones make them unable to have the same level of logic that a man can have.

+ those hormones and emotions are how the human species survived long enough to make YOU. So, despite the fact that most women have the empathy of a crocodile or the scorpion in the frog and scorpion story, be grateful it was this way. And work gently and patiently towards helping them evolve a few more logic and reason neurones.

+ if you learn to control your trigger points when a/the/all women are using a jackhammer to ram at it, you will have become a much better man in almost every way. Control of your own emotions is pivotal for the achievement of everything good that originates with being male. And we literally built the entirety of civilisation, regardless of what culture, ethnicity, or religion, it has always been men that built it. And pretty much always will be.

+ when/if a woman has the ability to have any level of introspective, objective, self-criticism that is not mere sympathy hunting, but results in actual learning and positive change of her behaviour, marry her and make as many children with her as you can. Eugenics is a thing, and we need more slightly autistic females for the betterment of humanity as a whole.

+ women can and often do have an eye for “superficial” beauty. That “superficial” level of beauty is far more important to your sanity, peace and serenity than you realise. This is especially true when her sense of beauty is instinctive and natural and not the result of trying to copy the latest house and home magazine spread or kardashian “fashion” sense.

– women are almost entirely incapable of having the ability to envision successful visionary projects. In fact, they struggle imagining a potential house they might purchase as liveable if it has the wrong colour paint on the walls. Even after you suggest that the walls can be painted her favourite colour.

+ they will likely remember your hip flask, the kids’ spare socks, the small tool you use to open that irksome toy that the kids love and you hate for the noise it makes. And she will have remembered the spare batteries for it too.

– women are wholly incapable at a biological level to live by, understand, or have, the concept of honour, honesty, duty and self-sacrifice in the way a man can and should have those things. any man that expects any of these things from a woman as he would expect them from a man is setting himself up for a massive amount of pain, up to, and including possibly suicide and/or murder. This is really important for men to understand in order to avoid such unnecessary emotional and potentially even physical harm to all concerned. A woman’s concept of honour, courage, honesty, duty and self-sacrifice is flexible and situational. A man’s is (or should be, if he’s worthy of the label “man”) inflexible and absolute. Which is not to say rigid or binary. See 3D thinking.

• (not – or + even for normies, just is): women are ruled by their genitals far more than men. Make a woman orgasm five times in a row and squirt for the first time in her life and over 95% of them will now believe they are absolutely in love with you. And are more likely to get pregnant because of it. Deceitfully, intentionally, unintentionally, unconsciously… eh… they are just words. By contrast, when/if they get used to/are already familiar with multiple orgasms on a regular basis, then, they can be far more sexually mercenary than men. Which is why women with a high body count struggle to feel what they think is love (but is really hormonally generated, reproductive inducing, lust). A woman capable of choosing love consciously, the way a man is capable of, instead of believing it is a feeling ordained by chance, planetary alignment and astrological compatibility, alone, is rare indeed, if she even exists.

• they are the “weaker” sex because they are:

– physically weaker

– morally weaker

– less capable with logic and reason

And therefore…

– more liable to be coldly calculating, murderous, narcissistically selfish, abusive, shrew-like, self-serving, deceitful and hypocritical in the extreme. Which, paradoxically makes them far more dangerous than men in the context of causing emotional/psychological harm. A man might ultimately only kill you. It takes a woman to really scar someone for life emotionally.

+ their chaotic, unpredictable, hormonal nature, if understood, curated, and appreciated, can be the source of unimagined beauty, entertainment and joy.

+ an instinctively very feminine woman that has survived the modern world is essentially about as coherent as an escaped mental patient. And yet… if you can survive her (and it’s a big if) and help her tame her demons (which has a success rate of precisely zero for pretty much all men who are not actually sigmas, and about 1% success rate for them), she will basically be like a 1950’s pulp fiction heroine, think Jane to Tarzan, Dejah Thoris to John Carter of Mars, or Sarah to Jake’s Tales of the Gold Monkey. It’s what all those mythologies are based on. As with all myths and legends, they are based in real events. And almost all fools who try to live that truth will die horribly. Still… some of us, too dense and stupid to die like normal men, get really lucky. And no, I really am not humble-bragging. I honestly am advising you to not try to find such a creature and to then “make it work” or “fix her”. Pretty much any man in the history of humanity that has ended up with such a story and such a woman, and ended up with a happy ending, got there by the chance survival of the entertainment of the old gods (demons), Divine Grace beyond any reasonable expectations, including miracles, a cohort of archangels protecting him constantly to his eternal obliviousness, and got there against his own human reason and principles. To a certain extent, if you boil this extreme example of peak emotional femininity, and peak passionate masculinity, and reduce the intensity by several orders of magnitude, it still remains a reflection of the whole dance between a man and a woman.

It is the stuff of dreams and legends, and tragedy and terror, of joy beyond imagining, of pain beyond enduring, of life, and love, that is —as much in this fallen world is— too often brutal and sad and wasteful and harmful and broken, but too, if you manage to find the switch, the way, the sight to see what others miss, it is the stuff of music and poetry and beauty that lifts all tears and makes them clouds over the mountains, the drizzle that opens the valley of the flowers, hidden beyond the waterfall.

It is also a kind of truth, that the woman that can and does and will match you as a man, that is best for you, is the one that will force you to evolve too, even as you do to to her. And if you can both learn to choose it, instead of suffer it, you might actually stand a chance to make it not just work, but be awesome. Reading my theory of boxes here may help.

Werner Von Braun Alien Invasion stage

Looks like we are starting to enter the test run for it.

Locals described the ‘extraterrestrials’ as having large heads and yellowish eyes, and said the mysterious figures are immune to their hunting weapons.

They claim they have attacked them every night for nearly a month since July 11.

Latina Noticias, a Peruvian news outlet, quoted Dávila as saying he had come face-to-face with one of the so-called aliens.

‘We have met almost face to face. His face is hardly visible. I have seen his whole body floating at a height of one meter,’ he said, suggesting the being was hovering.

The group have now requested a military presence from the authorities, however it reportedly takes a 10-hour river trip to reach the community from Iquitos City.

‘We need support for our community. The children do not sleep and the mothers stay up all night,’ Dávila said. ‘They appear to be armoured. I shot one of them twice and he wasn’t injured, he rose and disappeared. 

‘We’re very frightened about what’s happening here in our community.’

He added: ‘Their shoes are round-shaped, which they use to float… Their heads are long, they wear a mask and their eyes are yellowish. They are experts at escaping.’

This would suggest personal anti-gravity devices that may also double as armour.

If you have read my SF novels you would understand how gravity-field generation can perform as armour as well as several other functions.

If you recall, the stages that were described by Von Braun to Carol Rosin (who testified to this before congress) have all actually happened with exception of the last two:

Asteroid collisions and finally, a false flag alien invasion. Yes, none of this is science fiction.

The ex-Nazi, ex-director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, and ex-de facto leader of the Apollo space programme, in the 1970s explained how it was all false flags and deception, from the cold war to the “nations of concern (axis of evil of the 9/11, George Bush era) and all geared to fund a secret space programme of antigravity technology and slow subsequent leak of the technology into public consciousness.

If you are wondering why the subterfuge, then I suggest you read my Face on Mars for the non-fiction realities of antigravity technology, and my Overlords of Mars Series for the speculative (but realistic) possibilities.

At any rate, I see no reason to doubt that:

  • Either, the entire “news item” is a fake, designed to test public reaction in general.

  • Is legitimate and this is a test run of various technologies and tactics on a very remote, difficult to access and hence easy to dismiss group of people that can also be dismissed as “superstitious” and “primitive” poor “indigenous people” of questionable intellect.

I am inclined to lean far more towards the latter hypothesis. Because the idea that actual aliens, from a far-flung, technologically advanced civilisation, come here to physically assault (and fail to win), some random child and villagers in a remote Peruvian jungle, reads like a super-low-budget spoof of the film Predator. Seriously, the usual morons who thought this long-con decades ago, really were not your smartest and best. Then again, given what the last three years has shown concerning the average human IQ… they didn’t need to be.

If I didn’t have a lot of children and a farm to look after and so on… I would very much be inclined to find a way to travel to that remote village and get a large caliber few weapons when there, and if I could fund it, also a portable EMP device.

As little as 9 or 8 years ago, I would probably have actually taken a couple or three weeks break from work and tried to do this.

I was single then and financing such a trip would not have been a big deal.

Today, even if I had the resources to spare to make the trip well-funded and viable (which means as safe as possible for me, which means more expensive for the relevant weapon-acquisition/regulations of it), I would not be able to justify the risk of it, given my children.

At least not until they are a lot older. But I admit, my curiosity dial is red-lining.

And I’m fairly sure a portable EMP “bomb” device triggering, quickly followed by a high caliber rifle round, would produce at least an injured, if not dead, costumed-up, probably originally US-stock, very normal human, like you and me.

You’d have to peel his costumed face off him first, of course, but hey, turnabout is fair play. After all, I am on record more than two decades ago, as saying we should hunt down the Greys that were supposedly abducting and anal probing lots of people back then, and then implant cheap Chinese radios in their heads. Playing elevator music.

Anyway… if any of you encounter 7 foot tall, floating aliens intent on assaulting you and terrifying you, I suggest you aim a well-placed knee to the groin area. Then run. Unless you happen to be strapped. Then empty every round in its face. Then run. Unless it’s dead. Then peel its face back and take pictures. Then… well… then run, but also change your name, go off grid forever, never use a smartphone or digital device ever again and live as far from civilisation as possible and never spend any time away from a weapon again. And bide your time. If the alien invasion farce becomes a big deal you might become the leader of the resistance. Also… maybe war h the original TV series V. You know, for moral support.


This is total speculation, and not to be taken as any sort of real prediction, just a possibility. But a well educated one.

Niger gets interfered with in some way by (((Americans))), or rather, their proxies, and Burkina Faso and Mali stand fast against whatever form this takes, probably through their puppets in Ecowas (Economic Community of West African States).

[Ecowas] is a regional trading bloc of 15 countries, including Nigeria, Senegal, Togo and Ghana, which had issued an ultimatum demanding generals relinquish power by midnight Sunday.

Following a crisis meeting on Friday, Ecowas commissioner for political affairs, peace and security Abdel-Fatau Musah said plans for an intervention had been “worked out,” which included “the how and when we are going to deploy the force.”

The reality however, is that whatever puppet states of the GAES (Global American Empire of Sodomites) may act against Niger, if they are African, I can predict with almost 100% certainty that the attacks will fail.

Oh there may be widespread death and mayhem, but France isn’t going to get its Uranium mines back.

Because that’s what this is mostly about. Over 90% of the uranium mined in Niger goes to France, which is one of the countries that depends on nuclear power for energy more than most in the world.

There are also other precious metals these three African countries have that could, potentially, create very wealthy countries and better the quality of life of the locals drastically.

Not without a bunch of white engineers, going there to make it happen, but mutually beneficial arrangements between Africans with vast natural resources and industrious European types with the IQ and know-how have been forged many times beforeZ usually only to the benefit of a few African leaders and a lot of Euro-white types that mostly will never even visit Africa. But… that may be about to change.

If those industrious whiteys happen to be Russian or Belarussian and if they are smart (they are) also demand that in addition to making themselves very wealthy the African warlords that run those three states also ensure the average Nigerian, Burkinese, or Malese gets to have electricity and indoor plumbing, they will be hailed as benevolent dictators for life.

The toothless Eurofag puppets of the (((American))) deepstate diaspora agency will not dare to intervene directly if and when Russia, Belorussia, Iran and Syria all say “hey… we are happy to help our black brothers get wealthier and have a better quality of life”.

Especially since Ukraine is now almost done with and China is the next pivot they will fail at. But if the “hello fellow white people” running the deepstate USA think that they will achieve success in Africa, they are 100% mistaken.

For a very simple reason.

EVERYTHING fails in Africa that has a “Western” origin.

In fact everything fails in Africa anyway. Because it’s Africa. And like it or not, Africans are gonna African. Which, while it may be “unthinkable”, horrible, tragic, as well as at times hilarious, is not always a bad thing.

You know the giant clusterfuck that was Somalia for the Americans? Everyone I knew at the time that was going on predicted it.

The difference with the Russians and the Chinese is that they understand that “progress” in Africa is of a different nature to what most Europeans or Americans would call progress.

Within the context of stabilising the region as a chess piece of some real importance that can be counted on the multi-polar world side, Africa is a big deal. Especially in the context of large chunks of the continent acting together. And they will. Now take a look at the below chart of Uranium supplied to France over the years.

Note the provenience.

Not exactly countries currently in a great relationship with the West.

Russia is more than self-sufficient with raw materials and has a good relationship with pretty much all of Asia and Africa and large sections of South America.

America has vast resources too, but Europe does not.

So the Russian, if they are smart (they are) and the Iranians and the Syrians (who are pissed at the (((USA))) AND their “greatest ally” since forever) are simply going to extend the strategy they have used in Ukraine to the global economy.

They bled Ukraine dry of weapons, ammunition and ability to trade in pretty much anything except be a giant funnel for money laundering.

Now they will take the longer game of starving Europe of raw materials for all that high end tech we love.

Food prices here in Italy have literally at LEAST doubled over the last 2 years. And the picture is not too different in UK and other European countries. A coffee from transgender pushing Costa Coffee is now £5.

That’s about 6 euros and lets you run your car for about 40km or so, which is more useful than the battery acid they sell as “coffee”.

The average man will keep tightening the belt until they can’t anymore. Then you will begin to see the (gentle at first) balkanisation of Europe. The EU will be de facto dead as various entities within it will stop following any of the supposed rules. Eventually governments will collapse and some other grifter will replace them, but in the cracks some independent movements will also arise.

For example, the Veneto region has been looking for independence and the return of The Most Serene Republic of Venice for some 20 years. They also gave official recognition to the Donbas region long before it was fashionable.

Golden Dawn in Greece and other “right wing” or supposedly “fascist” parties in Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and so on are on the verge of being “outlawed” but will in essence become rallying points for what in effect will be simply Nationalist parties.

Greece for Greeks and so on.

How bloody it will get depends on how bad and quick the collapse of the USA will happen.

If civil war USA 2.0 broke out tomorrow, there would definitely be a push for people in Europe to shove the Americans and all their hundreds if military bases, including biolabs and nuclear bases, out of Europe.

But that’s not likely to happen very fast.

So, legitimate organisations, like the Venetians, the Basques, and so on, should keep legitimately applying for pressure and official recognition by making smart moves and even temporary but reversible compromises when required.

If it kicks off a bit in Africa, and China pushes back hard, and Kazakhstan and others decide to make importing of raw materials “difficult”, Europe is going to disintegrate pretty fast at a very practical level.

What is currently lacking are even remotely viable political alternatives. And any good ones are likely to suffer “accidents” as five or six African presidents did over a couple of years ago.

So… personally I hope real grassroots movement of real people begin and start everywhere around the world at all levels.

From a few families in a rural area to eventual veritable political alternatives based on sound national principles, because as I predicted back in 2013-2014, nationalism, city states and (actual) Christianity are going to be the foundation of anything good that possibly can arise from the ashes of the “great reset”.

Let the great reset be a total overhaul and riddance of the parasitic classes of “humans” that have always been the predators of humanity since time immemorial. They are enemies of all of the following, distinctly and individually, and also collectively:

  • Catholicism (Sedevacntism is the only valid Christianity)
  • The nuclear family composed of husband, wife and children
  • Beauty
  • Love
  • Truth
  • Justice
  • Honour
  • Fairness
  • Meritocracy
  • Charity

And they are for and promote:

  • Sexual degeneracy
  • Sexual deviance
  • Mental illness
  • Relativism (everyone has their own truth)
  • Wokeism
  • Victim-consciousness
  • Destruction of tradition
  • Destruction of history
  • Destruction of objective reality and truth
  • Lies of all kinds
  • Opinion as valid “reality”
  • Innumeracy
  • Illiteracy
  • Incompetence
  • Political ideology over practical reality
  • Communism
  • Hatred between different ethnic groups, races and religions
  • Diversity (since diversity + proximity = conflict)
  • War
  • Chaos
  • Financial collapse for the masses

So. Chose your moves carefully.

And create local communities.

I wish…

If only… we were in a blade-runner-ish future. At least they had off-world colonies in other star systems.

Sadly, we seem to have merged with a mixed parallel timeline of Zardoz, Idiocracy, Minority Report and Soylent Green.

What I wouldn’t give to be in Total Recall, or Forbidden Planet…

Ah yes, the Protestants have now really fixed the Church

I’d say that the reformation has now finally achieved its ultimate point.

You can thank any one of the 40,000 versions of choose your own path to Hell that the Bible mangling, maid raping, hater of reason, Luther created.

Enjoy Protestantism in its full glory.

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
Website maintained by IT monks