Archive for August 2023

Mexico may be next after Uganda

Apparently, somewhere in Mexico, the parents of children that went to an institution where LGBT propaganda was being pushed, took matters into their own hands, piling up the LGBT books in the courtyard of the place, and setting fire to them.

I am sure this scene reminds me of something… another group of people that liked to burn books. Books on how boys could become girls through genital mutilation, oh right… “surgery”.

I just can’t quite recall… but anyway, I am sure the news, and propaganda at the time, and historians later on, told the absolute truth about them, whoever they were, not making anything up or anything like that.

On the Death Penalty

As I have written before, Catholicism has always accepted that certain crimes deserve the death penalty.

This is, of course, entirely reasonable and logical. Avoiding capital punishment for such serious crimes as child rape, aggravated murder, and so on is not only unfair, but it is demonic. The point of giving the perpetrator of such viciousness the “mercy” of undeserved life is not at all to be merciful, but rather to reduce the victim and their families to some subhuman status that is not worthy of justice, and dignity.

Doing away with the death penalty is being for the degradation of victims, that is, the weaker and least powerful, the wronged, and as such, drags all of humanity a step closer to the filthy, degenerate state demons love to see us in.

Furthermore, the demonic inspired and paid for mass media, invariably pushes a completely false narrative in order to appeal to your charity, mercy and sense of justice. In short, they utterly pervert the intent of those noble virtues.

See for example the example below.

CNN presents this as if two homosexuals, engaged in quiet sodomy behind closed doors are about to be put to death for their sexual deviance which, however, they let you imagine by removing all context, was merely an innocent fetish hurting no one.

Now imagine someone anally raped your little son, or disabled brother. And let’s say such crimes are called “aggravated homosexuality”; are you really against the death penalty then?

I fully support Uganda’s right, as a sovereign state, to make their own laws in accordance with their culture and sense of justice, which I find to be closer to Catholic doctrine than anything in the West presently. May we learn from them soon to return to a time where justice was dispensed more correctly than it is now.

Oh, the fatties are upset

Apparently my post on American Churchianity really got to a few of the obese pretend-Christians that live in that Hollywood-run land.

All about how I’ll burn in Hell and the Catholics will have to apparently drink burning urine while the good Protties look down happily at us from Heaven.

I mean, aside from the “grasp” of theology that a brain-damaged five-year olds might exhibit while spewing all the swear-words they heard from their permanently drunk and abusive uncles, the comments were certainly passionate.

And I am sure they will continue to writhe in outrage in the mass spam grave.

Feminism Explained in one image

It really doesn’t require any further explanation than this.

Fake Christianity is not Christianity

Vox put up a post about how Conservativism and Churchianity are essentially two sides of the same coin. It is specific to America really and I wanted to use it as a further gigantic example of why fake Christianity is not Christianity at all.

Don’t get me wrong, I like Vox, consider him a friend, and as a matter of fact, I think our theological differences at a practical level are probably close to zero. That said, I have no doubt that the Catholic position is the correct one and in any case infinitely superior to any Protestant alternative, and that from a purely practical one, never mind doctrinal, theological, faith-based one.

The recent interview with David the Good highlights why.

Ultimately, Protestantism is simply an untenable position. It has no solidity, no foundation. It shifts with literally the ephemeral desires of every man that pretends to be a Christian under its flag. For all the reasons I have identified in many posts and even partly in my books, Protestantism is ultimately founded wholly on pride. The pride of thinking that you, individually, know best. The pride of thinking that God, being all Good and all Loving, and all Merciful, and all Justice, would NOT leave you a clear path to salvation that is identifiable, that was there from the start, and that actually not only makes sense, but mirrors and can be used to predict reality better than any other model. Protestants simply do NOT have a doctrine. their doctrine is whatever takes their fancy that day.

Catholicism has had all its doctrine compiled over almost 2000 years and placed in one book, the Code of Canon Law of 1917. Along with the Bible it comprises Divine Law, Church law, Tradition and the reason for the rules.

And of course, you can’t be a Protestant if you study the history of the Church objectively. The worst you can go wrong if you do that is become an “Orthodox” or a Copt. Which is bad enough, since the situation regarding the Filioque is plainly correct as the Catholics see it, being it’s in the Bible. here is a link to a more detailed explanation, which I can’t archive since the archiving websites all seem to have been down for several days (not a coincidence if they end up failing completely). A short extract should suffice:

The Western Church commonly uses a version of the Nicene creed which has the Latin word filioque (“and the Son”) added after the declaration that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father. Scripture reveals that the Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. The external relationships of the persons of the Trinity mirror their internal relationships. Just as the Father externally sent the Son into the world in time, the Son internally proceeds from the Father in the Trinity. Just as the Spirit is externally sent into the world by the Son as well as the Father (John 15:26, Acts 2:33), he internally proceeds from both Father and Son in the Trinity. This is why the Spirit is referred to as the Spirit of the Son (Gal. 4:6) and not just the Spirit of the Father (Matt. 10:20).

The quotations below show that the early Church Fathers, both Latin and Greek, recognized the same thing, saying that the Spirit proceeds “from the Father and the Son” or “from the Father through the Son.”

These expressions mean the same thing because everything the Son has is from the Father. The proceeding of the Spirit from the Son is something the Son himself received from the Father. The procession of the Spirit is therefore ultimately rooted in the Father but goes through the Son. However, some Eastern Orthodox insist that to equate “through the Son” with “from the Son” is a departure from the true faith.

The expression “from the Father through the Son” is accepted by many Eastern Orthodox. This, in fact, led to a reunion of the Eastern Orthodox with the Catholic Church in 1439 at the Council of Florence. Unfortunately, the union did not last. In the 1450s (just decades before the Protestant Reformation), the Eastern Orthodox left the Church again under pressure from the Muslims, who had just conquered them and who insisted they renounce their union with the Western Church (lest Western Christians come to their aid militarily).

As usual, the Orthos bent to the will of the Muslims and once again betrayed the true faith. As they did throughout history. Which is why when the Catholics came to their rescue —which take note was in 1095, some 40 years after they “split” (became heretics) from the Catholic Church— they immediately backstabbed their saviours and even made deals with he Muslims to literally attack the catholic together to try and kill them off. And they did this throughout the first 3 crusades, then whine like dogs about how in the fourth crusade the catholics took over Constantinople. I would have razed it to the ground immediately after the first betrayal in the 1st crusade!

At any rate, any normal ten year old of normal intelligence can understand that if you accept Jesus was who he said he was, then Christianity began with Him and must, necessarily, have been there from the start. Since for over a 1000 years after Jesus ascended there was no other religion other than Catholicism, with popes accepted by all, it becomes fairly obvious to figure out which one is the true church. If you then bother to look into how many gnostics, heretics, pagans, and general enemies the church had and fought off throughout its history, you will also realise that the infiltration of the freemasons and take over by them of what used to be the Catholic Church, from 1958 to today, explains why this is:

a) Not new. The Arian heresy converted between 97-99% of then existing Bishops and yet was eventually overturned.

b) Expected. All of the current troubles have been prophesied by Catholic Saints over about 400 or 500 years. Much like the Old Testament is really some 400 years of predictions and prophecies about Jesus, so are many of these prophecies by saints. And in any case it is pretty much prophesied in Revelation too.

So, yes, the only Catholics left today are known as Sedevacantists, but that is simply the name given to us by various enemies of the Church. the truth is that we are the only Catholics left. And hence, the only Christians left.

If you are a cradle “Catholic” foaming at the mouth about now, be silent. You don’t even know that your own fake Church says it’s fine to be a Sedevacantist. Watch this brilliant 8 minute video.

But this is primarily addressed to Americans. Some harsh truth follow, but if you can stomach them, I urge you to investigate them yourself. If David the good can become a Catholic after his own biological father, a Protestant pastor, was killed for it, and his step-dad was also a protestant pastor that raised him as a protestant, can come to the truth after looking into it with honesty, then surely you can manage reading a few lines and researching them.

America has never been Christian. It was a country created as a result of rebellion that was funded and sparked by the Freemasons and financed by France in large part. Large enough part that Louis and Antoinette ended up being blamed for the bankruptcy of France and literally losing their heads over it. The initial government of the USA and its first president (and pretty much most of those that followed after) were all Freemasons. And even today they belonged to various secret societies (skull and crossbones, etc).

The average American has been fooled by a grotesque parody of Christianity. And Europeans have known and seen and reacted to this from the start. Part of the reason that Americans are seen as ignorant loudmouths around the world is because… they basically are. Ignorant of history, geography and many other things, to a degree that borders that of third world African states, with far less excuses for it. And their deeply held beliefs are often a parody of what they are supposedly based on.

The TV evangelists of the 80s were an abomination that could have happened only in America, Much like the Jerry Springer shows that country produced. The rest of the world looked at that in a mildly horrified fashion at what a bunch of idiots and clowns the whole thing was done and believed by. Of course, the relentless push of films, tv shows and all sorts of media from the Freemasons and Jews in charge of the USA, eventually mean that rot spread to the rest of the world too.

But just like when I was a child and watched my dad at martial arts competitions, no one, literally, no one, would scream and shout like some prideful cretin when they won a point or even the entire match, no actual Christian would put up with the dancing dervishes, Jesus is my boyfriend music and grape-juice swilling nonsense that goes on in Protestant “churches”. Back in the 70s, anyone in a karate competition that behaved in what we see all sports people basically do now when they win or score a point, would not only have been disqualified, he would have been ejected from the club, for dishonourable, vulgar, prideful behaviour. None of which befits a man. Especially a supposed noble warrior. And it’s the same in Church. Go to a proper Catholic Mass and you will see old men in their Sunday best kneeling to cross themselves, and women and little girls with their heads covered in reverence and respect.

Do I think all Americans are a bunch of idiots? No. I happen to think most of humanity is composed of a bunch of idiots, quite irrespective of nationality. But that aside, the point is that, as David put it in his talk with me, “Don’t ask the fish about water”. The average American, even if an honest, hard-working, pious person, has been lied to from birth and for generations, about what Christianity is. It’s no wonder he believes it. We have all been lied to on an industrial scale, literally. All our schools lied to us. All our teachers and unwittingly our parents too. If you were not at least 20 years old in 1958, and attending Church regularly, whatever you have learnt about Catholicism is a lie. Whatever you have been taught about Christianity in general in the English language is mostly all a lie too and one imbibed in Protestant binary thinking. Because English is a Protestant language. All you need to do to see it is read the English that was written and spoken in the 24th Century, when the whole of England was Catholic. And compare it to the dry, functional English of today. Download for yourself The Cloud of Unknowing in the original and compare it to the modern translation and see how much fuller and richer the Middle English was. How much more human and humane. In short, how much more Catholic it was.

Despite their desperate wish to believe. To be good. To be Christian, in essence, most American were fooled, just as most “Catholics” today are fooled and are not Catholic at all.

So let go of your pride, I am not blaming you for your being lied to. But I do blame you if after reading all this you don’t bother to find out one way or the other.

I often say that Protestants have the same standards of “Christianity” that demons have, because if you ask them what is the one thing they can use in order to know if someone is Christian or not, the only thing they can come up with consistently is that Jesus is King. Well. Even demons know that.

Catholicism has a bunch of rules and they are all written down, so there is no need to argue about what it really means, since they use Roman Law and it makes everything very clear, logical and human and humane, unlike Anglo-Saxon, or, God forbid, American legal systems.

But all that aside, the one ultimate test is whether someone is literally willing to die rather than denounce Christ. I for one, realised, to my eternal surprise, that I am. I am nowhere near perfect of course, as I would struggle to do so in light of my children being killed say, but for myself, on my own, I have no doubt of it. And I know myself well enough, having faced actually life-threatening situations more than a couple of times in life, that this is true for me.

I recall reading of five young boys, children, that had been killed by Muslims in Iraq for refusing to denounce Christ. I assumed they were Copts. And as per Catholic belief, I assume they are now in Heaven, their error of being Copts instead of Catholics, forgiven by God as a matter of invincible ignorance, since they were born into it and had probably no chance at all to know about Catholicism, and obviously, given how they faced death, they can hardly be accused of false faith. In fact, even if invincible ignorance were not a reason, baptism of blood in their case most definitely applies. And of course, God is merciful and only He can judge the true heart (internal forum) of a man.

So, given the tide which seems to be turning, because Catholic Churches (sedevacantist ones) keep increasing in attendance numbers, I hope you too think on these things and join us.

It is happening in any case, because, as I say, the numbers keep increasing, to the point that the people literally don’t fit in the Churches we have anymore. So I hope soon, a reclaiming of the stolen ones will begin.

So, go on. Read The Crusades, by Harold Lamb if you need a little inspiration from actual real life history, then join us, and let us prepare for the next Crusade.

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