Archive for March 2023

Go Bag for single man

I will be doing a scattered series of posts, each focussing in general terms on one demographic. The aim is not to scare you or terrorise you into believing the sky is about to fall. Which is not to say that the sky is not about to fall either. These are more like notes on how I would be preparing if my situation was as described in each post. Whether this is just an exposé of my paranoid tendencies, or whether your foolish optimism will see you eaten by cannibals in the coming economic crash, only time will tell.

I presume the reality, for most, will lie somewhere in between. My personal philosophy, of course, and rather sensibly, even if I say so myself, is that if I am prepared for the marauding bands of cannibals, then if anything less that that happens, I’ll be fine.

I will probably post this introduction ahead of each of the mini Kurgan Survival Guide Posts.


My take on serous SHTF situations os always pretty much the same in terms of hierarchy of needs.

1. Weapons

2. Mobility

3. Basic Survival Gear

4. Relevant maps and books on skills you don’t have

5. Medical Stuff

6. Safe Location

This assumes you’re starting out in the worst possible location. Of course, if you are already in a rural area, armed, with your family and with plenty of stocked food, community would be a much higher priority than basic survival gear, but as the title suggests, this is aimed at younger men with little to no resources.

The weapons are for defence obviously, the mobility so you can get out of dodge and to whatever you determined is the best spot for you. If you can organise yourself a bit the vehicle can also double as your mobile home, even if it’s not a winnebago.

In Africa we had a land cruiser that had an extended diesel tank installed in the back, and a wooden raised platform that allowed us to store a bunch of stuff under it and have a mattress and sleeping bags on top. We could go a couple thousand kilometres on one “tank” have food for 2-3 weeks and we’d be able to sleep 2 adults and 3 kids even in bad weather, or even one more by making the front cab another bed over the bench seat.

The difference between a single guy and a couple with no children is quite minimal and boils down to what type of woman one is with in terms of how spartan can she go.

Some power tools and a small generator as well as the basic set of good hand tools means that you can eventually build a more permanent shelter too once you find suitable land or location.

As I said, this is basic and generic, it is not meant to answer all your questions, but rather inspire some positive action.

And try and have cash and bartering goods or some amount of precious metals.

That’s it for now.

Poland keeps tradition —of having the stupidest people in all of Europe— alive and well.

They plan to spend 4% of GDP on defence and currently are the largest military in Europe (excluding Russia and Ukraine, obviously).

Global Economic Collapse Incoming

Despite the GAE governments essentially saying “Everything is fine! It’s all good!” I would be getting ready for what I assumed was rather imminent in 1993. A loss of some $50 billion in one day from the four largest banks after the catastrophic failure of SVB on Friday is hardly what I’d call reassuring.

Back in 1993, I was wrong on the timeline of course, because I completely miscalculated three or four factors:

1. Human stupidity is MUCH higher than even I had suspected.

2. Because of 1. The number of people buying into the Global Ponzi scheme is much higher than I could ever have guessed. And, obviously, the more people buy into it, the longer it lasts. More than any other factor, point 1 and it’s consequence here is what fooled me. Point 3 was a close second.

3. Even those smart enough to see the issue will still play into the Ponzi scheme because everyone else is.

4. Their ability to kick the can down the road with absurd printing of paper in 2008 was not predicted by me.

That all said, as my grandad used to say,

“Mathematics is not an opinion.”

So, dodge as much as you like, eventually the vultures… they come feeding on the carcass.

As I have been saying for some time, liquid “assets”, that is, cash in the bank, is the most volatile and unsecured of assets.

If you still have the ability, by land, or property. And if you can’t in my view, you could do worse than stocking up on food with a long shelf life, and enough weapons and ammo to protect yourself from a potential, almost literal zombie apocalypse.

Depending on your circumstances, securing a decent motor home might also be an option, especially if you’re stuck in what I have been calling zombie apocalypse hubs for several years now: large cities.

If you’ve not researched possible options in rural and sparsely populated areas where you might thrive after some initial hardship, and where you blend in ethnically, culturally and religiously, as best as you can, I suggest you do so today. You may be out of time as early as next week, and I doubt we will see 2024 before some major financial issues that will affect large sections of the human race.

I have given you several blog posts worth of advice on this blog at various times, on my YouTube channel and in person to those who know me. I can only reiterate that I sincerely hope you have prepared accordingly, and if not, RUN, RUN to it. It’s not too late until the fat lady has not only sung, but vomited, and fell over flat, expiring in her own mess as a result of being too lardy to lift her snout high enough to breathe.

A following post for the unprepared will follow soon. Good luck. And if you’re thinking of making that move to a Sede community somewhere, try to speed that up too.

Times are about to change. Probably not as fast and drastically as they can, but who knows, they may do so even faster than we expect.

Remember, no one in Germany in 1939 thought they would soon be fire-bombed en masse.

About a week or two left and then… the rise of the Serenissima?

Russian forces are now about 1.2 km from the centre of Bakhmut.

Taking a roughly circular area some 2.5 km in diameter in an urban area is not quick, especially if you care about your own troops, and in fact setting up a siege and waiting them out is the safest method, so, normally I would say a month or so, but given that the Uki forces in that ring of death have been shelled and hammered for about 6 weeks solidly and about a week without any chance of reprieve, escape or survival aside from flat out surrender, I expect they will cave in about 2 weeks or so.

After Bakhmut falls, I expect Russia to male significant territorial gains.

Personally I believe these are mostly designed only to push the remaining Uki forces West. i don’t see Russia having any interest in retaining large tracts of Ukraine, aside from a decent buffer zone to the West of their new territories.

Much more importantly, I sincerely hope Russia takes action on the Odessa area, Transnistria and resolves the Georgia situation and the Armenian situation.

And if I were them I’d also be making political overtures to the various movements of free people who are wanting to be free of the Western Clown World rulers.

For example, the Veneto region, that is, the old Most Serene Republic of Venice, would certainly like to have its independence back.

While it’s current president is not in the best of health, the Veneto region, unlike other “sovereignty movements” has already achieved being issued an official Universal Commercial Code and has respected all the international laws for a people to become a self-determining nation. And they expressly denounce war and violence in general.

The Donetsk Republic has already recognised the Venetian Republic, as the Venetian Republic was one of the first to recognise the right to self-determination of the Donetsk people. Since the Donetsk area is now part of greater Russia, it would be proper for Russia to formally recognise the Veneto as an independent Republic.

There are many such people throughout Europe that have no wish whatsoever to continue perpetrating war, aggression to wards Russia, or China, or anyone else, and want to be free to govern their own lives freely, justly, and independently of foreign interests and actors. Particularly those originating from the US, the US deep state, Israel, and international bankers in general.

Medvedev outdoes cocaine clown at comedy

So, the cocaine clown wants to rename Russia Muscovy, and Medvedev replies in his unique style:

Russia’s answer to Zelensky potentially renaming Russia: We won’t call Ukraine Khokhlandia. And certainly not Little Russia. Only Schweinisch Bandera-Reich (Bandera Pig Regime) – Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Medvedev.

Khokhol is derogatory Russian term for Ukrainians, and Little Russia is term to describe modern-day territories of Ukraine.

I don’t know… Khoklandia would seem fairly appropriate to me, from an anglo-linguistic perspective though.

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