Archive for March 2023

American drone… she falls by herself. Your operator drink too much Jack Daniels eh Tovarisch?

This is truly hilarious.

Russian Ministry of Defense regarding US drone incident:

◾️US drone flight was recorded in Russia’s Crimean region in direction of the Russian border.

◾️Flight of the US drone was carried out with the transponders turned off, violating airspace rules.

◾️Russian fighter jets were lifted into the air after discovery of a US drone.

◾️Russian fighter jets did not use weapons and did not come into contact with the US drone.

◾️ As a result of sharp maneuvering, the US drone went into uncontrolled flight with a loss of altitude and collided with the water surface.

German guy say “Nein!“

German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall refuses to supply Ukraine with shells for free, after it was asked to produce 250,000 shells per month at its own expense.

Chief executive officer of the arms company Armin Papperger, says he will NOT produce anything without German government providing the payments as he will not be paying out of his own pocket.

Fancy that. Selfish German. Not even willing to support Jewish Cocaine Clown’s Nazi Troopers.

Because Chemtrails take too long…

If you are still one of those brain damaged, mutagenic overload people who still think none of the evil that goes on and especially that has gone on for the last 3 years is due to any sort of intent by persons who literally worship Satan, well, here is yet another data point to try and nudge you our of you genetic misfortune of birth:


Andrew Lockley, an independent researcherpreviously affiliated with University College London, led the effort last fall, working with European Astrotech, a company that does engineering and design work for high-altitude balloons and space propulsion systems.

They have submitted a paper detailing the results of the effort to a journal, but it has not yet been published. Lockley largely declined to discuss the matter ahead of publication, but he did express frustration that the scientific process was being circumvented. 

“Leakers be damned!” he wrote in an email to MIT Technology Review. “I’ve tried to follow the straight and narrow path and wait for the judgment day of peer review, but it appears a colleague has been led astray by diabolical temptation.” 

“There’s a special place in hell for those who leak their colleagues’ work, tormented by ever burning sulfur,” he added. “But I have taken a vow of silence, and can only confirm that our craft ascended to the heavens, as intended. I only hope that this test plays a small part in offering mankind salvation from the hellish inferno of climate change.”

European Astrotech didn’t immediately respond to an inquiry.

Personally I wonder who funds Andrew’s work.

Directly and indirectly. I just think that might be an interesting avenue to explore, so if some intrepid investigator wants to look it up somehow, let me know.

David Keith, a Harvard scientist who has been working for years to move ahead with a small-scale stratospheric balloon research program, questioned both the scientific value of the effort and its usefulness in terms of technology development. In an email, he noted that the researchers didn’t attempt to monitor any effect it had on atmospheric chemistry. Nor did the work present a feasible “pathway to use this method for deployment at reasonable cost,” he wrote.
When asked if being provocative might have been a partial goal of the effort, Keith said: “You don’t call something SATAN if you’re playing it straight.”

SATAN supposedly stands for:

Stratospheric Aerosol Transport and Nucleation

Because Sulphur. Sure. It’s just a little in joke. And nothing at all with Bill Gates literally wanting to shut off the sun.

It’s not as if Billy “the Goat” Gates is involved with Satanist Marina Abramovich, or had anything to do at all with the patenting of coronaviruses built by the Pirbright Institute that somehow became Covid 19, or the creation and pushing of genetic serums that have killed, maimed, sterilised or crippled millions by now.

It’s not as if he’d role played the whole thing out in something called event 201 before Covid 19 appeared. Or as if he’s in any way involved in the latest roleplay of a new pandemic that will kill kids mostly named Catastrophic Contagion.

Yeah… that would be crazy talk, right?

These elite surely don’t worship Satan and dance around naked wearing horned masks at Bohemian Grove. Surely not.

And becoming a proper Catholic in order to really understand what’s going on and how to fight it, well, that would be even crazier conspiracy theorist nonsense right?

Of course. Keeping the neckbeard, fedora and trench coat with a copy of Dick Dawkins The God Delusion in its pocket is the only way to be that makes sense. Sure. If you’re a genetic mishap.

The rest of us know better.

If they can make it… What’s your excuse?!

As you know if you visit here regularly, I am about half-way in the writing some blog posts aimed at providing some simple advice on what to do if/when the zombie apocalypse really kicks off properly.

I also made it clear that panicking, or becoming more scared, is really not the answer.

Now, look here, a homeless couple, not only was surviving rather well, but they even had started some kind of venture in the pharmaceutical industry. Personally I assume their arrest is due to big Pharma frowning on competition, especially when they produce healthier drugs than the ones they try and force on you under the guise of it being a “vaccine”.

So yeah, if they can make a go of it, what’s your excuse?

I mean, ok, they jumped the gun a bit and started their plan too early, hence the indefinite “interruption” they suffered, but still, you have to give them points for entrepreneurial can-do attitude!

Go Motor Home for Young Family

I will be doing a scattered series of posts, each focussing in general terms on one demographic. The aim is not to scare you or terrorise you into believing the sky is about to fall. Which is not to say that the sky is not about to fall either. These are more like notes on how I would be preparing if my situation was as described in each post. Whether this is just an exposé of my paranoid tendencies, or whether your foolish optimism will see you eaten by cannibals in the coming economic crash, only time will tell.

I presume the reality, for most, will lie somewhere in between. My personal philosophy, of course, and rather sensibly, even if I say so myself, is that if I am prepared for the marauding bands of cannibals, then if anything less that that happens, I’ll be fine.

I will probably post this introduction ahead of each of the mini Kurgan Survival Guide Posts.


The last post was for the single guy or possibly young couple. This one is for what in many ways might be considered middle-America and/or middle Europe, though in Europe the likelihood if a couple with one child. But… that said, we have met couples with 4 children too. Anyway, the demographic is of people that have some young-ish children, are not financially well off, and yet, have now realised, perhaps, while the zombie apocalypse might not quite yet be upon us all, it may be a good idea to be prepared anyway.

So, all the things said for the single guy work here too, but the hierarchy may change a bit, given you now have children:

My take on serous SHTF situations os always pretty much the same in terms of hierarchy of needs.

1. Weapons

2. Mobility

3. Safe Location

4. Relevant maps and books on skills you don’t have

5. Medical Stuff

6. Basic Survival Gear

Particularly, the Safe Location needs to be really quite a bit safer, which doesn’t necessarily mean child-friendly, but it does need to be secure or easily made secure. Having a proper tent if you do not have a motor-home would be very advisable, and possibly even if you do have a motor home.

Given that I am assuming such people are renting, don’t own their own home and are surviving month to month, with little or no savings, I think that my priority in such a case would be to buy a decent motor-home type vehicle. Spend the cash to have it checked over properly by the AA if buying second hand and get insurance on the check. Not because anyone will cash in the insurance in the Apocalypse, but because if they think they might, they are more likely to do a decent check of the mechanics.

Kit that motor home out so that you can run it for a lot longer then it’s supposed to. Get professionally made extended fuel tanks if you can, extended water carrying ability, stock up on medical supplies and food and of course, weapons and ammo. In essence, be ready to get in the motor home with your whole family and move to that plot of land near your 4th cousins in the Appalachians with no teeth and lots of bear traps.

Maps of extensive ares oaf land are to be kept in the motor-home, since you may not be able to rely on GPS etc, or, depending on where you live, you may not even want to have mobile phones, and GPS tracking etc etc. For all I know, in crazy AmeriKa, the blues will hunt down the reds using drones and militarised police. I have no idea. But like I always said since I was a teenager: “Just cause you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.” And yes, someone stole that line from me, not the other way round.

When you have small children, it is essential you teach them to be able to do some basic things well. Hide, be quiet when doing so, be quiet when told to be, and recognise various dangers from an early age. My own toddlers run to safety in the forest or on the porch as soon as they hear even the hint of a vehicle on our drive, even before they can see one. The smaller girls are a lost cause on being quiet, but the boy is good at it, and he’s not even 4 yet.

Teach your children to read and write as soon as possible. And let them see when you do other handyman stuff, so they can learn some basics.

If you can’t afford a motor-home, then you will need to adapt your normal vehicle or possibly pair of vehicles and drive in a small convoy if you have two cars. Sleeping bags that can work in very cold weather are a must, as you never know where you may need to sleep. Hence the tent or tents, along with basic tools for eventual proper shelter building down the line. You can build a cabin just using an axe, a saw a hammer and some nails and screws and failing that, even without the nails and screws. As someone said about such endeavours, they can only be described as “character building”, so not fun to do at all, but possible means you can survive. Fun is up to you to see in the darkest of moments.

Personally, I have taken the meagre monies I have out of the bank and keep it in cash now, mostly on my person, so you have to literally take me out to take it. Training for the coming days ahead, don’t you know. The financial crash has already begun and while I expect the completely unlimited printing of paper money and adding of digital zeros at will will stave off the immediate and total collapse of all banks everywhere, let’s just say it can’t be too far off.

Personally I’d be surprised (happily mind you) if we don’t hit the full start of the meltdown by 2024, but I am notoriously pessimistic and way too optimistic about the intelligence of the humans who surround me. Paradoxically, human stupidity will tend to delay the full melt-down, as I explained in the previous post on the coming crash. So you may have until 2025 or even 2026 or so, but I doubt we will ever reach 2030 without a horrific economic meltdown.

So… if I had a young family, I would be looking to buy that motor-home and maps of uninhabited land with decent water-tables so I can build a well somewhere. If I can afford the motor-home and still have some money left-over I would then buy some land or a property in a suitable rural areas I have scouted and judged good.

If I did own a house, I would probably sell it ASAP to get said land and said motorhome if I lived in a large city.

And if I already lived in a decent rural area and had stocked up on essentials then I would be talking with my neighbours calmly and long enough to make up my mind about who is someone I can rely on and who is not, when the zombie-horde happens.

Again, I am not telling you what to do. I am telling you what I would do given certain parameters.

Good luck to you all.

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