For anyone living under a rock, who is still not aware that milo Yank-a-pole-r-us, is a total freemasons plant whose sole purpose is to pretend to be Catholic so as to lead any potentially actual Christians on the road to hell, here is a little background: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, but really, just use the Search me button on the right sidebar and type in Milo and you will have as much detail as you need.
His handlers and “fans” inevitably try to say that I focus on him because I “envy” him, or his “suck-cess” or whatever. But the reality is merely one: I too for a brief moment during gamer gate was fooled into thinking Milo was probably on the right side of things, however terminally flawed individually. But the reality has been that Milo was a gatekeeper from the start. Financed to be so.
He has had troubles with his financiers, and that more than once, but his grift and his gatekeeping continues. And his gatekeeping is one that affects primarily young men, and is intended to keep them from finding true Catholicism, while bombarding them with the literal opposite of pious messages or anything inspiring of actual Catholicism. Because the last thing the servants of the enemy want, is a bunch of young, determined, objective, sedevacantist men. Why? Simple, because Sedevacantism is the only actual Catholicism left, and actual Catholicism is fearless and militant. Did you think the Crusades stopped Islam from conquering Europe by writing them sarcastic witty letter?
Do you think all the pious saints and priests that would rather die than deny Jesus or break the confessionary seal were all just “mistaken”. Do you think that people like Bohemond, Tancredi, or Jean Parisot le Valette were anything other than proper, hardcore catholics. And do you think that such men will stand for any of the globohomo nonsense that is being pushed globally?
Of course not. So enter Milo the gay freemason to pervert, muddy, confuse and ultimately lead down the road to Hell instead.
I have been taking note of his telegram chat from shortly after the start of Lent, and decided to screenshot once every few days, just some of the type of messages he sends out there, and the overall quality of the “christian message” such a barrage of deviancy suggests and implies, sometimes very directly, sometimes more subtly, but always with impiety, perversion and deceit at its core. It is salutary to take note of this in a somewhat condensed fashion as displaying these screenshots in a row does.
It is also interesting to note that in the period of Lent, though he started with some 26,500 subscribers or so, and the 26,000 threshold was retained by the skin of his teeth for quite a while, when it dipped below 26,000 it plummeted pretty quickly. The number of comments on his chat is also certainly not in line with 25k or so active users. As I said before, I believe a large portion of his subscribers is fake and are likely bots.
Below is a string of just some of his posts starting shortly after Lent started. I added some commentary after certain examples, but mostly they are self-explanatory in their subversive intent. I leave a final comment at the end too.
Trying to keep youth in the unnatural centres of sin and degeneracy, cities, instead of allowing them to reconnect to the natural instincts and intrinsic divinity that contact with nature provides, along with a suggestion to violence.
Obvious mocking of Saints/Sainthood and divinity, humility, grace and certainly Lent in toto.
Intentionally trying to propose absolutely idiotic comments, to bring doubt into well established things, like quantum tunnelling, which has demonstrably transmitted Mozart’s 40th Symphony at 4.7 times light speed way back in 1994. While quantum dynamics has certainly got some issues (mostly related to the truncation of the Maxwell equations, and the removal of the concept of the Aether, which is related to scalar energy transmission (which can be used as weapons)) Quantum tunnelling, certainly produces engineering effects.
Homosexual writings.
More homosexual direct innuendo.
Pretty obvious sexual imagery, especially since his “sadness” is essentially related to having to go back into the closet about being a homosexual, and as indicated above, being on his knees, etcetera.
More flat Earth nonsense, which is all distraction, nonsense and doubt for the Beverly mentally challenged.
Homosexual imagery, followed by clear blasphemy and ridicule of Lent.
Draw your own conclusions about what it might mean that he is sending out pictures with details of his eating while defecating. And the kind of imagery and intent such activity made public is supposed to inspire. During Lent, no less.
As above, plus the barren, slovenly nature of the whole composition is purposely meant to degrade, lower, and bring down the entire tone of anyone reading or seeing such images.
A video showing a rather cruel act to a child with the supposed intent of being “funny”.
Again with the defecation imagery, this time with a slurry meant to at least subconsciously refer you to both what he is “producing” as well as his sexual practices and their results, which he is also implying get swallowed. If you think I exaggerate the intent of these images, you are mistaken, this is classic psyops/hypnosis use for deviant/subterfugeous ends. And he is perfectly aware of what he is doing.
Usual profanity and general tone-lowering under the pretence of “funny”.
Promoting the idea of homosexuality or MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) abstention from heterosexual pairing, marriage and making Catholic families and children in a proper Catholic family. The whole thing is supposed to be a “deep” self-reflection, but in reality is yet again, another attempt to denigrate conventional family creation.
Totally disrespectful, mocking, vile and in any case corrupted thought, with association to an image of Jesus. What better way to confound, confuse, mock and denigrate our Lord and Saviour?
More nonsense. Because if you make everything nonsense then…well…everything is nonsense. nothing matters. Nothing is sacred anymore. And that is his aim, as his master’s.
Clearly doing some psyops against DeSantis for whatever reason. Perhaps none other than simply causing more chaos. Or perhaps because, at least according to some, DeSantis may actually have been raised Sedevacantists and may be playing the game in order to gain enough power to possibly change things. So far anyway, he has been good for Florida.
More, general vicious gossip, during Lent, and general slovenliness, for the same reason. Lower the zeitgeist to the lowest possible status.
Ultimately Milo is indeed going to fail. This is not news to me or anyone that has been paying attention. His downfall has a relatively slow arc, but is absolutely obvious, as I mentioned first privately way back in 2015 I think, when I still didn’t realise he was a Freemasonic plant.
He will be 39 in October of this year and after hitting his 40s, he will inevitably degrade faster. His appeal to the youth will be dimmer and dimmer as he gets older, his pudgy roundness is likely to balloon to obese fatness except if he undertakes some form of drastic surgery or dieting, which will further ravage his pudgy, weak body. He has nothing relevant left to say. His “edginess” is all spent and pointless in the aftermath of the scamdemic. People older than him see him as pointless, worthless and a continued degenerate, those younger than him see him either in the same way, or as a kind of circus freak, and they are not so much laughing with him, as they are laughing AT him. And the ones of his age that still follow him are Millennials, who, as a generation, generally, have the morals, work ethic, aptitude and loyalty of jelly fish. They may be following him simply because they are too apathetic to click the unfollow option. It’s like two, maybe three clicks to unsubscribe man. It’s like… tiring…you know? It’s like… wait, what is that shiny thing?
So. He is already, and will continue, to crash and burn. It’s a long arc, more like a satellite spinning out of good orbit than a plane tailspinning, And it will be similar too in the way he will simply just fade away after the nth attempts at reinvention fail faster and faster. He will not even have a “splashy” end. Unless, possibly, he swan dives off the 20th floor of some semi-luxurious hotel in a few years, in order to end it all. Even then, he will be forgotten after the usual 3 day news-cycle.
So why point all this out?
Because deceivers pretending to be Catholics are decidedly my number one target, as they are for any actual Catholic.
Why post this even before Lent is over? Because Lent is not a bad time for you to take stock of not only yourself, your weaknesses, and your need to do better. it is also a good time to commit more to being part of the Church MILITANT. Which means taking note of your enemies and their actions, their forces, their numbers, their tactics and their strategies.
One thing I wasn’t placing on my 2023 bingo card was “Internal Chaos in Israel”.
Given who most of the movers and shakers behind the activities of the last 3 years are, I didn’t see this one coming.
It is, of course, well known that the “elite” cast of neocon foreigners running the US think nothing of a little burnt offering of their more remote co-ethnics, as long as it advances their personal agenda, but I doubt that street riots and a potential collapse of the Israeli government was a priority, or even officially on the cards for them.
Benji Net-a-Yahoo wanting to reshape the judiciary to his wishes seems to have got most of the country in an uproar, and his recent firing of the minister of defence for criticising him has got a strong reaction from both the opposition as well as the populace, who, ironically are all concerned about democracy.
While, of course, personal tragedies are always bad, on a national/global level, the Schaudenfraude is hard to resist.
Especially since… meanwhile, in France, as a result of the WEF led “Great Reset” we have Paris, the city of love, now having very romantic, spontaneous, street fires. To warm young couples, no doubt, and provide that cozy ambiance as they dine.
You know who’s been attacked from the very first moment He came to Earth, and it hasn’t ever let up since, 2023 years ago?
That’s right, the Christ.
And you know who has come a very close second ever since?
That’s right, the Catholic Church.
And you know who the pre-eminent enemies of both Christ and the Church were?
That’s right, the Pharisees.
And do you know who and what the Pharisees are now?
That’s right, they are what we call today, “The Jews.”
The Original Hebrew texts of the Old Testament are essentially 400 years of stories of both determination of God and prophecy concerning Him.
Isaiah essentially is one of the key texts that proves that Jesus Christ was the Messiah.
You may think all this is blitheringly obvious, and it is, but a lot of people who call themselves “Christian” are completely, abysmally, ignorantly unaware of these very fundamental, extremely basic truths about Christianity.
It is important to know your history, not just in general, but also your personal family history. It matters. Which is why communists, freemasons, etcetera —that is, in essence, all the Satanists, in their legion of names— have always tried to destroy history. Hide the past, pervert and change it. According to them, everyone in the past of any note was a homosexual. From Alexander the Great to Achilles in the Illiad to Tesla, to Julius Caesar, and on and on and on. The Egyptians were black, and so were the Romans in England (I kid you not, supposedly “professional” historians have tried to claim this nonsense).
So, for anyone even remotely cognisant of actual Christian history, the atavic hatred the Pharisees, that is, the Talmudic Jews, which includes all the Jews today that are even remotely Jewish in their self-identity, is no surprise. The jews have hated, and tried to destroy Christianity literally from the day Jesus was prophesied to arrive. And they have never stopped.
In the more recent they have almost succeeded, for they have passed off the second-biggest scam in world history: They have made almost everyone believe that the current “Catholic Church”, headed by Bergoglio, and previously by Ratzinger, and so on, all the way back to Roncalli in 1958, is the actual Catholic Church.
Anyone that can do logic to the level of a normal 10 year old and cares to take the time to investigate the matter, will know without any doubt that this deception, is only surpassed by the more recent one of getting possibly up to 5.5 billion people to take a deadly, poisonous, unnecessary and damaging genetic serum that literally changes your DNA as if it were a “life-saving vaccine”.
But of course, the real Church continues to exist. Not because any mortal man says so or wishes it, but because our Lord and Saviour told us he would be with us right up until the End Times, and that the number of believing Christians at that time, will be vanishingly small, and in fact would have become zero if it were not for His last minute return.
Of course, only Catholics are actually Christians, as the first thousand years of Christian history makes absolutely clear; and only Sedevacantists/Sedeprivationists are actually Catholic, so the number of actual Christians is relatively small, and proportionally could possibly be comparable to the first few hundred years of Catholicism. Perhaps around the year 400 AD when St. Dominic decided the world was so corrupt and totally devoid of good men that he retired to the Rocky Mountains and built a monastery, and in time, the entire Dominica order was born from the actions of one man. Estimates vary from between 100,000 at the low end to about 500,000 at the high end. The real figure of actual Sedeprivationists is probably about a quarter million, which is a mere 2 out of 10,000 people when compared to the 1.2 Billion supposed Catholics, which, are, however, only “catholic” Churchman’s, essentially a fooled and deceived, unknowing, very large branch of the 40,000-headed Hydra known as Protestantism.
So this basic knowledge is now largely unknown to most people, though it is far from hidden, given you have access to the Internet.
And it is for this reason that it is salutary to point out that Catholics, have pointed out the issue concerning the Jewish hatred of Catholics and their religious beliefs concerning the idea that they believe that non-Jews are merely cattle, here to serve them for literally centuries. That the life of a non-Jew can never be compared to, or ever considered anywhere near as worthy as that of a Jew. That they assume that they can and will become the rulers of the Earth and all the non-Jews will be their slaves. And that their Talmud permits them to rape 3 year olds with impunity.
Here is a link to a text from Civiltà Cattolica, which is 27 pages of perfectly thought out and detailed analysis of the Jewish issue.
It would be good for you to know the history of your people, especially if you consider yourself a Christian, however deeply in error that belief might be currently. After all, learning one’s errors and correcting them is what life is all about. Without doing that we would not even learn to walk or speak.
I certainly believed I was right for some 35 years of my life, concerning what “Catholicism” was and what the “Catholic Church” was all about. Which is why, like any sane person, I rejected it in toto and consciously so from the age of 7.
It was only by the literal Grace of God, which for hard-headed mules like me, usually comes in a rather unpleasant format, that I was able to recognise my spectacular error, and even then it was another 4 years before I finally decided to get properly Baptised as an actual Catholic.
So. I truly hope you will at least begin a little investigation into what you have been taught by “historians” and “teachers” (who in turn where mostly fooled themselves) concerning Catholicism. You may want to start with two books actually written by non-Catholics (one did convert to Catholicism, but the other remains a Baptist) on the matter. Honest men come in all kinds, including men who are not Catholics. These two are such men.
Enjoy the search and the reading. The revelation of the Truth is always astonishing, surprising and refreshing, like waking up as a child and seeing the most magical of places just outside your window, as your parents travelled with you asleep through the night.
I will, of course, remind you that Mel Gibson is a Sedevacantist, i.e. actual Catholic.
You might understand more, after reading this, why the Hollywood establishment, composed almost entirely of Jews, hates him so.
And you might want to consider becoming an actual Christian; you know, a proper Catholic.
“Mel Gibson warned actor Jim Caviezel that playing the character of Christ was going to be very difficult and that if he accepted, he most likely would be marginalized by Hollywood.
Caviezel asked for a day to think about it and his response to Mel who was funding and directing the movie was: “I think we have to make it, even if it is difficult.” And something else, my initials are J.C., and I am 33 years old. “I didn’t realize that until now.”
Mel responded with “You’re really scaring me you know.”
During filming, Jim Caviezel who plays the part of Jesus lost 45 pounds, he was struck by lightning, he was accidentally struck twice during the scourging scene leaving a deep 14-inch scar, he dislocated his shoulder when the cross was dropped into the hole with him on the cross. He then suffered pneumonia and hypothermia from being nearly naked with only a loin cloth on the cross for endless hours. The crucifixion scene alone took 5 weeks of the 2 months of shooting.
His body was so stressed and exhausted from playing the role that he had to undergo two open heart surgeries after the filming production.
Jim explained, “I didn’t want people to see me. I just want them to see Jesus. Conversions will happen through that.”
Almost like a clairvoyant prediction many amazing things happened.
Pedro Sarubbi, who played Barabbas, felt that it was not Caviezel who was looking at him, but Jesus Christ himself, as he played that role he said of Caviezel, “His eyes had no hatred or resentment towards me, only mercy and love.”
Luca Lionello, the artist who played Judas, was an avowed atheist before shooting began. He eventually converted, and baptized his children.
One of the main technicians working on the film was a Muslim converted to Christianity.
Some producers said they saw actors dressed in white they didn’t recognize during one of the filming sessions, and when they reviewed the recordings they realized they couldn’t see them in that footage.
The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing US religious as well as the highest R-rated film of all time, with $370.8 million! Worldwide, it grossed $611 million.
More importantly, it has reached 100’s of millions of people around the world.
Mel Gibson paid $30 million out of his own pocket for the production of the film because no studio would take on the project.
Today Jim Caviezel simply and boldly proclaims his faith in Christ, and the miracle it was for him to represent Christ as an actor and a greater believer of Christ because of this experience.
So I just finished watching series 1 of The Last Kingdom, which was on Netflix, and I thought I’d write this before I venture any further into series 2 onwards, because I can’t believe they will not being into it some convergence, lesbianism, homosexuality or what have you.
There are a number of surprisingly positive elements in this series, which I think is good to list, without giving any detailed spoilers, though there are some generic overview potential semi-spoilers.
Most important of all
I think is the representation of the warrior mentality, best shown, obviously, by Uhtred and Leofric. Not just the interplay between them, but also individually with respect also to their individual views of God and how they move in the world as a result of it.
It is, I think, very well done in general too, not just for these two characters, but throughout the series, showing different types of men who are in that caste, although not necessarily by natural inclination but as a result of mere necessity.
The Danes represent a far more worldly aspect of the warrior class, while the Saxons are supposed to represent more of a God-inspired aspect, best exampled by King Alfred, who starts out overly pious before forging himself as a warrior, unlike instead one of the Danes that goes the other route before being baptised. Both paths are valid.
The overview of the Danes as being more materialistic in their day-to-day aims fits their aspect of warrior mentality, as the mass is always somewhat reduced to that of the lowest common denominator, but their culture is also not exclusively negative, with the aspect of what is normally referred to as the honour of the noble savage being the pinnacle of their embodiment of a great man.
The Saxons on the other had are en-masse represented as more docile, cowardly when it comes to their life being on the line and somewhat more intellectual. Once again, the overview of the general negatives is correct. In a nominally more pious society, the intellectual aspects will be highlighted, which, in negative expression lead to subterfuge, dishonesty, cowardice and general lack of honour. That said, the best among them who also embody the warrior aspect are indeed formidable men not just in practical terms, but of faith too. Once again, best represented by King Alfred.
The absolute crucial point of both though is that in their best expression, neither type of warrior is going to let an outrage stand. No matter the patience required. No matter the risk. No matter the consequences after, the primary supernatural aspect of a warrior soul is to ultimately serve Justice. Yes, of course, at its lowest expression warriors are thugs. Raiders, plunderers, murderers and rapists. But at its best, they are the only motive force on this Earth, cursed by the dominion of Satan, that can or ever does produce a measure of Earthly justice. The concerted effort that has been made over the last 100 years especially, to ensure that such men are wiped out has been terribly effective. I pray enough are left that at least some of the injustices we are seeing in our time can get righted, and soon. If for no other reason then, watch at least this season 1 to get a certain level of inspiration. Process the viewing of it as you would from the perspective of everyone, from a peasant farmer to a warrior, to a priest, to a leader or king. See what resonates with you most rather than just observe another programme while your vegetative state increases and your butt forms roots to your couch, sustained by the power of Doritos crumbs and cold pizza slices.
Their respective approaches to the Divine
The representation of the Church (which remember at this time there was only one Church, the One, True, Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church) is again very well done, with everything from the best, being pious, intellectual and courageous, like Beocca, to the obviously corrupt like the Bishop, or the cowardly or lukewarm. Again, a very fair representation of Catholic clergy as well as the attitudes of the lay people to it and faith. The best warriors, like Leofric, certainly do not deny God, nor are they unwilling to submit to His Will as required, even of they might rebel against supposedly Earthly representatives of it, and rightly so, since the Justice they serve, intrinsically, though of a worldly nature, is ultimately driven by a need to fulfil Divine Justice.
The Danes represent the Pagan aspect and is best embodied by the short speech Uhtred gives Alfred concerning his view of God, which is that the entirety of creation is his Church and so on. Again, both aspects are valid. I have lived as both and recall distinctly the truth aspects embodied in each, though, ultimately, the Catholic aspect is superior, as long as, and this is very important, you are free of the (paradoxically mostly Pagan) superstitious elements of it, worldly elements of it, and the usual human weaknesses. The kind of rigid superstitious and binary aspect of a poorly Catechised Catholic are embodied in the Queen, Alfred’s wife, at least for most of the series. The best aspects of it from a warrior perspective by Leofric, and from a leader perspective by King Alfred, certainly by the end of the season.
The Danes represent what is, certainly from a Catholic perspective, the embracing of the demonic aspects of the supernatural. Their Gods are brutal and very human in their “needs”. And as the shadow queen demonstrates, they do grant them certain powers… at the inevitable cost.
The ambiguity for the agnostic is preserved in all the “acts of God/the gods”, as is the skepticism and “superstition” (both real and assumed) for the atheist, and the validity of the Pagan supernatural is also pre-eminent for the Pagan, while the validity of the Catholic supernatural remains pre-eminent for the Catholic; and all this in the same scene or act. Which makes it quite a superb bit of film-making.
In this respect, a Protestant watching the series is possibly the least able to appreciate the nuances, since they are, in essence, the furthest removed from reality, be it Pagan or Catholic. A Protestant watching is liable to assume the Pagan and the Catholic positions are both “wrong” and “Pagan”, because they have been historically lobotomised and had logic and reason excised from any aspect of faith from birth, so, just as I explained in BELIEVE! The Churchian position is ultimately the hardest one to be in, as it’s the hardest one to come out of. It is one of the reasons why Catholic dogma states it is worse for a fake Christian to try to “Christianise” Pagans with their false Christianity than it is to leave them Pagan, for the inculcating of error at a baseline that is close but deviant from the Truth is worse than merely having to find your own path without any instruction at all, since ultimately, as the Bible states, all of creation ultimately demonstrates God; and logic and reason are divine aspects of God we are obviously meant to use, given we are built in his image.
That little aside for the benefit of the few Protestants which will be able to assimilate it (if any) notwithstanding, if you have had the experience of being an atheist, an agnostic and finally a real Catholic (sedevacantist), as I have, then the subtlety of the process and the ultimately superior position of the Catholic faith, as it expresses itself in both society as well as individual lives become visible; if you pay attention. In fact, there is even the opportunity to see how even the evil done by men, or the supernatural “benefits” that the Pagan ways provide at the usual cost exacted by demonic influences, can and are turned to an overall good by God. The expression of free will and resulting bad choices or descent into evil, intentional or unconscious, can still result in a greater good from other perspectives.
In essence, once again, the representation of all aspects of faith are eminently well done.
I have no idea what the remaining four seasons will be like, and I assume an inevitable descent into degeneracy, homosexuality and perversion of a modern nature are inevitable, because netflix. But the first season is very good.
There is also one last disturbing point and that is that some versions have cut out certain scenes, and I have no idea how to know which version you are watching. We discovered this only because in catching up with one episode (my wife invariably falls asleep) she had a scene I had not seen on the ipad when playing there instead of her laptop.
So you know, there is a scene with Alfred and Uhtred just before the duel, and another scene where the nun tells Leofric “He sent you.” Neither of these were on the ipad but both are on the laptop version. Similarly, in the ipad version the episodes have different end points. The right end point is that one of the episodes ends when Uhtred kills the wood thief. If an episode does not end there then you are seeing the version with the missing scenes. This happens around episode 5 to 8 or so.
I hope that you watch season 1.
And then I hope you seriously contemplate what men, actual men that still have warrior souls, would do in the current era. How they might go about it. What would be their aims. How would they form their kingdoms?
The Inevitable Fall of the Freemason Milo
For anyone living under a rock, who is still not aware that milo Yank-a-pole-r-us, is a total freemasons plant whose sole purpose is to pretend to be Catholic so as to lead any potentially actual Christians on the road to hell, here is a little background: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, but really, just use the Search me button on the right sidebar and type in Milo and you will have as much detail as you need.
His handlers and “fans” inevitably try to say that I focus on him because I “envy” him, or his “suck-cess” or whatever. But the reality is merely one: I too for a brief moment during gamer gate was fooled into thinking Milo was probably on the right side of things, however terminally flawed individually. But the reality has been that Milo was a gatekeeper from the start. Financed to be so.
He has had troubles with his financiers, and that more than once, but his grift and his gatekeeping continues. And his gatekeeping is one that affects primarily young men, and is intended to keep them from finding true Catholicism, while bombarding them with the literal opposite of pious messages or anything inspiring of actual Catholicism. Because the last thing the servants of the enemy want, is a bunch of young, determined, objective, sedevacantist men. Why? Simple, because Sedevacantism is the only actual Catholicism left, and actual Catholicism is fearless and militant. Did you think the Crusades stopped Islam from conquering Europe by writing them sarcastic witty letter?
Do you think all the pious saints and priests that would rather die than deny Jesus or break the confessionary seal were all just “mistaken”. Do you think that people like Bohemond, Tancredi, or Jean Parisot le Valette were anything other than proper, hardcore catholics. And do you think that such men will stand for any of the globohomo nonsense that is being pushed globally?
Of course not. So enter Milo the gay freemason to pervert, muddy, confuse and ultimately lead down the road to Hell instead.
I have been taking note of his telegram chat from shortly after the start of Lent, and decided to screenshot once every few days, just some of the type of messages he sends out there, and the overall quality of the “christian message” such a barrage of deviancy suggests and implies, sometimes very directly, sometimes more subtly, but always with impiety, perversion and deceit at its core. It is salutary to take note of this in a somewhat condensed fashion as displaying these screenshots in a row does.
It is also interesting to note that in the period of Lent, though he started with some 26,500 subscribers or so, and the 26,000 threshold was retained by the skin of his teeth for quite a while, when it dipped below 26,000 it plummeted pretty quickly. The number of comments on his chat is also certainly not in line with 25k or so active users. As I said before, I believe a large portion of his subscribers is fake and are likely bots.
Below is a string of just some of his posts starting shortly after Lent started. I added some commentary after certain examples, but mostly they are self-explanatory in their subversive intent. I leave a final comment at the end too.
Trying to keep youth in the unnatural centres of sin and degeneracy, cities, instead of allowing them to reconnect to the natural instincts and intrinsic divinity that contact with nature provides, along with a suggestion to violence.
Obvious mocking of Saints/Sainthood and divinity, humility, grace and certainly Lent in toto.
Intentionally trying to propose absolutely idiotic comments, to bring doubt into well established things, like quantum tunnelling, which has demonstrably transmitted Mozart’s 40th Symphony at 4.7 times light speed way back in 1994. While quantum dynamics has certainly got some issues (mostly related to the truncation of the Maxwell equations, and the removal of the concept of the Aether, which is related to scalar energy transmission (which can be used as weapons)) Quantum tunnelling, certainly produces engineering effects.
Homosexual writings.
More homosexual direct innuendo.
Pretty obvious sexual imagery, especially since his “sadness” is essentially related to having to go back into the closet about being a homosexual, and as indicated above, being on his knees, etcetera.
More flat Earth nonsense, which is all distraction, nonsense and doubt for the Beverly mentally challenged.
Homosexual imagery, followed by clear blasphemy and ridicule of Lent.
Draw your own conclusions about what it might mean that he is sending out pictures with details of his eating while defecating. And the kind of imagery and intent such activity made public is supposed to inspire. During Lent, no less.
As above, plus the barren, slovenly nature of the whole composition is purposely meant to degrade, lower, and bring down the entire tone of anyone reading or seeing such images.
A video showing a rather cruel act to a child with the supposed intent of being “funny”.
Again with the defecation imagery, this time with a slurry meant to at least subconsciously refer you to both what he is “producing” as well as his sexual practices and their results, which he is also implying get swallowed. If you think I exaggerate the intent of these images, you are mistaken, this is classic psyops/hypnosis use for deviant/subterfugeous ends. And he is perfectly aware of what he is doing.
Usual profanity and general tone-lowering under the pretence of “funny”.
Promoting the idea of homosexuality or MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) abstention from heterosexual pairing, marriage and making Catholic families and children in a proper Catholic family. The whole thing is supposed to be a “deep” self-reflection, but in reality is yet again, another attempt to denigrate conventional family creation.
Totally disrespectful, mocking, vile and in any case corrupted thought, with association to an image of Jesus. What better way to confound, confuse, mock and denigrate our Lord and Saviour?
More nonsense. Because if you make everything nonsense then…well…everything is nonsense. nothing matters. Nothing is sacred anymore. And that is his aim, as his master’s.
Clearly doing some psyops against DeSantis for whatever reason. Perhaps none other than simply causing more chaos. Or perhaps because, at least according to some, DeSantis may actually have been raised Sedevacantists and may be playing the game in order to gain enough power to possibly change things. So far anyway, he has been good for Florida.
More, general vicious gossip, during Lent, and general slovenliness, for the same reason. Lower the zeitgeist to the lowest possible status.
Ultimately Milo is indeed going to fail. This is not news to me or anyone that has been paying attention. His downfall has a relatively slow arc, but is absolutely obvious, as I mentioned first privately way back in 2015 I think, when I still didn’t realise he was a Freemasonic plant.
He will be 39 in October of this year and after hitting his 40s, he will inevitably degrade faster. His appeal to the youth will be dimmer and dimmer as he gets older, his pudgy roundness is likely to balloon to obese fatness except if he undertakes some form of drastic surgery or dieting, which will further ravage his pudgy, weak body. He has nothing relevant left to say. His “edginess” is all spent and pointless in the aftermath of the scamdemic. People older than him see him as pointless, worthless and a continued degenerate, those younger than him see him either in the same way, or as a kind of circus freak, and they are not so much laughing with him, as they are laughing AT him. And the ones of his age that still follow him are Millennials, who, as a generation, generally, have the morals, work ethic, aptitude and loyalty of jelly fish. They may be following him simply because they are too apathetic to click the unfollow option. It’s like two, maybe three clicks to unsubscribe man. It’s like… tiring…you know? It’s like… wait, what is that shiny thing?
So. He is already, and will continue, to crash and burn. It’s a long arc, more like a satellite spinning out of good orbit than a plane tailspinning, And it will be similar too in the way he will simply just fade away after the nth attempts at reinvention fail faster and faster. He will not even have a “splashy” end. Unless, possibly, he swan dives off the 20th floor of some semi-luxurious hotel in a few years, in order to end it all. Even then, he will be forgotten after the usual 3 day news-cycle.
So why point all this out?
Because deceivers pretending to be Catholics are decidedly my number one target, as they are for any actual Catholic.
Why post this even before Lent is over? Because Lent is not a bad time for you to take stock of not only yourself, your weaknesses, and your need to do better. it is also a good time to commit more to being part of the Church MILITANT. Which means taking note of your enemies and their actions, their forces, their numbers, their tactics and their strategies.
And act as a proper Catholic regarding it.
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By G | 28 March 2023 | Posted in Catholicism, Christianity, Impostors and Frauds, Reclaiming the Catholic Church, Sedeprivationism, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within