This post will explain in simple and easily understandable terms what will happen over the course of 2023, with a possible extension to the first half or so of 2024.
As with all predictions, some specifics will not be 100% spot on, but the idea here is to give a very accurate general overview, which I hope will help you all sleep a bit better, or alternatively, prepare accordingly, depending on where/who you are and how these events will affect you.
The post is divided into 3 parts, the overview from a strategic perspective, then a more detailed current state of play at the tactical level, and finally, an overview of the political/economic situation. If time permits I will also add a conclusion/forecast of the most likely situational outcomes for various European countries, including Italy, where I live. But I may do this in a later post.
Part 1 – Strategic Overview
Summary: Russia will take over whatever parts of Ukraine it decides are required to achieve its goal of being sovreign and free from the Globalist American Empire (GAE, pronounced exactly as you think it is). It will also create the required political and economic partnerships to free much of the rest of the world that chooses the Russian side instead of the GAE that have kept them in subjugation for decades. The earlier a country throws in with Russia, the larger the co-operation and rewards in terms of trade etc that Russia will extend to them. In this process, the EU will collapse and the collapse of the US dollar as a reserve currency will also be a de facto result.
Details: How could I possibly know this?
First, let’s look at a map of the region to know what’s where. The map below is not really accurate as the new additions to Russia (DPR and LPR) and Crimea are now Russians, not Ukrainian, but we’ll correct this further down.
I know, because the Russians have been telling us precisely what they will be doing, using dialectic as propaganda, as I have explained in some detail before. It is also the best kind of propaganda, because it is ultimately undeniable in the long term. regardless of the fact that the US (((neocons))) are apparently deaf, and blind, and dumb in the intellectual sense but unfortunately not in the making noises from their mouths sense.
However, even the GAE can only hide reality for so long, before its makeup runs, its wig falls off, the fake plastic breast get infected and lop-sides, the shaved Adams’s apple fails to hide the baritone voice, and all that is left standing before you, instead of a vision of Aphrodite, is a dishevelled male, wearing women’s lingerie as his flaccid genitals poke out from them, in garish, badly applied, make-up.
So, here is how I know.
This post was up in July of 2022, over six months ago. And despite this article’s absurd ridiculing tone on Medvedev, you’d have to be an idiot to assume Medvedev’s post on Telegram is just the American equivalent of braggadocio.
First of all, this was the guy that held the chair for Putin while they shifted some troublesome laws that would allow Putin to come back indefinitely. His loyalty to Putin is not in question. Secondly he is an all-in kind of guy, as his history shows, and thirdly, do you really think that he posts anything without it being ok with Putin’s strategy? If you do, I have a ghost bridge to sell you, because a real bridge would be too easy. Medvedev is the straight talking “unofficial” spokesperson for the Russian Federation. Stated plain enough even American neocons have a chance to understand it.
Now let’s look at what Medvedev posted as his take on what the future map of ex-Ukraine would look like.
Please note that Transnistria is NOT shown here, which it should be for clarity.
Where is Transnistria? Here, between the Moldavan and (soon to be) Russian border (currently Ukraine).
Now then, let’s first see where we currently are, as of march 1st 2023.
The area with a sharp red border are the new Russian territories. What is not shown on the map is that the Russian forces currently control the situation up to near Odessa. And if you look at the first map, once Odesa has been taken, the Ukraine will be landlocked. The little bit of Ukraine left in the South West will be easily mopped up or cordoned off until it starves out, as the Russians have done to all the areas they have taken over in the last year. This land-locking of Ukraine is essentially a given. It’s not a matter of if, but when.
Now take a look at the first map and place Transnistria in it and keep in mind that Transnistria already has Russian peace-keeping forces there. In other words, while politically everyone is still playing nice (sort of, over the last few days the Moldavans are already pissed off and making huge pro-Russian Protests and wanting to get rid of their pro GAE puppet government) but the reality is that the Russian troops in Transinistria are essentially occupying the territory, perhaps not in a significant way militarily if suddenly subjected to full assault by forces from Ukraine, but enough that if anyone did attack them, Russia would then have total moral right to come down on the perpetrators in full force. And that would only end in one way: Russia win. Or nuclear apocalypse I suppose, which would probably still turn out best for Russia, comparatively speaking.
The BMA Analysis guys did a brilliant job overall, and helped me reach the conclusions below, so definitely check out their work, but they assumed Russia would go for the border with Hungary. My prediction is that this will not be necessary for a number of reasons.
The border with Hungary is traditionally more “Ukraine-Ukraine” instead of “Russian-Ukraine” as the map below shows.
So logically, it makes a lot more sense for Russia to simply take Odessa (and the bit to the left of it) then Transnistria, either making it a protectorate of Russia or let it join Russia proper after a referendum as they did with the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Either way, at this point Russia would also have direct access to Moldova, which, as we are seeing are very pro-Russian anyway, and as such, trade and everything else would be allowed between them and the greater Russian Federation.
This outcome also fits rather precisely with the “fantasy” map of Medvedev shown further up.
Now comes the interesting part.
See how the areas to the north of Romania are also coloured Romanian Purple in the Medvedev map, and not, say polish blue, or left to the shrunken state of Ukraine? (Reshown below for ease of reference)
Why do you think that is? Romania, like many East block countries, is under pressure from the GAE to do as they are told or else. But if they have Russian might behind them and with a quick deal, perhaps couched under “protection of the Ukrainian people”, they could be allowed to extend their territory as shown in the Medvedev Map.
This also has the added advantage of creating a buffer zone between Russia and Poland, who is retardedly (they wouldn’t be Polish otherwise!) pro GAE.
And what happens if Romania becomes the buffer zone between GAE and Russia, with cordial relations (real) with Russia and also with the crumbling GAE (of convenience)?
Well, this happens:
The big green arrow shows all sorts of logistics, trade and commerce going from Romania to Russia (and vice versa) The red arrows show the first order of fleeing from the EU, which would include Hungary and Serbia almost immediately, Bulgaria might take a little while as their government is completely GAE cucked, but its people are not. The other east block countries would follow in a second wave (green arrows) which might take more or less time, depending on various factors. And some countries would not want to deal with each other for historical reasons. So, Kosovo and Bosnia might not want to go through Serbia and may need a longer time to find their way out from under the pink GAE boot.
This strategy has a few added benefits for Russia.
Firstly, it is far less aggressive, thus not requiring as much of a response from the GAE (at least not one that is well defensible morally or tactically) than if they had to fight their way all around Romania through Western Ukraine to get to Hungary.
Secondly it is also far less costly, tactically.
Thirdly, it gives the countries in question more time to prepare themselves for the eventual inevitable decoupling from the GAE-EU complex and be able to survive whatever hysterical fit the GAE jilted abusive “lover” comes up with, be it sanctions, IMF type hits, or even military escalations.
Fourthly, such a political and military situation gives the GAE multiple and unpredictable fronts. If not directly militarily, certainly diplomatically, politically and economically, and we all know that the GAE has the finesse in such matters of a literal, pink, cow-disease infected, bull in a fine china shop.
Part 2 – Tactical Overview
The current position of the Russian forces is essentially about to take over the city of Bakhmut, as shown below. And once that happens, the entire Eastern front is pretty solidly secured by Russia. They can then play a mostly defensive game, which will make the already impossible task of “beating the Russians” by the Ukis, a distant dream that vanishes in the bright light of Kalibr explosions.
This is a reported Uki Soldier outlook:
“The situation in Bakhmut is very difficult now. It is much worse than officially reported, We should add another 100% difficulty to the official reports. In all directions. Especially in the northern direction, where the orcs [Russians] have made the biggest advance – CNN citing unnamed Ukrainian soldiers.”
And what is happening in the Odessa region?
Well… The Ukis are supposedly going to try a false flag attack using radioactive material in Transnistria or near Odessa. The Russians have made this idea public already, as they have with various other attempts before the Ukis got a chance to do them, so, if it happens, regardless of the “international community’s condemnation” (I.e. the GAE’s strident squeals) Russia would probably go very heavy and hard in that region and stomp out Ukis and anyone else that dares get involved, including, I would guess NATO forces even if these were direct NATO military.
The UN “expects” the grain deal, which goes through the port of Odessa and ends on 18th March 2023 to be renewed. Russia has already stated there is no reason for them to extend it without concrete gains for Russia by the GAE. And they also have been very clear that any deals done by the GAE are not reliable, so by “gains” they mean physical, tangible things. I suspect they would let the grain deal carry on if they are given full control of the Odessa region, which is easier and faster than taking it by force, but the GAE is unlikely to agree to that.
So… sometime after March 18th it’s possible Russia will make a move towards Odessa that is more meaningful than the recent prodding and testing they have done on a reduced scale.
In any case, the gradual grinding down of Ukrainian forces, by now thoroughly demoralised if not wounded or dead, will continue, as will the bleeding dry of EU and US armaments.
Although, any serious equipment, be it the F-16 fighter jets the cocaine-clown is demanding, the Leopard tanks, or pretty much anything else, is only trickling in and in any case, these being disparate weapons with differing controls in other languages, the time to train Ukrainians on them doesn’t realistically exist. But in any case they are militarily outgunned, outmatched and outnumbered. In short, there will be no “surprise attacks” that will change the fate of Ukraine or the war there. It is only a matter of time before Odessa is rolled up along with an unknown further quantity of Eastern Ukraine.
Part 3 – Political – Economic Overview
Over the last few weeks, foreign minister of Russia, Lavrov, a plain-speaking titan when it comes to diplomacy, has toured, made visits to, or held talks with:
And Russian Security Council Secretary Patrushev has recently visited Cuba. Yup. For those of you who know who JFK was and what the Cuban missile crisis was, that Cuba.
Russia has also taken a position to defend their allies, asking Israel to stop attacks in Syria, while various nations have made it clear they are not with the GAE. Turkey has said they will not support sanctions against Russia.
Furthermore, these nations are now linking up with each other, showing not only that they have strong ties to Russia, but that they are quickly positioning themselves politically and economically (and one must assume also militarily) against the GAE. Belorussia’s president meets with the Chinese leader. And it’s a very friendly and positive workshop by all accounts.
Several of those East block countries are trying to bide their time, for Example Serbia sent some rocket launching vehicles to Ukraine, but stated very openly that it did so only under duress from the EU and did it only after getting guarantees they would not be used at the Ukrainian battlefront with Russia (a promise we know will not be kept, but is still important so as to show Russia where they really stand).
China has proposed a peace plan, that teeth grinding as he does it, even Blinken has had to admit has “some positives”. But it will go nowhere, because frankly, at this point, the GAE have nowhere left to go and Russia knows any respite they give them will be used against them later, so they may as well finish the job.
Saudi Arabia has already said they will no longer stick to the US dollar only for oil transactions and there are many more such moves, both overtly and covertly, to ensure that the multi-polar world networks and supports each other with far more equitable terms than the GAE ever gave.
Furthermore, Russia has historically always been on the side of the third world countries that were being economically raped and pillaged by the GAE, throughout Africa and other “brown people lands” from South America to India, they always took the official “we are all human beings” approach, which carries quite a lot of weight with African and South American nations as well as India.
Burkina Faso has already told France to get lost on military co-operation and told them to get their troops back to France. The Congo has protested Macron’s visit with Russian flags and called him a killer. Despite his love for strong, half-naked black men, it seems the love is only in one direction.
I know, for one, I would prefer to be under the Russian protectorate than the current GAE enforced EU totalitarianism.
Secretary of State Blinken on the other hand, is trying to play catch up and visited Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and pretty much anyone in Central Asia who will not directly tell him to piss off. Anyone with even a smattering of a grasp of Asian/Oriental cultures will know that just because they meet you and have a drink with you or shake hands, doesn’t in fact mean that they will agree absolutely anything with you. In fact I am unaware of any actual gains made by Blinken, only vague noises of friendly relations.
In fact Kazakhstan has said it is definitely very important to discuss the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) that Russia just pulled out of. Yes, yes, VERY Urgent. And should be done! Absolutely. In 2026.
Even the brash New York yankees might be starting to understand when you are getting the polite brush-off I think.
I think the fact he is honestly looking like he just sharted is more of an indication of his actual achievements than anything he might say.
Meanwhile, the US is asking for a reshuffle of the UN Security Council, but it can’t change the composition of the 5 permanent members (USA, Russia, France, UK and China) it’s 2 to 3 now, but that’s already odd the US and it’s poodle the UK never had to face directly before. And who can trust the French. Especially since Macron has essentially had a revolution —blacked out by the media— for three uninterrupted years in his country. I think the average Frenchman would as soon hang Macron from a lamppost as guillotine him.
And Germany has admitted they would be totally incapable of resisting any military action from Russia on their territory if it came down to it.
Italy has sent our Meloni (which is also slang for tits in Italian) to say to the cocaine dwarf that Italy will stand by his side, and blah, blah, blah, but the wop nation I live in is rather famous for telling you that absolutely, you can count on them to be there on day X at time Y only to never even acknowledge that a meeting existed. And that’s when bullets are NOT flying around their heads.
So… what do you think? You gonna throw your lot in with the pink armada of the trannies, blue-haired multi-gendered whales, and oh-so-strong European Coalition of puppets of the GAE? Sounds appealing, right?
That’s it for today, I will try to do an update on what this will all mean in my best-guesstimated version of my take for many of us, maybe tomorrow, time permitting.
What will happen in 2023 concerning the Russia-Nato conflict
This post will explain in simple and easily understandable terms what will happen over the course of 2023, with a possible extension to the first half or so of 2024.
As with all predictions, some specifics will not be 100% spot on, but the idea here is to give a very accurate general overview, which I hope will help you all sleep a bit better, or alternatively, prepare accordingly, depending on where/who you are and how these events will affect you.
The post is divided into 3 parts, the overview from a strategic perspective, then a more detailed current state of play at the tactical level, and finally, an overview of the political/economic situation. If time permits I will also add a conclusion/forecast of the most likely situational outcomes for various European countries, including Italy, where I live. But I may do this in a later post.
Part 1 – Strategic Overview
Summary: Russia will take over whatever parts of Ukraine it decides are required to achieve its goal of being sovreign and free from the Globalist American Empire (GAE, pronounced exactly as you think it is). It will also create the required political and economic partnerships to free much of the rest of the world that chooses the Russian side instead of the GAE that have kept them in subjugation for decades. The earlier a country throws in with Russia, the larger the co-operation and rewards in terms of trade etc that Russia will extend to them. In this process, the EU will collapse and the collapse of the US dollar as a reserve currency will also be a de facto result.
Details: How could I possibly know this?
First, let’s look at a map of the region to know what’s where. The map below is not really accurate as the new additions to Russia (DPR and LPR) and Crimea are now Russians, not Ukrainian, but we’ll correct this further down.
I know, because the Russians have been telling us precisely what they will be doing, using dialectic as propaganda, as I have explained in some detail before. It is also the best kind of propaganda, because it is ultimately undeniable in the long term. regardless of the fact that the US (((neocons))) are apparently deaf, and blind, and dumb in the intellectual sense but unfortunately not in the making noises from their mouths sense.
However, even the GAE can only hide reality for so long, before its makeup runs, its wig falls off, the fake plastic breast get infected and lop-sides, the shaved Adams’s apple fails to hide the baritone voice, and all that is left standing before you, instead of a vision of Aphrodite, is a dishevelled male, wearing women’s lingerie as his flaccid genitals poke out from them, in garish, badly applied, make-up.
So, here is how I know.
This post was up in July of 2022, over six months ago. And despite this article’s absurd ridiculing tone on Medvedev, you’d have to be an idiot to assume Medvedev’s post on Telegram is just the American equivalent of braggadocio.
First of all, this was the guy that held the chair for Putin while they shifted some troublesome laws that would allow Putin to come back indefinitely. His loyalty to Putin is not in question. Secondly he is an all-in kind of guy, as his history shows, and thirdly, do you really think that he posts anything without it being ok with Putin’s strategy? If you do, I have a ghost bridge to sell you, because a real bridge would be too easy. Medvedev is the straight talking “unofficial” spokesperson for the Russian Federation. Stated plain enough even American neocons have a chance to understand it.
Now let’s look at what Medvedev posted as his take on what the future map of ex-Ukraine would look like.
Please note that Transnistria is NOT shown here, which it should be for clarity.
Where is Transnistria? Here, between the Moldavan and (soon to be) Russian border (currently Ukraine).
Now then, let’s first see where we currently are, as of march 1st 2023.
The area with a sharp red border are the new Russian territories. What is not shown on the map is that the Russian forces currently control the situation up to near Odessa. And if you look at the first map, once Odesa has been taken, the Ukraine will be landlocked. The little bit of Ukraine left in the South West will be easily mopped up or cordoned off until it starves out, as the Russians have done to all the areas they have taken over in the last year. This land-locking of Ukraine is essentially a given. It’s not a matter of if, but when.
Now take a look at the first map and place Transnistria in it and keep in mind that Transnistria already has Russian peace-keeping forces there. In other words, while politically everyone is still playing nice (sort of, over the last few days the Moldavans are already pissed off and making huge pro-Russian Protests and wanting to get rid of their pro GAE puppet government) but the reality is that the Russian troops in Transinistria are essentially occupying the territory, perhaps not in a significant way militarily if suddenly subjected to full assault by forces from Ukraine, but enough that if anyone did attack them, Russia would then have total moral right to come down on the perpetrators in full force. And that would only end in one way: Russia win. Or nuclear apocalypse I suppose, which would probably still turn out best for Russia, comparatively speaking.
The BMA Analysis guys did a brilliant job overall, and helped me reach the conclusions below, so definitely check out their work, but they assumed Russia would go for the border with Hungary. My prediction is that this will not be necessary for a number of reasons.
The border with Hungary is traditionally more “Ukraine-Ukraine” instead of “Russian-Ukraine” as the map below shows.
So logically, it makes a lot more sense for Russia to simply take Odessa (and the bit to the left of it) then Transnistria, either making it a protectorate of Russia or let it join Russia proper after a referendum as they did with the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Either way, at this point Russia would also have direct access to Moldova, which, as we are seeing are very pro-Russian anyway, and as such, trade and everything else would be allowed between them and the greater Russian Federation.
This outcome also fits rather precisely with the “fantasy” map of Medvedev shown further up.
Now comes the interesting part.
See how the areas to the north of Romania are also coloured Romanian Purple in the Medvedev map, and not, say polish blue, or left to the shrunken state of Ukraine? (Reshown below for ease of reference)
Why do you think that is? Romania, like many East block countries, is under pressure from the GAE to do as they are told or else. But if they have Russian might behind them and with a quick deal, perhaps couched under “protection of the Ukrainian people”, they could be allowed to extend their territory as shown in the Medvedev Map.
This also has the added advantage of creating a buffer zone between Russia and Poland, who is retardedly (they wouldn’t be Polish otherwise!) pro GAE.
And what happens if Romania becomes the buffer zone between GAE and Russia, with cordial relations (real) with Russia and also with the crumbling GAE (of convenience)?
Well, this happens:
The big green arrow shows all sorts of logistics, trade and commerce going from Romania to Russia (and vice versa) The red arrows show the first order of fleeing from the EU, which would include Hungary and Serbia almost immediately, Bulgaria might take a little while as their government is completely GAE cucked, but its people are not. The other east block countries would follow in a second wave (green arrows) which might take more or less time, depending on various factors. And some countries would not want to deal with each other for historical reasons. So, Kosovo and Bosnia might not want to go through Serbia and may need a longer time to find their way out from under the pink GAE boot.
This strategy has a few added benefits for Russia.
Firstly, it is far less aggressive, thus not requiring as much of a response from the GAE (at least not one that is well defensible morally or tactically) than if they had to fight their way all around Romania through Western Ukraine to get to Hungary.
Secondly it is also far less costly, tactically.
Thirdly, it gives the countries in question more time to prepare themselves for the eventual inevitable decoupling from the GAE-EU complex and be able to survive whatever hysterical fit the GAE jilted abusive “lover” comes up with, be it sanctions, IMF type hits, or even military escalations.
Fourthly, such a political and military situation gives the GAE multiple and unpredictable fronts. If not directly militarily, certainly diplomatically, politically and economically, and we all know that the GAE has the finesse in such matters of a literal, pink, cow-disease infected, bull in a fine china shop.
Part 2 – Tactical Overview
The current position of the Russian forces is essentially about to take over the city of Bakhmut, as shown below. And once that happens, the entire Eastern front is pretty solidly secured by Russia. They can then play a mostly defensive game, which will make the already impossible task of “beating the Russians” by the Ukis, a distant dream that vanishes in the bright light of Kalibr explosions.
This is a reported Uki Soldier outlook:
“The situation in Bakhmut is very difficult now. It is much worse than officially reported, We should add another 100% difficulty to the official reports. In all directions. Especially in the northern direction, where the orcs [Russians] have made the biggest advance – CNN citing unnamed Ukrainian soldiers.”
And what is happening in the Odessa region?
Well… The Ukis are supposedly going to try a false flag attack using radioactive material in Transnistria or near Odessa. The Russians have made this idea public already, as they have with various other attempts before the Ukis got a chance to do them, so, if it happens, regardless of the “international community’s condemnation” (I.e. the GAE’s strident squeals) Russia would probably go very heavy and hard in that region and stomp out Ukis and anyone else that dares get involved, including, I would guess NATO forces even if these were direct NATO military.
The UN “expects” the grain deal, which goes through the port of Odessa and ends on 18th March 2023 to be renewed. Russia has already stated there is no reason for them to extend it without concrete gains for Russia by the GAE. And they also have been very clear that any deals done by the GAE are not reliable, so by “gains” they mean physical, tangible things. I suspect they would let the grain deal carry on if they are given full control of the Odessa region, which is easier and faster than taking it by force, but the GAE is unlikely to agree to that.
So… sometime after March 18th it’s possible Russia will make a move towards Odessa that is more meaningful than the recent prodding and testing they have done on a reduced scale.
In any case, the gradual grinding down of Ukrainian forces, by now thoroughly demoralised if not wounded or dead, will continue, as will the bleeding dry of EU and US armaments.
Although, any serious equipment, be it the F-16 fighter jets the cocaine-clown is demanding, the Leopard tanks, or pretty much anything else, is only trickling in and in any case, these being disparate weapons with differing controls in other languages, the time to train Ukrainians on them doesn’t realistically exist. But in any case they are militarily outgunned, outmatched and outnumbered. In short, there will be no “surprise attacks” that will change the fate of Ukraine or the war there. It is only a matter of time before Odessa is rolled up along with an unknown further quantity of Eastern Ukraine.
Part 3 – Political – Economic Overview
Over the last few weeks, foreign minister of Russia, Lavrov, a plain-speaking titan when it comes to diplomacy, has toured, made visits to, or held talks with:
And Russian Security Council Secretary Patrushev has recently visited Cuba. Yup. For those of you who know who JFK was and what the Cuban missile crisis was, that Cuba.
Russia has also taken a position to defend their allies, asking Israel to stop attacks in Syria, while various nations have made it clear they are not with the GAE. Turkey has said they will not support sanctions against Russia.
Furthermore, these nations are now linking up with each other, showing not only that they have strong ties to Russia, but that they are quickly positioning themselves politically and economically (and one must assume also militarily) against the GAE. Belorussia’s president meets with the Chinese leader. And it’s a very friendly and positive workshop by all accounts.
Several of those East block countries are trying to bide their time, for Example Serbia sent some rocket launching vehicles to Ukraine, but stated very openly that it did so only under duress from the EU and did it only after getting guarantees they would not be used at the Ukrainian battlefront with Russia (a promise we know will not be kept, but is still important so as to show Russia where they really stand).
China has proposed a peace plan, that teeth grinding as he does it, even Blinken has had to admit has “some positives”. But it will go nowhere, because frankly, at this point, the GAE have nowhere left to go and Russia knows any respite they give them will be used against them later, so they may as well finish the job.
Saudi Arabia has already said they will no longer stick to the US dollar only for oil transactions and there are many more such moves, both overtly and covertly, to ensure that the multi-polar world networks and supports each other with far more equitable terms than the GAE ever gave.
Furthermore, Russia has historically always been on the side of the third world countries that were being economically raped and pillaged by the GAE, throughout Africa and other “brown people lands” from South America to India, they always took the official “we are all human beings” approach, which carries quite a lot of weight with African and South American nations as well as India.
Burkina Faso has already told France to get lost on military co-operation and told them to get their troops back to France. The Congo has protested Macron’s visit with Russian flags and called him a killer. Despite his love for strong, half-naked black men, it seems the love is only in one direction.
I know, for one, I would prefer to be under the Russian protectorate than the current GAE enforced EU totalitarianism.
Secretary of State Blinken on the other hand, is trying to play catch up and visited Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and pretty much anyone in Central Asia who will not directly tell him to piss off. Anyone with even a smattering of a grasp of Asian/Oriental cultures will know that just because they meet you and have a drink with you or shake hands, doesn’t in fact mean that they will agree absolutely anything with you. In fact I am unaware of any actual gains made by Blinken, only vague noises of friendly relations.
In fact Kazakhstan has said it is definitely very important to discuss the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) that Russia just pulled out of. Yes, yes, VERY Urgent. And should be done! Absolutely. In 2026.
Even the brash New York yankees might be starting to understand when you are getting the polite brush-off I think.
I think the fact he is honestly looking like he just sharted is more of an indication of his actual achievements than anything he might say.
Meanwhile, the US is asking for a reshuffle of the UN Security Council, but it can’t change the composition of the 5 permanent members (USA, Russia, France, UK and China) it’s 2 to 3 now, but that’s already odd the US and it’s poodle the UK never had to face directly before. And who can trust the French. Especially since Macron has essentially had a revolution —blacked out by the media— for three uninterrupted years in his country. I think the average Frenchman would as soon hang Macron from a lamppost as guillotine him.
And Germany has admitted they would be totally incapable of resisting any military action from Russia on their territory if it came down to it.
Italy has sent our Meloni (which is also slang for tits in Italian) to say to the cocaine dwarf that Italy will stand by his side, and blah, blah, blah, but the wop nation I live in is rather famous for telling you that absolutely, you can count on them to be there on day X at time Y only to never even acknowledge that a meeting existed. And that’s when bullets are NOT flying around their heads.
So… what do you think? You gonna throw your lot in with the pink armada of the trannies, blue-haired multi-gendered whales, and oh-so-strong European Coalition of puppets of the GAE? Sounds appealing, right?
That’s it for today, I will try to do an update on what this will all mean in my best-guesstimated version of my take for many of us, maybe tomorrow, time permitting.
No related posts.
By G | 1 March 2023 | Posted in News, Russia and GAE, Social Commentary