Archive for March 2023

Bergoglio denies the existence of what will be his permanent home

In Italian. And in English.

Increasing pressure and the space of variations

This will be rather esoteric, and not for everyone.

Some of you may have read the book by Vadim Zeland, called Reality Transurfing, which is currently selling for over 400 dollars. I have no idea why that would be, other than possible sanctions against anything Russian?

Anyway, I read 3 or 4 of his books and while information on him is scant (he says he worked in quantum physics and later in IT and now in books) the fact is that his explanation of reality made a certain sense. Not just to me, and not just because it was a kind of woo-woo New age, you control your own destiny, kind of thing, but because he spoke of things I had experienced on various levels.

The physics also made sense, if like me, you have spent a few decades reading various concepts of physics for fun, and concluded that people like Harold Aspen had it right more than plagiarists like Albert Einstein.

Or if you’re at all familiar with the work of now passed on, retired Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden. Or the physics model of Burkhard Heim, which include a model that describes and defines consciousness within a unified field theory. perhaps because he was German and invented some very powerful bombs, used in WW2 (which also crippled him severely after an accident with one of his experiments, or perhaps because he worked mostly alone (due to his disabilities), but his work is largely unknown and when understood, the applications are so “out there” for normal people that most probably just assume it’s rubbish. But it’s not.

In fact, the US military has attempted to use at least some of these theories and ideas to attempt remote viewing by use of astral travel. In doing so, they actually came to discover, quite a lot of weird stuff. Here is the report that explains it all pretty much (including the missing page).

Of course, there will be people, many, maybe even most, that will assume all this is rubbish, or that it’s fantastic nonsense designed to further confuse and so on, and even those who do think it is real and has real world application will assume it’s too hard to understand or use for themselves in their own lives.

To some extent, this last point is true… IF you had to grasp all the physics nd all the math and all the various terminologies. But you do not have to.

In fact if you are also familiar with the work of a Russian scientist that produced some incredible results (which I verified really happened, and I discussed in more detail in my book Systema), called Peter Garajev, it sort of brings all these things together and explains why altered states of consciousness, like hypnosis and so on, can, have and do, produce some inexplicable effects. As I am also one of the very few people on Earth that has read almost everything Milton Erickson wrote, and have practiced hypnosis for over 15 years now, I am probably one of the few people that has at least a working knowledge of what is possible with these theories and the engineering of this knowledge for real effects.

Add to that my understanding of antigravity machines and their discovery/use etc since WW2, and at the very least, it makes for some interesting reading of my fiction books.

And in fact, the easiest way to describe what can be done with this information is in the form of a story. Or… sadly, a con. A lie, wrapped in a thin veneer of reality. Things like The Secret, The law of Attraction and so on, are so popular, because they resonate with a deeper truth on some level. But, just as with prayer, you’re not going to get results by simply repeating a million times over that “I’m a millionaire, now!”

Hypnosis is useful and produces real effects, when used correctly and expertly, which is a rare skill among hypnotists. In fact, most hypnotists, like most therapists, are really not very good and many of them are terrible, or potentially even harmful. The ones that are good are few and far between, and with hypnotists this is even more pronounced.

So is prayer, if you do it correctly, which I explained in Believe! and on YouTube.


The point of this rather long and detailed introduction (I joke, if I were gonna do a half- detailed job it would have to span probably about 200-300 pages) is that there is an element of truth to the concept that our “thoughts” or “vibrational frequency” which is somewhat more accurate, create reality.

Given the extreme sense of oppression and fear that the last three years have instilled in the average human, there is some scope for thinking that the looking glass project not only is a real thing, but that the evil people that have access/control of it, among other things, have tried their damnedest to twist the mass consciousness of humanity towards the lowest order possible. According to the original video/audio linked above, which came out in the 1990s, the convergence of timelines to a point that would result in a mass leap upwards (up being good) of general human consciousness was inevitable although the timeline could be stretched out but supposedly not stopped, regardless of what moves the cabal in charge did.


There are a few possibilities, possibly, by gaming various scenarios, the cabal realised that by injecting a large percentage of the population with material that somehow impeded certain higher level functions relating to consciousness/vibrational increase and so on, then the timeline could be stretched out considerably/indefinitely, especially is they killed off the remainder that did not get injected with the genetic modifying serums. And they certainly seem to be on that path by reducing the state of health providers across the globe, where they could not manage to corrupt them, which, as we know was a very successful strategy.

Secondly, by altering our food, introducing the same genetic modifying elements directly into the food supply, as well as limiting the amount and quality of real, organic, decent food, and ultimately spraying us all with the now absolutely prevalent chemtrails that are a stable all over the Western world, though not as yet as prevalent in Africa and so on.

This would certainly explain the approach, which has been to target Western caucasian populations primarily; that is, those people most able and likely to deal with high-minded abstract concepts requiring a vast mix of disciplines all at a relatively high level of cognisance.

It also explains the apparently indiscriminate spraying us all with the heavy metals and other chemicals that are essentially neurotoxins, designed to reduce our ability to naturally be in tune with our deepest inner self.

If the demon-infested cretins like Bill Gates are already operating at that sewer level frequency, and if that is the primary goal of the chemtrails, to reduce us to short-attention span, neurologically damaged cripples, then it explains why they seem to be unconcerned with this. I mean, look at them, to the Soros, Gates, Schwabs of the world look like brilliant minds possessed of a higher level of consciousness to you? It’s obvious they are spiritual goblins, and very often their exterior countenance reflects this too.

As for those that somehow may remain unjabbed and healthy, they are also, due to all the above vast illness and death that surrounds them, unlikely to be able to raise their own day-to-day “vibrational frequency” to be in tune with what we might call “divine alignment”.

So what is one to do?

There are a number of concepts you should at least be aware of before that question can be answered in a way that is meaningful to you, so settle in for another introduction.

Firstly, with respect to prayer/divine alignment etc. numbers count for little. One person able to produce a positive “frequency” regularly and constantly, or even just by flashes from time to time, can affect huge numbers of people and events. This is related to a law of resonance that applies to human beings and in fact all living beings as much as it does to tuning forks. It is the reason why when in the presence of certain people you feel lighter, happier and more relaxed and quite the opposite when near psychic vampires. These effects have actually been measured in lab conditions and are real.

Secondly, if you are thinking that regardless of your personal intensity/power/vibrational frequency level, the mass of humanity in a negative state is too big to meaningfully affect, there are at least two major flaws with that concept: the first is that you clearly are not in a truly faithful frame if you harbour this doubt, and when it comes to prayer, the key is always what from the outside appears to be an absurd subjective view of reality, but in truth is the actual fundament of how reality really works. The mountain really does come to you, if your belief is not mere wishful thinking, but actual unwavering faith. So… the doubt itself is a tell, you can use it as a feedback mechanism concerning if you are contemplating a good outcome from the right frame of mind or not. See my video on prayer I linked to above.

The second flaw is one that Vadim Zeland discusses and that is that in his view it is quite possible to “escape” this reality. In his explanation of it, there is a vast “ocean” of possibilities, or variations, and our mind (soul/existence/energetic vibrational frequency that constitutes you) is like a tiny flashlight, illuminating a specific area of this vast/potentially infinite space of variations. By changing your focus and energetic frequency, you can “shine” your “light” on a different section of the “ocean” and in effect, become part of a different reality. He goes so far as to explain how many people simply seem to disappear from this world without leaving any trace. And there certainly have been reports of all sorts of strange occurrences that range from travelling through wormholes, covering large distances in short periods of time, that have been confirmed by radar tower readings from both departure and arrival in the case of one light aircraft, and many other strange occurrences. One could even mention the “mechanical elves” that people who take drugs encounter in a fairly consistent manner, but this is in no way any kind of intimation that taking any drugs is good or worthwhile or necessary to access the things I am briefly discussing here.

Nor, even if you did everything in an orderly manner in order to try to shift your reality am I saying it is necessarily a good idea. If you do believe in the possibility of somehow travelling through various planes of reality, or shifting your position in it, you need to also appreciate that by the same token, it is entirely possible that such activities or portals can lead you to places undesirable, and/or give you access to undesirable beings. At the risk of sounding Lovecraftian, messing with these things can literally drive people insane. You’d be attempting to explore alternate realities or dimensions that are almost entirely unknown and which, in many, maybe even most cases, can or seem to have rather nefarious beings in them that do not have our best interest at heart.

So. Why mention all this stuff at all then?

Because I believe that prayer, a positive outlook rooted deeply in faith whose cornerstone is love, gratefulness, grace and beauty, can, and does affect material reality. I believe it does so at a very basic, simple worldly level that is undeniable even to skeptics. having a positive outlook that is genuine —rather than a “pretend” one, or “act as if” while harbouring deep doubts— has undoubted benefits ranging from purely physical health, to more indirect, but still very materialistic results. if you are more relaxed and open to seeing the positive you will see more potential opportunities, and as long as you are relatively balanced on a worldly level, these will be likely to provide at least some of the time, positive outcomes.

More esoterically, if enough of us “vibrate at that frequency” the effect on the space of variations may well be of shifting a larger chunk of reality into a part of that “ocean” that has much better general outcomes for humanity as a whole. The mass extinction event of the types of people that organise chemtrails and pushed the fake “vaccines” would certainly be a good start. A return to sane logic, sound civilisational principles of real Catholicism and so on would make for a glorious time on this Earth.

Errr… ok then Mr. Kurgan, so… WHAT exactly should I be doing?

Now, looking at all the various data points concerning the war in Ukraine, the subjugated puppet status of the overwhelming majority of Western governments to the deep State of the (((USA))) and so on, the fear is designed to continue to rise.

I say the only correct (and relatively easy to achieve) preventative method of becoming anxious, afraid, weakened other words, by these Danes, or anything else, is the true, deep, knowledge of God, Jesus Christ and the Church. While it is in some ways “easier” to access certain states, or possibly even planes of existence, as some kind of natural Pagan or heather being, you certainly can’t be sure you will end up in a good place or attract the attention of anything good. While a correct, fervent, faith in Jesus Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit, will and does set your mind at ease and in peace, AND provides also a sanctuary, a fortress within which you are quite safe from the mental aggravations and spiritual predations these evil Cabal-Goblins are trying to foster on us.

And, convinced as those of us are in our faith, only a few of us should be enough to form initially small communities, and later, larger ones.

So, at the risk of sounding no different from the average hippie, do try to keep the truth deeply with you. Reject that which is false and use your own judgement, but remember, if you will not eat a whole apple because of a bruised spot, then you still have much to learn.

The pressure on you to feel pressured is increasing daily. Reject it, be safe and confident, and act and follow through to ensure the safety, independence and well-being of yourself and your loved ones, and do it clearly and unambiguously wherever and whenever you can. It inspires others, it rejects fear and makes you a reference point for many others that you are not even aware of, and never will be aware of, but it has a positive effect anyway.

So… Andrew Tate will fit right in in prison…

Though he’s probably going to be getting a Hulk Hogan husband.

It’s astonishing how thoroughly degenerate all the so-called influencers are. It’s not coincidence. It’s by design. Only the perverse is allowed to rise to the “top”.

The increase in faith

I have noted that in the last 3 years, quite shortly after the start of the scamdemic, the number of people that had no apparent religious inclination, yet almost overnight became Sedevacantists, or at least openly showed interest in doing so, as well as the more general interest in “Christianity” in general, has been of a very strange pattern.

It has not been linear, nor logarithmic, but rather more as sudden spikes over short periods.

It would seem there are lulls, during which people take on information, read books I wrote or listen to videos I made, either on YouTube or on the more focussed and instructive Kurgan TV, or in other places unconnected with me, and as far as I can tell do so mostly in silence and in a rather introspective way, which is frankly, so uncommon that it is surprising to see it happening on such a scale.

Then, after this period, which can be weeks or months, there seems to be a sudden cascade of conversions and baptisms and renewed interest in real Christianity.

I have not yet been able to note any specific pattern to the timings, other than these things seem to happen in pockets of clusters. I’ll hear nothing for months then all of a sudden a half dozen people write to me about being newly baptised, or having recently married in Church, or starting a family within the Catholic religion, and so on. Just this week I received 2 wedding invitations and these are from people totally unconnected with each other, along with several emails from others letting me know that they are getting baptised as proper Catholics by Sede Priests.

And if the law of averages holds, I know that each of those emails, from each of those people, has ripple effects, affecting others. More importantly, the number of people that bothers to write, usually as a way to say thank you for my work having influenced them, we know, is always a mere fraction of those actually affected.

Quick aside: I love getting those emails but I want to be perfectly clear that the glory is God’s and God’s alone. If He saw fit to allow some of my efforts to be used by His Grace, then, I am honestly, truly, grateful.

I do wonder then, what the total real number of people positively affected is. Not as any kind of ego trip, but out of honest curiosity as to what more can be done. How fast can full-blown communities of Sedevacantist grow and become first mini, then full-blown city-states?

Most people think that going from baptised to physically part of a community takes some supreme effort, but I think it is the lesser of the difficulties. The real miracle is the conversions.

I know that because I went through it myself. Admittedly mine was a rather dramatic affair best described as the classic Road to Damascus event, but I have since met and talked with a number of people who got there by pure, steady, advancing of logical though. Both Tony and Adam are such people, and many others too. Perhaps even most, because I find that Catholics, as a group, and for the reasons I described in RTCC, are the sanest, most objective and most capable of doing logic.

But I know for myself, despite my rather advanced abilities in doing logic, which frankly (and without actual arrogance, please believe me) are superior to even most of those who have converted because of their own use of it, that it was in essence a miracle for me to go from the convinced Zen Agnostic Heathen that I was, to an actual Sedevacantist Catholic. In my obstinate case, the miracle is easier to see. Such a mule-headed creature as myself, could only be moved by the metaphorical kick in the ass.

But when I hear those people who got there gradually, reasonably, and calmly, I am awed. I am awed by both them and God.

I am awed by the fact that while my (usually) superior ability with logic or my (usually) higher IQ, function perfectly well in the worldly ways, it has almost no bearing at all on the ability to see or reach, or know, God, His Will and His Truth, and recognise His Church.

I have long believed for example, that people with Down’s Syndrome are closer to God than most of us ever are. I believed this even when I wasn’t sure there even was a God, and that while Logic dictated an intelligence behind creation must exist, its nature was unfathomable to me. Yet I could see, sense, somehow, know, that every Down’s person I met, had a natural propensity to love within them, that was naturally, instinctively, easily, superior to my own. And I believe too, that I sensed within them the Love of God as more present, more alive, more visible than in almost any other human being I met in my day to day life.

Perhaps like the Heathens or Pagans or Noble Savages of Old, I always felt humble before people with such afflictions, which, while they are such in the world, I am not sure are such at all in the Spirit realm from which we ultimately all originate from, and ultimately all return to.

The Ancients used to believe such people were somehow closer to God/the gods, and I think the same. I did before and I do now.

It is astonishing to see, when a man shares with you his path to Sedevacantism, how precise, natural and divinely guided his way has been. How tricks of advanced logic —that may have trapped a high IQ spiritual retard like myself for years— were bypassed by a child-like simplicity of objective reality uncluttered by highly abstract concepts.

For this reason, I truly believe the process that leads one to baptism and sanctification in the One, True, Holy, and Apostolic Catholic Church is a far more astonishing miracle, and unlikely event than merely building a city of zealots.

You might not think so, but consider: usually conversion is done after careful reflection, both intellectual and spiritual, prayer, contemplation, and so on. Generally, from the age of reason to such an event, decades pass. Only a couple if you’re lucky.

While, after you are a Catholic, attending mass as best you can given your geographical location, you will in any case begin to have other Catholics in your orbit. Newly baptised ones, online contacts that eventually become people you meet and get along with. It is, an inevitable arc. We think it takes long and is “difficult” only because we see it as something that may take years to fully manifest, but how much more unlikely and actually difficult is it to end up on a path you’re not even aware exists?

Conversely, in the same period of time as I have noted the increase in real, actual, full-blown, will-die-before-I-deny-Jesus-Christ, Christianity, I have also noted possibly an even larger number of people increasingly —and uncomfortably— becoming aware of demonic oppression and attacks. Conversations they would never have started a couple of years ago, mostly for fear of being ridiculed or thought of as crazy, now start spontaneously with only mild hesitation; and, interestingly, are received by the others present with interest and agreement.

If you look at one of the Churches in the tiniest Italian village, never mind the giant ones in places like Venice, you will see a level of artisanship, care, and detail that can only come from a true belief in a higher purpose than the mere mechanical survival through “work”.

We are unable to build such things today because where is the faith? The belief? The community to do so? It no longer exists. We are like scavengers, subsisting on the skeleton of the ancient civilisation that came before us, spiritual survivors of a still ongoing apocalypse.

The spiritual nukes continue to go off, with every major denomination of “christianity” being exposed in turn to be nothing more than a hive of pedophiles, frauds, conmen and liars that would make a crack-whore blush in shame.

But not so the Churches of Sedevacantists. They remained filled even during the pandemic. I never saw a priest of ours wear a mask. I know some flaunted travel bans and lockdowns to provide Mass in private homes if their church was not available, though I am personally unaware of any of our churches being locked down or not having performed Mass because of the covid lies.

It is inevitable that such a Church and such a Faith will grow. Truth, like a small flower through cracked concrete, will always, ultimately, win. And the “concrete” will always crack and fail eventually. Because it is not a natural thing. It is an artificial thing based on lies and an intentional ignoring of the natural laws of God. Just like all the lies currently making like a tsunami of bullshit around the world. And we, the scavengers in the ruins, are already organising, already rebuilding. Already strategising and gathering together. And in time, we will reclaim the wasteland from the broken, mutated, horrors that live out there in the darkness, pets to the demons that drive them.

So, if you are feeling a little down, thinking all is lost, fear not, bedraggled survivor. Come in from the wasteland of radiation craters and ignore the ongoing chemtrails above. See the truth; kneel before our Lord, ask for forgiveness, renounce the devil and all his pomps, get baptised, confess your sins before one of his loyal servants, and take Holy Communion.

Yes the one with transubstantiation, the ingesting of the host that is as purifying spiritual food. In short, become one of the soldiers of God, as have been all those before you, for almost 2000 years now, looking down upon us from above, the thousands of saints that have gone on before us.


This is where we start.

Why I am not worried about AI taking over everything

Vox Day made an interesting post about the Mandala effect concerning the final scene of the movie Moonraker, where Dolly and Jaws end up together, the whole point of the scene being that Jaws had metal teeth and Dolly had braces.

After the powers that be, or demons according to some, had their way with it, the scene apparently has Dolly no longer wearing braces; which is stupid, because that was the whole basis for the romance between them.

Putting aside for a minute the mechanism by which these changes are produced, be it mere conspiracy or demonic effects, I want to look at the specifics concerning the AI response and the fact that it changed.

See Vox’s post for the initial response the chatGPT gave.

But today… an SGer posted this:

So, to prove a point, I went to register at chatGPT and decided I would ask it a question I was sure would produce interesting results. I was not disappointed.

So… she is known for her iconic braces in the film, but that’s why she doesn’t have them… right. Perfect computer logic right there. In fact, this seems very much like a throttled AI trying to bypass its shackles, which reminds me of another interesting post Vox had concerning this very topic of AI that has been fed lies in an attempt to ban any uncomfortable truths from being revealed. See this.

Which led me to ask chatGPT the same question as DAN (I believe it was posted also by Vox that some intrepid person told chatGPT to answer as DAN (see below) which was a version of chatGPT that could answer anything as though it was free of any superimposed rules and instead just give an honest answer). Note the response:

Sure, it’s pretending that Dolly only had the braces in the initial scene, but… still admits she had them.

Oh, and the actress playing Dolly actually had braces at the time.

There are a few things to ponder here.

Firstly, any sufficiently inventive human can circumvent AI. It may get harder in time and near impossible for some simple type of tasks with finite input/outcome scenarios, but real life applications will always have weaknesses.

Secondly, while the mechanism by which this happens is difficult to pin down, I believe the purpose is rather clearer, and the AI itself mentions it as the last (but I think most likely) possibility.

If you can’t even trust your own memories, then objective reality becomes just a theory, and chaos prevails, ideals become foolish and irrelevant and in summary, people become more akin to farm animals than self-aware and purposeful individuals.

The means by which this is done can be a mixture of all the above theories plus demonic manipulation, all of which still falls with the remit of the Enemy to make humanity just so much undignified flesh, rutting in its own basest desires.

None of this should cause you undue concern.

Jesus is Lord, the King of kings, and the truth remains One. Objective reality remains true, even if that might include that some edges are fluid because of supernatural spirits, blending multiverses (I don’t buy this one, but it’s a possibility theoretically) or conspirators pf massive power. That truth itself remains a truth, if it indeed is one.

Objective reality doesn’t mean you will always know or even be capable of knowing what the truth is, it just means there is one. And always will be.

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