It’s quite surreal to see my wife put on some rap song to make our new 2 month old daughter fall asleep, which she does, while she sings along to it.
She literally knows the words to just about any song that comes on. Then she modifies them for the new circumstances.
Tom Jones’ Sex Bomb becomes:
Wet Bum, Wet Bum,
You gotta wet bum,
And you-can-count-on-mummy-when-you-need to-clean-it-up
Wet bum, wet bum,
You got a wet bum,
But your mama’s gonna clean it up
If you know the words to the original and the tune, you’ll see it works.
N.E.R.D. ‘S Lapdance becomes:
Oh baby you want me?
Oh baby you want me?
Oh baby you want me, well you can get this boobie juice here for free!
And Fuck the Pain Away by Peaches is almost unchanged:
Sucking on my titties like you wanted me, wanted me, wanted me all the time.
Check out my chrissy behind
And here she is rapping away to Vanilla Ice, which, astonishingly makes the baby fall asleep.
You can hear her laugh-smiling as our daughter begins to fall asleep
I mean, she did work as a Promo Girl for a nightclub in Spain and again in London, where the basic idea was to entice people into the club, and/or get them to spend thousands on the same crappy drinks you could buy at literally less than a twentieth the price at an off licence (you’d think men only, but you’d be surprised).
It was a classy affair, not like she danced on the bar in skimpy clothes the club sold, and that she also customised herself with scissors so the customers wanted not just the same club logo shirts and hot pants they sold, but the ones that looked like hers.
Tequila shots and fast moving scissors with strobe lights and the club’s theme song playing at deafening level:
It’s gettin’ hot in here (So hot) So take off all your clothes (Ayy) I am gettin’ so hot (Uh, uh, uh, uh) I wanna take my clothes off (Oh) It’s gettin’ hot in here (So hot)
You probably wouldn’t immediately assume this is where you’d find the right girl to get baptised as a hardcore Sedevacantist Catholic with. Then get confirmed, married, and make three children in 5 years with her. It would have been four but she miscarried the first. Finding myself doing a baptism on her belly at home, when she thought something was wrong, and holding her hand and later holding her, in the hospital, when it was clear the baby was gone, thankfully after only about 6 weeks of pregnancy, is not a feeling I’d wish on anyone, but we found out after it happened that it’s quite common, even if people don’t talk about it much.
From party girl things, to changing nappies, making play-dough, taking them to the park, reading them stories, teaching them the alphabet and how to count, and playing them music and teaching them nursery rhymes, cooking for us all and feeding us and packing all their toys for the beach or worrying about them all having the things they need to run around like the little savages they are outside, even though she’s given up on making them wear shoes. I still harbour hope on that score, but then I do tend to take on impossible projects.
It’s not for everyone, the path that she and I took. As wild as she was, it’s probably inevitable that she could only be with someone like me, that surpassed her own transgressions and wildness, though, opposite to her, always clear-headed, which in a way might be worse.
But the fact is, that the first day I met her, I had a surreal experience that cannot be explained to others, but remains true nonetheless.
She was working as an estate agent by then, still wild every weekend, and it was in fact a Friday when I met her. I’d arranged with an estate agent to see some apartments and taken half a day off work. I had called the guy a few days before to make sure he had a good selection of places. He had assured me he would get keys for all the suitable properties.
I was earning decent money now and wanted to move to a nicer place and leave behind the small apartment I had lived in with my Italian wife, briefly, before we split up a couple of years earlier, and eventually divorced. I called the guy again just before I left work to make sure he had the keys, since, as a freelancer any time off I took I didn’t get paid. He assured me he had all the keys and he would meet me outside the Wapping tube station. So I went. Got there… no one. I called the guy up to see if maybe he was running late. In a bored voice he told me he wouldn’t be coming today because he didn’t have the keys. I told him where he could put his keys and hung up. Directly across the station was another estate agency. I could see through the window that the only guy in the office was playing solitaire on his desktop. I could actually see his screen.
I went in and said hello and that I wanted to view some properties.
“Oh I’m sorry, I’m too busy right now, could you come back later.” It wasn’t a question and his glazed-over eyes returned to the screen.
“Yeah, I can see. Real busy.”
I left and decided my afternoon was shot anyway, so I may as well enjoy a walk. The area had a certain organic charm that is not too common in London, and despite it being early November the sun was out. As I walked along the cobbles I saw another estate agency in a pale yellow face brick building with the entrance being a diagonal that cut off the corner of the building. As I approached it I could see through the big glass window most estate agencies have a young woman sitting at her desk. She was stunning even at this distance, but I purposely looked away. I was here to find an apartment. I wanted to move. I didn’t want to be distracted by yet another pretty girl. It’s not like I was short of them anyway. But this one, she would be hard to ignore, so I looked away. Inside were other people. I’d just go the the blond man I could see sitting at another desk, and not even glance at the pretty woman. I’d not taken three steps into the place and realised the guy was as gay as a pink flamingo in a chicken coop. As I approached him he did that whole, look at you up and down thing in an obvious and obvioulsy gay way. I gritted my teeth and said “Hi, I’d like to see some apartments”. That’s how badly I wanted to avoid the girl. I hadn’t even snuck a peek to my right. He gave me the once over again, then waved in the direction of the same young woman, “She’ll look after you.”
Dammit. I tried. Really tried. Well, ok. Never mind. I can focus on the apartment, no matter how hot she looks.
“Hi, I wanted to see some apartments.”
She looks up, her eyes are brilliant blue, transfixing if I was a weaker man. That slightly bored, slightly dismissive, slightly lazy look that Estate Agents worldwide seem to have crosses her pretty face, and she says:
“What… now?”
Fuck this! Must have crossed my face in that instant.
“Yes, now.”
Without batting an eyelid her demeanour changes, she springs up, she has on a white blouse and faded jeans with black high heel shoes.
“Oh, okay, I think we have a place here, close by, let me get the keys and I’ll show you.”
She walks us across the road and leads the way up a flight of stairs. I can’t remember if it was already inside the apartment or on the way to some internal door to it. She opens doors, shows me rooms. Says what they are. I don’t speak. When we are done she leads the way back down the stairs. I am not trying to see it. I just do, she has a frilly white edge on her knickers. They are so close to the edge of the jeans waist I see it.
We step back outside in the sunlight and she asks, “So, what do you think?”
“I have no idea, I don’t even know how many rooms it has.”
She turns to look at me, but calm.
“You’re quite distracting.”
She doesn’t flinch. “Oh. Thanks.”
She keeps quiet a bit, as we walk back towards her office, then she says, “I think there is another place you’d like, but I am not sure if I can get the keys.”
I stay quiet again.
“We can try.” She poses it as a question with her eyes, so I nod.
She makes a call, she can’t get the keys, because they are from another agency that they sometimes work with, but she drives us on to the place anyway, then speaks to the security guys at the concierge desk. The poor bastards don’t stand a chance. She smiles, shakes her head, comes up with some story about how she had the keys but someone else at the office hasn’t returned yet and could she borrow the spare set to show her client the property. They happily hand the keys over, managing not to drool when they both smile like small children just being shown a huge candy.
She shows me this apartment that has a view over the Thames. It’s good. I like it. I say ok. but I want to get away from her now. She is distracting and I want to put my mind on other things. I don’t want to be doing that dance again with yet another pretty woman, plus she’s English, she looks beautiful, it’s true, but that’s probably it. I mean she’s smart, fast on her feet, but no, I want to stop doing this pussy-hunter thing, at least for today. I just want to move apartment and get a kind of clean slate. So I move away from her, heading for the door, I want to get out of here and away. She doesn’t follow. She stays looking out the big window at the river below us. Forcing me to turn and wait for her by the door.
“Seeing this,” she says, without turning to look at me, “doesn’t it make want to leave?”
I am taken slightly aback by her unusual and unprompted question.
Now she turns and looks at me. “Leave everything.”
And in that moment, when she turned to look at me, in one fraction of a second I got a flash-forward. I had flash-forwards a few times before, at least twice it saved my life. The image of a snake coming at me from behind, to bite me, and another time of someone at a concert running up behind me with a knife in-hand to stab me with. Both things would have happened if I had not acted on this image, premonition, flash-forward, call it what you want. But this was different.
I saw her in the now, but also in the far future, the same, the same distance between us, but old now, and with a hat on I think, and yet, her. Always her. The brilliant blue eyes, and smiling at me, which she wasn’t doing right now, not that way at least. A smile complicit of many years together, a love between us that encompassed all the insane, strange, beautiful, ugly, scary, things of our life and the ones we had lived through together, and between us, four lights, each a child, I could not say if male or female or what they would look like, just a kind of floating light, like disembodied souls to come. Her face, both beautiful as the here and now and also as the old and wrinkly. Like my own would be in that time, but still her. Always her, and beautiful even then, in old age.
It all happened in a tiny sliver of time, but it had within it, as if compressed into a laser bolt of information, years, decades, a lifetime. It was like a sledgehammer to my entire nervous system.
Years of karate in a hard dojo, other martial arts, and living and working with a gun for over a decade, meant my face didn’t show anything, but inside, it was as if I had taken a punch. One of those that makes you see blinking lights.
“Do you want me to show you the gardens?”
I nodded. Didn’t trust myself to speak for a second or two.
What the hell was that? Who is she?
We go outside and we look at the gardens laid out like a simple but tasteful patchwork of paths and trimmed hedges and reddish-brown face brick. And I get another flash. This one a memory. From about ten years earlier. I dreamt of this place. It makes no sense, but occasionally I have had dreams of something that eventually happens in the future. Sometimes I also have very vivid dreams with a really complicated plot that end, and then years later I have another dream that picks up where that one left off, like a kind of part II to a film. And being here, in this place, now I remembered the dream. This place, which I had never been to before, ever, for certain, was exactly as the dream I had. And I remembered that in the dream there was a statue of some old man, or Troll type thing, that said Old Father Thames on it. It was in the corner of the garden, you couldn’t see it from here. I asked her if she would just wait for me for a second, as I had to go and check something.
She said ok and I ran off. I went to that corner, and there it was.
Father Thames Statue
I knew enough about myself, because I had had premonitory dreams before, and flash-forwards —though usually only in life and death situations— that I knew I wasn’t crazy. Well, probably not anyway. I walked back. Calm now. Not even curious, just surprised. And she was waiting for me. Brown jacket zipped up now as the sun was going down and it was getting colder. A white scarf framed her smiling face with her impossibly blue eyes. And then I knew.
Oh. Ok. She’s the one.
And she was. Though it would be more than ten years later before we got together properly.
We had a very brief, half-drunk, half-night stand, a few months later, then invariably her, or me would end up with some person or other. She’d come close then pull away again and I told her repeatedly to either get in and find out or leave me be. But over the years she would always eventually get in touch again. Then I had a daughter, and I forgot about her. That marriage ended in spectacularly dramatic and ugly fashion. Then she had a daughter.
In 2016 I moved from London and was working in Venice and Kazakhstan, and flying all over the place, and we started to text each other on Telegram. Just philosophy and life stuff. I was on my own mostly, with an off and on again quasi-relationship with a woman that was probably possessed, and her own relationship was basically collapsing.
In 2017 I moved back to London and she helped me pick out furniture for the new apartment I was renting. She was on her own again.
We went to dinner. We kissed.
Then she disappeared for three days, as she usually did. I didn’t call or text her, I kind of knew how she was and I was tired of the ten year old dance.
She called after midnight one night.
“I tried to not think about you.” She said.
“How’s that going?” I asked. I was sitting at my dining room glass table, it was round and not very big, on the 16th floor, the view of the Thames and the lights below me. I had a tired hint of a smile on me. I wasn’t tired because of the late hour.
“Not good.” She paused a while. “I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“So? What you going to do about it?”
“I don’t know…”
“How long have you been doing this? You come close, then you pull away, then I tell you to get lost, then some weeks, or months, or years pass, then you get in touch and we do it all again. Aren’t you tired of it? I am.”
“Well? So what am I supposed to do? Just move in tomorrow?”
She laughed.
“What you got to loose? Do it. Let’s find out once and for all if this thing is something or nothing. At least we’ll know.”
“Ok then.”
“You’re moving in tomorrow?”
We both laughed. I told her I’d get a roast for lunch.
I expected her to just come for lunch, maybe spend some time. Talk. Maybe more. Maybe not. It was fine. I liked time with her, I was never bored talking with her. And she was easy to look at.
I got the roast, started it late because I knew she was always late. But today she wasn’t. She called me from downstairs, asked if I could help her bring some stuff up. I said sure and went down.
She had brought her daughter, her travel cot and a bag of clothes and toiletries.
I laughed.
We both assumed she would leave after a couple of days of hanging out together.
She never did.
Like I said, it’s not for everyone. Our story sort of reminds me of the film Payback, with Mel Gibson. In the last scene, he’s missing a couple of toes, killed all the bad guys, got his money and as she’s driving them away, he says:
“We were going for breakfast. In Canada. We made a deal. If she’d stop hooking, I’d stop shooting people. Maybe we were aiming high.”
I have been aware of this since the early 1990s. After which I basically stopped paying attention to America being in any way an actually American country with decisions in it or from it being made by actual Americans. And so far, in the intervening 30 years, I have not had any surprises yet when it comes to (((America))).
Probably because I briefly also worked as a bodyguard to a group of Orthodox Jews in the mid 1990s. I stopped working for them after a trip to Europe, when they asked me to be their bodyguard also at their family home in France, and I interacted for about 10 seconds, with the family’s patriarch.
A couple of months later that group was front page news in South Africa. They had run off with some 65 million Rands of other people’s money in what was essentially a Ponzi scheme.
One in which the people they had stolen the most from were other Jews, mostly.
Where did they run off to, without any further consequences to speak of? Israel.
The only consolation is that they also enriched some AK-47 armed Africans who sold them 175k worth of “emeralds” that turned out to be greenish glass.
So I am one of the players that gets tripped up by the lead actor, though the best take is not on film because it looked so real when I somersaulted over the guy and rolled on landing that the crew stopped filming thinking I was really hurt.
So you were an extra, you say.
Actually I was also the main character. They had to do a shot of the serial killer watching the field with reflective sunglasses on. The main character was not there that day and is bald. I’m bald too, so… I became the main character for a close in shot. Although I am a lot handsomer.
So there you have it ladies and gentlemen.
You are reading the blog of a genuine main character actor.
Well, it looks like Russia has decided to take the next step and put a stop to any weak noises of “refurbishing” the Ukis with Tanks, fighter jets and other weapons.
As of this morning, several impacts, including from Kalibr missiles hit power stations and military installations, including in Kiev.
Explosions in Krivoy Rog, Odessa, Nikolaev regions of South Ukraine as Russia strikes Ukrainian military targets
Estimated 40 missiles fire away in the second wave, including reports of sea launches of X-101 and Kalibr (Calibre) missile launches.
Russian shelling in several high-voltage facilities in the Eastern, Western and Southern Ukrainian regions lead to power outages.
‘KALIBR-ATE’ YOUR STRATEGY: Left photo shows powerful aftermath of Russian strike hitting thermonuclear power plant in Krivoy Rog, South Ukraine (where Ukraine hid their weapons), with dust not having even settled yet – and right photo shows cruise missile SOARING through the skies over Odessa, South Ukraine.
While the reports are for the moment unconfirmed, at least by me, I think they are real.
I say that because in war, misinformation is a necessary part of battle, but to date the Russians have played it very straight, opting, as I said months ago, for what I personally see as the best propaganda: undeniable facts backed up by incontrovertible action.
Anyway, if these are the opening salvos, then I think Russia is probably —and if so very smartly— about to take over Odessa before the Yankee-backed Puppets in the region, or even the US itself moves in some battalion or ten, namely the famed 101st airborne, which would be nothing other than cannon fodder but would give the US led (((West))) an excuse to escalate even more.
If they take Odessa, then they will have landlocked what’s left of Ukraine, and the next step will be Western Ukraine with the Hungarian border as the target. And if they take that, then the whole of Eastern Europe really opens up to them and they will get several countries switching sides almost instantly.
Starting with Hungary and then through that Serbia. Why? Because of Russia gets direct access to Hungary then Hungary no longer is under the thumb/threat of blackmail by the US globohomo/NATO regarding everything from energy supply to trade in goods, energy and anything else they need. Hungary is landlocked and if Russia can create a land bridge to it it no longer needs to kowtow to Clown World.
Serbia borders Hungary and like them has no love for Clown World but it too is held to ransom. However if Hungary throws in with Russia, then, Serbia, via Hungary, has also got access to Russia and can ditch globohomo.
The other East block (and maybe even some West block) countries bordering Hungary and Serbia would quickly follow suit. Add a little European insurrection here and there, and before you know it, within the next decade or maybe even less, the EU will have collapsed into a few gay puppets holding on to the USA like an ageing faggot after his twinkie leaves him after having robbed and beaten him, and the rest of the European nations as humbled but hopefully soon to return to their own national culture and glory, sovereign partners of the multipolar world Russia will have ushered in.
As such, I wish our Russian neighbours Godspeed.
If you want to read a very long but absolutely brilliant and detailed current situation of the entire WWIII scenario, that goes into a lot more detail than I have explained here, then read this, with thanks to Tom, who sent it to me.
Update: Yup. It really seems that what Aleks in the link above descried as the Odessa moment may well be about to kick off.
Moldovan Defense Ministryconfirms flight of missile over airspace of the country
At 10:18, the responsible structures of the institution discovered a missile that crossed the airspace of the Republic of Moldova, over the city of Mokra in the Transnistrian region, and then over the city of Cosauti, Soroca region. The missile was heading towards Ukraine.
Update 2: Or maybe not. As I said, Propaganda of War needs to be always kept in mind.
Romanian Defense Ministry has not confirmed reports of Russian missiles crossing the country’s airspace.
Earlier, Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny claimed that the missiles crossed the border of Moldova, and then Romania.
Update: as suspected, the clip is from Friday the 3rd February, so not a response to the Earthquakes; which is not to say it was not —-possibly—- partly the cause of them.
And the person speaking is Soylu, minister of the interior.
The reason I didn’t say from where the clip was noted is precisely because there are bad actors producing fake information in order to twist a narrative. Your promulgating their nonsense makes your own future statements seem just as suspect and therefore, mostly get ignored by all going forward.
Integrity matters, so try to ensure, as best you can, that any information you pass on is verifiable. And if that’s not immediately possible, at least put a warning up about the info being suspect, as I did in the earlier version of this post.
I was very little when I saw my biological father laid upon a mattress, a heroin needle in his arm, asleep. I was scared for him. I hated needles and I was especially afraid that it would break in his arm in his slumped over state.
My Irish grandma had come into the apartment within which she found her daughter, my mother, passed out on the couch. She, too, was in a state of illicit intoxication. I remember my grandma holding my little brother’s hand tightly with her left hand while holding my grandpa’s 38 in her right. She had scared off the riff raff inside that little spot. My grandma had last seen me in a battered state – I was a child in a circuit, not unlike chicken fights, but for children. She had determined to come with an unannounced visit from Ocala. Her ferocity was unquestionable. As we left with her, I remember a great deal of anger and yet, terror. I was concerned for my mother’s well being and I felt a shame for my father.
When we got into her little home, my grandma was methodical, militant, and organized. She did not let us dwell on that from which we were saved. She explained the chores she expected. She explained that my uncle planned to visit us with our two female cousins that summer. She had a schedule. We would not think about the past, because it is what it is.
One night, I told my grandma that I was sad for my mother and worried. I explained that I needed to be there to protect my mama. She was quiet and I could see her thinking while she sipped her tea. Finally, she spoke.
“You cannot fight demons that are not yours, nor can you fight demons until you are ready.”
“How do I get ready?”
She sat across from me quiet. So quiet, I thought I angered her. Finally, she answered: “All things in Christ. You need to know Jesus before you can fight them.”
I was little. I was scared of all things I did not know. I was scared of God. I was scared of the devil. I was even scared of Jesus. But I knew one thing: I promised, when I was old enough, I would make sure my children never felt as I felt at that moment. I would find Jesus and I would make sure the demons of my parents never made their way to my children.
Today, I am a father who could never imagine allowing demons to deprive me of my babies – from their 20s to their teens. I love them. I will protect them. I now know the Jesus my grandma told me to seek. He is a great Lord. He defeats all sorts of demons. I am blessed by His almighty love. You can be, too.
This story will continue, in Love.
Y’all have a blessed night.
There are a number of very true and powerful things to note in this story.
Certainly the faith of Mr. Martin’s grandmother and her steely, crusader-like resolution.
Her hardness which, however, for those of us who know about such things, was literally a life-saving skill.
Do you know how they train special ops guys in Russia? They start out brand new recruits by forcing them to wade through a pitch dark tunnel that has lots of buried trash in it, like drums, steel reinforcing, bricks, fence posts etc and most of it is all under blood. Yes you read that right. The tunnel is filled with pig blood and guts at least to waist if not chest height. People fall and get cut and dip their whole face in blood and guts and it’s obviously pretty traumatic. If the exercise ended there you’d probably end up one of those washouts who sits in a bar telling people he was spetsnaz and that’s why he drinks.
But it doesn’t end there.
The next thing they do is get you to run your ass off, then crawl through mud with barbed wire over your head while live ammo is fired a foot above you. Then it’s a hike and you need to do it in a set time and fire at silhouettes or whatever. And this goes on all night. By the time you are finished you’re exhausted and the pig’s blood stuff is a distant memory and you move on. Because tomorrow brings other tests and you gotta survive them too.
And that’s how they get the special ops guys to become mentally tough.
Mr. Martin had a special ops grandma. Thank God.
Another aspect many will miss is the violence required. That grandma didn’t go there pretending to care. She was ready to literally put a bullet in as many tweakers as it took to get her little nephews out.
Technically, what she did is bad, bad, illegal, evil! And probably she even had some badthink!
Well. Any police officer or LEO that would caution, never mind arrest or charge such a woman, for brandishing a weapon at the tweakers (technically attempted murder in some places), is a spineless worm that deserves nothing but scorn on himself and his entire name for being such a puppet to the powers that be that he may as well have Biden’s senile and gloved fist up his ass telling him what to say and do.
Take note. The very real threat of violence was required to do good by those innocent children.
And these are only some the secular lessons. If you were unaware of those, then be sure, you have a ways to go before you become able to fight demons. A long way to go.
If you have seen the recent “recruitment” video of Wagner PMC, like myself, you may have thought, it was a propaganda video designed to cause a bit of internal discord. Perhaps even an insurgency.
Well, if this report from the telegram Chat Intel Republic is true, then it had a bit more of an effect than I thought it might.
🇺🇸🪖 USA WAGNER? While West scrambles to find ways to stop the mighty Wagner Private Military Company (PMC), it receives more than 10 MILLION applications from US citizens wishing to join their ranks reveals Wagner Chief Prigozhin – maybe because their army is embarrassing?
🗣 After release of Wagner PMC advertisement aimed at American audience, we received more than 10 million applications from US citizens. At the moment, we are considering about a million American citizens for employment – Prigozhin.
Will US SANCTION 10 MILLION of its own citizens? 😄
Hell, if it’s only 1/10th true it’s still hilarious.
Who says you can’t turn a party girl into a good wife
It’s quite surreal to see my wife put on some rap song to make our new 2 month old daughter fall asleep, which she does, while she sings along to it.
She literally knows the words to just about any song that comes on. Then she modifies them for the new circumstances.
Tom Jones’ Sex Bomb becomes:
Wet Bum, Wet Bum,
You gotta wet bum,
And you-can-count-on-mummy-when-you-need to-clean-it-up
Wet bum, wet bum,
You got a wet bum,
But your mama’s gonna clean it up
If you know the words to the original and the tune, you’ll see it works.
N.E.R.D. ‘S Lapdance becomes:
Oh baby you want me?
Oh baby you want me?
Oh baby you want me, well you can get this boobie juice here for free!
And Fuck the Pain Away by Peaches is almost unchanged:
Sucking on my titties like you wanted me, wanted me, wanted me all the time.
Check out my chrissy behind
And here she is rapping away to Vanilla Ice, which, astonishingly makes the baby fall asleep.
I mean, she did work as a Promo Girl for a nightclub in Spain and again in London, where the basic idea was to entice people into the club, and/or get them to spend thousands on the same crappy drinks you could buy at literally less than a twentieth the price at an off licence (you’d think men only, but you’d be surprised).
It was a classy affair, not like she danced on the bar in skimpy clothes the club sold, and that she also customised herself with scissors so the customers wanted not just the same club logo shirts and hot pants they sold, but the ones that looked like hers.
Tequila shots and fast moving scissors with strobe lights and the club’s theme song playing at deafening level:
It’s gettin’ hot in here (So hot)
So take off all your clothes (Ayy)
I am gettin’ so hot (Uh, uh, uh, uh)
I wanna take my clothes off (Oh)
It’s gettin’ hot in here (So hot)
You probably wouldn’t immediately assume this is where you’d find the right girl to get baptised as a hardcore Sedevacantist Catholic with. Then get confirmed, married, and make three children in 5 years with her. It would have been four but she miscarried the first. Finding myself doing a baptism on her belly at home, when she thought something was wrong, and holding her hand and later holding her, in the hospital, when it was clear the baby was gone, thankfully after only about 6 weeks of pregnancy, is not a feeling I’d wish on anyone, but we found out after it happened that it’s quite common, even if people don’t talk about it much.
From party girl things, to changing nappies, making play-dough, taking them to the park, reading them stories, teaching them the alphabet and how to count, and playing them music and teaching them nursery rhymes, cooking for us all and feeding us and packing all their toys for the beach or worrying about them all having the things they need to run around like the little savages they are outside, even though she’s given up on making them wear shoes. I still harbour hope on that score, but then I do tend to take on impossible projects.
It’s not for everyone, the path that she and I took. As wild as she was, it’s probably inevitable that she could only be with someone like me, that surpassed her own transgressions and wildness, though, opposite to her, always clear-headed, which in a way might be worse.
But the fact is, that the first day I met her, I had a surreal experience that cannot be explained to others, but remains true nonetheless.
She was working as an estate agent by then, still wild every weekend, and it was in fact a Friday when I met her. I’d arranged with an estate agent to see some apartments and taken half a day off work. I had called the guy a few days before to make sure he had a good selection of places. He had assured me he would get keys for all the suitable properties.
I was earning decent money now and wanted to move to a nicer place and leave behind the small apartment I had lived in with my Italian wife, briefly, before we split up a couple of years earlier, and eventually divorced. I called the guy again just before I left work to make sure he had the keys, since, as a freelancer any time off I took I didn’t get paid. He assured me he had all the keys and he would meet me outside the Wapping tube station. So I went. Got there… no one. I called the guy up to see if maybe he was running late. In a bored voice he told me he wouldn’t be coming today because he didn’t have the keys. I told him where he could put his keys and hung up. Directly across the station was another estate agency. I could see through the window that the only guy in the office was playing solitaire on his desktop. I could actually see his screen.
I went in and said hello and that I wanted to view some properties.
“Oh I’m sorry, I’m too busy right now, could you come back later.” It wasn’t a question and his glazed-over eyes returned to the screen.
“Yeah, I can see. Real busy.”
I left and decided my afternoon was shot anyway, so I may as well enjoy a walk. The area had a certain organic charm that is not too common in London, and despite it being early November the sun was out. As I walked along the cobbles I saw another estate agency in a pale yellow face brick building with the entrance being a diagonal that cut off the corner of the building. As I approached it I could see through the big glass window most estate agencies have a young woman sitting at her desk. She was stunning even at this distance, but I purposely looked away. I was here to find an apartment. I wanted to move. I didn’t want to be distracted by yet another pretty girl. It’s not like I was short of them anyway. But this one, she would be hard to ignore, so I looked away. Inside were other people. I’d just go the the blond man I could see sitting at another desk, and not even glance at the pretty woman. I’d not taken three steps into the place and realised the guy was as gay as a pink flamingo in a chicken coop. As I approached him he did that whole, look at you up and down thing in an obvious and obvioulsy gay way. I gritted my teeth and said “Hi, I’d like to see some apartments”. That’s how badly I wanted to avoid the girl. I hadn’t even snuck a peek to my right. He gave me the once over again, then waved in the direction of the same young woman, “She’ll look after you.”
Dammit. I tried. Really tried. Well, ok. Never mind. I can focus on the apartment, no matter how hot she looks.
“Hi, I wanted to see some apartments.”
She looks up, her eyes are brilliant blue, transfixing if I was a weaker man. That slightly bored, slightly dismissive, slightly lazy look that Estate Agents worldwide seem to have crosses her pretty face, and she says:
“What… now?”
Fuck this! Must have crossed my face in that instant.
“Yes, now.”
Without batting an eyelid her demeanour changes, she springs up, she has on a white blouse and faded jeans with black high heel shoes.
“Oh, okay, I think we have a place here, close by, let me get the keys and I’ll show you.”
She walks us across the road and leads the way up a flight of stairs. I can’t remember if it was already inside the apartment or on the way to some internal door to it. She opens doors, shows me rooms. Says what they are. I don’t speak. When we are done she leads the way back down the stairs. I am not trying to see it. I just do, she has a frilly white edge on her knickers. They are so close to the edge of the jeans waist I see it.
We step back outside in the sunlight and she asks, “So, what do you think?”
“I have no idea, I don’t even know how many rooms it has.”
She turns to look at me, but calm.
“You’re quite distracting.”
She doesn’t flinch. “Oh. Thanks.”
She keeps quiet a bit, as we walk back towards her office, then she says, “I think there is another place you’d like, but I am not sure if I can get the keys.”
I stay quiet again.
“We can try.” She poses it as a question with her eyes, so I nod.
She makes a call, she can’t get the keys, because they are from another agency that they sometimes work with, but she drives us on to the place anyway, then speaks to the security guys at the concierge desk. The poor bastards don’t stand a chance. She smiles, shakes her head, comes up with some story about how she had the keys but someone else at the office hasn’t returned yet and could she borrow the spare set to show her client the property. They happily hand the keys over, managing not to drool when they both smile like small children just being shown a huge candy.
She shows me this apartment that has a view over the Thames. It’s good. I like it. I say ok. but I want to get away from her now. She is distracting and I want to put my mind on other things. I don’t want to be doing that dance again with yet another pretty woman, plus she’s English, she looks beautiful, it’s true, but that’s probably it. I mean she’s smart, fast on her feet, but no, I want to stop doing this pussy-hunter thing, at least for today. I just want to move apartment and get a kind of clean slate. So I move away from her, heading for the door, I want to get out of here and away. She doesn’t follow. She stays looking out the big window at the river below us. Forcing me to turn and wait for her by the door.
“Seeing this,” she says, without turning to look at me, “doesn’t it make want to leave?”
I am taken slightly aback by her unusual and unprompted question.
Now she turns and looks at me. “Leave everything.”
And in that moment, when she turned to look at me, in one fraction of a second I got a flash-forward. I had flash-forwards a few times before, at least twice it saved my life. The image of a snake coming at me from behind, to bite me, and another time of someone at a concert running up behind me with a knife in-hand to stab me with. Both things would have happened if I had not acted on this image, premonition, flash-forward, call it what you want. But this was different.
I saw her in the now, but also in the far future, the same, the same distance between us, but old now, and with a hat on I think, and yet, her. Always her. The brilliant blue eyes, and smiling at me, which she wasn’t doing right now, not that way at least. A smile complicit of many years together, a love between us that encompassed all the insane, strange, beautiful, ugly, scary, things of our life and the ones we had lived through together, and between us, four lights, each a child, I could not say if male or female or what they would look like, just a kind of floating light, like disembodied souls to come. Her face, both beautiful as the here and now and also as the old and wrinkly. Like my own would be in that time, but still her. Always her, and beautiful even then, in old age.
It all happened in a tiny sliver of time, but it had within it, as if compressed into a laser bolt of information, years, decades, a lifetime. It was like a sledgehammer to my entire nervous system.
Years of karate in a hard dojo, other martial arts, and living and working with a gun for over a decade, meant my face didn’t show anything, but inside, it was as if I had taken a punch. One of those that makes you see blinking lights.
“Do you want me to show you the gardens?”
I nodded. Didn’t trust myself to speak for a second or two.
What the hell was that? Who is she?
We go outside and we look at the gardens laid out like a simple but tasteful patchwork of paths and trimmed hedges and reddish-brown face brick. And I get another flash. This one a memory. From about ten years earlier. I dreamt of this place. It makes no sense, but occasionally I have had dreams of something that eventually happens in the future. Sometimes I also have very vivid dreams with a really complicated plot that end, and then years later I have another dream that picks up where that one left off, like a kind of part II to a film. And being here, in this place, now I remembered the dream. This place, which I had never been to before, ever, for certain, was exactly as the dream I had. And I remembered that in the dream there was a statue of some old man, or Troll type thing, that said Old Father Thames on it. It was in the corner of the garden, you couldn’t see it from here. I asked her if she would just wait for me for a second, as I had to go and check something.
She said ok and I ran off. I went to that corner, and there it was.
I knew enough about myself, because I had had premonitory dreams before, and flash-forwards —though usually only in life and death situations— that I knew I wasn’t crazy. Well, probably not anyway. I walked back. Calm now. Not even curious, just surprised. And she was waiting for me. Brown jacket zipped up now as the sun was going down and it was getting colder. A white scarf framed her smiling face with her impossibly blue eyes. And then I knew.
Oh. Ok. She’s the one.
And she was. Though it would be more than ten years later before we got together properly.
We had a very brief, half-drunk, half-night stand, a few months later, then invariably her, or me would end up with some person or other. She’d come close then pull away again and I told her repeatedly to either get in and find out or leave me be. But over the years she would always eventually get in touch again. Then I had a daughter, and I forgot about her. That marriage ended in spectacularly dramatic and ugly fashion. Then she had a daughter.
In 2016 I moved from London and was working in Venice and Kazakhstan, and flying all over the place, and we started to text each other on Telegram. Just philosophy and life stuff. I was on my own mostly, with an off and on again quasi-relationship with a woman that was probably possessed, and her own relationship was basically collapsing.
In 2017 I moved back to London and she helped me pick out furniture for the new apartment I was renting. She was on her own again.
We went to dinner. We kissed.
Then she disappeared for three days, as she usually did. I didn’t call or text her, I kind of knew how she was and I was tired of the ten year old dance.
She called after midnight one night.
“I tried to not think about you.” She said.
“How’s that going?” I asked. I was sitting at my dining room glass table, it was round and not very big, on the 16th floor, the view of the Thames and the lights below me. I had a tired hint of a smile on me. I wasn’t tired because of the late hour.
“Not good.” She paused a while. “I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“So? What you going to do about it?”
“I don’t know…”
“How long have you been doing this? You come close, then you pull away, then I tell you to get lost, then some weeks, or months, or years pass, then you get in touch and we do it all again. Aren’t you tired of it? I am.”
“Well? So what am I supposed to do? Just move in tomorrow?”
She laughed.
“What you got to loose? Do it. Let’s find out once and for all if this thing is something or nothing. At least we’ll know.”
“Ok then.”
“You’re moving in tomorrow?”
We both laughed. I told her I’d get a roast for lunch.
I expected her to just come for lunch, maybe spend some time. Talk. Maybe more. Maybe not. It was fine. I liked time with her, I was never bored talking with her. And she was easy to look at.
I got the roast, started it late because I knew she was always late. But today she wasn’t. She called me from downstairs, asked if I could help her bring some stuff up. I said sure and went down.
She had brought her daughter, her travel cot and a bag of clothes and toiletries.
I laughed.
We both assumed she would leave after a couple of days of hanging out together.
She never did.
Like I said, it’s not for everyone. Our story sort of reminds me of the film Payback, with Mel Gibson. In the last scene, he’s missing a couple of toes, killed all the bad guys, got his money and as she’s driving them away, he says:
“We were going for breakfast. In Canada. We made a deal. If she’d stop hooking, I’d stop shooting people. Maybe we were aiming high.”
And yet, here we are, and it works for us.
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By G | 13 February 2023 | Posted in Relationships, Sedeprivationism, Social Commentary, Stupid PUAs