Archive for February 2023

So… wait… the head of the ADL…

Yup. He said it. So, just to be clear, he admits it could be a hoax, but even if it is, it’s not a Jewish plot at all.

Ok. I’d like to know who would have had any interest in making it a hoax. Was it the Chinese? And was it them too that somehow never mention the 100 million people killed by Jewish people in Russia and so on?

I mean China is the next bad guy right? Right after Russia, so… yeah, must be an evil Chinese plot.

The Burning Platform – Thieves

So, today’s asshats have taken once again, one of my posts verbatim and shoved it on their shitty, clickbait, fake “we are gonna give you the real news” (by stealing it from other people then asking you to pay for “their” “hard work” and supposed “payments to contributors”).

Today’s theft, Archived here:

And according to their own site they had collected $7,500 for 2023 at this point.

Valentine’s Day theft (posted on the 15th by them) archived here:

SO: If you have ever sent these thieving fucks money, please stop doing so.

If you really WANT to send me money, you can do so by either buying some of my books, or badges, or subscribing to my video channel Kurgan TV with content you won’t find anywhere else, or with a direct or recurring donation to the Kurganate efforts here.

At least you’ll be receiving something for it (unless you just do the donation) instead of mere begging for unspecified “costs”.

As far as I am concerned they now have a few of options:

  1. Apologise, take down my work from their sight and never post any of it there again.
  2. Apologise, ask for permission, and offer to pay me writing fees as a contributor. My fee is 10 (Euro) cents a word. By doing this twice in a row, they already lost the option of simply asking for permission and getting to do it for free. I don’t like liars, and once could be a bad judgement, but twice is a pattern.
  3. The third option, to continue stealing and ignoring this will probably be what they opt for, but this is not my first rodeo, and eventually, on a long enough timeline, people who piss me off get a rather rude shock. Fraudsters, etc have not fared well against me. To the last count there were 2 companies in receiverships, one trial won with damages and costs awarded to me and a few websites that went out of business. I’d rather it not go that way, and this is not a huge deal, but some things need correcting, and pretending I have anything to do with that shitty site is one of them. So they have easy solutions available, as the other gentleman who made the same initial error was able to verify, but some people can’t help being dumb and wanting to be punished. Maybe they enjoy it, I don’t know.

To Idiot Protestants – Learn the Lesson

I have stated the rules for commenting quite clearly. I have explained the stupidity, ignorance, and complete lack of any logic of the Protestant position many, many, many times. With never a single valid point in response. It’s like talking to stones. I’d say monkeys, but monkeys can learn. Protestants, apparently, with few exceptions, can only rely on God possibly having mercy on them only because of truly invincible ignorance. That’s when you are literally too stupid to learn. So, stones. Monkeys have more applicable reason and free will.

Below is the umpteenth retarded comment, which I add links and commentary to only as the usual (vain) attempt at being a teaching moment pour encourager les autres.

From Gen.Patton [who Protestant though he might have been, would likely be spinning in his grave at this moron using his name]

Constantine “legalized” Christianity in 313 a.d.

In this act, he shrewdly blended Pagan Romanism with the Christian movement that was threatening to destroy Rome.

This is the origin of Catholicism. Orthodoxy, and Sedevacantist Catholicism by default are off-shoots of the same root.

They are all False Gospel.

This is easily proven, [No it’s not. It never has been and never will be, because the opposite is true and historically demonstrable. And only a complete idiot would make such historically, logically, and objectively incoherent statements.]

although lengthy books have been written on the many departures Catholicism has taken away from True Christianity. [Lengthy books of lies have been written about many things. They don’t change facts]

Here are 5 examples: [Here we go. Retardation incoming…]

5 fundamentals of Christianity: 1. Deity of Christ 2. Triune God 3. Virgin Birth 4. Christ’s Resurrection

5. Justification by Faith Alone in Christ Alone. [Nope, stupid. That was pencilled in by Martin. The drunkard, glutton, rapist with a penchant for banging nuns. Read James, which was part of the Bible until the same fat, Jewish, spiritual hit man ripped it and other books out of the Bible]

Or the 5 Solas if you prefer:

[Ah yes, the 5 brands of indelible idiocy all true morons wear proudly on their foreheads]

Here is a link to an entertaining deconstruction of pretty much all your retarded Protestant positions: The Idiocy

Scripture alone

Faith alone

Grace alone

Christ alone

To the glory of God alone

These people are literally too stupid to understand that it was CATHOLICISM that literally put the bible together as a book, using TRADITION to do it. Some 300 years after Jesus ascended.

And secondly, that since they have ZERO written rules, the only rule they have is “Interpreth as thou will” which is 100% Satanic. 

“Oh but my denomination number 42,391 HAS written rules…” sure, and next week, one of the “congregants” there can write his own set and be just as “valid”. It’s idiotic on its face. A child gets how retarded this is.

Thirdly, if some fat, rapey, gluttonous, foul mouthed, Jewish spiritual hit-man can come along some 1500 years later and you all ass-u-me that his changes to a grabbled Bible that’s been perverted by pharisees for 700 years to begin with, are all “God-Breathed” instead of “Martin-Farted” what in the HELL can possibly prevent say Bruce Jenner, from coming along and re-writing a few chapters himself, in the name of strong fake “women” everywhere, and THAT being just as “God-Breathed” instead of just as “Bruce-Farted”? I’ll tell you, because if you believe that nonsense, you’re too stupid to figure it out: Nothing. Absolutely nothing is preventing that from happening. because the only standard protestants have for being a Christian is to recognise that Jesus is Lord. Well. Guess what. Demons know that too.

The standard for being a Protestant is literally the same as that of Demons.

Obviously, the idiotic “Gen. Patton” has now joined the mass graves of spammed commenters and I will never again see any of his idiotic statements, and henceforth, any Protestant that even HINTS at any of the above, idiotic, debunked by centuries of proof that even honest protestants like Rodney Stark recognise, will summarily be spammed. No warning of any kind will ever be given henceforth. Not that I gave them before. 

Get it through your head: I don’t CARE about your retarded Protestant nonsense. You are wrong, stupid and you will not waste any of my time at all other than what I chose to spend, like here, to make an example of you for others.

Race and IQ

A lot of people are not going to like this, although it has been demonstrated by IQ tests for several decades, and I blogged about it some 13 years ago already.

What most people don’t understand is that IQ tests have been done for a very long time, on huge numbers of people, and adjusted and regulated for all sorts of variables, like socio-economic groups, and so on. Like it or not, the g factor measured by IQ tests is undeniably real.

Regardless of what people with a chip on their shoulder like Taleb would like to pretend.

I expect analogous tables to be present between East Asians like the Japanese and Europeans

The interesting thing is not even the above undeniable facts.

The interesting thing is that no one is discussing what kind of social policies are best, and fairest for the largest number of people, to put in place.

If you think about the issue for a while, you should, in short order, come to the logical conclusion that homogenous ethnic nations are really the best option for all. In each nation the majority being of one type of ethnicity and race, the laws and rules will be made as those people best seem fit. And guests and visitors had best take heed.

The alternative, some globally imposed system of rules, would inevitably favour certain groups over others. If laws are to be followed by sensible, logical, Roman Law type principles, the outcome is certainly going to be fairer for more people than if Anglo-Saxon (common law) or worse, American Law is used, but there will still be a huge disparity between various groups.

Some of the problems are inevitable. I am personally all for individual exceptionalism, I see no reason why the outlier African that is better than most caucasians at something shouldn’t be allowed to perform certain tasks, but, since the law of averages states most people that look like him might not be best suited for that task, a natural prejudice will exist against him.

When I was in Japan, I certainly encountered “racism” against me for my being a dirty, stupid, lawless, round-eyed barbarian. Not because I behaved like one, but because all the dirty, stupid, lawless, round-eyed barbarians that looked similar to me did.

I reacted individually to it, but I never took it personally. I understood the poor Japanese guy in his shop.

I get it. I’m a nigger. But unluky for you, I’m not like the other niggers. So your extremely subtle prejudice against me will be replied to in kind.

Which probably only made the difference that I went from nigger to uppity-nigger. But that’s ok. Like a typical nigger, I was black, and I was proud.

The point is, life is not fair. This world is not fair. And if we reduce everything to secular “values” then your IQ and other intangibles of far less importance, become your value as a human being. A horrific mechanisation of humanity that is Hellish in nature and Satanic in operation.

On the other hand, a proper Catholic approach, would allow for the differences in a reasonable manner, taking each case individually, but with a commensurate response to protect the largest number of people. You do a violent crime, particularly against the physically weaker, you take a very severe punishment, including forced labour and the death penalty for certain crimes.

You don’t pass objective criteria to hold certain jobs, then it’s tough titties. And if that means we end up with all the best physicists and astronomers being lilly-white and the best 100m sprinters all coal-black, so be it.

But before we can have such a meritocracy, founded not in the negative aspects of pre-judging large groups, but rather, in seeking to give each man his dues in proportion to his talents and abilities, without loss of dignity in any case, we will likely require the second coming to have taken place.

Putin’s speech and what it means.

Read the whole thing here, direct from the Kremlin, because I would not trust a single Western Media source with telling me the sky is blue at this point.

In essence, however, Putin is doing simply what I stated Russia was and would continue to do, back in October 2022 (well, long before that, but I spelt it out on this blog for the masses then).

And that is: Using verifiable facts (aka known as truth) as their propaganda. Is EVERYTHING Russia says on the level? Maybe not. I am sure some tiny elements here and there might be actual propaganda, but by and large, what Putin says is pretty closely related to the reality of facts, events and objective observations of reality.

In the long term, especially when you are dealing with actual missiles and guns and flying bullets, that kind of “propaganda” is invincible.

Because even the retarded norms start to see it after a while.

Here is a small excerpt of his speech.

The recent Munich Conference turned into an endless stream of accusations against Russia. One gets the impression that this was done so that everyone would forget what the so-called West has been doing over the past decades. They were the ones who let the genie out of the bottle, plunging entire regions into chaos.

According to US experts, almost 900,000 people were killed during wars unleashed by the United States after 2001, and over 38 million became refugees. Please note, we did not invent these statistics; it is the Americans who are providing them. They are now simply trying to erase all this from the memory of humankind, and they are pretending that all this never happened. However, no one in the world has forgotten this or will ever forget it.

None of them cares about human casualties and tragedies because many trillions of dollars are at stake, of course. They can also continue to rob everyone under the guise of democracy and freedoms, to impose neoliberal and essentially totalitarian values, to brand entire countries and nations, to publicly insult their leaders, to suppress dissent in their own countries and to divert attention from corruption scandals by creating an enemy image. We continue to see all this on television, which highlights greater domestic economic, social and inter-ethnic problems, contradictions and disagreements.

I would like to recall that, in the 1930s, the West had virtually paved the way to power for the Nazis in Germany. In our time, they started turning Ukraine into an “anti-Russia.”

Actually, this project is not new. People who are knowledgeable about history at least to some extent realise that this project dates back to the 19th century. The Austro-Hungarian Empire and Poland had conceived it for one purpose, that is, to deprive Russia of these historical territories that are now called Ukraine. This is their goal. There is nothing new here; they are repeating everything.

He is absolutely right.

And the next piece I put here has some real zingers in it. Not because of smart word-play, or fancy rhetoric. But precisely because it is a hammer of truth on a tiny blob of gay glop, that is the GAE Western world (emphasis added) and [commentary by me].


We are not at war with the people of Ukraine. I have made that clear many times. The people of Ukraine have become hostages of the Kiev regime and its Western handlers, who have in fact occupied that country in the political, military and economic sense and have been destroying Ukrainian industry for decades now as they plundered its natural resources. This led to social degradation and an immeasurable increase in poverty and inequality. Recruiting resources for military operations in these circumstances was easy. Nobody was thinking about people, who were conditioned for slaughter and eventually became expendables. It is a sad and dreadful thing to say, but it is a fact.

Responsibility for inciting and escalating the Ukraine conflict as well as the sheer number of casualties lies entirely with the Western elites and, of course, today’s Kiev regime, for which the Ukrainian people are, in fact, not its own people. The current Ukrainian regime is serving not national interests, but the interests of third countries. [We know they mean the USA and NATO puppets, but I’d love to know if they add Israel to that list]

The West is using Ukraine as a battering ram against Russia and as a testing range. I am not going to discuss in detail the West’s attempts to turn the war around, or their plans to ramp up military supplies, since everyone is well aware of that. However, there is one circumstance that everyone should be clear about: the longer the range of the Western systems that will be supplied to Ukraine, the further we will have to move the threat away from our borders. This is obvious.

The Western elite make no secret of their goal, which is, I quote, “Russia’s strategic defeat.” What does this mean to us? This means they plan to finish us once and for all. In other words, they plan to grow a local conflict into a global confrontation. This is how we understand it and we will respond accordingly, because this represents an existential threat to our country.

However, they too realise it is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield and are conducting increasingly aggressive information attacks against us targeting primarily the younger generation. They never stop lying and distorting historical facts as they attack our culture, the Russian Orthodox Church and other traditional religious organizations in our country.

Look what they are doing to their own people. It is all about the destruction of the family, of cultural and national identity, perversion and abuse of children, including pedophilia, all of which are declared normal in their life. They are forcing the priests to bless same-sex marriages. Bless their hearts, let them do as they please. Here is what I would like to say in this regard. Adult people can do as they please. We in Russia have always seen it that way and always will: no one is going to intrude into other people’s private lives, and we are not going to do it, either.

But here is what I would like to tell them: look at the holy scripture and the main books of other world religions. They say it all, including that family is the union of a man and a woman, but these sacred texts are now being questioned. Reportedly, the Anglican Church is planning, just planning, to explore the idea of a gender-neutral god. What is there to say? Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Millions of people in the West realise that they are being led to a spiritual disaster. Frankly, the elite appear to have gone crazy, and it looks like there is no cure for that. But like I said, these are their problems, while we must protect our children, which we will do. We will protect our children from degradation and degeneration.

It makes you wonder why, we in the West are apparently NOT protecting our children. How many of you are staying silent while transgenderism is being taught in elementary schools your children attend?

How many of you are not taking steps to separate yourselves from degenerate ideologies that run counter to biological reality?

How many of you are brainwashed into accepting the premise that all cultures and all ethnicities and all people are all equivalent in objective terms?

How many of you use the word “gender” when the correct word is “sex”.

Gender is used for Romantic languages that have masculine and feminine words, it is not used for people or animals to describe the sex, which, in mammals is either male or female, excepting an extremely tiny number of genetic mishaps where a few unfortunates have sexual chimeras usually known as hermaphrodites. Do you now use the repurposed word “gender” to “normalise” the utterly insane and idiotic idea that “gender (meaning the biological sex of people) is a social construct”?

Because if it were socially acceptable (give it time), and I was that way inclined (never gonna happen), I could pretty much bitchslap you in the face with my “social construct” until you change your mind.

It doesn’t matter if you like Putin or not. It doesn’t matter if you think he is part of the big plan of “the Jews”, or “the Bankers”, or “the Elite”, or aliens from outer space for that matter. Right now, Putin is demonstrably light-years closer to the truth than the entire Western World put together.

The FBI has recently admitted they consider Sedvacantists “White Supremacists” which is, of course utterly nonsensical, but since when has the truth ever got in the way of the alphabet Soup present in America (and with its tentacles very far up the backside of the entire West)?

So, hot on the heels of my last post: What are you doing Western Man.

Are you protecting your children from the lies and the demonic scourge after them?

I’ll tell you, I consider the Eastern “Orthodox” Schismatics and wrong on the theological facts, but:

  1. They are half a Galaxy closer to the truth than any of the other fake Churchian denominations, and a few full Galaxies closer than Protestantism (all 40,000+ versions) or the Satanism that currently pretends to be the “Catholic” Church.
  2. I’ll worry about converting my misguided Russian friends to proper Christianity (Sedevacantist Catholicism) after Davos Man has been made extinct by them. And if they actually do, well, I sure hope God forgives them their errors. And less so our own timidity in the face of the enemies of truth, beauty, life and innocence.

Ultimately, Putin’s speech means exactly what it says.

We told you to leave us alone. You didn’t. We warned you repeatedly. We are still doing so. Now enough. You carry on playing this game, we will hit you in your own back yard.

Kayfabe is over.

Kaliber is in.

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