Archive for February 2023

The facts about American adventures in bioweapon technologies

The Russian Federation has released a brief but rather crushing summary of American bioweapon involvement. I’ll quote extensively from it with commentary but you can read the whole thing yourself here.

The fact that the United States blocked the initiative to establish a monitoring mechanism of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) at the Ninth Review Conference once again confirms that Washington has something to hide, while the transparency of the biological research contradicts the interests of the USA.
We have previously informed about the works on enhancing the pathogenic characteristics of COVID-19 causative agent, carried out at Boston University with funds of the U.S. state budget, as well as the possible involvement of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in the emergence of the new coronavirus.
The key role in the implementation of the abovementioned projects belongs to EcoHealth Alliance intermediary organisation. The available documents of the U.S. Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) confirm that since 2015,professionals of the abovementioned company have been studying the diversity in the population of bats, searching for new coronavirus strains, and mechanisms of its transmission from animals to humans. Over 2.5 thousandspecimen have been researched.

Although they discuss aspects of the Covid planned-demonic, including its premeditation, there are other interesting aspects.

The high degree of readiness of the U.S. mRNA vaccine manufacturers for a pandemic of the new coronavirus infection raises questions. One gets the impression that pharmaceutical companies had produced the vaccine preparations in advance, being unable to rapidly introduce them into the market due to specific characteristics of the virus that embodied in low efficiency of vaccination and numerous side effects.
It is to be reminded that on 18 October 2019, two months before the first official reports about the emergence of the new coronavirus infection in China, the John Hopkins University, supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted Event 201 exercise in New York.
This exercise simulated the epidemic of a previously unknown coronavirus that, according to the scenario, was transmitted from bats to humans via pigs, the intermediate host.
Outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic precisely according to this scenario raises questions about its premeditated nature, involvement of the USA in this incident, as well as real objectives of the U.S. biological programmes aimed at enhancing the characteristics of dangerous pathogens.
We have repeatedly noted that the United States conduct the studies that are most controversial in terms of the international law outside the national territory.
The examples are the experiments related to HIV infection that have been carried out by U.S. specialists in Ukraine since 2019. It should be emphasized that the target groups include not only ‘high-risk infection patients’ (convicted or drug addicts), but also representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Nice huh? Be an ally to the US they said. Take these shots, they said. They’re good for you, they said. And now you have AIDS. Literally.

Russia considers the actions committed by the officials who carried out the research on Ukrainian personnel, whose blood contained high concentrations of antibiotics, narcotics, antibodies to the causative agents of infectious diseases, require appropriate legal assessment.
During the special military operation, Russian personnel acquired over 20,000 documents, reference and analytical materials, as well as surveyed witnesses and participants of the U.S. biological programmes. The abovementioned materials confirm that the Pentagon aimed at creating elements of a biological weapon, and testing it on the population of Ukraine and other countries along the perimeter of the Russian borders.
The Russian Defence Ministry has already mentioned the names of the participants of the military and biological programmes, including those of the U.S. Democratic Party representatives, employees of the U.S. military department, and the Pentagon’s contracting organisations.
The DTRA reports have led us to the new information about key persons involved in the so-called Ukrainian projects who have been staying in the shadow until now.
Among of them are:

Good to put a few faces to names.

In 2022, the USA, Canada, and EU countries initiated programmes to employ and relocate the Ukrainian professionals, who had been involved in military biological works before, to Western countries. It is primarily due to the concerns that the Russian law enforcement can receive additional testimonies to the illegal activities carried out in violation of international obligations.  
It is to be emphasised that the strategy of ‘military and biological expansion’ is not fundamentally new, and it was founded by the United States back in the period of the Korean conflict.
Since the 1950s, biological laboratories were established in Africa, Central and South America, as well as South-East Asia, with the priority role of the U.S. Navy. Their main objective was to sample causative agents of highly dangerous infections, and determine the level of morbidity among local population.
The areas, where these laboratories located, witnessed a deterioration in the epidemic situation regarding highly dangerous infections, as well as now. New diseases, uncharacteristic for these regions, emerged. One of the examples is the outbreak of Rift Valley Fever in 1977 in Cairo, where the U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit Three was located.
This disease had previously been recorded only south of the Sahara, but then it suddenly emerged in Egypt, simultaneously infecting 18,000 people. Further analysis of the samples taken from the population showed that the total number of infected people was around 2,000,000.
A whole array of proofs reveal the artificial nature of this outbreak and the involvement of the U.S. laboratory.
First, several months before the epidemic started, its staff had been vaccinated against Rift Valley Fever, although there had been no records of an outbreak of this infection in that region, whilst in the endemic regions of Africa, it proceeded as a light influenza-like illness that caused no human deaths. 
Second, the causative agent suddenly acquired high pathogenicity for humans during the epidemic in Egypt. The disease caused haemorrhage, severe eye and nervous system lesion. The virus became highly pathogenic and almost could be compared with smallpox, Marburg and Lassa fevers in this regard. It is extremely difficult to define the sudden change in pathogenicity of the virus by its natural evolution. 

And when they get caught they simply tend to shift to a new location in a “friendly” vassal state. Be friends with the Americans, they said. It’s good for the economy they said.

Despite the available evidential base about the artificial nature of the outbreak, the U.S. leadership has done everything to conceal the involvement of the laboratory in this incident. Only in 2019, it was decided to relocate it to the U.S. Naval Air Station Sigonella, Italy, to continue the research on highly dangerous pathogens, including coronaviruses. 

There is a new American biolab of level 3 destined for Italy that’s been in the news lately, against the wishes of local population but with apparent glee of the local politician involved: the mayor. I wonder what could possibly have caused him to try to ram this biolab through upon his very unhappy constituents.

Various investigations were initiated in the United States itself. The U.S. law enforcement has paid attention to the topics related to bribing employees of social networks and mass media while broadcasting the cause of the new coronavirus infection, as well as manipulating the public opinion about the U.S. vaccines against COVID-19 commissioned by biotechnological and pharmaceutical corporations. 
It is to be reminded that lobbying the interests of large pharmaceutical companies by the U.S. government is a common practice. Back in 2010, the operation of a U.S. Navy Medical Biological Centre in Jakarta was ceased due to a ‘conflict of interests’ and various violations.
The Americans performed their works outside the agreed research programme, carried out unauthorised sampling, and refused to inform the Indonesian government on the purposes of their works and the results achieved. These biomaterials turned out to be used to the benefit of the Gilead company, affiliated with the Pentagon, that tested their preparations in Ukraine and Georgia (including, but not limited to).
The Indonesian example was followed by Malaysia: the government of that country decided to establish special control over the activities of the U.S.-funded biolaboratory.
Therefore, the concerns of the international community, related to the activities of the Pentagon-funded biolaboratories, is gradually increasing. The issues, raised by the Russian Federation at the international venues – the Nineth Review Conference of BTWC Member States, and the UN Security Council – have revealed the reluctance of the USA to conduct a substantive dialogue. Russia considers it extremely important that the disclosure of the facts that reveal the illegal military and biological activities have caused various countries to consider possible consequences of their biosafety cooperation with the USA, and take a fresh look at the necessity and rationale of this kind of cooperation.

Nothing to see here guys (or is it goys?)

It’s just America spreading that goodwill, democracy, and good for the economy vibes.

Why would anyone not love American interventionism, and long tradition of testing bioweapons on its own citizens as well as on the populations of literally all of its allies? What could be more democratic than that?

Move close to an American biolab near you.

American exceptionalism demands it!

I realise the average American is unable to name half of their own states, doesn’t own a passport and can’t pick out Australia on a world map, so it is no surprise that they are often utterly shocked at the contempt much of the world has for their country. But perhaps, if they become aware of such things, they may find that the hatred the rest of the world has for America is one they too share. A hatred that is more directly aimed not at the average American citizen, but rather, at their ruling class, which, while still mostly composed of Americans at the lower political echelons, is increasingly obvious is actually run by a foreign “elite” at the top.

Oh, and just and just for no reason at all, I’m going to remind you that:

Epstein didn’t kill himself.

The Military Intelligence Depopulation Numbers

Those who have followed various Internet sites will be aware of Deagel Corporation. This shadowy entity became internet infamous for predicting some huge reductions in populations of various countries. the site has since been taken down, but it is archived and this is where I got the data below. I then copied it into an excel spreadsheet and did some of my own calculations.

If you want an overview of the Deagel Corp and their depopulation agenda/data presentation, there is an article here that talks about them and some of these issues, however, not in the specifics I will go into here. In my post, I have no interest in “debunking” the numbers, or Deagel Corp etc. In other words, I have taken the values as given and then I have applied some calculations to them and am going to interpret that data with current events as we find them today and see what it might all mean.

If you want to check my work, you can go directly to the Deagel archived page here, of the depopulation forecast for 2025 when compared to 2017 and verify it for yourself.

All I did is take the numbers for population only, ignoring the GDP, military expenditure and everything else. In short, I am only looking at a figure that is going to be difficult to hide: The number of corpses that are going to be turning up pretty soon.

My excel sheet is screeshotted in full is below, in alphabetical order, unlike the one at the archived Deagel page.

The analysis is below the images.

This is very interesting for a number of reasons, even if we are to delve no deeper (which we will).

The first number column shows population numbers predicted for 2025 and the second one the actual population numbers in 2017.

Numbers in red indicate a REDUCTION of Population from the 2017 value by the 2025 predicted date.

Numbers in green indicate and INCREASE of Population from the 2017 value by the 2025 predicted date.

We can clearly assume that the whole scamdemic was a population reduction effort, as anyone with two functioning brain cells can conclude by now, even if only from the FACT that the genetic serums had to be created and readied years in advance, for which, by the way, there has been plenty of evidence, including payments in advance of 2019 for them, etc etc (go find it yourself, the internet is there for you to use it, not just ask for a “source” and there are plenty of sources).

There is one more depopulation number that is not shown in the table, and that is that from 2017 to 2021 at least, presumably, the world kept producing babies more or less as it always had and this should, on average, have resulted in a further 310 million people, which, if our totals are almost half a billion less, means we need to add those 310 million to the death toll, so the actual total reduction is not 479 million, as shown above, but more like 790 million. And that’s only from 2017 to 2021. Because in theory, we need to project the effect of mass deaths, sterilisation, or whatever else the “elite” have planned for us, that would have resulted in negative population growth also from 2021 to 2025, which is another 4 year interval, and so we can say with certainty that the number would be at the very least another 310 million, but probably closer to 400 million. So, absent their “interventions” it’s safe to say that at least 1.1 billion people, and probably quite a few million more than that, will have been killed or prevented from coming into existence between 2017 and 2025.

Screenshot of total world Pop in 2017
And total world Pop in 2021

Without doing any further analysis we can already get a sense that this is pretty much in line with the results of the genetic serum shots they have been passing off as a “vaccine”. It is, of course, a monstrous degree of mass murder that is unmatched by anything in human history, but from a diabolical perspective, it makes sense.

If the die off was much higher or faster than this, the catastrophic results would be absolutely impossible to hide. Since there is a level of fractal abstraction to these kinds of issues, to put things in perspective, assume that you go from a group of 7 and a half people (say seven full time workers and one part time worker) which is projected to go to 8 and a half in 8 years time. But instead it goes from almost 8 after four years, back down to 7 people only over the next four years. Sure it’s harder, but the grind is gradual and spread out over four years. Four years during which they brought in a bunch of new oppressive rules that you are now used to. You gotta check in on time, show your papers, your food has been reduced, other people are on the government handouts eating government cheese once every three days, so you’re grateful you can still work 14 hour days instead of the ten it used to be, for 2/3 pay, so you can supplement your daily government cheese with the occasional reconstituted “chocolate” bar mixed with tasty cricket flour.

Yeah, Bob, the temp worker, sort of disappeared, and Jane died suddenly, but it was just a hard half decade. You don’t have time to think things through in detail. You need to fill in your 14 hours, 6 days a week or you will not be able to get that extra “chocolate” bar.

You especially can’t notice so much since the general level of service of everything, but particularly hospitals, healthcare, doctors, food production, food quality, and general standard of living is also gradually collapsing, overstretched and just harder to get at a level that used to be considered normal, but that now requires expensive private care to be met.

So that’s just for starters.

The Races

If you paid attention, you will note that I also added an ethnicity component to each country in my schedule. Obviously this is not perfect, as you will see I have some EuroArab types, a denomination that is called “Mix” and I also used the somewhat disparaging term of “Sudaca” for the generic Mestizos found in South America. Nevertheless I put Argentina as “Euro” because it has a higher percentage of Europeanoids. Oh and if you take offence at my invented terms, well, cry me a river. Send me video so I can laugh at you too.

I have split the ethnicities into 10 groups and then did some analysis to see whether I would find anything that indicated a severe slant toward the Kalergi Plan, which I had already noticed anecdotally from the simple fact that African countries are nowhere near as “vaccinated” as European ones, and ditto India.

If you clicked on the link above, you’ll see that Wikipedia considers the Kalergi Plan as:

“…a far-right, anti-semitic, white nationalist conspiracy theory which claims that Austrian-Japanese politician Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi concocted a plot to mix white Europeans with other races via immigration.”

Given wikipedia’s demonstrated biases and the last three years, we can probably assume that the Kalergi Plan is a fact on that basis alone. It’s also very interesting to note that it is considered an anti-semitic plan. Why on Earth would that be? Kalergi was Austrian-Japanese. Oh, wait… who else relentlessly pushes an agenda of wiping out the race of white people to which they only pretend to belong to when it suits them? Ah, yes…

And a less polite version below.

Ah… so THAT’s why it’s anti-semitic is it? Ok then.

But let’s just look at the actual numbers, what do they tell us?

In an overall reduction of almost 479 million people, 472 million of those are white Europeans. And the largest increase is in the three population types that could best be described as the Eloi of H.G. Wells The Time Machine fame. Brownish, semi-oriental looking, with some caucasoid traits. Funnily enough, much like a suntanned Richard Kalergi himself would have looked.

Those of you who pay attention will also note that I have specifically isolated Israel as the only Jewish population. Again, this is not perfect, because a lot of Jews live outside of Israel. Those who pay attention will see that the reduction of Jews is huge. More than 50%. As such, it is natural to think that the Jews as a people, probably have nothing to do with the covid depopulation agenda. And I tend to agree with that. Because we know from history that the Jewish Elite are perfectly willing and able to sacrifice the lower class Jews in order to fulfil the “holocaust” requirement (burnt offering) And in fact, the six million victims figure was cited many times long before World War II even started. Again, there is plenty of proof of this, go find it, it’s an interesting research topic, I assure you. And here is just a starter, with lots of references you can then investigate directly yourself without trusting the information presented at this link.

The Talmudic Jewish Religion, believes that a “burnt offering” of six million Jews is required in order for the Messiah to arrive, after which the Jews will become the masters of the world and we goyim will be their slaves. Here is a link to the first part of that with a folio reference within the Talmud too.

As for the goyim becoming the slaves of the Jews, various very famous rabbis have stated this publicly on many occasions, along with a vicious hatred of white European Christians, so, again, do your own research, it’s not difficult to find even videos where the Rabbis in question spell this out.

All this is to say that while normal, relatively secular Jews will probably be also very heavily victimised, that is not to say that many of the “elite” that want to enact this plan are not, in fact, Jewish. And indeed generally over-represented among those who are supposedly pushing this agenda forward.

But is this what the Deagel data and prediction seems to indicate? I think so. If over 4 million Jews were to die in Israel alone, we can assume that the less than 2 million required for the total of 6 million would probably be found in the 472 million that should affect white people, since many Jews live in these countries, particularly the USA and the UK, but also other countries in Europe.


Whatever the details of the plan, if we accept the Deagel Corp numbers as a decent approximation/projection of whatever nefarious plans were laid back in the early 2010 and certainly also long before that, and updated to at least 2017, then, what we can at the very least see without doubt is that the caucasian population has been targeted to a degree that is unmatched by any other ethnic group aside form the Jews themselves.

Israel is certainly a very highly “vaccinated” country, however, we also had some statistics showing that the die-off in Israel is nowhere near as high, statistically speaking, as in other nations with similar levels of “vaccine” uptake. What this means in terms of the numbers for Israel, is open to question.

Perhaps the Elite want to kill six million Jews to hit the magic number that will bring their messiah.

Perhaps the Jews in Israel have all got saline in most cases and in fact will be absolutely fine and the number shown is precisely to throw people off the scent of the actual conspiracy that has taken place, making the Jews look as the most victimised.

These opinions and ideas are obviously open to speculation and I profess no specific data to think of them in one way or another, but at least you can see that caucasians are definitely targeted if the Deagel numbers are in any way realistic, and the brown Asian/Oriental populations are being preserved (comparatively speaking, since there is still a reduction if you take into consideration the supposed growth over the period).

High IQ and Relationship Problems

While I assume this post will have generally good interest, the reality is that in practical terms it applies to less than 1% of the population, and that’s best case scenario, because I will be talking about high IQ problems, meaning for IQs of 130 plus.

There are several reasons I wanted to this for some time, and this is really only a general introduction scratching the surface and presenting it in a broad spectrum way to set the general parameters. There are many details of this topic which are quite fascinating. I will only be covering the larger issues one with a high IQ generally encounters.

Some baseline points

For full disclosure, I need to point out that my own IQ score was measure twice when I was 26. I scored 157 on the first test, which was an official one but I had taken rather lightly, more out of curiosity than any wish to score particularly high. I do not recall the name of the institution, but neither test was with MENSA. I genuinely thought there must have been some mistake or the organisation might not have been serious. I therefore signed up with a different one that was recognised, again, it was not MENSA, but again, I do not recall the names, this was almost 30 years ago and although my results were relevant to me at the time, as a spur of the moment thing that took a couple of days, I never appreciated the importance of IQ in many contexts of life, so it was never something I ever gave much notice to until much later in life other than noting the results. On the second official test I really wanted to do well and unlike the first one, I applied myself. I scored 152. I put this down to the fact that generally in life I have noticed that when I just try my hand at something I initially do better than when I try to do well. Later, with practice, I will eventually outdo my initial performance, but this pattern has repeated itself many times in my life with all sorts of skills, from physical to intellectual and there is good science to back up the idea that with a more relaxed frame of mind, one achieves better performance. As a result, averaging the results I get a rounded figure of 155 IQ. I have not tested again since and I don’t really care to. I expect my IQ may have dropped a bit since due to the various stresses I have bene under for years and advancing age, etc. but in any case I will use that number as a guideline because it does represent my experience in life and since I am in any case in a tiny subset of humanity, my experiences, while anecdotal and obviously covering many other factors and variables, remains, I believe, relevant to the issues of relationships with people with high IQ.

IQ does matter

IQ has been linked to all sorts of things, like better income, longer life span and so on, across cultures and counting for income, race, culture etc. IQ studies have been going on for a long time and the factor known as g is indeed relevant in many spheres of life. Socially, the best IQ is from about 110 to 130. Beyond that, people become less able to interact with others and their existence can be lonely and difficult in many respects. Try to imagine how you would feel surrounded by what to you are essentially functional retards. The normal routines almost everyone is happy with a mind-numbingly dull to you and the entire system is built to gear for the average people by far. Barring some specific unique interest or skill one develops in what is effectively an intellectual solitary confinement, your opportunities for social happiness can be greatly limited. Which doesn’t mean every miserable, lonely, socially maladapted person is a genius. Most are absolutely not. And in any case, if you are smart enough, you should usually be able to find a way to survive without slashing your veins.

The IQ gap

It has been demonstrated quite conclusively that when there is an IQ gap of 30 points of more, the lower IQ individuals cannot follow the reasoning of the higher IQ individual. In the case of a sub 70 IQ person and a normal 100 IQ human average, the lower IQ person does not really question the 100 IQ person’s ability. they simply accept it as a kind of “magic” that the other person is capable of and there is usually not huge difficulties in having general relationships that can include work and other general social gatherings. Though I do not mean to be offensive, there is a sort of analogy between a 70 IQ and 100 IQ person, where, both being honest people, they can have a perfectly reasonable relationship. At least as far as concerns work, as long as nothing beyond the 70 IQ person’s ability is required. I certainly had that experience in my life several times when I lived in Africa. While an intimate relationship of this nature would prove intellectually non-stimulating and probably tiresome to the 100 IQ person, there are, I think, more instances of this being possible, especially if the lower IQ person is the female and the 100 IQ person is the male.

When you begin to have a 130 IQ and try to have a relationship with a 100 IQ person, it will be a lot more difficult. Especially if the 130 IQ person, as I was, bought into the idea that, ok, sure I am smarter (because it’s obvious) but if I explain something to you, you too can get it. This tragic error assumes IQ is basically a function of education or knowledge. It’s a common mistake because the global narrative leans that way hard and has done for decades. Well, it turns out IQ is not a knowledge issue (data). It’s an ability issue (processing power). There are some calculations and so on that a lower IQ person simply cannot do when compared to a higher IQ person. The frustration for the high IQ person is only matched by the desperation of the lower IQ person in their not being able to bridge that gap.

In short, for intimate relationships to have the best chance to work, it is clear that two things must be true. It is best if the man is the higher IQ of the two (since this in any case how nature distributes intelligence), and the gap between them must be less than 30 points, as having an IQ gap at the higher ends of IQ can be quite traumatic for both sides. Especially when neither is aware of the existence of this issue.

Male/Female Distribution of IQ is not equal

In general, women tend to have a lower minimum/maximum distribution of IQ than males, as the diagram below shows.

To put it bluntly, women are more numerous in the lower IQ range than males. As the image above shows, by the dime you hit only one standard deviation (15 IQ points) above the human average of 100 you’re at about 2 men per one woman. By the time you are looking at 3 standard deviations (so up to about IQ 145) the ratio approaches 9 men to 1 woman.

At this address, you will find a frequency of IQ table, but it is not divided into males and females.

I reproduce here only the section from IQ 155 to 140.

I have taken this specific link because it is the least “flattering” for my IQ level of 155. Normally, the 155 IQ is deemed to exist in about 1 in 10,000 people. At this level the ratio of men to women is actually above 10 to 1, but in order to try and average out things to make it as realistically fair as possible, and countering the 1 in 10,000 by using one in 8,000 or so I would say that to say there are 10 men for every woman at the 155 IQ level is probably correct. Keep in mind that 157 IQ is about one in 13,000, so at this level, a single point can make a big difference, which is normal for edge of the bell curve distributions, as the sample size is tiny.

This means that a 155 IQ man that wants to find a 155 IQ woman to be in a relationship with, on average, can only find one such person in 100,000 women of the relevant age.

Some Data Points we can Conclude

  • It’s hard to find a smart woman. I once figured out on the back of a napkin, literally, while at work, in London, what the chances of finding the ideal woman were. I only used two criteria: Looks, which was important to me at a physical level. I never had what I called the “mystic click” with a woman if I was not physically attracted to her to a certain high degree. And the women that achieved that physically were usually quite rare and generally accepted as being beautiful by the very vast majority of the male population. Having taken the time to walk through central London every day during my lunch break for several years, and noting for myself the frequency of woman that I assumed was physically attractive to fit the category, and be very broadly speaking in the right age range, which I placed at about 20-25 years range total, from a few years older to quite a few younger, I concluded that out of 100 women, it would fit about 10 at the most optimistic and probably more like 1 or 2. I also figured that since there was only about 1 in 100,000 women at my IQ level and that the right age range was probably no more than 1 million, in a city of 10 million, that meant there was probably only one woman that fit that criteria. If I dropped the IQ requirement to one in 10,000 then there might be 10. But that, of course, said nothing of their personalities. Only looks and IQ. It’s a good thing I am an optimist. And I figured the prospect of working my way through all the pretty women was an arduous task, but one I would devote myself to. Someone had to do it!
  • It’s hard to find a pretty woman. If you’re looking to be with an 8.5 or better, you’re going to struggle unless you have some attributes yourself that put you in the general target range. This is not IQ related, but it reduces your number of prospective life partners considerably, if, like me, you’re unfortunate enough to get that mystic click only with women that on average we can consider a 9 for most men (some will see her as a 10 and others only as an 8 or so, and in any case, after a 9 the “ten” is very subjective and not really relevant, at least for me).
  • Minimise the IQ gap to 25 points or less. If your IQ is 155 or so, the minimum IQ you should try to get with is about 130. That way the IQ gap is not there yet, as it’s “only” 25 points. Now, as it happens 25 points is quite a lot, BUT it at least allows the woman to be able to follow your reasoning process IF you are able to explain it patiently and moderating it for her emotional responses and patience/time in that moment. Which, I assure you, is an acquired skill. One you need to acquire by sweating blood if your patience score is in the negatives, like mine generally is. Returning to my example above, at the 130 IQ range, there is generally about 3 men to every woman and about one in 40-50 people have it, so we could say one in about 150 woman will have it. Using the one million women in London example, there are about 6,666 women of 130 IQ (a devilish number to be sure). And I can crank my looks thing, right up to 1 in a 100 and hey, there are a whole 66 or 67 of them I can find. Great. Of course, they will invariably be married, have a boyfriend or three and possibly already be mothers, though that last is probably less likely since smart women have difficulty finding smart men too. While pretty ones have their pick of men, smart and pretty ones, tend to become extremely skittish. First because they are used to all the lies, deceptions and so on that men will use to bed them, and secondly because very often they can see through those deceptions. Therefore the level of “shit testing”, to use a PUA term, they try on you will be stratospheric in nature.

Ok then. Let’s now look at the imponderable relationships!

All of the above was to give you a general background in some terms and familiarise yourself with gross numbers. Which if you have been paying attention, explains why despite its popularity, this post really applies to a very tiny subset of the population. If you want to do some stats:

At 155 IQ male and 130 IQ female, the percentages are 0.012% and 2.28% respectively. Multiply them by each other to give a general incidence of them ending up with each other and you get a probability of 0.027%

This is a bit wrong because generally smart people will tend to congregate with other smart people, as pretty people tend to congregate with either other pretty people, or at least wealthy ones, but then there are many other variables to account for, so as an overall method it’s probably fine.

So this post, in a general best case scenario applies to less than one third of one percent of the planet.

Throw in some other things like maybe only being with a pureblood and limit the couples to those of child-bearing age and this can easily become something that applies to less than 1 in 10,000 couples.

Now let’s look at the problems that can and do arise in such a situation.

1. Both will have found their own ways to navigate the planet of the apes and very often, those ways will be unique to them.

Great right? Not so much, since both are absolutely convinced, through bitter life experience, that their way is best. And they are right. Their way really is usually best as far as their individual lives are concerned. Their experience is not wrong. But it is also not really that relevant when faced with another person of their intelligence. Here, the trend will be the higher IQ male making the lower IQ female feel set upon, disrespected, and “oppressed”. She has navigated countless idiots doing things her way and now here is another moron trying to tell her you can indeed get showered, dressed, put on make up and still look hotting 25 minutes, yes even if you have long hair and he is bald. Idiot. What does he know. And time is relative and not really important anyway (because everyone forgives a hot woman that is 30 minutes late, but no one forgives a man for doing it). The issue here is made far worse if neither knows about the IQ gap and such issues. Even when they do know, the woman is (rightly) not emotionally ok with being treated as some kind of second-class citizen on the basis of IQ. And she is absolutely correct in this respect. Those people who think IQ is the “all that” of humanity are in fact, functional idiots. I don’t even rate IQ as in the top three things a human being has to have to be classed as excellent. I’d place, honesty, a sense of honour (related but not identical to honesty), kindness and an ability to love deeply as all far more important than IQ. The trick here is for both to do something very difficult.

The woman has to accept that IQ is a thing, that her husband is indeed smarter and usually knows best. AND at the same time, she should not feel she has to prove herself in this regard, not feel “stupid” she should not hesitate to ask for clarifications, but, important point, to do so, not in a confrontational way, but rather in a “please explain that to me” way. It’s hard. The female ego screams against this.

The male has to accept that his wife may not immediately see his way of doing things as “better” and he should take the time to explain it without being:




Missing steps in the explanation but not putting the ones not required to be put in because they are obvious to her too

It’s a pretty tall order and the only way most men manage it is if they remember that from time to time, and not as rare as he might think, his wife’s way of doing things will not only have specific advantages, but might even be better overall. So take care with this aspect.

2. The unstated assumptions are killers.

Although this is true in most relationships, in high IQ relationships these will be hidden landmines. The natural assumptions high IQ people make are opaque to most other humans, because their brains work on a different level. But that is not to say that two intelligent people will have come to identical conclusions. In my meeting and talking with people that are of my same IQ or thereabouts, including smarter than me, I have found that a considerable amount of time is required, especially if they have different cultural backgrounds, to establish their ow jargon/language even if both speak the same language perfectly well. The assumptions, unconscious rules, and axioms one 150 IQ person will have made in his life are not ever identical to the ones another 150 IQ person has made. Yet both operate on them unconsciously in their day to day lives. When someone that is of that level of intelligence makes a statement you assume is completely wrong or retarded, pause. Because chances are you are not understanding their perspective and the language they use is made up of the same words you use but their meanings are different. An example might suffice. When I visited Vox Day at his home once, we briefly talked about Jordan Peterson, and he said that Peterson was an intelligent man. I paused. I thought Peterson was an idiot, because ultimately his life ideologies and aims are insane. But it was Vox who had taken the time to examine exactly and specifically why this was so. I couldn’t care to do that. It was obvious to me he was nuts and therefore could safely be ignored. I asked what he meant and he explained that in order to construct such an elaborate (though insane) model of reality one had to be intelligent. He was, of course, correct, and probably using the word “intelligent” more correctly than I do. To me intelligence is synonymous of effective, which, of course, is not how most people use it. But to me, saying someone is effective does not describe in any way whether they are also intelligent or not. As I do not value Intelligence without effectiveness, to me, real intelligence is that which is also effective, not only smart. But not having explained this, would lead me and Vox to have very different labels for various people around the world.

Now imagine having this kind of language/assumption with your wife or husband, that is, someone that you are intimate with, and therefore usually do not have the presence of mind to pause and consider how they mean a specific common word or phrase, because after all, you have been sweatily naked with them and more; you’re hardly going to pause and think “how do they mean ‘intelligent'” because you’ve assumed, due to the intimacy, that they are a kind of extension of yourself.

So she says her friend is really smart and you think she’s a moron and you say so and lo and behold, before you know it, you’re arguing about how disrespectful you are of everyone she knows and you are telling her this wouldn’t be an issue if she didn’t have morons for friends. Or vice versa, you tell her about your buddy who just made a million bucks investing in blue widgets because he’s really smart and figured out blue widgets would be a thing, and she says he’s a creep, which you think is irrelevant to the point you’re making and besides, why is he a creep? Because maybe you didn’t notice he was leering at her whenever your back was turned, but she noticed it a mile off because she is used to getting such attentions from men.

3. Not knowing about the IQ gap and IQ in general is going to make everything exponentially harder

As a very high IQ person your experiences in life are akin to living on planet of the apes. Except the apes look like humans. After a time, you see the same patterns of mental retardation (to you) that passes as perfectly normal (to them). After enough time and interactions, you will naturally reduce the patterns to very large ones. And in the event that a disagreement occurs with another high IQ person, you are liable to place them in the ape category out of habit, instead of noticing that the issue, in this case, is of a totally different nature and category even if it might superficially appear to be one you are used to seeing in the ape population.

4. A high IQ woman will be disappointed by men in her life a lot and is liable to have had a number of failed relationships behind her, especially is she is pretty.

This will tend to make her jaded in the worst cases, bitter, resentful and even spiteful. Especially if she is unaware of the IQ issue. She will tend to see men and dishonest simpletons, because, in a word, to her, they are. And in general they are. She has met men that are manly and look good, but can’t keep up with her intellectually. She will likely have had a few failed relationships with such types and assume these “alphas” are all so much ado about nothing, except maybe bedroom acrobatics. She will then have tried to go for the smart ones, but often these beta types are smart but useless with women and faced with a smart and beautiful one will tend to lose their spine and try to accommodate her every wish, thus quickly losing any sexual chemistry and natural male-female dynamic of attraction. Fairly soon, she will think herself doomed to having to choose between, one of two types: the good looking, but dumb and really headstrong, one, which means he has some male attributes she finds naturally attractive, but he will make decisions that she can see a mile off are bad and will not correct himself because he’s a headstrong type, which is attractive, in someone who is more successful than she can predict. Not so much in one who isn’t. Or, alternatively, a smart weaker man that will always be the model of good behaviour towards her, probably provide well for her, but eventually, sexually comes to have less appeal than her vibrator. Whether it be her rabbit or Pedro the pool boy. Which is why, often, apparently wealthy and beautiful women, married to physically unimposing men, can and do cheat on them.

All this means that even when she meets that man with no name, Clint Eastwood type, gunfighter, with a genius, steel-trap mind, and a horse-cock, she is going to be skeptical, she will second-guess herself, doubt herself and because she can’t see what and how you think, she will naturally assume you’re lying, or dishonest, or not all you’re cracked up to be (in her own mind) and any tiny error (which all humans make) or incongruence (real or imagined, through correct processing or erroneous one) she spots, will become for her a likely source of “proof” that you’re really an underhanded, greasy liar, merely intent on trapping her with an unwanted pregnancy. Or whatever. Which is fair enough if you are some kind of narcissistic psychopath, but is a real drag if you’re actually on the level.

5. He’s going to be exhausted of female drama and next a woman like he changes socks.

Assuming the man is not a nerd type high IQ, that is, he is high IQ AND he uses it to integrate himself sexually into the ape society regardless, he will have been through a pretty high number of women, because, absent the monkey features, and if he is impatient and smart, he probably can get together with most women that interest him and has. And in most cases he will find their shit-tests idiotic and unnecessary, their conversations borderline soporific, their interests pedestrian, and their inability to even follow his conversations when he discusses (in excruciatingly slow ways for him) even those things that interest him the drop that makes the glass overflow. So he can easily dismiss a woman that might have had the requisite attributes simply because he might not immediately take the time to work through whatever drama she might cause him (they all cause some) and it falls into a specialised version of the “unstated assumptions”. On the other hand, a woman that catches herself and honestly disassembles her own drama with logic and reason is certainly going to catch his attention. Unfortunately for him, some pretty women, are adept at doing this too as an art form of theatre, while hiding their real narcissistic core. Which is why even geniuses that have been around the block can and do end up married to vicious harridans intent on picking his carcass clean.

In Conclusion

So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I know that a post of this nature is a bit like complaining about how difficult your life as a billionaire is, but the pain is real!

My general advice, especially to smart men, is to not focus as much on the looks if you care to have a truly intellectually rewarding lifetime partnership with your wife. And to smart women, the same, really, and look, you can train a man to please you sexually, it’s a turn-off to do, I get it, but if you grit your teeth through it for as long as it takes to train his brain to do the things you want, and then a bit more to teach him to take the initiative too, after that, you can “forget” you did that and just let him be the sexual lead in bed again.

To both, patience is a virtue, and not just, as I always said, an excuse for the witless.

And if you’re as undeservedly lucky or blessed with divine grace as I have been, to end up married to a woman that fits both your criteria of beauty as well as brains, well, I sincerely hope this post helps you both navigate the storms, because the world certainly needs a lot more smart, beautiful, non-genetically modified humans to take it back from the demonic forces that have come to the fore lately. So get busy making babies and make sure you stay together through everything and anything, until, hopefully at a very advanced age, death do you part.

The things that matter most

These are fairly obvious observations from someone that has lived a life that is more full than most for over half a century.

But the disconnect from objective reality is so huge in most humans today , and especially so for younger generations, that it may well be information that needs to be spelt out even if the idea seems absurd to me.

The things that really matter

1. Your relationships and how you acted in them. No one regrets not spending enough time on their phone or at the office or commuting. But if you get to be 98 on your rocking chair, how you acted, or failed to act, towards people you love is going to be something that you do think about.

2. Unless you have had a particularly tragic life, and even then, if you’re mentally healthy, you’ll remember more of the good things done to you than the bad. And so you should. Shrug of pain and bad events as quickly and as thoroughly as you can. And savour and enjoy the beautiful moments as deeply and thoroughly as you can, regardless of how fleeting. Nor get overly melancholy or sentimental when the good moments end.

3. Your spiritual dimension is more important and more indicative of what your life will be like than your secular, materialistic perspective might fool you into thinking.

4. The family you make should take precedence over the one you come from, though, if you come from a good one, the two can (and ideally should) become a larger version of a broader whole as they blend.

5. Your children are more important than either you or wife. A wife that understands and specifically acts accordingly in this regard is a good find.

6. Divorce is a sin of selfishness and should be outlawed. Until then, it is to be avoided. If you marry only sedevacantist catholics, divorce is almost certainly not going to be an issue.

7. Care a LOT LESS about:

A) What people think of you.

B) Your career and/or career path

C) Ephemeral technology

8. And a LOT MORE about:

A) spending time with your children

B) spending more time with your wife or husband

C) spending time with relatives, friends or even total stranger whose company you enjoy.

9. Do what needs doing to, as best you can, secure a life free of autocratic, bureaucratic, stupid, unnecessary politicians and their self-serving rules. Try to create a society that is free of pettiness, corruption, lies, falsehood and instead is just, true, honest, honourable and beautiful.

10. As best you can, fight corruption and evil wherever you find it. I certainly crippled my earning potential and long-term career for exposing the kind of corruption that ruins lives and businesses for pure greed at least a few times in my life. The awareness of certain crimes cannot be left unpunished, doing so leads to the criminals that form government to become ever more blatant in their lawlessness, hence the current situation globally.

11. Educate yourself about what is really inside EVERY vaccine, not just the genetic serums of covid. In fact educate yourself about every medicine you are given or supposed to take and try to replace every one with a natural, literally home grown remedy where possible, and learn where it is and isn’t possible. The last 3 years have demonstrated clearly that the medical profession is mostly filled with either totally corrupt potential mass-murderers, or retarded incompetents. If you find an honest actual doctor, hang on to him or her for dear life.

12. Homeschool. Modern education is nothing more than the brainwashing mill of clown world. Teach your children the classics and the basics. Makes sure they know their roots and the history of their people as well as are able to read, write and do as much math as possible. Do not neglect music, art, language and physical exercise such as dance, sport, exploration and hiking. You can do worse, as a starting point, than signing up for Kurgan TV.

13. Learn as much and as far of your family history as you can. Write it down and pass it on to your children and relatives, so in turn they can continue to add to it when you are gone. Nominate people to carry on this tradition.

14. Be mindful of traditions but also aware of the changes in the world. Good analogies are Latin, an essentially dead language that is nevertheless kept up to speed with modern words and continues to evolve with new words added to it. Similarly, the real Catholic Religion (sedevacantists are the only Catholics left) is both immutable in its divine laws and flexibly adaptable to modern circumstances, meaning NOT that it adapts to the world, but rather finds a way to retain its immutable divine truths alive even in an increasingly corrupt, bent, evil world, and finds a way to survive, and then thrive, and rise again.

15. Learn and teach your children the arts of war. Learn about violence in history as well as the present. Get rid of the Satanic idea that “violence is always wrong and never the answer”. Violence may never be spiritually ideal, but is often materially required and for good reason. And sometimes violence is not only the answer, but the only answer. Faced with the prospect of allowing violence to be done to an innocent child, your intent to stop that from happening can, and at times must, include violence. And remember that unlike in the fake “christianity” of the Bergoglian fake “catholic” church as well as many other “christian” denominations, in actual Catholicism, the defence of the innocent, of any age, is not just a good idea, it is a physical duty. And that duty can and does include the use of force when required. Even in a pre-emptive capacity. In other words, you don’t need to wait to be shot at first, or for your child to be physically raped, before you act to stop such events from happening. The rules of violence and when it is permissible and even required to be used for Justice, Truth, Love, and Beauty are not difficult to understand and remain the same as they always have been, despite the mass brainwashing everyone has been subjected to for many decades now. The death penalty for certain crimes MUST be reinstated, as actual law, in all civilised countries. So act in such a way to bring such laws back into use. Some crimes must have the ultimate punishment of death, for the dignity of the victims of certain crimes, and hence ultimately for the dignity and sanity of society at large. We cannot limit the punishment of certain atrocities to be mere life imprisonment. The calculated murder and torture of children for example, is one such crime for which even Jesus, specifically stated it would be best for such perpetrators to be drowned in the sea. If it’s good enough for God, it is certainly good enough for us.

16. If you are an agnostic, an atheist, a pagan, a churchian, a generically doubtful and skeptical person, study and learn the history of Christianity, which is actually the history of Catholicism. You can do worse that starting with my short book Believe! After all I wrote it specifically for that reason, as an ex atheist and ex agnostic, and briefly, ex deist, I certainly understand the resistance to what seems, at first glance, the absurdity of Christianity. And it only takes a couple of hours to read. You can then proceed to read some, or preferably all, of these books, in the order given below, and if after that you still think Catholicism is not the answer, then, well, good luck to you. As Jesus would put it, I dust my sandals off and move on.

A) The four witnesses

B) God’s Battalions

C) The Crusades, of Iron Men and Saints

D) The Great Siege, Malta 1565

E) Bearing False Witness

F) Reclaiming the Catholic Church

G) How the West Won

And if after all that you want to know where to find a real Church, then go to to find the one closest to you.

If you want to help, support, or become part of such a community, then see The Kurganate and explore that site and then get involved in real life however you can, be it with support from a distance, or becoming a sedevacantist and physically moving nearby. The more such communities we create around the world, the sooner sanity returns to all.

17. Regardless of what you ultimately choose, know these 3 things:

God is Love.

God Loves YOU.

You, love God. Do it. Not just as a theoretical “truth” but rather feel love inside of you and direct it towards God, regularly, and see the effects this has on your life.

18. For men, realise that the best life can be had by making a family and providing for them and being respected and loved by them for being a good husband, a good father and a good leader and protector.

19. For women, realise that the best life can be had by making a family and nurturing and taking care of them and being revered and loved by them for being a good wife, a good mother, the refuge from the storm and the world outside.

20. Be observant. Notice the beauty and perfection of a tiny bug, a blade of grass, a small pebble or shell, and the majesty of the clouds, of a sunset and a sunrise, of the trillions of stars and planets above, of the beauty of night and the glory of the day. Of nature at large and your family in it. And remember that no matter how terrible things might be in any given minute, God is real and if you but look, you can see, feel, hear, taste, smell and know His love. And at first, certainly, being loved so thoroughly, unconditionally and undeservedly, it hurts. Do not be surprised if you find tears and shame pouring out of your eyes while looking at a sunrise in the dawn. Or the smile of your first child at you when they are still a baby. Love can, and does hurt. Especially if you have been as wrong and lived as hard as people like me do and have. And it is a good hurt. It is a purifying and gentle flame. Accept it and don’t hide from it.

Good luck to you Pilgrim. I truly wish you the best and all of God’s Grace upon you.

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