Archive for February 2023

How You Know You’re Over the Target

When the FBI, protectors of Chinese deals, and heroin addicted pedophiles within the Biden crime family, says you’re a “threat” you know that you’re upsetting the Prince of Lies and his minions.

The FBI believes ‘white supremacy’ found in the home of Catholics who prefer Latin Mass, according to an internal memo:

The FBI’s Richmond Division would like to protect Virginians from the threat of “white supremacy,” which it believes has found a home within Catholics who prefer the Latin Mass. An intelligence analyst within the Richmond Field Office of the FBI released in a new finished intelligence product dated January 23, 2023, on Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists (RMVE) and their interests in “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics” or RTCs. The document assesses with “high confidence” the FBI can mitigate the threat of Radical-Traditionalist Catholics by recruiting sources within the Catholic Church.

The acronym, new to many in the Domestic Counterterrorism field, comes with a footnote by the writer explaining RTCs are “typically characterized by the rejection of the Second Vatican Council.” The writer makes an unsubstantiated leap that a preference for the Catholic Mass in Latin instead of the vernacular and a number of more traditional views on other world religions can amount to an “adherence to anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ and white supremacist ideology.” This writer draws the important distinction between “traditional Catholics,” who simply prefer the Traditional Latin Mass and pre-Vatican II teachings, and RTCs, who espouse “more extremist ideological beliefs and violent rhetoric.”

A discerning reader may wonder why the writer believes such divisions exist and if there is evidence of the extremist and violent rhetoric within the Catholic church. The analyst’s note doesn’t provide specifics. 

Well. What do you know, I guess the armed persecution of actual Catholics is not far off.

Notice that the real hatred is aimed primarily at Sedevacantists, that is, those who reject the demonic heresies of Vatican II.

Now, are any of you non-believers in the One, True, Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church starting to see a pattern yet? Churchianity is everywhere… except in Sedevacantist Churches.

I like how they make the accusation of “white supremacy” repeatedly, when at all the masses I have been to there are Catholics of every shade.

No Sedevacantist I have met cares about skin colour, nationality, or ethnicity. They ALL care about Catholic faith and beliefs and whether the people they go to Church with are on the same page as they are on those things. Even then, any debate is very logical, civilised, and actually a pleasure to have.

As Catholics, of course, we respect not only the individual, but also the various cultures around the world, and because reason and logic are a thing, we also believe in the old adage that good fences make good neighbours. Let the Latvians be Latvians in Latvia, the Nigerians in Nigeria, the Germans in Germany, the Americans, please God, especially the Americans, be Americans in America, and the Jews, every one of them, be a Jew in Israel. Let each nation look after its own people and leave everyone else alone if they want to be left alone. The Mass is the Mass and is the same no matter in which nation it is done. Always in Latin, and in the correct form, not the abomination of the Novus Orco heresies.

Sedevacantists are absolutely not “supremacists” of any kind other than religiously: we absolutely know that Catholicism is the one, true, holy religion, and all the rest are errors. But we certainly don’t force our beliefs on anyone. In fact it is against Catholic dogma to try and force a conversion. And if one is converted that way, the conversion is deemed null and void; invalid.

At most Sedevacantist are nationalists, and there is nothing wrong with that. We think the diversity of people and nations and ethnicities and cultures should be preserved. And the best way to do that is to have strong nations with strong borders. If you believe otherwise you must be some obviously evil globalist hellbent on wiping out diversity all over the world. A disgusting attitude to have.

Nor am I aware of groups of armed Catholics roaming the land to take back the Vatican and defend enclaves of the faithful from the depredations of homoglobo world. Perhaps I’m just not hanging out at the right Churches?

Anyway, you don’t see this kind of demonisation of the Eastern “Orthodox”, or any of the 40,000 denominations of Churchianity known as Protestantism. Or even, of the big pedophile tent, and Satanic refuge for all manner of perverts that is the Novus Ordo “Church”, which wears the dead skin of Catholicism to fool the ignorant and the lazy.

Nope. The singling out is reserved for the “dangerous” fanatics that believe in objective reality, truth, justice, beauty and the Grace of God. And who have all their rules written sown for anyone to read.

But I get it. After all, we gather in Churches to pray together and take the host during communion, in reverence, kneeling, and professing Jesus is our Lord and the King of Kings.

No wonder the demons tremble at our absolute absence of fear and unshakeable faith. And so they should. Because we are without fear and without hope. We fear nothing because we belong to God, and as such, are not given to the Enemy (a spirit of fear). And hope is not necessary when you are with God.

Nec spe, nec metu.

And always:

Deus Vult.

The coming kinetic war with Russia

You might find this interesting.

After a month of only very limited reception of Russian news, due to satellite issues and hotel service issues, last night I switched on Russian state television’s news and talk show “Sixty Minutes” on and got a full blast of the current state of relations with the US, which are very close to Doomsday. 

Allow me to share with you the key point, namely the soon to be announced changes to the Russian doctrine on first use of nuclear weapons and their new more precise red lines that have come about from the plans for Russia’s partition and destruction that seem to be aired daily on US television.

As usual, Yevgeny Popov, State Duma member and host of “Sixty Minutes,” put a lot of video segments from Western television up on the screen, including a lengthy statement by Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, former commander of all U.S. forces in Europe from 2014 to 2017, on how the Ukrainians must be given long range precision missiles for them to attack Russian Crimea and also further into the Russian heartland. The interview from which this declaration was made does not yet appear in Google search, but from interviews posted in 2022 it is clear that Hodges is no madman, and his statements must, as Popov said, be taken with utmost seriousness.

I certainly find it interesting, as 45minutes from me and some 25km away is one of the strategic nuclear sites of America based in Italy. I know that the city centre next to which this is located is filled with innocent civilians that want the US military involvement and nuclear arsenal there no more than the citizens of Pesaro want the new level 3 biolab that their traitorous mayor has signed up to allow being built there by the same US.

I know people that live in that city personally and their children. I certainly do not want them fried to smoke by nuclear fire.

Just as I am sure if I was Putin, I’d be ready to fry most of Europe if it meant my own people do not get fried by the USA and their demonic puppet governments. And he’s made it clearer than clear, as he did for more than 10 years, with extreme patience, that (((American))) adventurism at the expense of Russia (and everyone else, including American citizens) will not be tolerated. Now that patience has ended.

One of the regular panelists on “Sixty Minutes” then faced the cameras directly and said that Russia’s nuclear doctrine is under revision in light of these aggressive plans being aired in the United States, so that Russia is headed towards a policy of ‘preventive’ tactical nuclear strikes, similar to what the United States has. Moreover, if Ukraine targets Crimea and heartland Russia, then Russia will respond according to plans now being laid down. These plans foresee counter strikes against U.S military installations in Europe and in the Continental United States using hypersonic missiles. The panelist calls for this threat of counter strikes in Europe and the US to be made public and explicit, so that no one is in doubt about what to expect from the Kremlin.

See? They are literally stating it outright and loudly. But are you being allowed to even see such a program? No. Because in Europe they censored access to all news coming from Russia.

Does Russia care? No.

Should they? No.

Why? Because this has moved on from propaganda. A hypersonic tactical nuke is not something you can pretend is a social construct with a fluid “gender”.

The Jewish tail interests that wag the American dog, are well aware of what Russia has said and is willing to do.

Of course, they are happy to cause a war that tries to destroy Russia right not just down to the last Ukrainian, but also to the last European and last American that is not of Jewish descent. And if a few of them too get fried… eh… more food for the burnt offering narrative.

Personally I hope the military of various European countries might still have a few actual patriots in it and that they remove the illegitimate puppets we have in Europe as our “governors” who all take their marching orders from the pedophiles in Washington.

Or perhaps a citizen revolt might actually happen organically, for once, in some European countries. I hope if so it’s before rather than after a couple of tac nukes take out a few bases.

Anyway, I am not going anywhere, so of it’s a rain of nuclear fire I hope they keep it to tac nuke level of the small type and get on with it fast. If there are any structures to relate to when the dust settles I’ll request to become Doge of Venice and that the old republic be reinstated with perpetual pacts of peace between La Serenissima and the Russian Federation.

The Rabbit Hole of Symbolism for the Satanists in the Vatican

If you really want to grasp some of the levels of symbolism the Satanists currently residing in the Vatican indulge in, you should read this long and detailed post.

Personally, once I have determined beyond any doubt whatever that a certain situation is of a given nature, I no longer need to delve into it, but I know that many need repeated and regular reminders of even incontrovertible facts, so such a post may be required.

You will note I no longer really post about the Covid Scamdemic, or the fact that Freemasonic pedophiles, Satanists and homosexuals, none of which are in any way Catholic, now inhabit the Vatican and have done so starting in 1958, or the fact that the Nordstream was destroyed by covert military action of the USA, or that globohomo wants to kill and enslave you and yours. Mostly I try to focus on the positive aspect, which in large part is simply: Ok, where do we go from here so that we win?

The things of primary importance I have laid out in my four part series earlier on this blog (use the search me button on the right sidebar) and can be summed up in 4 concepts:





These are the things that interest me, because these are the things that will determine the future.

The spiritual part is the most important because only people with an absolutely unshakeable belief will be able to endure and overcome even insurmountable odds. History has shown us an infinite number of times when a smaller, less equipped force has prevailed, survived and even won against foes that were better armed, better supplied and far more numerous. And if you are a Bible reading man, then you know that in the End Times, only a very few will hold the faith, all else will break, fold and fall away.

You can’t hold if your faith is based on quicksand, lies and false assumptions. This is why I insist on Catholicism (Sedevacantist only). It has an unbroken 2,000 year history that no other religion can match.

They are not only responsible for the best systems of civilised society, science and art of any other belief system on Earth, but they alone are the ones who hold an unbroken line of Apostolic succession from Jesus to the present day Sedevacantist Bishops. The Eastern “Orthodox” cannot claim this, in fact even their top Metropolitan has recently been admitted to have been a KGB plant all along. In case anyone who ever paid attention for a second could doubt it. The Catholic Church has survived all sorts of assaults, from the Arian heresy, which saw almost every Bishop bar one (famously) and perhaps a few others (unknown) and 97 to 99% of the laity buy into it, before the course was reversed back to truth, to today, where for more than 6 decades, the Vatican has had an impostor fake Pope and the Novus Ordo “clergy” are all knowing deceivers and Freemasons and Satanists (but I repeat myself). From the few Catholics hiding in the catacombs to have Holy Mass, in the time of Nero to today, we always, inevitably, rise again.

And unlike the Eastern “Orthodox” Catholics have always had effective warriors and saints in their midst that repealed the attacks of murderous Islam, of false prophets of gnostic origin, of infiltrations of deceivers of all kinds. Always, despite corrupt and degenerate Popes, Bishops and Priests, the Infallible Magisterium of the Church not only survived, but was finally immortalised forever into one, infallible, precise, document, the Code of Canon Law of 1917.Which is the most vetted document ever produced on Earth, having had tens of thousands of documents consulted for both its production as well as the verification that none of the rules contradicted each other nor invalidated any of the Papal encyclicals over a period of almost 2,000 years. Beyond the Code of Canon Law, are only the Papal encyclicals produced by the valid Popes up to and including Pious XII, the last valid Pope who died on the 9th October 1958 and since which, we have only had the heresy of Vatican II and its creators (Roncalli and Montini) and promoters and promulgators, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger and Bergolgio and all their fake and invalidly “ordained” “Priests”, “Bishops” and “Cardinals”.

What better time to become a proper Catholic, drawing on the historical strength, truth, perseverance and faith of our ancestors, who protected Christendom from all predators? What a glorious time, to be counted among the few, the faithful, the believers.

Do you not get that sense of brothers in arms at war? That sense expressed rather well in the film 300, when the Spartans say they will fight in the shade, hiding under their shields while the sky is darkened by the number of arrows raining down on them, and the Spartans, looking at each other from under their shield, laugh. That’s right degenerates, World Economic Forum Satanists, haters of Christ and truth and beauty and life, servants of he whose name is Legion: Do your worst. We are not given to a spirit of fear, and we will be the most ferocious zealots you ever encountered in the history of zealots. We will not take a single step back. We will build large families and communities of zealots and we will rebuild and create and refute and refuse all your lies, temptations, degeneracy and pomp.

So begin there, friend. Begin with spirit, for it guides everything else. I too was a heathen with no God. I wrote a short book for those who are like I was, so you can see I am not some Bible-thumper that was born into it. No. I came to being a Catholic, a real one, which means a Sedevacantist, by the Grace of God, Truth and Seeking it. And you can too.

So begin there, become one of us. And help us save humanity from the imps that serve the Eternal Enemy.

Elite Plans

Posted without comment. And no, it’s not my book and I certainly did not commit the crime of using a highlighter on it.

Wives for Zoomers and Millenial Purebloods


Believe it or not, if you want to position yourself in the best way to get an actual wife, knowing some history helps more than a little, so I strongly suggest you don’t skip the links in this section. At least investigate a few of them.

If you’re a Millennial, you might want to read this post first to get a general idea of where we are. Zoomers could do worse than reading it too, though to a certain extent it applies less to them.

In case you are not yet clear that you have been lied to at every level, you may want to also see this Video as an introduction to the topic. On Kurgan TV I have a whole series, that I will be taking up soon again just on the lies of history that you have been told.

And if you are one of the few in these generations that can read, then I strongly suggest you read The Face on Mars as a single volume it has probably the most densely packed information about the real history of mankind, which is absolutely more fascinating than any fiction you may have thought of or seen on screen. And it covers a lot more topics than just the artefacts on Mars.

Base Assumptions

1. Purebloods and Mutants

I will continue here assuming you are a male pureblood, non-vaxxed and want to create a worthwhile future with a similarly unvaxxed, pureblood woman. This may not be true of all of you, and insofar as this is not the case, the advice will still generally be good and useful but may need some adaptation for your specific condition. For example, if you are vaxxed, I advise against getting with a pureblood. This is not just some kind of “elitism” on my part. There are two sides to every situation. If you are a pureblood, then you are, in Gamma World terms, a Pure Strain Human (First, Second and Third editions. Do not venture beyond this unless you want to try playing an RPG in woke-diversity-filled-radioactive ponds of slime) and the Vaxxed are the first generation of Mutants. This is not a joke, it has now been proven beyond any doubt that the vaxxs alters your DNA (something that those of us who actually looked into mRNA always knew). This is a permanent thing. The children born to Vaxxed parents are 2nd generation mutants as their DNA is different from the one of purebloods.

If you assume that I am advising the vaxxed to not breed with the purebloods merely because I am a hater and wish ill on the mutants, you are wrong. I advise this for two main reasons:

First: If the Vaxx is a sterilising, death jab, then purebloods are the only ones that will be able to continue the human race, in the main (but see below). And we should give them the best chance to do so untainted by the genetic modifications that come with reproducing (and apparently even just being intimate with) vaxxed mutants.

Second: Life tends to find a way. If you have not read the original Jurassic Park book, then I recommend it. it’s a great read and it covers in some detail how life really works in the wild. What this means is that at least some of the vaxxed will have bodies, mutations, or ways their DNA adapts to and perhaps integrates with the mutagenic serum they injected. Those mutants that survive, should try to breed with and be with other mutants. If the WEF globohomos managed to really pollute the whole Earth with their mutagenic substances in the food supply, the water and even the air we breathe, it may be that purebloods will become extinct and the only “humans” that survive are in effect the mutants. As such, they should begin to try to form the various DNA lines that will survive and have adapted to a totally toxified planet.

In short, by letting the mutants stick with the mutants, and the purebloods with the purebloods, I am saying we have two separate and distinct lines of possible continuation of humanity, regardless of the intent of the WEF globohomos. I hope that clarifies this point.

2. Preparing by Playing

If you want to play Gamma World, the links above take you through to where you can buy them. But if you want to get a game that more accurately describes the current situation, and is in fact very funny, to play with your friends I will recommend my own RPG, Surviving the Current Zombie Apocalypse and it’s companion Module 0.

While you may think these Role Playing Games (RPGs) are just a waste of time, I assure you they are not. Modelling the world in a way that becomes a game is literally how humans learn skills. Playing through a fun evening of Zombie Apocalypse RPG you will develop some level of social awareness and team work, but you will also be learning to solve problems. Problems that can be very closely modelled to real life, as it happens. And playing out various potentially informative scenarios in your game will develop a certain attitude of mind that becomes accustomed to find a way instead of giving up. Why do you think the world militaries game-play different scenarios? It’s not for fun. It’s because it provides useful information for the real theatre of war to a degree. So if you can model reality and have fun, why not?

3. The Goal is to Make Children

While the modern world as we find it today in year 3 of World War III is a scary, uncertain place, the fact remains that the world and the future, belongs ONLY to those who show up for it. I have written a 4 part series of posts on how to ensure you actually WIN the generational fight against the WEF Homoglobos. You can find the various parts here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

OK, About that wife then!

Alright, now that I have overwhelmed you with too much information, too many posts to read, too many books to buy (more reading! Gasp!) And generally made you realise life is a big job and you being a Millennial you have probably already called 911 with an anxiety attack, exhaustion, and offended feeling, let us begin the process of how you actually find and keep a woman that is going to make a decent wife.

Well, in part I have already answered this in this video and this one.

Those two videos, taken together with the information above, should already be putting you in a decent place.


If you really want to have a strong edge when compared to your peers however, you really do need to read. I am sorry but reading really is a must. For a number of reasons:

It focuses your mind and teaches you persistence. Attention spans have gone form hours and days to seconds thanks to mobile phones, distractions and drugs. A man incapable of focussing like a laser for hours and hours at time effortlessly has really zero sex appeal for any woman worth marrying.

It exercises your imagination. And while I am no fan of Einstein, he did say a couple of true things, I mean, he probably plagiarised them, like most of his work, but still: Imagination is more important than intelligence.

It teaches you things at a neurological level. Because stories is how human beings passed knowledge from generation to generation for literally hundreds of thousands of years, our DNA and brains are built to gain cognitive functions from stories. Reading is a way to learn.

As to what to read, if you really want to gain some of that hard man mystique that women love, there really is no substitute for it other than learning physical things, like Martial arts, how to woodwork, play an instrument, do a sport to competition level, and so on. However, you would benefit from reading by gaining the correct mindset to help you make those activities easier for you to begin and then to continue with until you are very proficient in them. Oh, and whenever possible buy actual physical books. Not only will they survive an EMP strike, but it also means you are more likely to read them than just another file on your phone. Here is a list of books that are absolutely inspirational for a man:

God’s Battalions – Read this before The Crusades so you have a broader context, because you are going to want that when you read The Crusades.

The Crusades, Of Iron Men and Saints – if you can afford it get the leather-bound version. I have read thousands of books and this is in my top 3.

The Great Siege of Malta 1565

That’s just three to start you off.

“Oh but I don’t care about the Crusades… I’m not even Catholic…”

It doesn’t matter. Trust me. Read those books. And begin to grasp what being a man means.


In no particular order:

  • Take up a sport. Martial arts is best if you want the fastest route
  • Take up a physical skill. Anything from woodworking to Rock Climbing, to playing guitar, whatever, learn stuff you can do with your hands.
  • Either take up an activity where women are plentiful or frequent such places. Yoga gyms are better than nightclubs. So are book clubs, though it’s unlikely you will find many 20 year olds. Church of course is a good place, especially if it is a real one, though many women there will be spoken for, the larger families may well have unmarried daughters.
  • Talk to women. Ask them out on dates. Learn to speak and interact with them. You can’t get married if you don’t learn how to do these things first. This does not mean speak only to the women you are attracted to. Talk to all women. In fact, be able to talk to all people. The more you are able to interact with other humans, in general, the better. It’s a skill, like anything else. Learn it. And no, there is no way around it, so stop bitching, just get to it.

Future Aims

You know what they say, if you aim high, you might not hit your target, but if you aim nowhere, you certainly won’t hit anything.

Now, trying to have a very specific list of things you must achieve is not good either, focus on the broad picture. Find a wife, have children, buy your own home, that sort of thing. And of course, if you have ambitions, put them on there too, but sometime life takes a turn. I would have liked a 70 foot trimaran with an all female crew at one point, but it didn’t pan out that way, and I also never really tried very hard for it, because in the scheme of things, it wasn’t all that important, and I don’t miss not having achieved it. Having a wife and children I came late to as far as adding them to the list, but I sure made it here eventually. In between I never had many set goals except maybe to explore and learn and find out strange things, and I have done a lot of that. The down side is that I was 50 before I bought a house.

So, if you start off knowing you want a wife and children, begin now and prepare, work, save (but read that four part post on how to win, because saving today is probably not the best move long term) so as to position yourself to have that home, and that self-sufficiency, and the skills to go with it. There is no reason you can’t carry on learning and doing even after you are married, and so you should, but get a headstart.

Control Your Delusion Bubble

You know how women want a millionaire that is 6’2″ and has 8″ of pleasure to give them daily?

Yeah, it’s not ideal, but ladies, here, try this out to get a reality check.

And guys, here is your version.

Above all, whatever you do, whatever you are, don’t be a gamma.

You now have enough information to seriously no need to ask any questions for a few years. Now get out there and find your wife to be and make plenty of babies.

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
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