Archive for November 2022

Christians are supposed to expose Freemasons – do it

Here is Milo, signalling to his masters as of yesterday. One eye blind, three fingers out to do the 666 (upside down or however is fine, as long as they do it). Even the gamma redditt trolls are aware of Freemasonry, which is why their gamma in chief sent me the image.

Even frenemies can join forces on this satanic crap the ticket takers have to do to please their masters. See below for Milo’s ever present terror at anyone pointing out what he’s doing.

But it’s not freemasonry right? Just a coincidental one eye covered picture… right?

And here is the expected response not even a minute later, though I screencapped it later.

Very free speech. Much Milo.

He’s lost something like 5,000 to 8,000 followers since I pointed out his overt freemasonry.

Keep reminding the people on his telegram chat who he really is. The more instabans people see the more exposed he becomes.

Last time he had to shut down comments for months. If you’re a Christian, this is an easy way to fire back at the satanists digitally.

Emily Oster is a knowing liar and should be forgiven by no-one

Emily Oster is the author of this absolutely criminally incompetent piece of fake news:

It is literally unbelievable that a reporter for the Atlantic would be so incompetent as to literally be unaware of the mountain of evidence that existed about the dangers of the fake “vaccines” which are, of course, not vaccines at all, but rather, experimental genetic serums that change your mRNA and also your DNA.

It was known long before these mRNA and DNA altering serums were injected into billions of people that:

A) they changed your DNA and would therefore change the DNA of any children you MIGHT be able to produce after becoming a mutant thanks to the irreversible serum effects.

B) the mRNA technology was experimented and tested on animals for decades and it was well known that at best the shots give only a very temporary protection but destroy your immune system permanently.

C) Dr. Robert Malone, who literally invented the mRNA technology was censored, banned and hidden by mainstream media precisely because he spoke up on the dangers of the fake COVID “vaccines”.

D) so have literally thousands of other honest doctors. Including Mike Yeadon, ex VP of research at Pfizer who stated he gives the vaxxed only a few years to live as the serums have been designed to eventually kill you one way or another.

E) basic math proves the serums have been manufactured years in advance and in some cases proof of their having being bought years in advance by the millions exist. I posted on this point, as well as many other errors of people like Karl Denninger, in September 2022:

Think: How many of these genetic serums have been delivered and injected worldwide? according to the official numbers, about a billion or more? (They say 5 billion) Let’s be conservative and say one billion. That’s 1,000,000,000. Let’s say that 5 giant manufacturing firms all over the world were building these serums at 1 per second. so that’s 1,000,000,000 seconds. And then you still have to get them to the cattle and inject them. 1,000,000,000 seconds is equal to 31 YEARS. Split it between 5 manufacturing plants in parallel and it’s still 6 years. And SUPPOSEDLY, they first did all the research to make sure it was all safe and effective, then built these things and then delivered them and got them injected all within 2 years. Yeah…. pull the other one. As my grandfather used to say: Maths is not an opinion. This point alone is a clear indiction the scamdemic was all planned in advance.

F) agenda 2021 and now 2030 and the WEF website make it very clear that a depopulation/transhumanist and “nothing from nature” dystopian authoritarianism is at the root of all the dictatorship, censorship, absurd lies, nonsensical green pass rules, abolition of cash, digital tracking and so on.

G) whatever their connection, 5G towers have been going up in secret throughout the pandemic all over the place and it is absolutely certain that they are a health hazard.

H) if you study the history of ACTUAL vaccines, you will discover, to your horror, that they have likely have all been a lie from the start. I know, I used to think they were fine too.

ALL of this information, along with the fact that the people pushing it, like Bill Gates are KNOW depopulationists that want to reduce human population and are on record saying that they want to use “vaccines” to do it, was easily available with a few seconds of research online. Just like the fact that people like Bill Gates were instrumental in funding the Pirbright institute, where various coronavirus bioengineered versions were patented, the WHO, the Wuhan Lab where the bioengineered Covid-19 was initially released from, and people involved at a high level in all of these structures.

Just like it is known that Bill Gates had plenty of dealing with, and donated money for, the convicted child rapist and mossad operative Jeffrey Epstein. Or that he promotes and hangs around with “spirit cooking” witch to pedos everywhere, Marina Abramovich.


Literally it would take you only a couple of hours to gather multiple and irrefutable evidence of each of the aspects of the points I mentioned above with merely a few searches online.


But Emily is supposedly too stupid, lazy and incompetent to do this. That is what she would have you believe. I for one don’t buy it. I believe she is intentionally trying to run cover for the mass-murdering pieces of shit that cajoled, forced, lied and propagandised millions and millions or even a few billion people, into taking deadly genetic serums that have since been demonstrated to kill you in a variety of ways, destroy your immune system, have Graphite oxide in them, and strains of HIV parallel things in them.


No Emily. We will not forgive or forget any one of these mass-murdering, satanic, freemasonic, evil, corrupt, puppets and frauds of Klaus Schwab and WEF and Bill Gates and Epstein and their sort.

Nor will we forgive or forget “journalists” like you, Emily. No one will.

We know, and we remember.


UPDATE: she still has this up as of now, so I am told.

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