Archive for October 2022

Milo tries to stem the disembowlement

So… on 28th September he had 26,528 followers

And today, 8 days later, 26,148 so, still losing about 50 a day.

Clearly he’s realised (or his handlers have) that he needs to return to some semblance of activity, and as you can see there, he’s now re-opened comments.

Do feel free to ask him about his freemasonic images in chat. And watch the question be deleted almost instantly and you be banned from commenting too. Feel free to build multiple accounts to persevere in the asking.

Below are some images you may want to include in your polite questioning of his freemasonic signalling and masters.

He’s just a fan of bullfighting and getting “speared”, honest!

Notice the “shy about strabismus” dodge.
Note the leg positioning (not a coincidence, it’s a masonic sign)

Yup. They do weird poses to signal to each other in public.
He’ll tell you this is about “strabismus” and his shyness. Or white supremacy. It’s not. It’s the 666 over the eye of freemasonry.
Note the black eye
Note the cow-like pattern of the glove
Get it now?
A surprising lack of response…
Just a normal guy doing normal protesting about immigrants in a normal, totally non-jewish way.
Yup. Just normal non-jewish people doing normal non-jewish things without any symbolism at all. All very normal.

Go on… ask him, I mean, he’s an icon of free speech, he won’t mind. He’s not gonna ban you or anything… surely.

Here is his Telegram, go ask him:

Best Analysis of the Ongoing Russian War

This article is pretty much spot on with my own assessment to date. The author has also got experience in a Russian security environment, which I do not, but in general, the security stagnation issues he mentions are endemic to all security services, regardless of nationality.

The specific Russian approach to “stress testing” is the one item that in my experience of Russians, is quite unique to them; and as it happens an element I not only agree with and enjoy, but a way of doing things I have always tried to foster in any business or security activity I had any authority to influence.

It’s also why Russian special ops train with live ammo. Sure you might lose a few trainees, but you bet it pays in saved lives in actual conflicts.

It is an attitude that faces reality head on instead of the by now standard Western response: pretend reality will mould to your desires, followed by pretending to ignore the consequences of such an idiotic approach. Which is why I have always preferred the “face reality” approach, even before I met any Russians, and like them, I have often been accused of being brutal, heartless, merciless and so on.

But this is only the appearance from the perspective of a mollified, spineless excuse for a man from the West who think being metrosexual and possibly bisexual once in a while is perfectly normal and acceptable.

It isn’t. In reality, in nature, facing reality objectively is the safest, smartest, and ultimately best long-term strategy.

Add in belief in God and solid faith based in Christianity, and you have a formidable winning formula. Yes you will be accused of brutality, mercilessness, opportunism, and many other names, but those are mere spitballs fired by weaker, less effective “men” and do not count for anything beyond “perception” which is not to say they are not harmful, but, in the place where rubber meets road and steel meets bone, perception is a very thin shield.

An analogous example might serve to illustrate the point.

When I lived in London and was single, I had several… umm… short term relationships let’s say, with a few exceptions of longer duration with Russian women and some East block ones.

Such women in the West were normally seen as heartless gold diggers, shark-like, little different from professional prostitutes intent on draining you of life, money and ultimately set to discard you like a spent husk.

And yet, my experiences were invariably positive. So much so that even this aspect of their appearance was something I discussed with these women. And they simply and honestly agreed that, of course, weak men (which includes all those pretending to be “manly” tough men) deserve nothing more than to become welcome mats for them to clean their six inch heel Jimmy Choos on.

There was no denying the effect of turning up to a work function or Christmas party with one of these women, the looks of envy from both men and women and the corresponding status bump in the eyes of the company owners was almost immediate and obvious, which did not always translate into positives in the work front, depending on the level of general sexual frustration the owners had, but the assumptions made about the women I turned up with, were also invariably the same, that while they looked like supermodels, and gave off an air of sensual sexuality, they probably had the morals of a praying mantis.

And they did. IF you were the equivalent of a male praying mantis, that is, biologically driven to subjugate all to the needs of your dick.

If, on the other hand, you were your own man, doing your own thing, able to ignore the allure of the sexy Russian girl when it suited you to do so and to activate it again when it suited you, then, in such cases, I found that East block women were some of the most sensual, loyal and genuinely awesome girlfriends.

What does this have to do with Russian military strategy? It’s the same thing. If you are able to take the pain of doing what needs doing, of exposing the weak spots and updating the old guard with fresh minds set on reality instead of set in their ways, you will only gain.

And the reward will be a functional, efficient, loyal military that will accomplish feats the rest of the Western world at this point sees only as myth.

The current “teething problems” are not only to be expected on the basis of Von Clausewitz’s adage that no plan survives contact with the enemy, but should be obvious are a strategic necessity. Putin took the hits and bided his time from even before 2014.

He spent well over a decade shoring up the Russian economy, getting rid of oligarchs that were corrosive to the Nationalising plans he put in place. He was brutal in excising inefficiency in his own government departments, humiliating and getting rid of incompetents in a manner that lit a fire under everyone’s ass.

And you think the slow-go of the special military operations are because he’s fumbling?

You’d have to be an idiot to think so even if you didn’t have any insights into the Russian mindset. Just like a sexy, potentially loyal and feminine Russian woman will test and push and pull and while she enjoys herself in your bed, the Russian military has been having fun while testing, stretching and figuring out what the West has in stock.

And while it is “interesting” it isn’t all that.

So the ante will be raised and the West gradually boiled. Just like that weak man-frog would be by the Russian girl.

And just like I noticed such interactions in society when I saw some hapless Englishman approach or maybe even manage to entertain a Russian woman for a little while, I sit here observing the doomed interaction with a knowing little smile, while I hustle to try and do the same thing Russia did since 2008 at least:

Prepare for winter. A long winter of a couple of decades that is, not just the one leading to Christmas 2022. I am ready for that one to a degree very few people around the planet are, despite being, like Russia was for the last couple of decades, relatively “poor” and with a “non-functioning” economy. But let’s say I am in an equivalent position to 2014. It will be rough, but I will survive easily the provocations of the Victoria Neulands and Israeli Mossad spearheaded “Maidans”, while I keep shoring up and securing my personal situation.

What about you, gentle reader? Are you ready to take on sexy lady winter and win?

Russian Winter as seen by Napoleon, Hitler, and others.

I hope so.

I’ll be making some livestreams and more videos on this topic specifically in the coming weeks.

YouTube channel is here:

Telegram channel to be told when the livestreams are happening is here:

Bruce Charlton does NOT understand Catholicism at all

I quite like Bruce in a way, he seems like someone that is genuinely trying to find something out. I’d like to think his fumblings are the products of faulty reasoning rather than a deceptive intent.

That said, his statements concerning Catholicism and “trad Caths” and sedes etc are pretty much retarded.

I have a fault too in that I am not sure I reviewed all the comments on his post here before I made my own comments. Although some comments and replies may have appeared afterwards.

He kept stating that we were all missing the point and that what he was saying was that, in essence, no one can really know anything and all our assumptions are just personal choices. But let me not paraphrase; in his own words:

But now the Roman church is riven by competing claims with respect to authority and correct behaviour, *and yet those engaged in the discourse refuse to declare their own assumptions*. 

Whatever authority a modern Catholic chooses to base his life of faith upon; he ought to be explicit about it – and to acknowledge that *none of the choices are self-validating*. Whichever you choose, you will be making assumptions in order to make that choice.  

So we see a deep vulnerability; and a vulnerability that cannot be addressed because it is denied (or wilfully ignored).

And the above, is, of course, total nonsense.

Sedevacantists are EXPLICITLY stating what their “assumptions” are. They are in fact axiomatic.

1. The Catholic Church is the one and ONLY Church instituted on Earth by God.

2. The Catholic Church, creates the magisterium of the Church, which is infallible.

3. The magisterium of the Church is best summarised in both theory and practice in Canon Law. The final, most vetted version of any document on Earth being the Code of Canon Law of 1917 started by Pope Pius X and finished by Pope Benedictine XV.

4. Canon Law has divine elements, which are infallible and unchangeable and ecclesiastical elements, some of which are just for the better running of the Church and thus not necessarily immutable laws.

5. Some divine elements are the sacraments (The Holy Mass, Baptism, Confession, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy orders, Last Rites) which cannot be changed in form or intent, but also certain principles, such as that a manifest heretic cannot be considered a Catholic and as such cannot speak in any way for the Church. Pretty simple and logical really.

6. Other ecclesiastical elements, such as how many cardinals are required to vote in a Pope, and so on, have changed over time, and the past ways are not invalidated by the newer ways, nor vice versa. Again, pretty simple and logical.

7. The credo encapsulates the core beliefs of a Catholic.

Those are not ALL the rules, of course, but close enough for our purposes here. Given this set of beliefs, which are dogmatic, and not open to discussion, it becomes impossible to say that Catholics are making assumptions.

You might not like our axioms. You might think they are crazy or wrong or whatever, but we are literally the ONLY religion that has all the rules and even more importantly, the logic behind the rules, literally written down.

Being a Catholic means you do and should follow your conscience WHEN YOU CAN, but, and it’s a big but, that doesn’t mean you get to ignore the dogmatic rules of the Church if they don’t suit you.

Being a Catholic ultimately means to obey. Not humans, but the magisterium of the Church, and the Pope who heads it up (when and if there is a living, valid Pope, which hasn’t been the case since 9th October 1958).

So Bruce should really inform himself a bit deeper before going off with Protestant-inspired and cogitated ideas that simply are not part of Catholic reality.

He will likely say that the choices that lead you to sedevacantism are assumptions, but this is utterly untrue. I know of two men who became sede as a result of a pure logical exercise.

As for being self-validating, yes it is, because once you accept the base premises/axioms and subscribe to them, you will see that the rules have a perfect relationship and expression to reality. And a two thousand year history of evidence that Catholicism produces literally the best way for people to live and thrive.

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