If you are familiar with game theory you can skip the short summary below.
Game theory basics
Set theory can be helpful in representing game theory but only at a very simple level.
In short, if one set has extremely strict rules for entry and is willing to eject anyone within its boundaries who does not follow the rules when competing with another set that has loser rules for entry and almost no rules for ejection, the natural human perception is to assume that this second “liberal” set will naturally grow bigger. And so it may do so, for a time.
And it has, it’s how the Catholic Church went from almost global, with a unified Holy Mass in Latin throughout the world, and a code of conduct that was strict and understood by all, even if not always followed by all, to what it is now, a skinsuit filled with satanic pedophiles pretending to be Catholic clergy.
But there is the rub… “if not always followed by all” it was this laxity that allowed the Church to be first infiltrate and eventually taken over.
But what about the roots of Catholicism? How did it become the largest, most civilising force on the planet when it started out as a tiny sect persecuted to death by the most powerful Empire on Earth at the time?
It did so by being absolutely unforgiving in rejecting anyone and everyone that did not follow its ruleset; regardless of the price to be paid or consequences for this intractability.
You’re gonna get crucified if you don’t bow to the emperor? Fine. I don’t care. Crucify me.
“You’ll be eaten alive by lions if you don’t bow to… “
“Yeah, yeah, take me to the lions, hurry!”*
(This was basically the case with St. Ignatius of Antioch)
This meant that Catholicism only allowed in those who truly followed its dogma and was ever-ready to eject anyone who did not or stopped doing so. Over time, despite overwhelming odds, it was inevitable that Catholicism would become the foremost religion on Earth; except for one possibility.
Potentially, Catholicism could have been wiped out altogether, especially at the beginning, strangled in the crib, so to speak, and never grow. In fact, by all reasonable assumptions of logic, statistics and numbers, it should have done so.
The reason it did not —obvious to Catholics and not to others— is because Catholicism is ultimately true. Absolutely true. And as such, as Jesus our Lord promised was, and is, and will remain, supernaturally protected.
This is normal and natural. That which accords with ultimate truth and reality cannot be defeated by lies and deception other than only temporarily.
Of course that “temporarily” can last centuries, but logic dictates ultimately, truth will prevail, because it is unchanging, while falsity is mutable and ephemeral.
So the Church grew, and as it grew it became complacent. Some of its members were permitted to remain within it even when they did not follow the dogma strictly, and as such, were in truth, no longer its members.
Laxity permitted infiltrators to enter and by deception and sabotage, they, in turn, allowed in more of their Satanic brethren, with malicious and demonic intent. In this way, the Church was weakened, and ultimately almost entirely destroyed. Which, if it had been, would put the lie to the idea that it is supernaturally protected by our Lord Jesus Christ.
But over two millennia, the Church has suffered many instances when it was nearly, but not quite, destroyed.
Just two examples amongst many will suffice.
The Arian heresy convinced between 97 and 99% of all the Bishops then alive. By rights, Arianism should have triumphed, but thanks mostly to one obstinate and faithful Bishop, St. Athanasius of Alaxandria, who would simply not accept the pervasive heresy, eventually, once again, truth triumphed.
Similarly in a period spanning some 70 years there were up to three Popes, only one of which could be legitimate. And the Church could easily have degraded into some form of ever-splintering Protestantism, yet it did not, and again, eventually, order and truth was restored.
Today, we have a similar situation, where since 1958 we have not had a valid Catholic Pope, and from all sides, freemasons posing as “Catholics”, schismatic Eastern “Orthodox”, all the 40,000 denominations of Protestantism, gnostics, flat out Satanists, ignorant and misguided Novus Orco “Churchians” and a bunch of others are shouting from all the rooftops, like a gaggle of deformed gargoyles that Sedevacantists are schismatics, or just like us Protestants, or is Eastern schismatics or , or, or, everything and anything except that we are the only ones left that follow the simple, clear, dogmatic, unchanging, divine laws of the One, True, Holy and Apostolic, Church of God.
Anyone who bothers to investigate the facts objectively can see that Sedevacantism is logical, follows the rules of the Church and keeps the apostolic succession that the one true Church must have. If you have doubts you can read RTCC which answers literally every objection to sedevacantism that has ever been raised in a straightforward manner you can follow and verify for yourself.
And this is the point. Sedevacantists are fundamentalists.
We are not going away.
We are not backing down.
We are not accepting of any divergence from truth.
We will not accept corrupt practices such as latin masses join the present impostor to the throne of Peter with the most Holy Sacrament of the mass (una cum masses) because it would be analogous to putting sewage in your child’s ice cream.
We will not accept invalid, fake, heretic or never-were-Catholic-in-the-first-place, Novus Orco “clergy” as being in any way Catholic.
We don’t care if you lie about us.
We don’t care if you try to kill us.
We don’t care if you don’t understand us.
We don’t care if you own the media.
We don’t care if you brainwash everyone else into your deceptions.
We don’t care.
We are here and we are going to remain here until we revert this situation and win, or Jesus returns, either one is fine by is. And both possibilities exist in scripture.
So, like it or not, in the end we will win.
If you wish to learn more in a simple way and with a minimum of investment, of time and money, BELIEVE! has now resulted in over 100 people returning to, or entering for the first time, proper Catholicism.
Curry Muncher For The Win!
I predict the next UK PM will be the Indian guy.
This is obvious if one understands the British psyche.
You see, putting BoJo the clown back in charge is an obvious loss of face and a disgrace because he was PUBLICLY kicked out. Putting him back in would send the message that the British people are as brazen faced hypocrites as… oh, say… those ghastly Americans!
We can’t have that, good God no.
While if we vote in that swarthy fellow from the HinduPakistanIndiaWhatever, well, well, we know with absolute certainty he is a fraudulent, thieving, corrupt curry muncher that has already stolen millions and will no doubt steal even more…
BUT! Plausible deniability baby!
We can play stupid and even if he gets caught red-handed with his hands in the cookie jar, his dick in the baby-sitter and his head completely up the arse of whatever globalist puppet-master, well… we can just act all shocked and pretend we would never have assumed or could possibly ever have known… AND… bonus: No one can accuse us of being racist!
And who knows… maybe we also get a slice of the pie.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the British psyche. And I’ll be very surprised if I’m wrong.
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By G | 23 October 2022 | Posted in Social Commentary