Archive for August 2022

On stupid and inefficacious prayers

A lot of people pray wrongly, I have made a video on this a long while ago and I hope it has helped some to learn to pray better.

But I am referring here to another type of prayer. Perhaps you are a true believer and perhaps you have learnt to pray correctly, and yet… nothing… no results and none will be forthcoming. Because even if you happen to be a true believer, let’s say, even, a proper Catholic, —which today means a sedevacantist, as those are the ONLY actual Catholics left that follow the true and infallible magisterium of the Church— you can still be praying for something completely stupid and impossible.

Of course, if you ARE a sedevacantist, this is far less likely, since you at least have a decent understanding of Church history, the deception of the Novus Orcians and hopefully, as a result of your correct catechism, also a better grasp of reality. I am, in fact, currently unaware of any sedevacantist I know praying for stupid things, but then, as a whole, the prayers they make me aware of are very salutary and it is possible some have some of the stupid prayers, though I know, at least, not as stupid as the one that Ann Barnhardt keeps going on about.

Of course, Ann is a deceived loyalist to the fake Novus Orco Church, so she is not as knowledgeable on Church matters and reality as she would like you to think, and this is the problem, because she is helping the satanic freemasons of the Vatican retain some modicum of supposed legitimacy. I have seen people who used to excuse Bergoglio finally agree that the man cannot be the legitimate Pope and let go of that lie only to fall into the equally damning one that Ratzi the Nazi somehow is the real Pope.

No. No he is not. And never was. The last legitimate Pope was Pious the XII. He died on 9th October 1958. Every so-called “Pope” since then has been a fake, an impostor, not a Catholic at all, but rather an infiltrating freemasonic satanist. Anyone familiar with Canon Law (the last and most complete and most vetted document created on Earth, the Pio-Benedicrine Code of Canon Law of 1917) and Catholic catechism and dogma knows this is an undeniable truth. Yet, people like Ann, who steadfastly continue to pretend to ignore Canon 188.4 as well as the undeniable reality of the membership of Freemasonry of people like Roncalli, the “blessing” of Freemasonic temples masquerading as “churches” by both Wojtla and Ratzinger and so on, will try to do backwards mental somersaults to try to justify Ratzi as being a legitimate “Pope” because his fake resignation of his fake office of “Pope” somehow means he’s the real Pope.

No he is not. Never was. Never will be. He is an enemy, demonically inspired and was one of the architects of Vatican II the heresy of heresies, the usurpation of the name “Catholic” by Freemasons, and 16 documents, fifteen of which have direct heresy in them. And as far as I know I am the only one that has pointed out the direct heresy in 15 of the 16 documents. The only one without direct heresy, Inter Mirifica, is a document that states the other 15, heresy filled ones, should be promulgated throughout the Earth by all means possible.

What does this have to do with stupid prayers that cannot and will not be answered?

Easy. The idiotic request that a fake Pope that was never a Catholic to begin with repent and take on the role of real Pope is absurd and obviously not inly will never be fulfilled, but cannot, ever be fulfilled. You may as well pray that Satan becomes a good guy.

You see, even IF Ratzi had EVER been Catholic (given his actions, like Bergoglio, it is clear he never was, though he certainly was far more circumspect in his deception) and even IF he actually ever did repent, infallible Catholic dogma, states, immutably and in perpetuity, that even if such a thing happened, that is, a heretic were to repent, he would still NEVER have legitimate authority over ANYONE and in fact would need to spend the rest of his days in perpetual penance, sequestered in a monastery somewhere.

So, for Ann and all the people she helps deceive, to pray that Ratzi takes up the mantle of real “Pope” again, is akin to praying that God lets pedophelia be a good thing, feminism a civilising thing, or that Satan become a good guy.

It’s stupid beyond a point that should require any explanation, but since we have now seen for almost 3 years that the vast majority of humanity is composed of perfect idiots, let me expound:

You can’t pray away free will. You can’t pray away infallible declarations of the Church that represent the infallible will of God.

You can’t pray away God either.

You CAN deceive yourself and other to do such stupid, pointless things, but you can’t make any of them happen.

So stop praying for stupid things.

And if you are not sure what to pray for, pray to God that he leads you to the right path to receive his Glory, Truth and Mercy.

Mandela vs. Jesus

Yes, yes, I know, it’s spelt MandAla effect (or is it though? Ha!)

There has been quite a lot of talk in recent days about the phenomenon of people remembering something being totally different from what it apparently now is.

I think I wrote on it before too. For example, I recall the cartoon Heidi, when I was little it played on Italian TV, where Heidi was blonde. My brother remembers it the same way. And yet…

Vox has written a couple of very interesting posts on it. More specifically, and most disturbingly for some, here, where the idea that the changes are global even in temporal terms and the result of a supernatural shift caused by Satan himself or some of his underlings.

And more recently here where he refers to a quasi SF-like and at least superficially “plausible” theory of it, linked to the Large Hadron Collider, in a handwavium technological way common in pulp SF novels at least (but, that if you are familiar with most of the papers cited, as I am, has several holes in it, largest of all being that the evil overlords would have no way of knowing how to control the changes, unless, of course, they just keep running it until they hit a timeline that “works” for them… but then… how do they ever stop… and… ultimately… there being a God, their plans, must, necessarily, inevitably, unavoidably, fail. In fact, I am not even sure God is required, perhaps maths alone is enough to make it so).

The most disturbing Mandela effect at the last link above was indeed the Moonraker one, with the Jaws guy kissing the girl with the braces. I remember that scene well. It was the whole point of the film at the end! The bad guy gets the right girl for him. And Miles Mathies believes he even found evidence of the cover up.

Whatever the real nature of the Mandela affect (yes I know, I know, Mandala effect), it IS disturbing. But, I have a ray of hope for those Christians who are very disturbed by the Biblical changes.

I am personally more disturbed by the moonraker film alteration/change than the scriptural changes. Why? Maybe because I was not a christian most of my life, so I was never a good student of the Bible. The passages I know best are in Genesis and that because I wrote the Face on Mars when I was 26.

And probably because my conversion was essentially brought about by a proper Road to Damascus event. Mere logic and reason alone had only got me to the point that I valued Christian ideology and dogma from a merely practical point of view. People who genuinely believed Jesus rose from the dead and followed the general doctrines of that obviously crazy and nonsensical religion, at least didn’t normally steal, rape and murder each other (those who only pretended to believe however did so as scum of their sort ever did, and I saw the belief of the genuine believers as a weakness towards these charlatans).

That was as far as mere logic would have ever got me.

But once you have a personal, undeniable, encounter with whatever tiny aspect of God a human being can take without instantly bursting into flames for how undeserving of such Grace we are, well… all theories vanish in the face of undeniable reality. I really am, and always have been, a scientist at heart. And a real scientist at that. Which really means an explorer and an engineer. Theory is just a map for a real scientist. And the map, is never, ever, EVER, the territory. And never exactly like the territory either. Engineers know this. As do explorers.

So, even if every Bible on the planet became a Peppa Pig picture book, it would not shake my faith in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, by one iota.

And perhaps you should consider that level of faith, and consider that we are told (in Revelation I think, but as I am telling you, I’m no Bible scholar) that at the end, all but a tiny remnant lose faith, and they too would have lost it if Jesus had delayed returning any longer.

I am planning to be in that remnant. If it is possible for me to be in it, then I aim to be. And I feel in my heart (though I fear its testing) that I will be.

So, take heart, fellow traveller, because, as Dire Straits said, in my favourite song, Brothers in Arms, it is written in every line of our heart.

And, it would be remiss of me if I didn’t end with a completely zealous point that, of course, salvation is only found in the Sedevacantist part of the Holy, Apostolic, Catholic Church.

Because all the rest are lies, and if you took the time to find out what actual Catholicism (and thus Sedevacantism) is and so on, as long as you’re honest, you would come to the same conclusion I did. Because the truth is only one.

May God have mercy upon you, at least as much as He had on me, for if I was as wrong as I was and am here now, there is certainly hope for you too, no matter how deceived you may presently be.

May our Lord have mercy on us all, especially the youngest and most innocent, and may we be worthy of having had the courage, honour and truth to protect them unto our last breath, always.

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