As per usual, the fake “Catholics” at Church Militant, are trying to lead souls to hell by deception.
Yes, Church Militant, you know, that organisation run by an “ex” gay guy whose name is really Gary but likes to call himself by his middle name, Michael, because he started up an organisation called St. Michael’s Media. Yes, yes he did. No red flags of egomaniacal narcissism there at all.
The same Church Militant that took on that other “ex” gay guy called Milo who as it turns out is a Freemason, as exposed in this very blog multiple times (just use the search me button on the right and type in Milo if you want undeniable evidence of his Freemasonry).
And let’s not forget that St. Gary’s Media… oh, sorry, I mean St. “Micheal”’s Media, was contracted by, an organisation created by and funded to the tune of $250,000 by Marc Bremmer, a self-confessed supernumerary of Opus Dei. Marc Bremmer’s funding, according to him is just a “hobby”.
And he has also funded other fake Catholic Novus Orco people like E. Michael Jones, or Emo Jones as I call him, the shouty, bow-tie wearing, grifter who pretends to be Catholic and says Bergoglio is a Catholic too.
If you want all the details of this backroom funding you can read all the details here.
But back to Church Militant.
It will be useful to note one of their most common tactics in deceiving the ignorant, because it fools a lot of people and gets even mostly well-meaning Churchians who THINK they are Catholic, to feel better about following a demonstrable pedophile protector and never-was-Catholic, like Bergoglio, into Hell. Or to follow his predecessor, Ratzinger, one of the architects of Vatican II, into it instead of Bergoglio.
Here is an archive article of theirs from 2015.
And you will note that they immediately start out by telling you how some “very authorative “canon law” expert” has decided to leave SSPX in order to return to being in “communion with Rome”.
And right there you immediately have three underlying premises, that while not being mentioned at all, if you assume, even just one of the three as being true, as they expect you to, you will indeed be led astray.
Let us count them:
1) SSPX are either legitimate (for some) or illegitimate (as Church Militant would have you believe).
That’s the first trap right there.
SSPX is absolutely NOT legitimate. But not because of how CM would have you think them illegitimate.
SSPX recognise the present impostors as valid Popes but then refuse to obey them. It’s nonsense. If you are Catholic and you recognise a Pope as valid, then you MUST obey them until they become demonstrable, public, notorious heretics.
So you see the deviousness of CM. They present SSPX as a “rebellious” and “schismatic” faction in such a way that regardless of if you accept the negative premise of CM (SSPX are trad rebels!) or the positive one (SSPX are schismatics!) you still get stuck with either SSPX or CM. And NEITHER is Catholic. So either way, whether you agree with the article or not, you are still stuck with fake Catholics. This is their play, always play both sides of the coin. A tried and tested Freemasonic tactic.
2) The “expert” in Canon law! And all the subsequent sophistry and codes and numbers of the codes etc etc.
Right away you are faced with the prospect of having to “battle” against an “expert” of a code you have not read (and which if you did you would find is worthless because even if it were not fake, it is logically inconsistent, with its own codes contradicting and invalidating themselves).
But the reality of course is that the code is fake and internally contradictory, on purpose, and so is the “expert” in the fake code. They are, of course, referring to the FAKE code of 1983. Why is it fake? Well, we know it’s fake because the real code, the one of 1917 is and was, perfectly put together, had no flaws that anyone could find in over 40 years and is the most vetted document ever compiled on Earth.
And according to this very code, not only is Vatican II obvious heresy, but those who promote it become public notorious heretics and as such are no longer part of the Church nor can they represent it or act for it in any way. Fake clergy who are obviously outside the Church, being public notorious heretics, as the code of 1917 clearly states they are, can’t put together a valid “new” code of Canon Law affecting the Catholic Church if which they are mot a part.
So you see, this is the very core of the underlying hidden premise:
Accept the fake before anyone has even looked at how we got here. Accept Church Militant, or Gary, or Emo Jones, or the “new” (fake) code of canon law of 1983, or the fake and fakely penitent, “priest” of SSPX or SSPX themselves, as Catholic and they are happy, because every one of the options they place before you are NOT Catholic. So it doesn’t matter to them which you pick. Agree with them or not, argue against the fake dichotomy they present or not, as long as you accept ANY of the unstated but intentional implications of their “position” and you’re still outside of the Catholic Church.
And that is their aim.
3) The underlying premise of needing to be in communion with Rome.
Yet another insidious lie. The implication here being that one must be in communion with whoever is “pope” in the Vatican, or at least or together with, the Holy See and its various offices of the Vatican.
No. First of all the Holy See does not have to be in Rome and in fact it was not in Rome when it was in Avignon for decades. So the physical location of it is irrelevant, it is the people that make it not the place.
Secondly, no Catholic should EVER receive a heretic and intentional and knowing fake Catholic, public and notorious heretic like Bergoglio, Ratzinger, or the other fakes all the way back to Roncalli, as though they were Catholic. To do so, renders YOU a heretic too, as very clearly, infallibly, and for all time, is stated in the Papal Encyclical of Cum Ex Apostolato Officio. In fact, the same document states clearly that such people as Bergoglio etc (public notorious heretics) are to be shown none of the natural human kindness. None.
And of course, being in “communion” with what is at best an Arch-Heretic, and more likely a full blown satanist with strong ties to the alleged Argentinian child trafficker Gustavo Vera —who is not in jail only because one of the main witnesses against him was Epsteined— is not only not required, it is absolutely forbidden.
You see, that is their whole game:
Put in play a “controversy” where in order for you to begin arguing for one side or the other is in any case a win for them and a loss for you, because the underlying premises are all fake and gay and rotten and filled with lies.
Kinda like Gary and Milo and so on and on and on.
Say it with me: sedevacatists are the only actual Catholics left.
Go to a real Church and get the real mass.
Pray the rosary and expose these snakes wherever you find them.
The Gasifier Project – Produce Electricity from Burning Wood
Please support the kick-starter project by clicking HERE
Gasifiers are awesome and were used in over a million places (yes, that is a real number) during WWII. So why have you never heard of them? Because, apparently, all the details of how to build them are lost to time. Yes, I know, it sounds absurd, much like NASA saying they lost the technology for going back to the Moon. However, we know for a fact that gasifiers work because people here and there have continued to build them.
A gasifier essentially removes the need to use petrol and can run any combustion engine with some adaptation so that the flammable gasses it produces are piped directly into the engine that would normally use petrol.
The problem is that there is no simple, direct, description of how to build your own gasifier. There are bits of information scattered around, some online videos that are not very helpful, and none of the original WWII manuals actually survive to this day. Don’t take my word for it, search for yourself.
While there are some companies willing to build gasifiers, these cost many thousands and are geared for powering small communities, producing from 20 to 30 kw or even 150 kw (the average household runs comfortably on 3.3 kw). So I have. decided that I will build a small gasifier that will run a 2.3 kw generator. This is enough to run your home if you don’t max out all your heavy appliances at once. The plan is that if the target of €2,000 is reached we will also produce the details on how to make a connection to your house mains so that you can power multiple items at the same time pretty much the same way you do now, instead of having to constantly plug in one or two items at a time into your generator.
Please support the kick-starter project by clicking HERE.
This is an entry level design and the aim is to produce a manual and videos will all the details of the various parts, assembly and connections. More complicated projects, like running your car, tractor, or motorcycle sidecar are not things we will attempt now, but we may do so in the future depending on interest.
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By G | 27 July 2022 | Posted in Social Commentary