Vox Day has recently published a post where he explains how some SJW morons managed to completely get everything wrong about him, defaming him in a number of ways and so on.
Let me first of all explain that I have published this post BEFORE I had any kind of conversation with Vox about this or anything else. No one, especially not him, has asked me to write this. And in fact I believe if I told him I was doing so, he would advise me to not do so and ignore the incompetents that attack him.
Vox has always behaved in nothing but a perfectly civilised, gentlemanly and friendly manner towards me, as has his family.
Does he write in a way that at first glance can appear “controversial”? Sure. I too thought he was a “racist” “bigoted” typical “puritanical American” when I first came across his blog. But I kept reading it for a while and then I realised that my first impression was wrong. And it was wrong based on a fault I truly quite dislike in others, yet I had apparently, at first anyway, fallen for myself. The offence of the skim reader.
You know who suffers from tragic skim-reading malady? Lawyers. Every damnable one of them. They simply skim read, make wild assumptions about what they THINK they read and then go with a legal strategy that more often than not is between 150 and 210 degrees away from the correct one to take. They hit 180 degrees quite often.
Well, the thing with Vox is that you need to pay attention to two things when reading his work (if you care to even have read mine this far):
- Read what he actually writes, not what you THINK he is writing.
- Very, very, very often, Vox merely reports on his observations. It is much rarer that he specifies his personal opinion, although this can sometimes be inferred by his invariably extremely dry humour.
This curious mix results in statements that can often sound oh just so pearl clutchingly terrible. Positively fainting on the couch stuff. But… that if you examine them in the cold light of rationality and logic, are almost always unassailable as mere observations or logical conclusions.
Let me make an example here that I am not aware Vox has ever used, but I have. Let’s take General Augusto Pinochet.
Bad guy right? He took over Chile in a military coup and killed or “disappeared” thousand of poor innocent Chileans who just wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Let’s take the numbers from the leftist of lefty sources, Wankipedia. According to them:
According to the Commission of Truth and Reconciliation (Rettig Commission) and the National Commission on Political Imprisonment and Torture (Valech Commission), the number of direct victims of human rights violations in Chile accounts for around 30,000 people: 27,255 tortured and 2,279 executed. In addition, some 200,000 people suffered exile and an unknown number went through clandestine centers and illegal detention.
In 1973, when Augusto took over, the Population of Chile was 10.2 million. and in 1990 when he was no longer around, it was about 13.2 million. So, taking the wikipedia numbers, we are looking at some 230,000 people affected directly and under 3,000 killed.
Using basic math (a lost and archaic skill-set unknown to anyone in the journalistic profession for at the very least half a century), we can see that:
A grand total of 2.25 % of the population of Chile was directly affected.
Of which 0.027 % were killed.
Terrible, terrible, bad, evil stuff. If only one innocent died and all that. Tragic.
Now let’s look at Venezuela.
After Chavez died, at the end of 2013 (it was covered up until January 2014) from a population of just over 30 million, there was an exodus due to the total economic collapse of the country, which Chavez’s Marxist policies had created from when he took power in 1999. By 2020, only 28.4 million people were left. And keep in mind people still made babies even under the usual hardships encountered in such situations.
So… for comparable countries in a relatively similar area of the planet, Venezuela had at a MINIMUM 1.6 million people directly affected by the communist regime, which, again, using basic math, is equivalent to 5.3 % of the population. Of course, we are being totally unfair to Chile since I used the lower number of 10.2 million as the denominator (Instead of the 13.2 million that existed when Augusto was no longer the leader) and I have also only counted the number of people that physically LEFT Venezuela. You can be certain that at the most optimistic at least double that number were directly affected inside the country, and a more realistic number would be ten times the number. God alone knows how many died since the statistics in a collapsed nation are not exactly anyone’s top priority, but we can be sure it was more than 3,000 in the six years we are looking at.
But percentages hide things still. You may be sitting there saying oh well…ok, so communism is about twice as bad as hardcore right wing military regimes, because 2.25 % is a bit less than half of 5.3 %… right?
Except that given the disparity in population sizes, when you look at actual human beings affected, Chile’s 230,000 has to be measured against the extremely conservative and obviously very much smaller than whatever the real number is of 1,600,000 people for Venezuela’s regime.
If we assume a very generous same ratio for the dead, we can assume that at minimum, some 20,000 people lost their lives as a result of the Marxist policies of Venezuela. I can tell you from experience of some 20 years of living in South Africa, that this number is certainly lower than whatever the real one is. I conclude that because South Africa had a far better situation economically than Venezuela did and yet there have been some 23,000 deaths from violent crime there for some twenty years in a row after the ANC took over.
But in fact it’s even worse than that. Because we are measuring Chile’s 17 year rule, against Venezuela’s mere 6 years. So to be mathematically “fair” or at least take into consideration proportionality to some degree, you really need to almost triple the Venezuelan numbers to have something that begins to be apples and oranges at least instead of apples and donkeys.
These are cold, hard facts.
You don’t have to like them. I sure don’t. But they are objective reality all the same.
In short, dropping some almost 3,000 people out of helicopters, torturing some 27,000 and exiling some 200,000 is infinitely preferable to killing probably 60,000 people (remember we have to multiply by 3 to account for the time) torturing who knows how many and exiling 4.8 million people.
In fact, if you care, you can literally do the math and say that dropping 3,000 commies out of helicopters is 20 TIMES better than the Venezuelan alternative.
And yet… some people will ignore all the math of Chile and Venezuela and accuse me of being “racist” because I noticed that the ANC-run South Africa had spectacularly higher levels of death, crime and suffering for the average black person than it did under apartheid.
Did I agree with apartheid when I first encountered it? Absolutely not. Do I agree with it now, no, not really, but, I don’t necessarily think that the so-called “puppet-states” that South Africa had created, like the now non-existent Bophuthaswana, were a bad thing. In them, the black majority population was effectively in charge and yet economically supported by the racist South African government which nevertheless allowed the black people who lived there to live under laws and rules that were democratic and did not discriminate by race. I visited Bop, as it was called in vernacular, several times and the contrast from South Africa while under apartheid was immediately noticeable. Yet Bop was still no more prone to violent crime than South Africa. In fact, probably less so as the feeling was one of a relaxed and better off people (of all races). Yet there was the shadowy hand of the apartheid government behind it all making sure that no unrest took place. I know for a fact that a large number of black Africans in South Africa that did NOT directly benefit from the change in government, because they were not connected or part of the few political kleptocrats that came into power, would give a couple of fingers, literally, to be able to live in something like what Bop was back in the late 1980s or early 1990s.
You’re also going to have a hard time accusing me of “racism”, given my history, but go ahead and try if you want.
Why mention all this?
Well, because Vox is not the only one that would prefer Pinochet helicopter tours over Commie transgender pedophiles reading to preschoolers dressed as demonic sex perverts. If our choice is being presented as either the generic homoglobo clown-world shitfest currently emanating like cancer from the USA and poisoning most of Europe with its falsity, and downright demonic “ideologies” OR a hardcore actually Catholic Inquisition setup, (instead of Satanic Bergoglioan Freemasonry), well then sign me up as head inquisitor.
I’d light all those fires myself if need be to get rid of literal pedophiles that are getting a pass by law enforcement, the media and judges all around Europe. Like the level of MPs and BBC people implicated in the Jimmy Saville long running sexual abuse of children that in many cases were sick and dying of leukaemia. Or most of the Belgian government that was implicated in a pedophile ring in the 1990s and nothing happened. Or the fact that the literal Queen of England, that old reptile, and her deceased reptile Greek husband were directly involved in the disappearance of some dozen orphans from Canada and again, nothing has happened to date.
Why? Why has nothing happened about these horrific crimes?
Because you don’t have Inquisitors.
And before you go on to say the “Catholic Church” was always filled with pedophiles, let’s be very, very, very clear that a bunch of commie homosexuals were injected into the Catholic Church in the 1920s and 1930s as part of a long running effort to destroy it. Let’s be very clear that Pope Pius the X was aware of the level of corruption already present way back in 1904 and earlier, and ordered the compilation of the forever present Code of Canon Law of 1917, precisely to ensure that no later sleight of hand could hide what Catholicism actually was. And yes, there has been no legitimate Pope since 1958, nor am I saying every Catholic or even every Pope before 1958 was a saint. We have plenty of evidence there have been bad men in every organisation since time immemorial, but Catholicism as it really is, is a very different thing from what the average person thinks Catholicism is today.
Now, all my asides aside, the fact remains that uncomfortable truths are still true.
Vox simply points them out and makes people very uncomfortable about some of them.
Women are far less capable of using logic and reason than men are. This too is a biological fact. You may not like it, you may call me a misogynist pig, whatever. Anyone who has spent half a century on this Earth and had sufficient dealings with women and men from all sorts of cultures, will know that what I wrote above is perfectly true. You know who also agrees with me on that? A LOT of women. Usually the prettier ones that have no trouble attracting whatever man they may set their eyes on. Now, I wonder why that would be, eh?
Do I think women should vote? If votes mattered at all anymore, that is. As a general rule, no, I don’t. GASP! Sexism! My-My-My Misogyny!
Now ask me if I think most men should vote.
Yeah… that’s a no too. If it were up to me, the number of people who could actually vote, would be a tiny fraction of what it is now. And the number of people who could actually have political offices would be REALLY TINY, and I guarantee you that NONE of the current occupants would have chosen the profession of politician if my Grand Inquisitor rules of politics were applied. In fact, only a tiny number of people would even be able to be qualified to be a politician, because you bet there would be qualifications.
So, based on the above I assume I will be defined as a racist, a misogynist, and despite the fact I specifically wrote pieces against even associating with anyone that calls themselves Alt-right, I will probably be lumped into that category as well. Not to mention Nazi. I mean, I wrote books of fiction about Nazis! I obviously must be a sympathiser! And I wrote more than one book about them, so maybe I am a Waffen SS myself. Never mind what it actually says in those books. Never mind facts. Never mind actual history!
But I will accept one of the labels they may throw at me. I too, am a Christian Nationalist.
I happen to be Catholic though —which means Sedevacantist today, as those are the only Catholics left— and Vox is some complicated form of Protestant-friendly type of Christian, so you know, after we rid the world of pedophiles, force all women into a sexually oppressed misery that wakes every day in the bedroom passes its day chained to a stove in the kitchen and ends it back in the bedroom (unless they have to give birth to one of our children in which case they may be on the kitchen floor for a bit longer), teach our male children the arts of war, reading in Classical Latin and Greek, and the skill of preparing a proper auto-da-fe for heretics, well, after all that, I suppose Vox and I may have to cause yet ANOTHER religious war between our two factions.
But you know, until then, I’ll keep thinking of him as my friend and I plan to visit his Castle at some point, where we will drink some fine prosecco, maybe a touch of good cognac, and, of course, plan world domination. Our wives will, no doubt, being the shy, quiet, oppressed and retiring types they are, quietly sit by the sidelines ready to serve us food and drink, and keeping the continually increasing prole I at least, like a good Catholic, continue to produce, in relative silence as Vox and I discuss deeply important things.
Criminal Defamation of my Friend
Vox Day has recently published a post where he explains how some SJW morons managed to completely get everything wrong about him, defaming him in a number of ways and so on.
Let me first of all explain that I have published this post BEFORE I had any kind of conversation with Vox about this or anything else. No one, especially not him, has asked me to write this. And in fact I believe if I told him I was doing so, he would advise me to not do so and ignore the incompetents that attack him.
Vox has always behaved in nothing but a perfectly civilised, gentlemanly and friendly manner towards me, as has his family.
Does he write in a way that at first glance can appear “controversial”? Sure. I too thought he was a “racist” “bigoted” typical “puritanical American” when I first came across his blog. But I kept reading it for a while and then I realised that my first impression was wrong. And it was wrong based on a fault I truly quite dislike in others, yet I had apparently, at first anyway, fallen for myself. The offence of the skim reader.
You know who suffers from tragic skim-reading malady? Lawyers. Every damnable one of them. They simply skim read, make wild assumptions about what they THINK they read and then go with a legal strategy that more often than not is between 150 and 210 degrees away from the correct one to take. They hit 180 degrees quite often.
Well, the thing with Vox is that you need to pay attention to two things when reading his work (if you care to even have read mine this far):
This curious mix results in statements that can often sound oh just so pearl clutchingly terrible. Positively fainting on the couch stuff. But… that if you examine them in the cold light of rationality and logic, are almost always unassailable as mere observations or logical conclusions.
Let me make an example here that I am not aware Vox has ever used, but I have. Let’s take General Augusto Pinochet.
Bad guy right? He took over Chile in a military coup and killed or “disappeared” thousand of poor innocent Chileans who just wanted a better life for themselves and their families.
Let’s take the numbers from the leftist of lefty sources, Wankipedia. According to them:
In 1973, when Augusto took over, the Population of Chile was 10.2 million. and in 1990 when he was no longer around, it was about 13.2 million. So, taking the wikipedia numbers, we are looking at some 230,000 people affected directly and under 3,000 killed.
Using basic math (a lost and archaic skill-set unknown to anyone in the journalistic profession for at the very least half a century), we can see that:
A grand total of 2.25 % of the population of Chile was directly affected.
Of which 0.027 % were killed.
Terrible, terrible, bad, evil stuff. If only one innocent died and all that. Tragic.
Now let’s look at Venezuela.
After Chavez died, at the end of 2013 (it was covered up until January 2014) from a population of just over 30 million, there was an exodus due to the total economic collapse of the country, which Chavez’s Marxist policies had created from when he took power in 1999. By 2020, only 28.4 million people were left. And keep in mind people still made babies even under the usual hardships encountered in such situations.
So… for comparable countries in a relatively similar area of the planet, Venezuela had at a MINIMUM 1.6 million people directly affected by the communist regime, which, again, using basic math, is equivalent to 5.3 % of the population. Of course, we are being totally unfair to Chile since I used the lower number of 10.2 million as the denominator (Instead of the 13.2 million that existed when Augusto was no longer the leader) and I have also only counted the number of people that physically LEFT Venezuela. You can be certain that at the most optimistic at least double that number were directly affected inside the country, and a more realistic number would be ten times the number. God alone knows how many died since the statistics in a collapsed nation are not exactly anyone’s top priority, but we can be sure it was more than 3,000 in the six years we are looking at.
But percentages hide things still. You may be sitting there saying oh well…ok, so communism is about twice as bad as hardcore right wing military regimes, because 2.25 % is a bit less than half of 5.3 %… right?
Except that given the disparity in population sizes, when you look at actual human beings affected, Chile’s 230,000 has to be measured against the extremely conservative and obviously very much smaller than whatever the real number is of 1,600,000 people for Venezuela’s regime.
If we assume a very generous same ratio for the dead, we can assume that at minimum, some 20,000 people lost their lives as a result of the Marxist policies of Venezuela. I can tell you from experience of some 20 years of living in South Africa, that this number is certainly lower than whatever the real one is. I conclude that because South Africa had a far better situation economically than Venezuela did and yet there have been some 23,000 deaths from violent crime there for some twenty years in a row after the ANC took over.
But in fact it’s even worse than that. Because we are measuring Chile’s 17 year rule, against Venezuela’s mere 6 years. So to be mathematically “fair” or at least take into consideration proportionality to some degree, you really need to almost triple the Venezuelan numbers to have something that begins to be apples and oranges at least instead of apples and donkeys.
These are cold, hard facts.
You don’t have to like them. I sure don’t. But they are objective reality all the same.
In short, dropping some almost 3,000 people out of helicopters, torturing some 27,000 and exiling some 200,000 is infinitely preferable to killing probably 60,000 people (remember we have to multiply by 3 to account for the time) torturing who knows how many and exiling 4.8 million people.
In fact, if you care, you can literally do the math and say that dropping 3,000 commies out of helicopters is 20 TIMES better than the Venezuelan alternative.
And yet… some people will ignore all the math of Chile and Venezuela and accuse me of being “racist” because I noticed that the ANC-run South Africa had spectacularly higher levels of death, crime and suffering for the average black person than it did under apartheid.
Did I agree with apartheid when I first encountered it? Absolutely not. Do I agree with it now, no, not really, but, I don’t necessarily think that the so-called “puppet-states” that South Africa had created, like the now non-existent Bophuthaswana, were a bad thing. In them, the black majority population was effectively in charge and yet economically supported by the racist South African government which nevertheless allowed the black people who lived there to live under laws and rules that were democratic and did not discriminate by race. I visited Bop, as it was called in vernacular, several times and the contrast from South Africa while under apartheid was immediately noticeable. Yet Bop was still no more prone to violent crime than South Africa. In fact, probably less so as the feeling was one of a relaxed and better off people (of all races). Yet there was the shadowy hand of the apartheid government behind it all making sure that no unrest took place. I know for a fact that a large number of black Africans in South Africa that did NOT directly benefit from the change in government, because they were not connected or part of the few political kleptocrats that came into power, would give a couple of fingers, literally, to be able to live in something like what Bop was back in the late 1980s or early 1990s.
You’re also going to have a hard time accusing me of “racism”, given my history, but go ahead and try if you want.
Why mention all this?
Well, because Vox is not the only one that would prefer Pinochet helicopter tours over Commie transgender pedophiles reading to preschoolers dressed as demonic sex perverts. If our choice is being presented as either the generic homoglobo clown-world shitfest currently emanating like cancer from the USA and poisoning most of Europe with its falsity, and downright demonic “ideologies” OR a hardcore actually Catholic Inquisition setup, (instead of Satanic Bergoglioan Freemasonry), well then sign me up as head inquisitor.
I’d light all those fires myself if need be to get rid of literal pedophiles that are getting a pass by law enforcement, the media and judges all around Europe. Like the level of MPs and BBC people implicated in the Jimmy Saville long running sexual abuse of children that in many cases were sick and dying of leukaemia. Or most of the Belgian government that was implicated in a pedophile ring in the 1990s and nothing happened. Or the fact that the literal Queen of England, that old reptile, and her deceased reptile Greek husband were directly involved in the disappearance of some dozen orphans from Canada and again, nothing has happened to date.
Why? Why has nothing happened about these horrific crimes?
Because you don’t have Inquisitors.
And before you go on to say the “Catholic Church” was always filled with pedophiles, let’s be very, very, very clear that a bunch of commie homosexuals were injected into the Catholic Church in the 1920s and 1930s as part of a long running effort to destroy it. Let’s be very clear that Pope Pius the X was aware of the level of corruption already present way back in 1904 and earlier, and ordered the compilation of the forever present Code of Canon Law of 1917, precisely to ensure that no later sleight of hand could hide what Catholicism actually was. And yes, there has been no legitimate Pope since 1958, nor am I saying every Catholic or even every Pope before 1958 was a saint. We have plenty of evidence there have been bad men in every organisation since time immemorial, but Catholicism as it really is, is a very different thing from what the average person thinks Catholicism is today.
Now, all my asides aside, the fact remains that uncomfortable truths are still true.
Vox simply points them out and makes people very uncomfortable about some of them.
Women are far less capable of using logic and reason than men are. This too is a biological fact. You may not like it, you may call me a misogynist pig, whatever. Anyone who has spent half a century on this Earth and had sufficient dealings with women and men from all sorts of cultures, will know that what I wrote above is perfectly true. You know who also agrees with me on that? A LOT of women. Usually the prettier ones that have no trouble attracting whatever man they may set their eyes on. Now, I wonder why that would be, eh?
Do I think women should vote? If votes mattered at all anymore, that is. As a general rule, no, I don’t. GASP! Sexism! My-My-My Misogyny!
Now ask me if I think most men should vote.
Yeah… that’s a no too. If it were up to me, the number of people who could actually vote, would be a tiny fraction of what it is now. And the number of people who could actually have political offices would be REALLY TINY, and I guarantee you that NONE of the current occupants would have chosen the profession of politician if my Grand Inquisitor rules of politics were applied. In fact, only a tiny number of people would even be able to be qualified to be a politician, because you bet there would be qualifications.
So, based on the above I assume I will be defined as a racist, a misogynist, and despite the fact I specifically wrote pieces against even associating with anyone that calls themselves Alt-right, I will probably be lumped into that category as well. Not to mention Nazi. I mean, I wrote books of fiction about Nazis! I obviously must be a sympathiser! And I wrote more than one book about them, so maybe I am a Waffen SS myself. Never mind what it actually says in those books. Never mind facts. Never mind actual history!
But I will accept one of the labels they may throw at me. I too, am a Christian Nationalist.
I happen to be Catholic though —which means Sedevacantist today, as those are the only Catholics left— and Vox is some complicated form of Protestant-friendly type of Christian, so you know, after we rid the world of pedophiles, force all women into a sexually oppressed misery that wakes every day in the bedroom passes its day chained to a stove in the kitchen and ends it back in the bedroom (unless they have to give birth to one of our children in which case they may be on the kitchen floor for a bit longer), teach our male children the arts of war, reading in Classical Latin and Greek, and the skill of preparing a proper auto-da-fe for heretics, well, after all that, I suppose Vox and I may have to cause yet ANOTHER religious war between our two factions.
But you know, until then, I’ll keep thinking of him as my friend and I plan to visit his Castle at some point, where we will drink some fine prosecco, maybe a touch of good cognac, and, of course, plan world domination. Our wives will, no doubt, being the shy, quiet, oppressed and retiring types they are, quietly sit by the sidelines ready to serve us food and drink, and keeping the continually increasing prole I at least, like a good Catholic, continue to produce, in relative silence as Vox and I discuss deeply important things.
No related posts.
By G | 2 June 2022 | Posted in Social Commentary