Archive for March 2022

Aztec Times

Well, all the very smart and erudite well-educated people who always knew better than us CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiStS have all been jabbed and boosted now.

Surprisingly, they seem to avoid like it was a radioactive glowing monster of death the undeniable statistics relating to that new epidemic of truly mysterious origins: the sudden death.

It’s an interesting phenomenon. Mention actuaries noticing a 40% increase in mortality across the board and these oh-so-very-smart-and-modern-science-believers suddenly take on the appearance of frozen glass for a few seconds.

Then they evade the whole issue with a zero-friction slide that would have physicists draw up new laws of motion.

I admit, it fascinates me. I try to sneak in the even higher increases in mortality rates for younger ages, rising to something like over 80% in some cases. And ask them, what do YOU think is causing people to drop dead like flies all over the place?

Not a single one has yet said “the genetic serum”; much less “the one I stupidly injected into myself (or worse) my kids.”

But they know. You can see the terror in that fraction of time when your question acts as a reality brick to the face. The frozen glass smile and terrorised eyes. They know.

But they keep trying to pretend there isn’t a death shadow drooling on them every second of their day.

Was it worth it, my oh so smart and educated luminary? Do you feel vindicated and on the right side of history now?

Because I have a feeling the only history many of you will make is approximately identical to that of skull 18,942 in the pile of 20,000 that the Aztecs used to rack up for a good day of sacrifice. What’s that? You barely recalled the Aztecs and certainly have no idea who skull 18,942 belonged to?

Well, yes. That’s the point.

*I know, the punchline should not need explaining, but as we have seen thanks to scamdemic, that is only true for about 2% of the population.

One more for the wood chipper…

So, we have another one for the woodchipper.

This sorry excuse for a “man” was very upset indeed at my comment concerning the whiny, whiny, whiny, alt-retards.

My comment was thus:

I am 87% convinced the only people going on about THE WHITE RACE and 1488 and ANTI-RACISM IS RACISM are Feds.

The actual nei nazis are all fucking retarded, hence the name they earned of alt-retard.

They are MRA of race instead of whining about pussy power they whine about the unfairness of jews trying to destroy whites.

It’s fucking pathetic.

Yes, of course things are stacked against you and me. Yes, the laws and courts are Kafkian. Yes, yes, yes it’s all happening.




Get off your incel ass find a blonde blue eyed girl and make a dozen children.

Learn Christianity and fight back.

Or sink into your hole of despair and off yourself so you remove your weak genes from the pool. But for the live of God:

Stop whining.

It’s disgusting.

People who are busy increasing the number of their own ethnicity and building communities have no time to whine and bitch and moan.

Get. Up.

The irate manlet responded with these mewling and suckling noises:

I Don’t Exist


Great. Man up, lift moar weights, bootstraps, etc. Okay boomer.

Got any solutions for the suicide rate, the obesity rate, or the fact that 92% of america just bought the ukraine = best narrative with no thought whatsoever?

Ever try and get help from a church when you’re at the bottom? They don’t give a fuck about us; they’re too busy fighting racism. Maybe you should fix that shit before pushing more Jesus on people. We really don’t give a shit for your faith. Yes I know who you are.

Go ahead and quote respond because your balls are too fucking big to conversate like a normal person. Or block me as a whining gamma for daring to criticize The Mighty Kurgan. But fuck off with the lecture, you’re in the same shitpile we are. Go do something for your neighbor rather than attacking the downtrodden.

And so, I decided to respond to him and give him the attention he so dearly and clearly craves from me. One point at a time. His comment repeated in weak normal font, my reply in manly bold, of course.

Great. Man up, lift moar weights, bootstraps, etc. Okay boomer.

Did I say lift weights? Did I mention bootstraps? And you really are an illiterate idiot if you think calling me a boomer is going to have any effect other than immediately discrediting you to anyone that has even just passing knowledge of my comments concerning boomers, which are a matter of public record in multiple locations.

I’m Gen X you millennial, whiny, little, useless, blob of tears, snot and the overpowering stench of failure.

I mean look at this. It’s hard to tell if you’re aiming for just regular gay millennial or super gay millennial.

Got any solutions for the suicide rate, the obesity rate, or the fact that 92% of america just bought the ukraine = best narrative with no thought whatsoever?

Why yes, yes I do!

1. Don’t kill yourself. That takes care of the suicide rate right there. You know who commits suicide? People who are too weak to face reality and have too little imagination to envision a future where they are not utterly miserable.

2. Don’t eat like a pig at a through. That takes care of the obesity. Notice how BOTH suicide AND being a disgusting blob of lard are CHOICES YOU MAKE? See that? No one with a gun at your head making you Epstein yourself of force feeding you.

3. 92% only? You’re an optimist. I assume it’s 98%. So what? MPAI is real. Most People really, really, really Are Idiots. And yes, that includes you, for asking these idiotic questions. Deal with reality, gayboy.

Ever try and get help from a church when you’re at the bottom?

No. Nor would I. Mostly because what YOU call a Church is a satanic hive of pedophiles. Actual real Catholic priests (sedevacantists) do help. Do tell you the truth. But you couldn’t tell a real priest or an actual Catholic from the satanists who LARP at being one. That may not have been your fault before today, but your continued perseverance into ignorance from today on IS.

They don’t give a fuck about us; they’re too busy fighting racism.

And raping kids. So? You are whining again because you were too lazy and dumb to learn what IS or is NOT a Church and then get all upset because you walked into a pedo-hive and didn’t get what you wanted.

Maybe you should fix that shit before pushing more Jesus on people.

I am, dipshit. A lot of people got baptised because of work I have done and I literally wrote a 530 page book on how to reclaim the Catholic Church. What have you done other than whine?

We really don’t give a shit for your faith. Yes I know who you are.

I don’t care at all what you or anyone else thinks or if they “care” about my faith. This is not about me, I know, the concept of something not being about you is alien to you feminine, solipsistic, whiners. And no, you clearly have no idea who I am, so you’re a liar as well as a whiner. Quelle surprise.

Go ahead and quote respond because your balls are too fucking big to conversate like a normal person.

Conversate is not a word, you delicate cupcake. But don’t worry, you get a whole blog post just for you.

Or block me as a whining gamma for daring to criticize The Mighty Kurgan.

There has not been any criticism of my position. Only your emoting at me like a girl.

But fuck off with the lecture, you’re in the same shitpile we are.

I am most definitely not. WW3 could break out tomorrow and I’ll be fine.

Go do something for your neighbor rather than attacking the downtrodden.

I already have, you idiot. Been forming a community where I am and preparing for all sorts of scenarios and looked for the place to do that even before covid was a thing.

And unlike you I am married and have 4 children and maybe will have more too.

You are seething at me because you are weak, because you are a failure and have achieved nothing with your life.

But it is YOU who are responsible for what you do or not do with the cards you are dealt.

Whining about it will achieve precisely nothing positive. If anything, you whining will attract a few jackals, which will correctly interpret it as the wounded bleating of easy prey.

You want to eat yourself into an XXXXL coffin or throw yourself off a bridge to prove your dedication to nihilism go right ahead, I sure won’t miss you. Or keep whining and doing nothing with your life. Same result just takes longer. Or… get off your ass and start to pick yourself up. Stop bitching and start doing. Work, earn some money, get a girlfriend, make a life worth living, regardless of where you are now.

Or don’t and go overdose on crack because life is too hard for you fragile homosexuals.

It doesn’t matter what I say. It doesn’t matter what you think of me. Those are the choices you have. So I strongly suggest you stop being a faggot and start trying to extricate your testicles from your small intestine.

Il mio Inno Nazionale – My National Hymn

This is the official Hymn of the Most Serene Republic of Venice.

L’inno ufficiale della Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia.

The Kurgan View of Russia and the Empire of Lies

So, Karl, has once more thrown his hat in the ring, regarding the Russia-Uki-globohomo situation this time. His prediction is reported here by Vox Day whose take is not as optimistic.

I concur with Vox, and while I think Karl has done good work, I am also aware that he has made some rather gigantic errors, as previously reported here.

So, my take on the “war” (more of a spanking really, no one has seen modern Russia actively going to war yet) is as follows:

First some Premises I personally believe

  • The (((warmongering parasites))) that are directing the US government from their deep state trenches, along with the EU versions of the same (((people))), and their whipping boys, are —let’s be clear— arrogant beyond belief, psychotically evil, and care absolutely nothing for human life beyond their own; so all-out nuclear war, as long as it serves them in some capacity, is perfectly acceptable to them. This I believe, based on my own evaluation of these “people”, as an absolute fact.
  • All out nuclear war would also actually serve a lot of their own goals, and they would not care if their puppet governments headed by Davos flunkies like Macron in France, whichever devil-sperm imp or banker now runs Germany, or Italy, like Mario Draghi and his retinue of corrupt scum, end up in a bad way. Europe has essentially always been the theatre for all the “Great Resets” once the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bilderberger/Davos Demon-infested “elite” decide it is time to restart the global economy into a new cycle of Ponzi-schemeness. Keep in mind that at least as far back as the Amercan revolution, these Freemasonic demon worshippers have made it their standard operational process to use their patsies to bankrupt their own countries, start wars, push their own agenda and then leave their close bosom buddies that did all that was asked of them to hang upside down from a lamp-post somewhere. Or lose their head over it like Louis and Marie-Antoniette.
  • Given the above points, all-out nuclear war, possibly even extending to the continental USA is a definite possibility. I would say there are concentric circles of probability, and I would guess them to be as follows, though I would be loathe to try to put percentages of likelihood to them, from most likely to least likely:
    1. Limited tac-nuke war in Europe of some kind
    2. More widespread and large scale nuclear war in Europe affecting major cities but not ones like Moscow/Rome
    3. As immediately above but also extending beyond, to the real aggressors, the USA continent. I think this position and the one immediately above are essentially pretty much the same thing. If Russia takes any large hit of the nuclear kind, even limited to one or a few tac-nukes, I see no reason whatever why they would hold back from nuking the real perpetrators in the USA. And yes, they do have the capability to do so. In other words, the limited tac-nuke option is viable ONLY if done in a rather reduced and plausibly deniable form (it was just a big normal bomb) type of set up, but the potential for it to spill into full blown nuclear war is very high.
    4. Either scenario 1 above or 2 or 3 but with he added point of specific and very definite nuclear strikes by Russia and/or its allies to somewhat “unexpected” locations, like specific oligarch bunkers in New Zealand, Argentina, and throughout the USA. This would be Russia basically taking off all their gloves (which they have very clearly explained they are absolutely prepared to do) and going directly after the INDIVIDUALS in the deep state pushing for war. This however also assumes Putin/Russia is not some patsy like Hitler/Germany was in WWII.
  • So, pretty grim all-told. The ONLY saving grace in my premises is this: I believe at least SOME of the evil, child-eating, demonic, deep state pedophile vermin pushing for war from the West, understand that scenario 4 above, is very possible, and even most likely. As well as a possible 5th scenario. One I have been saying I personally would have adopted long ago if I were Putin, which is to literally have people in place to assassinate the individuals responsible for the generic Globohomo situation we are all in. It’s probable not all of them can be gotten in one go, but hey, if the entire destruction of your country, nation and people hangs in the palace, you may as well… burn out then fade away, right? And I am not talking about the puppets like Billy-the-goat Gates, though he would probably make a good “warning” example if he suddenly died of a “natural” heart attack. No, I mean the real “leaders” from the shadows. The actual trillionaires (infinite money because we own all of it and print all of it) types. The Actual Rothschilds. The actual Bilderbergers and Soros of various kinds. If just one of these guys took a hit, whether it was obvious to the normie-world at large or not, the others of them would fly into a blind panic. At that point, all bets are off. Full-blown, all out indiscriminate nuclear war is as likely as total surrender then, and no one’s predictions would count for very much. But the point is that these powers that be in the shadows, at least on SOME level, are aware that their perennial invulnerability is no more. Too many of us, and certainly people like Putin, and other that can launch nukes that WILL get through, are now aware of their existence, their methods and their names. And if we are in an all out nuclear war, nothing is going to prevent literal hordes of peasants, even if only with pitchforks, to assault their bunkers, castles and ivory towers regardless of how many laser-turrets and goons they have protecting them. And in fact those very goons themselves are (if they have even three functioning brain cells) better off getting together and stringing them up themselves, before parading their corpses to the masses and presenting themselves as reformed mercenaries that just didn’t know any better. Many of us would not be fooled, but it would likely save the goons’ hides.

Now the theory

IF, you accept my premises above, then, messy though it remains, we can make some tentative predictions.

Option 1 (best case)

Russia wins now, Ukraine capitulates fully, NATO whimpers and whines, furiously masturbating impotently and intensifies the pushing of the Globohomo agenda. That is in actual respect of literally pushing the homosexuality, transgenderism and general degeneracy, attack on actual Christianity and Christians and the family unit with a vengeance. Expect all sorts of “equality” laws coming into effect criminalising things like NOT being a homosexual. Lowering the age of consent to nothing and the abortion laws to murder children up to the age of 2 or 3 years of age because you know, they are not “really” people/conscious/able to recite Globohomo propaganda. Russia will remain isolated from the rest of Globohomo world for a time but will begin pushing back and various countries will splinter and begin to adopt either a return to God, family, tribe, nation and truth, or Satan, Globohomo, all-sex-all-the-time-with-anyone-anything-is-good, diversity is our strength, everyone must be a sodomite and so on. Russian “sanctions” will continue, but gradually and silently various firms, states and so on will begin re-forming some tenuous trades for re-activate their work in Russia, who will impose very strict regulations on them, and rightly so.

In this case I predict Italy will take a relatively sudden swing towards more homosexual laws than it has to date. One thing few people realise is how influential Italy is/has been/will be in world history events. The main reason being that it used to be the seat of Catholicism, and now, the same Vatican is the seat of Satanism and actual Catholicism is but a remnant in the form of Sedevacantists like myself and others.

Option 2 (most likely)

Russia still wins but skirmishes of all kinds as well as the ongoing total economic and social ostracism/war continues. against them. Essentially just kicking the can down the road until the Globohomo forces have gathered sufficient military re-armament that they feel confident that can take a forceful and possibly again, all-out-war position or at least the credible threat of it to make Russia back down (a very unlikely position. I think Russia is literally ready to nuke Washington if they need to). This position is what the globohomos would likely try to go for because it has the lowest risk for THEM personally. However, I expect Russia/Putin have foreseen this and if their “propaganda” is anything to go by, they will not go quietly into the night. If you have noticed, the Russian “propaganda” for the most part can simply be described as my own preferred method of it. A thin layer of rhetoric wrapped around a depleted uranium core of dialectic. Also known as undeniable factual truth wrapped in a stinging rhetorical barb that becomes difficult to ignore once it embeds in your head like shrapnel.

I expect in this scenario that the relentless factually demonstrable reality the West and the globohomos are desperately trying to subvert would be placed front and center to the rest of the world in multiple ways. It may take a year or two, because Russia has to first consolidate its own borders and purge itself from any remnant of Globohomo internally as a priority, which it has in any case been doing softly for a decade or more, so it should not take too long to get to a decent state, at which point the external world-view can be addressed. And thing about factual truth is that it is long-lasting. Permanent. sooner or later, it will overcome whatever lies you try to cover it up with. This concept is one the globohomos do NOT believe and do NOT understand. They are fully invested in the demonic, and as such their reality is the lie. Always.

Option 3 (worst case)

A gradual escalation (which can be “sudden” when pushed by some false-flag event) eventually leads to what one would describe as “limited” nuclear war, which however, quickly becomes unstable and very, very, very, likely all-out nuclear war. In such a scenario all bets are off, including for the Globohomo grand-masters. And I think this specific likelihood is, I believe, lower than option 1 and 2 above (and I pray I am right).

Conclusion and Options 4 and 5

So there you have it, the Kurgan prediction is that scenario 2 is most likely, although, I am, of course hoping for scenario 1 and if I dare say so, even scenario 0 which is as 1 but the local people of almost all EU countries rise up, overthrow their Globohomo governments and re-install traditional values of their specific nations and religions. If that happens, the threat of all-out nuclear war is back on the table, because the vampiresglobohome, the Empire of Lies, at the helm currently would feel it as a truly existential threat, as their only bastion of strength would be the fractured and fracturing USA with a few pockets remaining in the UK, Australia and New Zealand, which are, however, irrelevant in global terms. So if option 0 come possible, I would say it would be a 50-50 chance that some form of nuclear war would happen (on reflection this would most likely be limited to the dying spasm of the American Freemasonic “country” of the fracturing USA so possibly not as globally devastating as scenario 3 above). And the other 50% would be that a new golden age of actual Catholicism would return to Europe, a cleaning out of the Vatican along with the other corrupt governments of the EU may take place, and if God wills it, a mass extermination of pedophile globally. I know, I know, it’s utopic, but a man can dream can’t he?

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