My last post took Bruce Charlton to task for his idiotic agreement with the usual Protestant nonsense of “we are all Christ followers, we all need to come together”.
I Informed Bruce of the blog post and he replied by email in ways that frankly made me lose any respect I had for him. His narrative was one where I either had to accept that my position was purely mine and thus not the Church’s or otherwise lose my faith. Presumably because according to him anyone who believes in a Church will lose his faith.
This is utter nonsense of course, and would only be true if your “Church” was in fact a fake one. Which in Bruce and the other cowardly idiot he quoted’s case is indeed how it is. But nothing could be further from the truth in my case.
Firstly my take on reality and Catholicism (Sedevacantism) is NOT based on my opinion. Other than having taken several years to study the situation, it is clear to any objective person that Catholicism is by far closest to the absolute truth. My so-called “opinion” ends there and “my” take of things is simply the one espoused by the Catholic Church from the beginning.
Secondly, the more I delve into Catholicism the deeper and more grounded in certainty becomes my faith, so the exact opposite of what Bruce ass-u-med should happen. And of course, this makes perfect sense, since I am following the one true Church. Nor is my experience unique. All Sedevacantists have this experience since most of them were not born into it but had to examine Christianity from first principles, and in doing so, invariably come to realise that Catholicism is correct but that somewhere, something went wrong and most of what passes (fraudulently) for the Catholic Church today is in fact a nest of demonic vipers. On researching this one invariably becomes Sedevacantist because the path is obvious once you gather the information concerning it.
Having pointed this out to Bruce and offering him to make as fully a reply as he may wish to, he declined, pretending to think I might just be some “nameless troll”. Odd, since I sent him a link to my blog post and signed the email with my name, which is prominently displayed all over this blog. When this too was pointed out to him, he flounced off into the sunset with zero argument except (without notice) to truncate my comment on his blog and state that Ecumenism is not REALLY Ecumenism when he and “weka” (the anonymous pretty idiot he quoted) do it.
Except… it is. And always has been. It’s what fake “Christians” do. It’s the ONLY card Churchians have to play. By default. Because they have no other.
“We are all Christ followers” is their idiotic level of “faith” and “Christianity”. They literally have the same standards to judge themselves as “Christians” that even demons posses.
Demons, I remind you, know and when forced to, admit, that Jesus is King too. And that is the ONLY requirement Protestants have to call themselves “Christians”.
Yeah… no.
Flat out no. That’s not being Christian at all, it is literally the opposite. It is the perversion of all that is true, good, and beautiful, to try to pretend that your filthy carcass should be allowed past the pearly gates.
As a result, I now call Bruce “Charlie” as a diminutive of Charlton. Cowards get cut down as they flee after all.
But now we come to “Weka” another pretend “Christian” that is oh so firmly convinced of his/her/its “faith” that he hides behind a pseudonym and anonymity. You know, in case anyone might accuse him of being a Christian. So brave.
A pingback was left as a comment but no email, direct comment to me, or other notification of his commenting on my Bruce post was sent to me either.
Here below is the relevant part of his post, in bold, which I will comment on below each section. You can read the whole thing here.
So, for Kurgan, I will repeat what I am saying.
- Top down ecumenicism is dead. It is pining for the fjords. Because any such attempt removes the very issues on which serious people have a variety of ideas and models. I want people to follow Christ. To do that, you have to believe… and there are patterns and traditions of belief that are useful.
So he “agrees” that trying to reconcile the 40,000 protty denominations, the Eastern “Orthodox” and the Catholics, and the Copts, might just not work because well, you see, anyone with an IQ over 100 might realise that there are err… well… you see these uncomfortable, irreconcilable differences. Might we look at what these are so that we can sort the absurd, idiotic, illogical, fraudulent and false from the logical, reasonable, facts? God forbid! What are you? Some truth seeker? No, no, no, no, that will not do at all you see, no, no, you might become Catholic and find the one true Church if you did that! Can’t have any of that. No, instead Weka, which is starting to sound dangerously close to the practice of masturbation, wants us to do Ecumenism from the bottom up! That will fix everything you see!
- Bottom up unity is from the Spirit. There is much we can do to support those of faith even if we have significant problems with the branch of the church they belong to. There are those of God who are in all churches, seeking to worship God and not whatever state led shibboleth is being promoted. This is one reason the Sedes and Orthodox should be read. Along with the Amish. The resistance is stronger there.
Aha! Ecumenism from the bottom is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT you see?!? See?!? No need to get into all those pesky irreconcilable differences like how a drunk, rapey, German of Jewish descent ripped out seven books from the Bible and “fixed” it before claiming only the Bible counts (but only the one he “fixed” not the one that everyone used for the previous 1500 years). Or the fact that King James who ordered that bastion of righteousness, the KJV Bible was a raging homosexual that literally started the Satanic freemasonic lodges as we find them today and the KJV has over 33,000 translation “errors” that change even the base commandments from “Do not murder” to “Do not kill.”
No, no, that won’t do. Instead, all we have to say is the usual magic formula “I’m a Christ follower!” And hey presto! Once saved always saved! Back to raping children now, it’s all good.
And you know, let’s let the “Orthodox” and the Sedes and the Amish know we ALSO CONSIDER THEM BROTHERS IN CHRIST! Yeah! Verily! So they will know we love them too and they will accept us.
No. No we will not. That is ALWAYS the fear of the Churchian, they want desperately for actual Christians to accept them as equals.
It stems from the same bottomless pit of soul emptiness that the LGBTQPedos have. “Oh see we are the same! I’m just like you!”
Except in this case Weka is trying to gaslight actual Christians by saying “See? You guys too can be like us!” Instead of the usual screeching while they tug at your pants leg “ACCEPT ME! I’M A REAL CHRISTIAN JUST LIKE YOU!”
No. No you are not. I reject you and so does the Catholic Church. What part of “There is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church” is hard for you to grasp?
You are NOT a Christian. You are not in the club. You don’t belong to it and you never will until you submit to God and the Holy, Apostolic, Catholic Church which He left for us on Earth.
- Human arguments are Human. Kurgan says that the Catholic church is rational. I suggest he read that dyspeptic lawyer, Calvin, if he wants rationality. Calvin’s systematic theology is almost robotic with such. Roosh quotes Orthodox church fathers that the besetting sin of the Western Church — Papist and Protestant — is that they are too rational. We can continue. We can defend the rules within our church even when they were not set rationally.
Except “weka”, you wanker, there ARE no “Human arguments” in the Catholic Church. Only the facts as left to us in scripture and tradition and unchanged in their divinity from the start. It is also blatantly clear, that, as they always do, this idiot is pretending to have something cogent to say when he has zero understanding, done zero research, done zero study, of Catholicism. Because to them, such “details” are just the same as trying to distinguish from Protestant denomination 12,437 and Protestant denomination 33,519.
I mean who cares right? It’s all just details and nonsense.
How can I tell? Well, for a start he says Calvin was logical and reasonable. Which may well be in the top ten most idiotic things anyone has ever written. But then Calvinists are invariably retarded, so no surprises there. As for Roosh, well, I certainly don’t rate him intellectually. I never have, but it’s interesting to note (if true) that he takes the Lutheran position that logic and reason are “the whore of the devil”.
Yes, that’s an actual quote from Martin himself.
Think? Use reason? GOD FORBID! No, no, instead drink and eat like a pig and if the wife doesn’t feel like being pawed by your obese form, rape the maid (yup, another of Martin’s oh so Christian statements).
So yeah… Catholicism makes too much damned sense you see. So you should reject it. Perfectly logical eh? Thus is the way of Protestants.
They take that “reason is the whore of the devil” stuff very seriously indeed, you see. It explains a lot once you know that though doesn’t it?
Mainly how they can keep blatantly and obviously false, contradictory and just made up things in their head while denying plainly stated truths. Just abandon all logic and reason and it’s easy! Be a Protestant, no brain required at all! And once saved always saved! Yay!
So if you will bear with me, an example. In Presbyterian Churches, Communion is every quarter. In Anglican churches, every week. Reasons? The Anglicans followed the English Old Sarum Rites, which were Catholic, including the frequency of meeting at the table. In Geneva, however, Calvin wanted weekly communion but the city council wanted annual communion. They compromised on quarterly.
Pray tell “weka-whacker” what on Earth does the insanity of various Protestant denominations have to do with truth reality or the one true Church? Nothing. See the slight of hand? He is trying to compare the nonsensical divergences between false Churches and trying to suggest and imply that this is also the case for Catholicism. No, weka-whacker, it is not. Because the Catholic Church was there from the start and had its forms and rituals from the beginning. And the divine ones remain unchanged. What a bunch of sex perverts led by a fake monk that lusted after nuns and a king that wanted to murder/divorce his wives and the myriad tentacles of demon inspired crap they created after them is not relevant to Catholicism.
The church, we must always remember, is not led by us. It is lead by Christ, and he will purify it. He will bind us together. He will make us one. This is a period of winnowing. If you follow Christ, you will end up where life is, even if, like our Brother Adam, you have to drive 150 odd km and across a couple of borders to get there.
It is true that the Church is led by Jesus, so why are you a Protestant, whose only rule is to interpret as you will?
And no, Jesus will not bind us together. It is OUR job to bind ourselves with Him. Not with random fake “Christians” playing pretend.
And you bet it’s a period of winnowing. And your fakery and nonsense is becoming more obvious to anyone with a rational brain.
And Sedes have flown to other countries just to ensure they are baptised by a real priest. So no need to tell us how hard you fakers fake your fake faith. We don’t care. You’re not a Christian. You don’t count and all your fakery is for naught.
Our command is to love our brothers. To seek unity. This is best done face to face.
And there’s the thing “weka”… you’re no brother of mine. You’re a fake. A pretender. An intruder trying to say he belongs in my house. No. You do not. There is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, and YOU are not in it. So stop trying to pretend we are the same. We are not.
And I’ll tell you exactly that right to your face, online, or anywhere else.
Begone you fake “Christian”, so cowardly to not even have the courage to present your name for the world to know your “faith”.
Your kind disgusts me and is an enemy to truth.
As usual, the cowardly Protties run for the hills while contradicting themselves at every step
I should not be surprised any longer, but the hypocrisy, cowardice, and above all, utter brain somersaults the Protestants do in trying to justify their idiotic fake Christianity is invariably of such an utterly absurd nature that it stuns the mind of any thinking person.
As a result of my previous blog post (immediately below) weka-whacker has literally posted two posts, one on the 3rd Feb, basically saying “I was told not to engage with the Kurgan” with the implied “because he will spank me again, and again, and again, and I will look like an idiot.” Without actually mentioning me by name of course. You know, in case I appear behind him in the mirror. Well, bad luck. Unlike you, weka-whacker, I let you know when I take you to task.
But then on the 4th he posts something that completely obviates the need for me to make him look like an idiot. I could not possibly do a better job of it that he has done himself.
In this piece of outstanding hypocrisy he tries to stand for the Catholic fact that tolerance is not a virtue. Except he’s a Protestant, with literally not a single shadow of a leg to stand on, AND he was just squealing like a piggy about the need for ecumenism.
Truly these people are exactly the same as the gay-transgender-pedo-freaks trying every trick in the book to force their heresy upon us in the vain hope that we will ever accept them “as “christians” just like you are!”
No, you filthy, corrupting, fake. You Churchian, you deceiver. You have the same standard for being a “christian” that demons do. And we, actual Catholics, that is to say, the only Christians that continue to exist, reject you and all your perversions.
No related posts.
By G | 4 February 2022 | Posted in Social Commentary