Archive for January 2022

The Errors of Karl Denninger

Karl, you’re just bad at math.

Let me start off by stating unequivocally that Karl has done some excellent work relating to the entire Covid Nonsense and his work on the numbers and dangers of the genetic modification serums they are trying to get everyone to inject.

That said, he also makes gigantic errors, which is weird because I assume he is a statistics guy, so he should not be making these kind of mistakes.

At this blog post here, he wrote this:

I’m getting very tired of the tin-foil-hat crowd.

When this blog opened up originally in 2007 I inserted a term into the TOS that made clear that certain Reynolds items were going to lead to instant banhammering.  Specifically, from the TOS:

Any discussion of 9/11 “Troofer”-related nonsense on Tickerforum will result in an immediate, no-notice and permanent account (and possibly IP-level) ban. There are literally thousands of places on The Internet where you can run this sort of tripe. This is not one of them, and those who refuse to respect this constraint will have their access privileges removed.

I meant it then and it holds to this day.  Post that event I spent a decent amount of time given that the basic “graving” plans if you will for the towers were public on simulation and satisfied myself that such claims were bull****.  There are plenty of others, including “we never went to the moon” that fall into the same category.

It just goes to show. A guy like Karl can be very good in one area, and yet completely retarded in another area that would seem to be adjacent but in fact includes some expertise he lacks. In this case, civil engineering.

He lists a number of taboo subjects and sadly, his score on them is not great. here they are in authoritative bold, with my comments in calm an dialectic normal font.

There is no virus; this is all from 5g signals (whether *******-related or not.)  Bull****.  I’ve done a lot of work with C and Ku-band RF over my years in industry with former jobs including writing code to control that stuff, and a number of years ago decided to go get my Ham ticket.  I took the test literally cold without studying and passed at General (missed Extra by one question, I believe.)  The existence of such ticket is public record; anyone can look, so there’s no secret there.  Any such nonsense is barking from ignorance and has no place in a serious discussion, which we damned well ought to be having when it comes to a viral pathogen.

I’ll give him the original point. There in fact IS a virus. It’s a bioweapon created by the US deep state with help from Canada, possibly China and God only knows who else. We do in fact have all this now proven thanks to the Fauci emails on gain of function and the fact that DARPA refused the experiment as being too dangerous but Fauci went ahead with it anyway. Why he’s not swinging from a lamppost yet is for the same reason that an incontinent dementia pedophile is currently the “president” of the USA. It’s a banana republic and justice has no hold there.

HOWEVER, his second point, that 5G has nothing whatever to do with it because he’s a ham operator is completely retarded. It’s retarded on its face because the frequency of 5G and its effect on the human or indeed living cells and his passing a test as a ham operator are completely unrelated. It would be like me saying that no one can slam dunk because I am very good at martial arts. It’s retarded in principle, regardless of the facts. That said, the facts themselves also are against him. There have been in fact several papers that prove that graphene can be used in conjunction with EM fields to modify behaviour. In fact we already know that again the same skunk works of DARPA etc had achieved modulation of behaviour by use of directed microwave beams. In the 1990s. What they can do now probably explains a bunch of weird things that have been happening to various populations around the world. So, while at first I too was absolutely skeptical of the 5G connection, if you research the facts, it is definitely something that is not a zero chance option, quite the contrary.

The jabs are designed to kill virtually everyone who gets them by (insert reason; “graphene”, microchips, etc.)  BS.  Nothing is particularly ground-breaking about what has been put together.  The hubris is in believing it would work and was safe when we have decades of evidence that it is not.  That mRNA technology had failed on safety multiple times is fact.  That said failures also included the impossibility of controlling where the therapeutic went is also fact.  Moderna is not a new company and has been at this for roughly a decade with zero success.  So why now?  Simple: The research that led to the release had a warfighting element to it where safety is relative.  We allowed our government and medical crazies to take the calculations made about relatively safety that are appropriate in a war where someone has just released an intentional biological weapon and attempt to translate them into civilian use.  That was ****ing stupid.

He’s sort of correct that the jabs are not meant to kill EVERYONE. Clearly politicians of a certain rank and other useful idiots of same are getting saline shots. Including some law and order thugs. This has been confirmed by people I have personally met who explained how they tested military and police personnel who had been jabbed and had zero antibodies. In other words they had been given saline. Why is obvious. You need the enforcing arm to believe the shots are safe and effective in order to get them to enforce it on the cattle that they want to cull. As a result of this work, a decent percentage of military and law and order personnel are actually now aware that they are being used as the thug enforcers and are not really happy about it, though to date they are keeping their jobs.

But aside all that, what Karl is doing here is ASS-U-ME-ing that this was all due to mere incompetence. No Karl, no. It was due to intentional evil. The stupid and incompetent are the ones who decide to take these vicious and satanic shots of genetic modifying serum, but those who created them (in advance) knew exactly what was going on and they did it all intentionally. Never ascribe to incompetence what intentional evil is doing.

There was no real war fighting element. It was a manufactured panic (the methods of which are not what I am describing here yet) to pretend to be allowed to use a “war fighting element” of “emergency” fake “vaccines”. It was intentional. And if you do the numbers you can also verify for yourself that the serum was prepared in advance. Think: How many of these genetic serums have been delivered and injected worldwide? according to the official numbers, about a billion or more? Let’s be conservative and say one billion. That’s 1,000,000,000. Let’s say that 5 giant manufacturing firms all over the world were building these serums at 1 per second. so that’s 1,000,000,000 seconds. And then you still have to get them to the cattle and inject them. 1,000,000,000 seconds is equal to 31 YEARS. Split it between 5 manufacturing plants in parallel and it’s still 6 years. And SUPPOSEDLY, they first did all the research to make sure it was all safe and effective, then built these things and then delivered them and get them injected all within 2 years. Yeah…. pull the other one. As my grandfather used to say: Maths is not an opinion. This point alone is a clear indiction the scamdemic was all planned in advance.

Furthermore, they all KNOW that NONE of the animals they experimented on survived after the 5th booster. This a documented medical research FACT. Yet they are pushing hard for boosters and we are at booster 3 delivered and booster 4 being actively discussed. So no, Karl, it’s not coincidence. It’s not ineptitude. It’s intentional EVIL. Wake up buddy.

Georgia Guidestones, depopulation, — Bull****.  The so-called “elites” are wildly more-dependent on the civil order of society and its supply infrastructure than you are.  Exactly zero of their nice aircraft and yachts, for example, will run without the entire supply chain for petroleum products being intact.  They have fewer ways around this problem than you do.  A 90% reduction in society probably kills you (obviously) but does kill all of them and their offspring.  Worse, they all whine they have “no reason to live” if they lose their cushy “stuff” where you never had a 200′ yacht and $20m jet airplane to lose.  They know this.  Yes, they’re delusional narcissistic or even psychopathic *******s (cough-Clot-cough-cough) but there are exactly zero of them prattling on over coffee on Youslob live podcasts that will survive even a couple of weeks if social order and the production of basic things like energy, water and sanitation breaks down and they all know it.

This is possibly Karl’s most absolutely naive comment/point of his entire career. It is laughably nonsensical.

Let me count the ways.

The globohomos are NOT fragile.

  • THEY initiated this scamdemic. Do you really think they are not prepared or would suffer the introduction of digital money and universal credit? Do you REALLY think that the same rules they impose on you apply to them? See saline solutions above.
  • They literally have small armies defending them. Bill Gates has security that supposedly tops the one of the US president. And those security guys have been vetted for being loyal to him/the bad guy. It is TRUE that in a total apocalypse the gunmen may turn on the master, but not when those gunmen have no access to the luxuries and the ability to sustain everything that goes with it. Compartmentalisation is key.
  • Billy has recently become the biggest farmland owner in the world and they are paying farmers to destroy their crops. Who do you think will control the available food supply?
  • The food supply itself will be dosed with the same control/GMO stuff that is in the serums. Don’t take my word for it. Read through the WEF website where they state quite clearly that pretty much NOTHING will come or be from nature.
  • They have plenty of currency in whatever denominations of digital formats they will force on the rest of us, including solid bars of gold and armed men with loads of ammo.
  • They do not NEED to give up their jets and yachts and underage sex slaves. In fact, once everyone has been domesticated it will all be much easier. Do you think Billy has the same travel restrictions you do NOW?
  • But even assuming they might lose SOME of the toys, think of all the NEW toys they will have, of the blonde, blue-eyed 5 year old kind to rape and eat.
  • The Georgia guide stones cost at least a few hundred thousand dollars. Do you think they were set up for no reason? Especially when by all accounts it would seem Ted Turner was the guy who had it done. And any attempt to deface them gets dealt with pretty sharpish.
  • Billy and Co. are ON RECORD more than a decade ago, on VIDEO and in print, specifically stating they want to reduce the population to ZERO and that “vaccines” are one of the ways they plan to do it. He even stated a number that if they do a very good job they can REDUCE the world’s population by 10-15%. When you consider that it is the Western world and White people who are the main target of the serums, it actually about adds up.
  • Again, Karl, you think the McMansions of these freaks do not have their own energy, water and sanitation needs already in place completely regardless of what happens to the local water treatment plant? How naive are you?

Great Reset!  You can be both wild-eyed crazy and rich.  They are both, you’re just crazy.  Socialism and communism in all their forms have been tried dozens of times, all of which are basically “Great Reset.”  It has never worked.  Not once.  The reason is simple and obvious: You can dispossess people of everything but you can’t make them work to their potential; that is not possible.  Without the motivation known as profit eventually your society stagnates, puked on itself and chokes on its own vomit.  This has happened every single time so who cares what rich, crazy *******s come up with as a means to repackage and regurgitate the six-times-chewed dog****.  It’s still dog**** and no, that’s not the “motivating factor” for someone to engineer and release a virus.

Uh…since WHEN has the FACT that communism results in mass deaths every time EVER stopped a proponent of it (in whatever mutated name they pick to pretend THIS TIME it’s really going to work!) The fact it does NOT work is not a bug. It’s a feature Karl. And once again, Karl, your namesake the Schwab guy is ON RECORD stating precisely that, that in the future you will be a universal credit slave, jabbed monthly, own nothing and be happy. Because if you are unhappy you will have a short trip to the Soylent Green factory. Ahead of schedule I mean. And yes…it IS A motivating factor. The more chaos and damage they can cause the more deaths and population reduction the happier they are.

Chyna Virus!  Bull****.  The facts are that this was a US, European and Chinese virus and that DARPA turned down the research grant request.  They cited potential dual-use, gain-of-function and societal risks that were unaddressed, and further cited specific language that implied Ecohealth had claimed “ownership” of the bat caves in which live deployment was to take place.  Unfortunately for everyone involved in the modern era where everyone sends documents around electronically there are records and it never goes away.   In other words this entire thing occurred because a bunch of arrogant *******s thought they should and could ignore the risks involved and hoodwink the population, all for profit. That all this happened is now known fact, it is out in the public and if you don’t want to look or assign “credit” where it belongs that’s on you and you’re part of the problem and responsible for what happened.

I agree that it was a bioweapon and that there is undeniable evidence of this. But NO. It was NOT “all for profit”. Sure some of the lower echelon morons may be acting on that basis, but there are FAR more nefarious forces behind this than mere profit. And those who, like you, do not want to look at these uncomfortable facts….well, I agree again on that Karl, it’s on YOU.

You should trust any of these *******s including Trump, the CDC, NIH and more.  Nope.  These are the same jackasses referenced above who created the ****ing thing and knew immediately what it was and deliberately concealed both what it was and where it came from — and still are refusing to come clean.  Exactly zero of said persons should be trusted with so much as a butter knife until every one of the responsible parties admits their part in it and those who knew about it and did nothing — and worse, pushed and continue to push wartime countermeasures that are known dangerous on a civilian population after having unleashed a wartime mitigation attempt that blew up in their face are held equally accountable. In the United States alone roughly double the harm Nazi Germany and Japan did to us in WWII in terms of death have occurred and it was, to a large degree, institutions right here in the United States that were responsible.  If we ultimately get nuked for both those actions and our population-wide simpering refusal to rise up and remove those who did it and continue to lie about it we deserve that heat of a thousand suns.

I agree they are all Satanic liars. No argument here. But it seems you now have stopped listing the Taboo subjects. Lost your train of thought Karl? Got a little emotional and left reason a step behind? No worries, it happens to the best of us, but it does colour your ability to be logical here.

He has 3 more points that generally I tend to agree with in the main, but my point is that the things he considers completely crazy are far from it. And as for 9/11, there are some 14,000 civil engineers, architects etc who all agree the official narrative is utter bullshit. There are incontestable proofs that thermite was used to cut the supporting beams. The entire area was wiped clean in weeks but somehow the passports of some of the “terrorists” were found intact and also…some of the supposed terrorists were actually alive and well in Egypt. And well…don’t ever google or duckduckgo dancing Israelis. And building 7 came down at freefall speed because of…err…sympathy. That’s it. It felt bad for the two big buildings so it joined them so as not to make them look weak. Or maybe it was magic.

Let me be clear Karl, I did study Civil Engineering. In fact I did my thesis of the controlled demolition of buildings. And when I saw 9/11 happen LIVE on tv while I was in a shopping centre, I thought it back then and I haven’t thought anything different since once I looked at all the evidence. Whatever happened to those two buildings, it was NOT planes that took all THREE of them down. Three Karl. Not two. THREE.

So yeah… Karl… you’re just flat out wrong, and it’s not a matter of opinion, it’s like my grandad used to say: Math is not an opinion. Maybe you just need to brush up on your stats and probability numbers.

NB: I have sent Karl a link to this post and if he bothers to comment I will publish his comment unedited and in full.

E Adesso esponiamo Questo Sacchetto di Merda

Cesare Sacchetti, un bugiardo nato, su Telegram con piú di 30,000 “followers” oggi nel primo dell’anno ha “riportato” come secondo lui Bill Gates (e quindi i suoi co-cospiratori della “pandemia”) ha scritto che ormai hanno perso la battaglia e il covid finirà nel 2022.

Se invece qualsiasi persona che sa leggere l’inglese si va a vedere il blog al quale il Sacchetti si riferisce si vede esattamente l’opposto. Bill dice che i vaccini dovranno diventare una cosa regolare di tutti gli anni, che nuove droghe e nuove tecnologie saranno usate tutte a pro di far vaccinare tutto il mondo etc etc.

Cioè non ci vuole molto a capire che Bill e suoi continueranno a spingere per “vaccinazioni” che in realtà sono poi modificazioni genetiche come ormai sanno tutti quelli che non sono in coma dal 2019.

Leggete il blog di Bill qui:

E le cazzate astronomiche che dice il Sacchetto sono riprese qui sotto:

Appena visto questo, nei commenti, gli ho chiesto a che gioco stava giocando, visto che nel articolo Bill Gates dice precisamente l’opposto. Il Sacchetto ha risposto con un instaban a me e altre persone che hanno constatato la stessa cosa e risposto con un messaggio dove prende frasi isolate che se uno non sa leggere l’inglese prese da sole potrebbero dare l’apparenza che il Sacchetto non fosse totalmente colmo di merda. Credo che lui pensi che siamo tutti cosi idioti che qualcuno crederà sia cioccolata. E invece no, è merda. TUTTA.

Qui era la sua risposta pochi minuti dopo che ha “banned” me e altri:

Ma non sono stato l’unico a reagire e notare. Vi presento Typaia Korova e il suo Telegram chat:

E lascio il suo grido di guerra qui per tutti noi:

Questi maledetti cani, sono qui per dare finta speranza, specialmente a uomini tra i 20 e 40 anni di età che ne hanno le palle piene di questo Bolshevismo spietato che sta strozzando gli Italiani e tutto il resto del mondo. Avete capito perché, vero?

Storicamente cosa succede ai tiranni quando il popolo si incazza abbastanza? Vengono strappati dai loro troni e appesi ad alberi, lampioni, etc. E la differenza è che al contrario di prima adesso si sanno anche i nomi di quelli che comandano i pupazzetti tipo Mario Draghi, Boris Johnson, e l’ormai completamente decerebrato Biden etc. I Soros, I Bill Gates, gli amici di e/o pedofiliaci loro stessi, come Epstein e Maxwell, Come i Clinton, i Rothchilds e Rockefellers che sono dietro le quinte sempre, etc etc. Sappiamo i loro nomi. E tutti i “giornalisti” che si prostituiscono tutti i giorni falsificando la realtà come i vergognosi topi di fogna che sono (e mi scuso con le vere prostituite che in confronto ai giornalisti sono delle sante e gloriose persone).

E chi è che li strappa dai troni?


Uomini che sono ancora credenti, idealmente a un Dio Cattolico (Sedevacantista ovvio, perché Bergoglio e i suoi Satanisti sono i Vicari dei Pedofili sulla Terra, Freemasoni tutti dal primo al ultimo e l’esatto opposto di Cattolici) ma anche se senza Dio, comunque, ancora credenti fino alla morte di concetti come la verità obbiettiva, l’onore, il vero, le loro famiglie, e il voler combattere contro i bastardi tirannici che ci mentono dalla mattina alla sera per cercare di metterci tutti nelle fosse o alle catene.

Quindi, svegliatevi, e lasciati i sacchetti di merda nelle fogne dove sono e vivono e alzate gli occhi. All’onore, alla verità, allo stesso Dio che fece si che 600 cavalieri e 3000 cittadini tenessero duro contro 40,000 Musulmani su Malta nel 1565. E che qualche famiglia Cattolica con credenza indisputata camminasse fino a Jerusalemme nel 1095, e nonché traditi spietatamente dagli stessi “Ortodossi” che vennero ad aiutare, e contro le predazioni dei Musulmani, tenessero le terre nell’Outremer per ben 200 anni. Credete in quel Dio Cattolico lì. Quello che fece che 40 pellegrini ritornando dalla Terra Santa ripresero in mano una città in Sicilia che era domata dai Mussulmani, senza chiedere alcuna ricompensa.

Ritornate ad essere uomini.

E questa volta i nemici non sono neanche cosi tanto i Mussulmani. Sono i bastardi che sono al “governo” i banchieri che li controllano, i pedofili che infestano tutte le istituzioni dalla finta “Chiesa” del Novus Orco ai governi di tutti i paesi Occidentali che seguono il World Economic Forum, Il WHO e cosi via.

Sappiamo come la storia risolve queste situazioni.

E tutti i gatekeepers del mondo, come il Sacchetto, sono solo li per cercare di frenare la valanga di odio, e giusta furia che eventualmente li travolgerà come ha sempre fatto in tutta la storia dell’umanità. E quando succederà cerchiamo di ricordarci che quelli che li strappino via dai loro troni non siano della stessa stirpe. È raro un uomo che è capace di fare questo e comunque mantenere un senso della bontà, della vera giustizia. E io, almeno, non vedo che sia possibile esserlo senza essere Cattolico (Sedevacantista). Perché da un lato bisogna essere spietati (tipo mettere i pedofili e assassini di bambini al rogo) e dall’altro bisogna avere carità Cristiana (li si bruciava al rogo per dar loro la possibilità di contemplare l’inferno e quindi forse veramente pentirsi e finire in purgatorio invece che l’inferno definitivo).

Facile? No.

Possibile? Si.

Basta leggersi la vera storia delle crociate, dei cavalieri di Malta, della battaglia di Lepanto. Educatevi Crisitiani, e ignorate i Sacchetti e i Milo Yannopaulos e gli altri impostori.

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