Archive for October 2021

Smoking Gun Proof it WAS all Planned (to kill you)

Those who know me know that generally I am hardly given to hyperbole, and secondly, that I hardly talk about the Covid stuff because it is by now blatantly obvious that it is a massive conspiracy to enslave us all to whatever extent we let them. This video below however is something else. It is literally a smoking gun in the hands of the murderers that is even more proof than Event 201 was. I strongly recommend you watch it and spread it everywhere, because you’re not going to see this on the news.

Digital Kurganate User experience Survey

These questions assume you are already subscribed. As you know, the internet is acting up a bit, although mostly it’s FB/Instagaram/etc that is affected (so good news), the rural internet here makes the uploads sometimes impossible.

Nevertheless we will take care of it this weekend while we find alternatives and this survey is designed to get some feedback by the loyal subscribers so we can Taylor the situation to please as many of you as possible.

Please comment with one of the following options regarding upload frequency:


  1. 4 videos a week is about right
  2. 15 videos a month, uploaded all at once at the end/start of a month is better.
  3. Less/More per week/month (say how many you want)

Also, which of these series would you prefer to be done first?


  1. Hypnosis course
  2. How the Mind Works
  3. Male/Female relationship goals/issues/differences
  4. African stories

Please answer in a format that is quick and easy for you unless you wish to add some detail/comments.

e.g if you prefer 4 videos a week and a hypnosis course you could simply comment this way:

Q1: 1

Q2: 1

Comments are all moderated so they WILL NOT APPEAR UNTIL I HAVE READ THEM. And maybe not even then, but I will get them and read them.

Thank you for taking part.

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
Website maintained by IT monks