Archive for April 2021

All the dirt on that miserable scum: Bill Gates

Just the other day I was thinking if I had the time I would source all the various references that prove Bill Gates is trying to mass murder a few billion people.

Well, as it happens, someone else has done it, read the whole thing here, where I archived it.

Share it wherever you can.

Then make friends with people who own pitchforks and torches.

We’re gonna need them.

Novus Orco is NOT Catholicism

As the headline below should make obvious by this point, even to lost tribes in the Amazon, anyone who still thinks that Bergoglio is Catholic, never mind Pope, is clearly mentally retarded or completely brainwashed.

Without forgetting the power of the word and.

Of course, the same goes for those fools grasping at straws hoping against hope that Ratzi the Nazi is any more legitimate than Bergoglio.

If you are not a sedeprivationist or sedevacantist, you simply are not and cannot claim to be Catholic. You can, however, claim to be on team Biden since that sick pervert and demented puppet is Novus Orco too.

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