Archive for March 2021

Ann Barnhardt Fans Dilemma

Ooppsie. I guess Ann may need those tequila shots after all.

And he’s not even dead yet.

No worries Ann, whenever you’re ready, bottle of tequila is ready here.

UPDATE: The cognitive dissonance, it hurts.

Now Ann is invoking “by the law itself” (ipso facto) from the fake canon of 1983 which was intentionally renumbered to make canon 188 the one she quotes, to do with invalid resignation. See here.

But the hilarious part is that the real Canon Law of the Catholic Church, you know, the one published in 1917 that stood the test of some 40 years without change or challenge to any of its edicts covering almost two millennia of Church history, uses precisely the same language “ipso facto” by the law itself in the real canon 188 (and particularly part 4 of it) when referring to notorious and public heretics who defect from the faith no longer holding any office or validity in the Church.

Oh Ann… you’re gonna down the whole bottle of tequila in one go, aren’t you, a couple of shots won’t do it now.

Pride (as i explained here) always goes before the fall.

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