Archive for October 2018

Open Britain a Soros funded Evil “NGO”

So Open Britain organised a march of supposedly thousands to try and overturn the Brexit vote with the usual Fear Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) that invariably sends NPCs screaming in terror.

And just who IS Open Britain? Well, it’s all public information at Companies House.

Guess who one of the directors is? That paragon of ethics that is Lord Peter Mandelson.

I wonder if there is literally ANYTHING that guy won’t do for money. I’m sure he could make the average prostitute blush in shame.

Oh and the Open Britain shell company has changed names and sheds directors like most people change socks. See some screen captures for context. 26 directors (most in their thirties except for the notable old snakeskins) with 16 resignations in just a couple of years.

Nothing to see here people, it’s not an old Nazi collaborator trying to change the will of the British people by subterfuge. It’s just genuinely outraged and well-informed voters doing things of their own spontaneous will, with no financial incentives for reasons they can’t grasp at all. All above board don’t you know.

Except, perhaps, that even a foreigner like me might question if this is really how cricket is played.

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