Archive for October 2013

Overlords of Mars 2 now also on kindle

It’s available in print or kindle. Just click on whichever one you want below and it will take you straight to it:

Overlords of Mars – Stasis – Kindle USA

Overlords of Mars – Stasis (Volume 2) Print USA

Overlords of Mars – Stasis Kindle UK

Overlords of Mars – Stasis: 2 Print UK

Or just search for Overlords of Mars Stasis in your respective Amazon in your country.



Overlords of Mars – Book 2 finally out!


You can get it now on Amazon USA, Amazon UK or various other Amazon EU countries (or Canada) by going to your version of Amazon.

The front and back covers are below and this is a big one, 479 pages of hardcore SF and all at pretty breakneck pace, so it covers a lot of ground. Enough, I think, to begin to seriously think of this as Space Opera that could do well as a film. So if you are a Hollywood producer, give me a ring, I’m cheap! More info on the book below the image.



Below is some technical stuff on the book, but before that… I am trying to break the mould here by seeing if I can increase the population of female SF fans. Yes ladies, there is not just zap guns and space Nazis in this one…there is lots of romantic drama too. Not so much of the candle lit dinner variety (there is one dinner scene though, honest!) so we’ll see if I manage to redefine the whole genre of SF commonly known as “Hard Science Fiction”.

This book is not out in kindle yet because the file for that is proving problematic. Mainly because I have quite a lot of background content that doesn’t format well. There is an annotated map of Mars in it, a table of contents, which should ideally be hyperlinks in the kindle format, and a few other appendix tables that give the explanations for the military insignia and rankings of the various military factions on Mars, as well as explain ship sizes and nomenclature and finally an appendix of all the bases on Mars with their names and a brief description on each one. In other words, this not only has the main story, which is massive and which begins to play out a lot of those plot tendrils some smart readers had picked up in the first book, but it also has all the groundwork on it to give you a truly solar system wide dimension of the whole story.

I hope you all like it anyway, I know many of you were waiting a long time for this, and I can only apologise for the delay. It’s a learning process for me too, as I learn how to avoid delays in certain production processes that I find out about only as I smack my face into them (the kindle delay for example being another).

I am also trying to see about making a very short video introducing the series, and we’ll see how that goes in the next few months.

Sadly a lot of real world issues in my life at the moment have become total life/time/soul sucking events, so I have not had time to update this blog at all, but now have almost 500 pages of new fiction to read, so that should keep you guys and girls busy for a while.

And pssst… book three is about 25% written already and I expect I will get a bit of a break over Xmas so maybe I’ll have the next instalment done quicker than this one.



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