Image Courtesy of: ‘National Institute of Standards and Technology Digital Collections,
Information Services Division, Gaithersburg, MD 20899
The Image above is for some piece of equipment that The Museum of National Standards and Technology has no idea as to what it did or was used for or how to use it. It probably dates from the early 1900s and all that is known about it is that it was built by the “Otto-Wolff Gruppe“. For those of you a little more au fait with crazily advanced German technology, this should come as no surprise. Read more »
On Book Sales
This will be a pretty self-indulgent post on the nature of book sales, specifically looking at my last book, Systema: The Russian Martial System, but it might be marginally useful for any aspiring writers who are curious about book sales.
Reading time : 5 minutes
I Beat these guys!
Bruce Lee’s Fighting Method
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By G | 30 April 2011 | Posted in Martial Arts, Social Commentary, Systema