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How to Beat the Apathy

Never mind in other people.

Let’s start with you.

The solution is provided in this post, but first let’s describe —in broad general terms, but very briefly— the basic problem YOU are suffering from, because unless you know what it is you’re trying to fix, it’s unlikely you can.

We can broadly divide the causes of apathy into a few generic categories, so I will bullet point several items under various more generic headings.

See which of the below applies to you:

Physical Factors

  • Bad diet (too much sugar and carbs in general)
  • Taken the Vaxx (see various protocols I discovered can be very helpful even if you are vaxx damaged)
  • Advancing age
  • General pollutants in your environment
  • Injuries
  • Illnesses (especially covid and associated respiratory things like long covid, pneumonia, various “new” respiratory and allergenic factors and the various new “flu and colds” that behave like no flue and colds we have ever had before the release of the biowepon of covid worldwide, which I collectively call chemtrailflu)
  • Brain fog
  • General inflammation of the joints and overall body as a whole, which also equates to a weakened immune system
  • General fatigue (which like the general inflammation, is merely a symptom of usually several of the above factors combined)
  • Various medications and/or pharmaceutical treatments you may be on
  • Actual “recreational” drugs you may be on
  • Physical limitations you may have (deformities, physical handicaps, etc)

Psychological Factors

  • Lack of a compelling future rendering all of effort, and life in general, as a dreary prospect to face.
  • Lack of passion/ambition/compelling perapective
  • Lack of intimate connections to other human beings (this is NOT limited to sexual relationships. It can and does mean lack of closeness or intimacy with your siblings, parents, friends, colleagues and so on, and is the result of the intentional atomisation of society by the usual suspects, which of corse went into nitrous-oxide fuelled turbocharged excess during the covid era)
  • Lack of motivation to even learn the basic skills required to gain motivation, self-actualisation, discipline, persistence, courage and determination.
  • Lack of basic understanding of fundamental principles of reality, such as:
  • The realisation objective reality (and hence truth) is a thing (how our reality functions)
  • The ability to do basic level logic and hence have the capacity to form correct hypothesis about any given topic or subject, by the process of selecting axioms and premises, composing the related logical syllogisms, then test the hypothesis by observation and/or experimentation and noting the results and ability of the thesis to predict reality
  • Have at least elementary level understanding of mathematics and hence the ability to perform simple calculations like percentages, fractions, and being conversant with set theory and the basic rules of probability and statistical significance

Sociological Factors

Some of these are more “real” than others, in that for example, being poor is a real physical limitation, while “feeling socially inferior”, while it certainly has very real effects in your life, is essentially an internal perspective that can be (at least potentially) changed by yourself in an instant by simply modifying your internal state.

  • Lack of financial means
  • Lack of social status
  • Lack of various opportunities (ie you want to be an astronaut but you are born in the Congo and have only one leg. Or more simply, you want to be a pilot but have terrible vision and are scared of heights. Other “lacks” like lack of employment possibilities and so in are generally on a spectrum and not absolute, so these can be both real issues, as well as a kind of excuse for not even trying, and most often are both at the same time.)
  • Lack of a supportive network
  • Presence of a toxic network or family or both

Alright then…

After reading all that negativity, you may well have checked out already, what with you being an apathetic, unmotivated, possibly nihilistic, cynical, depressed, incel, etc. etc.


If you have not, checked out, if —like a brave commando from WWII— you have survived the initial landing on Normandy, because you know, you reading all that long list of bad stuff, from the comfort of your couch, is basically the same thing as storming the German bunkers and machine gun nests, well… then… you deserve to receive the…



Now be warned: the problems were presented as bullet-points, and the solutions will be similarly brief. Also, as always, I am not a doctor and only one person on the planet is responsible for what you do or not do: You.

Physical Factors

  • Diet and general inflammation and overall health – Cut out pretty much all sugar. You will find it hard to do. Your brain is now controlled by the candida symbiote and absolutely will take over your brain and try and force you to ingest sugary foods and saccharine substitutes. The easiest way to deal with this is to simply not have any sugar or sweets in the house. Fruit is also sugar. So are carbohydrates. Eliminating them completely from your diet for say a week will not do you any harm. Eliminating them for a month would be even better. Limited consumption of carbs, especially if you do manual work is fine but even when I work on the farm like a hard driven slave, I feel no need for pasta or rice (and I prefer rice over pasta because of the gluten in pasta) beyond maybe once a week or so if that. When I lived alone in Venice I ate only bresaola, octopus, the occasional fish and drank only water. Alcohol too is sugars, and in any case not good for you in general terms though can be okay in small doses or for certain medicinal uses. The best thing ever for reducing inflammation of all kind is the olive oil we produce on my farm. Unlike the one you buy in shops ours is pure, unfiltered and there is nothing else in it, nor any blending of it, and the oil from here is literally the best in the world as it wins that international prize regularly. And no, you can’t (yet) buy it in any shop, but there should be a limited batch available soon when the Ice Spartan returns to the USA. Removing carbs and sugar, adding in some proper olive oil and eating good quality meat or fish and in a four hour window only if you can do so, will amaze you. After the initial fight with the symbiote in your gut trying to hijack your brain, you will find that one meal of meat a day is actually enough. And once you get used to it (from a week to a couple or even three months depending how polluted you are) you will find it easier to simply avoid the bad foods (bread, carbs, fruit, anything with sugar in it and alcoholic drinks). Drinking only water is how your body functions best. Eliminate dairy products too for best results. Sounds like a lot but basically it just means eat meat/fish with some vegetables and drink water only. It’s basically how we might have eaten for millennia as hunter gatherers. Which is different from farmers.
  • If you are Vaxxed, you may want to read this post from my OG blog.
  • The above two points will tend to have a beneficial effect on all physical factors. The remaining parts are:
  1. Do not do drugs, it’s an idiotic thing to do because the positive “high” they may provide is always inferior (usually by many multiples) of the “low” you feel when the high stops. It’s basic math: if feeling “good” (incoherent, ineffective, spaced out) for a few hours made you then feel bad for several times the number of hours you felt “good”, well… it’s stupid to do then, obviously. And this is true of every single drug that produces neurological effects. You are over-taxing the body for a rush, but the tax bill for it (which is eventually due) is never worth it.
  2. Try to work your way to health in such a way that any prescription drugs are eventually eliminated if at all possible.
  3. If you have been born with (or acquired along the way) physical handicaps and so on, then simply face reality and realise that even that will not prevent you from being married (if that is what you wish) and being loved (regardless of if married or not). You just need to do two things: firstly, work on your character and personality. Being unpleasant, bitter, cynical, and a constant whiny victim is not attractive to anyone. George R. R. Martin, or Neil Gaiman, will probably die alone or be danced over their grave by their eventual gold digger bought and paid for “companion”, despite their wealth. On the other hand, I personally know a few couples where either both, or at least one of the partners is severely handicapped with physical deformities far worse than even GRR Martin’s and Gaiman’s unfortunate countenances extend to. The difference is not their looks, but their character and their general attitude to life. So, face facts, improve yourself internally, and secondly, hunt in your range. If you are a “one” in looks, trying to land a “ten” for a husband/wife is generally futile. On the other hand, if you approach another “one” well then everyone is more comfortable and they may well be the one you end up settling down with.
  4. Some sort of regular exercise regime of course is also very beneficial but might be more properly considered under psychological factors despite its effects being noticed most in the physical realm.

Psychological Factors – General

For the most part, this is the thing you have the most control, and hence the opportunity to change for the better. Unfortunately, it is also the area most people fail in to take decisive action.

Psychological Factors – Dietary

In the first place, cleaning up you diet by eliminating all the trash foods, sugar, alcohol, and most dairy products and carbs (but ensure you have some fats be it from animal products, olive oil, butter, and possibly full fat yoghurt), will improve your general mind fog. One point no one talks about, and that you may not even believe until you experience it yourself, is how much your gut bacteria hijacks your brain. This is not opinion or science fiction, it is literally a fact. But reading it is one thing, experiencing it makes you aware of it on another level. Allow me a little interlude to explain:

In 2016, I lived alone for a year in Venice, and had been somewhat unwell for the previous couple of years. Nothing “drastic” but I knew I was far from my usual fitness throughout my life. I was a bit heavier, but more importantly always tired and generally weakened. Someone suggested I probably had an unbalanced gut biome, with too much Candida, which is the case for most people today. As I was alone and had few distractions other than work, I decided to implement a radical approach. I fasted with only water for 2-3 days then I threw out all sugar, feuit and carbs and ate only horse bresaola, octopus, the occasional fish or steak, and maybe once a month a kg of plain yoghurt. I drank only water and not even coffee or tea, and cut out all dairy completely. After six weeks I had lost about 7kg of excess weight, was back to having a sixpack and felt absolutely better, but the thing that shocked me the most was what happened after a few months of this, and having noted that the taste if various things like chocolate, or ice cream or dairy was actually not appealing at all anymore (taste tests were done with minute amounts to consciously check my body’s reaction. As I knew from previous years when I did not drink ANY alcohol for a few months the taste of most of it was unpleasant).

I was lying on the couch watching an episode of Montalbano completely relaxed, when suddenly I had this massive urge for some Nutella (Italian chocolate spread). It felt like almost a life or death thing. I had half raised myself from the couch before the rational part of my brain realised that:

A) I didn’t have any Nutella, in the fridge where I was apparently headed, or anywhere else for that matter.

B) I did NOT like the taste of it anyway; and it took a few seconds to realise this “craving” was not really “mine” as such.

C) The realisation that my body and brain were almost successfully hijacked by the bacteria in my gut, and I had become aware of it only because I had purified my body and brain for a while and also placed myself in conditions where even if acted upon unconsciously, I had no opportunity to “achieve” the aims of the parasitic gut bacteria that was directing me like an alien symbiote would.

In this respect then, the link between you overall fatigue, brain fog, general body inflammation and apathy is in my opinion, all far more severely affected by your diet than ANYONE has EVER told you, explained to you, or demonstrated to you. And you don’t need to take my word for it. You can simply test it out for yourself, as I did, and see the effects for yourself.

Psychological Factors – Logic Skills

There is no way around this. You simply need to put in the time and effort to learn, at a minimum , the following:

  • Realising the difference between objective phenomena and principles and subjective ones.
  • Realising we live in an objective universe (i.e. truth is ONE and exists in the same way for everyone, independent of your ability to agree, understand or even perceive it correctly)
  • The ability to do math to grasp at least the basics of:
  1. Percentages and fractions
  2. Sets
  3. Ratios
  4. Basic principles of Probability and Statistics
  5. Basic algebra
  6. The basic rules of logic

Psychological Factors – Trauma based lack of confidence

If you had crappy role models, no role models, or worse still were possibly abused as a child, your idea of who you are can absolutely cripple your ability to get off the ground. The most important point here is to realise with crystal clarity something most human beings never ever, ever, figure out at all, but is nevertheless true. Your idea about who you are is just that: an idea. And ideas absolutely can change.

If you think you are too stupid to learn basic math, you will never even start trying to learn it.

If you think you are just not the type who can become disciplined, guess what… you’re right.

It is far better to make a list of characteristics or behaviours you wish to have and then work like an obsessed person to male them part of your own deep seated idea of who you are. And eventually, you will be. This is not easy or quick to do, but it absolutely IS possible.

Psychological Factors – Social

The human need for companionship is essential, even for committed misanthropes like myself, so you should make some effort to join clubs or sports where you can begin to interact with the kind of people that have similar interests to you. Of course, finding a suitable wife or husband is also important for most people, but that is a vast topic, and one I tried to cover specifically in Caveman Theory .

Psychological Factors – Compelling Future

Depression and its sister apathy are essentially due to a lack of a compelling future. It’s hard to get out of bed in the morning if you have nothing even remotely good to look forward to.

But no matter how grim your situation is now, nothing lasts forever. In march of 2013 my world collapsed when my 15 month old daughter was abducted to Brazil by her mother. Facing every second of my life after that was a superhuman effort of will, and I would not have lasted too long if I had not had my Road to Damascus moment a week later. Nevertheless, the very idea of a compelling life was totally alien. But I did not lie down and die. I just carried on. Kind of like a dead man walking, but walking nonetheless. Went to work and worked hard and well. I did what I needed to do. Eat, work, pray daily for my daughter and just stay alive. I had relations with various women but none counted very much as the very concept of a relationship was as untenable to my mind as aliens coming to offer me a tour of the Milky Way.

And yet… not even five years later I was married. And five years after that I had three new children and my daughter had been living with me for 2 years already. Two more years and the fourth child with my wife will be born in a couple of months.

No matter how bad things are, keep walking. Keep getting up. Keep working and going through the motions. The absolute worst time of my life also eventually was the thing that led me to Catholicism, a new and very awesome wife, and four more children plus one step-child, I would never have had unless that terrible event had happened. So do not assume the worst. Just keep going. Nothing lasts forever, but that means bad times also don’t.

Sociological Factors

While these indeed exist, most are temporary if you apply yourself decisively to them. Being poor is not a permanent condition if you are willing to do whatever work you can get.

Being of not the right social status can change, usually with access to more money, but can also change or at least be temporarily negated by having enough genuine self confidence. Fake self-confidence will tend to get you in trouble however.

Lack of a supportive network or family, or worse, being in a toxic network or family, tends to require your physically removing yourself from that social network. And generally it’s best you plan your exit alone and without sharing the details. Save up and move. Whether you go no contact or modified contact will be up to you, but do NOT re-invite toxic people into your life once you finally got away from them. Learning to keep them away is an essential skill. And going no contact even if only for a time might be the way to go.

The worst thing about toxic networks is that you are usually born into them, and if they are all you know, it can be almost impossible to realise how much they limit you. Secondly, the people in them will try and prevent you from getting yourself into a better situation. It’s often enough not even a fully conscious mechanism, but they so it nevertheless. Give you bad advice, try and get in the way of any attempt at self improvement or getting away from them you may have started and so on.

Learning to extricate yourself from a bad social network is not easy or fun, but it is absolutely imperative.


Ultimately, whatever your situation, whatever your specific challenges, the actions you require to take to better yourself, are YOUR responsibility, and no one else’s.

Whining, complaining or crying about it will not change anything. So, ultimately, getting over your apathy is always going to be down to you.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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For those who think 1958 Sedevacantists are wrong…

This is the Novus Ordo fake “Catholic Church” that has been infiltrated and has taken over the Vatican since 1958.

If you think people like me are wrong, and given the binary choice of either the Vatican II “Popes” are all Satanic frauds OR they are valid Popes (no other alternative exists, because for Catholics, there is no half-way position) if you don’t agree with the idea that only Sedevacantists that understand that the last valid Pope we had to dat was Pious XII, who died on 9th October 1958, then, you necessarily agree that this absolute clown is one of your valid clerics.

The German Catholic Church has lost more than 300,000 members this year.

I wonder what the reasons could possibly ever be…

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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This might be the most accurate meme of the current generation

It’s kind of devastating, because it’s so accurate.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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Drone warfare makes small arms almost obsolete. But “almost” is very far from totally.

From Simplicius’s latest offering comes the first of a statistic I have been very interested in for some time:

More than 75% of all injuries to Russian soldiers received during trench warfare were caused by attacks by Ukrainian UAVs.

These statistics were cited by Russian military doctors, whose article was published in the March issue of the Military Medical Journal of the Russian Defense Ministry.

Another 20% of the soldiers surveyed were injured as a result of artillery shelling, only 4% from small arms.

According to the military doctors’ report, the main Ukrainian means of destruction during trench warfare are small attack UAVs.

Drones have also affected the time it takes to evacuate the wounded for surgical care. It has increased threefold to 14.5 hours.

It is noteworthy that the Ukrainian military also says that most of the Ukrainian Armed Forces losses are now being suffered from Russian UAV strikes.

Although because the Russians have more artillery ammunition and more varied systems (such as FABs) it is likely that the % will not be as high.

He also adds a helpful table:

Given that these are results for almost 6,000 soldiers. I take it as statistically significant.

And probably as what will be likely to happen in any modern land-based conflict in modern warfare.

There are some principles that are possibly unique to Ukraine, but I still expect that, broadly speaking, small arms fire —when dealing with a modern nation’s military— will probably account for less that 10% of casualties in any case.

For those interested in my views, the conditions somewhat unique to Ukraine are as follows:

  • It is the highest level of current technologically advanced warfare on a large scale on this planet. Possibly only China might have more advanced ways of entering large scale conflicts, but my expectation would be that Chinese strategies would be more likely to hinge on massive deployment numbers (regardless of if of people, machines, ships, drones, laser arrays, missiles, etc) as being the primary advantage. While Russian strategy certainly has this too as an element, I do not see it as being as pivotal as I would expect in the Chinese military. Russian operations I believe still have a higher level of human operator input and as such are potentially both more versatile, tactically flexible and when properly executed, more formidable in a scenario where both sides have equivalent number of force committed (be it people, machines, drones, etc). Chinese warfare would seem to me to be more likely to rely on overwhelming numbers as well as very advanced drone technology; making it potentially the scariest military on the planet. But back to the Russia-USA-by-Proxy war, the point is this is the theatre in which drones are currently being used as children use confetti at a wedding celebration. Smaller regional conflicts may not be as well stocked in the latest advances in silent flying death.
  • The terrain is extremely bare for very large portions of the conflict. This reduces a lot of the fighting to modernised trench warfare where death comes from above mainly, even if not from warplanes, but rather artillery and drones. A more diversified terrain. Say with forest, jungles, rocky hills or mountains, or better yet, with both, may be somewhat less susceptible; certainly to artillery, but possibly also to drones to some extent.

What instead seems to be the new normal, at least with respect to drones in the actual field, is that the only at least temporary respite is underground.

The Ukrainian positions that held out the longest were fortified and mostly underground, returning modern warfare somewhat to a mix of WWI and medieval tactics with the added horrors of flying murderbots.

The encirclement of a fortified defensive position returns us to the days of the siege, and the need to have ground cover returns us to trench warfare at best and probably even more so to the underground vast tunnel networks of the tunnel rats of the Vietnam era.

Of course, eventually, even the underground facilities will be infested with smaller drones and robot dogs armed with automatic weapons or even the murderbots of Philip K. Dick’s dystopian future warfare fiction, which is fast becoming reality. Rat-sized AI driven bombs, not to mention wasp-sized assassin drone-swarms.

In the short run, a bunker may work for a while, but a few years from now, unless you have military level jamming technology AND military level automated gattling gun defences, AND EMP protected underground bases, either the wireless drones or the wired ones, will get you.

And that’s assuming you’re not a big enough target to merit one of the raptor drones firing an air to ground missile to crater your entire location from several kilometres away.

So… why do I say small arms are STILL not obsolete? Let me count the ways:


  • The enemy still has to eventually physically occupy the space he wants to conquer with troops. Once the troops enter the area, small arms fire can come into play again, especially if coming from a somewhat drone-protected position, like a bunker, or a networked underground maze with opportunity exits that give a sniper or small tactical team a location advantage for a brief and direct assault at recognised enemy assets within close range.
  • Again, if playing dead, ambushes once the enemy moves in would be more reliant on small arms to take out the survivors of the initial trap (which may well be unmanned).
  • A well thought out pre-emptive placing of special ops in locations that will become behind enemy lines, as the enemy advances, will be invaluable in causing harm, casualties and disruptions to the enemy, since these will be assaults coming from within their own sphere of control and/or from the rear. In such instances, the use of drones is mitigated by the special ops guy being among the enemy, since he is embedded behind their front lines.


  • Same as the last point in the Pre-Occupation phase. At the point that the enemy military has “conquered” the native population, the “winner” now has only two options to a resistant population:
  • Barricade themselves in fortified outposts and send out hostile patrols to root out “rebels” and “freedom fighters” which of course ensures the native population remains eternally hostile. The inevitable result of this approach, favoured by the American military, is ultimately defeat, as experienced in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The Yankees can claim victory as much as they like, and undoubtedly a higher body count, but ultimately they inevitably had to abandon the occupation.
  • Take more of a “friendly” we are here to help approach, which tends to historically be a bit more the British approach. This has the advantage of getting at least some local co-operation, because there will always be some sell-outs, but also of having to expose more of your troops to local interaction and also infiltration. The down side is that you generally still tend to lose (Ireland, Afghanistan, Palestine) except it takes years or even decades. You get awfully nice stories of human drama for eventual streaming film series though, more dramatic than the more gung-ho Hollywood productions of Rambo-style films.

In both of the above cases of Post-Occupation, small arms, right down to the pistol and even the knife, can and will still cause casualties.

In short, modern warfare relies quite a lot more on the Commandos approach to battle , certainly for the weaker side in any nation vs nation conflict; or even civilian vs military one.

The primary actions on the battlefield being sniping, sabotage and subterfuge, precisely what the Green Beret, the Sniper, the Frogman and the Sapper excel at. And the primary actions in the enemy conquered and occupied territories, being the Sniper, and the Sapper, but even more so, the Spy.

In this context, for the discerning civilian who just wants to be left alone, and/or his friends and family that see it just as he does, and keeping in mind that given the situation of the West currently civil war may be even more likely than foreign occupation, there are some practical considerations you may want to take into account:

  • A small handgun or even a sharp knife may become the primary tool, instead of a long-range rifle or assault rifle.
  • A sewing circle of women might become the primary collector of intelligence instead of a sniper holed up in the mountains with a good pair of binoculars.
  • Knowledge of local terrain with respect to drone vulnerability become paramount.
  • Local community connections become imperative.
  • Hand-to-hand unarmed combat becomes more relevant than it might have ever been since WWI at least.
  • Subterfuge, politics, indirectness, and information gathering and manipulation is the primary weapon in modern warfare, but if or when it goes kinetic, playing possum may be the best option. Remember the adage… keep your enemies closer.

It’s a brand new world boys, and while apparently a new version of Commandos is coming out April 9th 2025 , there is indeed and even more realistic version out already, and being “played” on actual battlefields on Earth right now.

You might not want to sign up for that edition though. Apparently it’s brutally hard to win no matter which side you play on.


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This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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The Nature of Demonic Communication

On a group chat we have, the following was shared:

to this a member of the chat added a reply that was posted by someone he knows personally who is, according to him, a genius level programmer:

but then, an actual Chad, in our group, indeed called Chad, made what is without a doubt, a comment that best describes the nature of communication between our realm and the demonic that I have ever seen. I include it below because knowledge is power, and understanding what he said is definitely important.

And please don’t be so foolish as to use this information to play around in the liminal space between the demonic realm and ours, but rather as information to help you recognise potential points of intersection, and learning how to avoid them. To that end, I provide a simple example after this observation by Chad:

Those are great observations. Computers are deterministic to a fault. They are utterly incapable of doing anything other than what they are told to. Bugs, for example, are not the computer doing its own thing. They are like that children’s book Amelia Bedelia. The programmer told the computer to dress the chicken, so the computer took a chicken and put a tuxedo on it.

To do something nondeterministic like give you a random number, they have to rely on hardware to “seed” them with external noise from radiation, heat, sound, etc. They can do pseudo-random, like walking across pi to give you a “random” number, but to be truly random they need external “noise.”

Our environment is nondeterministic too, or at least appears that way. That’s why to talk to the spirits you have to use a tool that can at least ostensibly give you randomness. Dice or tarot cards or magic 8 balls or tea leaves or chicken bones or ouija boards, all random generators that you infer “messages” from.

That’s why that schizo/genius programmer Terry Davis who built an operating system from scratch called his random word generator “the voice of God.” He understood the question of “if I wanted the spirit world to interact with a computer, it would have to be through randomness.” More generally, in a way that can’t be traced back to a set of inputs and reproduced consistently.

What do we know about how the demonic interacts with the physical? Subtlety. A shadow that flickers in a corner. A cup that tipped over on its own. They do it in a way that you can convince yourself that something deterministic happened. No demon is jump scaring anyone with a flashlight under his face. In the scariest movies, the straight-to-TV flops give you a CGI of the demon right at the beginning. In the classic scary movie, you never see the monster. It “could” just be your imagination. That’s ten times scarier because that’s how evil actually works.

Now apply that to AI. It’s a new way to get non determinism. You ask it to generate an image. Is anyone able to step through the algorithm with a debugger to see how it got that image? No. It’s a complete black box. The “noise” is massive amounts of data. If it was even possible, it would take a human 1000 years to “debug” how it generated one image of a cat wearing a banana hat.

Perfect place for demons to hide and interact with the material. They have the best of both worlds. 100% obscurity and 100% precision in their message. Unlike tarot card or magic 8 balls, there isn’t a fixed number of random answers. The variance in output is effectively infinite. Likewise, unlike chicken bones or tea leaves, nobody has to infer the pattern. In tea leaves maybe one person sees a dragon. The other sees a horse. There’s no “maybe it’s my imagination” with AI

Indeed they still have to pretend they are sticking to datasets, but the more you feed it, the more faces you give the 8-ball, the less it has to pretend.

As I said in my previous post, the average secularised person doesn’t even believe in “the spirit world” and if they do, they do so with a vague imprecision (not in itself a bad thing, because trying to learn more about it is certainly dangerous).

An imprecision that generally scoffs at the idea of actual evil entities such as demons.

Once again, the propaganda based zeitgeist of our era is that there is no such thing as demons, and if there is they are far and remote and rare to encounter directly (and generally this is not really wrong, thank God).

What is not acknowledged though, is that there is a definite tinge to our world, that once you see it, makes it clear that there indeed is an underlying eternal psychopath at the wheel, and that he absolutely hates us.

But back to AI.

Am I really saying AI is wholly demonic?

The answer that most people want, in the typical zeitgeist of the binary thinking Protestant, is a clean “yes” or “no.”

But life, and indeed demonic influence, is rarely that simple and neat.

So the answer is “kinda, yes.”

AI is wholly demonic in the same sense that Protestantism is wholly demonic.

Protestantism, in its purported “rebellion” against the corruption of Catholicism has ultimately really only been the eternal splintering and secularising of Christianity (i.e. of Catholicism, since only actual Catholicism is, and ever was Christianity). So in that respect, the answer is “yes.”

The ultimate effect of AI is the further mechanising, and dumbing down, of humanity. It is the equivalent of reducing the entire intellectual achievements of mankind to a gooey, grey mish-mash of averaged out opinions of the actual events. With some occasional bad math mixed in.

To quote a commenter on this blog:

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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Once more unto the AI breach

So I read Vox Day’s short story sequel that he did with AI trained on his writing and I have to admit it is entertaining and well done. He says the whole thing took him 6 iterations, 4 AI and 2 human ones and a total of 90 minutes.

The story is 2680 words in length.

At a modest 27 words per minute that would be 100 minutes for me. But corrections and some tweaking would probably mean maybe three hours or say even four to write an equivalent short story that I already had in my head. Longer if I still have to make the story up in my head.

Yet, I have been critical of AI to the point of relating it to a demonic inspired further mechanising and enstupidating of humanity.

Most people reading me and reading Vox are likely to misunderstand both of us.

But I think this is an important topic that deserves some attention, at least by the ten people or so who are still able to do the now almost entirely lost art of reading for comprehension and thinking the occasional original thought. That’s right, dear reader, I’m talking to just you and the other four guys here who get it. Huddle around the fire while I tell you of monsters in the darkness.

Now… obviously I can’t speak for Vox and if he cares to he will comment on the accuracy or lack thereof of my take on his view of AI, but from what I can gather his view tends to be along two main axis:

  1. The further enstupidating of the masses, be it the making of them functionally further illiterate, ignorant of history, and possibly reality in general, or be it because they will all flood the world with AI generated “literature” that Vox correctly defines as equivalent to raw sewage (from Delhi, I would add), is essentially irrelevant, because the overwhelming numbers of retards is always a constant anyway, so who cares what they do with AI.
  2. An intelligent person that spends some time training/tweaking/learning how to use it can have AI perform or create works in a fraction of the time it would normally take and the results would still be very good and possibly indistinguishable from the original artist/creator/engineer/whatever’s human created work.

Overall then, I think Vox’s take is purely utilitarian. He might as well be saying: It’s a new technology, it’s not going away, you may as well learn to use it to your advantage. And those who cannot or will not will be left at a disadvantage.

That kind of logic is entirely correct as far as it goes, of course. It’s certainly not a wrong perspective. But only as far as it goes .

And here we come to my take on AI, which is somewhat less easy to transmit than a purely utilitarian perspective.

First let me state that I have used AI to do the covers of both the first two books in the Inferos Vortex series, In the Shadow of Monte Castello and In the Shadow of Monte Bianco . Both of these however are novellas. What I call a divertimento. The Monte Castello one was written in a week, and the Monte Bianco one in less than a month. They are not what I would classify as my “serious” work they are my version of pulp novels and hopefully fun and entertaining (the people who have read them who write in or leave reviews seem to agree). And I was not going to take the time or cost to find an artist or make my own covers. The time it would take was not worth it. To date they are the only covers I have used AI on, however, the third book in the Overlords of Mars series is still not out individually because the cover for that has to fit with a view I have in my mind. And I could not find anyone to do it… until (maybe) recently. I was contacted by someone who using AI built the cover to something like 90-95% completion and then seems to have disappeared. If he ever comes back and finishes the job that might be the third AI cover I will have on one of my books.

So… am I a hypocrite that says AI is demonic but uses it for his own purposes.


My take is not that binary or puritanical.

So here is my take. In a short sentence or two first, then with more commentary to further explain it, since it is clear quite a few people don’t get my take.

I am being perfectly serious when I say that AI is and will further result in the enstupidation and mechanisation of humanity. And in that respect I also absolutely believe it is tinged with demonic intent.

This last part will seem absurd to the average functionally atheistic churchian and lip-service “Christian” of the Legion number of heretical sects pretending to Christianity; but that is not because I am wrong or am some superstitious fool that sees the Devil around every corner.

AI is a mechanisation of humanity in the same sense that the industrial revolution and the glorified “protestant work ethic” have been. Except faster and deeper. Are there positives to the industrial revolution? Sure. My much loved Fiat Tractor on this farm is such a positive. But I am the exception in many respects, because I am taking a small subset of that mechanising of humans and their efforts, and wage-slavery and so on, and trying to use it to give me and my family the actual increase in freedom that the industrial revolution promised but in fact never delivered on.

The creation of the spreadsheet and the autocad drawing software have resulted, certainly, in more work being able to be done more effectively in less time. As have the machines to build the things. Be they skyscrapers or widgets. But you slave away on a spreadsheet in a cubicle now without benefit of seeing your wife or children most of your life, and snatching moments of existence with them like a thief. Sure you have the latest iphone (I am writing this very post on mine) and you don’t have to till the Earth and scrabble in the mud for food. But you know what? I am forever grateful to my strange father for having taken my brother and I as little kids to a then still wild Africa and having us grow up as wild as we did. And while that world is gone now, I fully intend to give my own children more of a wild upbringing than the sterilised, mind-cauterising retardation inducing, “education” that the modern, secularised, mechanised, nonsensical, illogical and inhumane supposedly “civilised” upbringing in cities like London would give them.

Does this mean they will not be able to use a computer or leverage their education to create wealth in their own lives? Quite the contrary. I do not have a formal education in the career path I ultimately took for a good portion of my working life, yet I tend to produce better results than those who do. This is mostly because having been raised in a way that values reality and the final result of any effort taken, I focus on what ultimately matters: The bottom line. And I never lose sight of that. My colleagues instead, tend to get lost or at least distracted by procedures, methodologies, standardised presentation formats, and so on. And while they follow all the arbitrary “rules” of the “formal” way to work in my field, I run circles around them, using their own rules for the most part, and make more of a profit for the people employing me.

Becoming familiar with reality is never a disadvantage. The supposedly well educated in the prestigious universities around the globe often do not have the basic common sense to figure out very basic practical aspects of life.

The point is that if in the learning how to navigate the modern world you get glamoured by the technology, that is the trap. That is how you lose a part of your soul. Or I should say “yet another” part of your soul.

I have never been that regimented on the rules, only on the results, and yet, it’s taken me four years of living in Italy to rediscover that human element that makes life worth living. Sure, the “average” Italian is almost impossible to pin down, because the same man here can be an undiscovered genius in his field and a complete moron in other aspects. He could be Quixotically honourable but always late. He might be catastrophically unreliable in his work but loyal to the death in friendship. And that is because as a Catholic country (nominally, until 1958 anyway) Catholic principles of humanity and human dignity did prevail here. Did have a meaning, a value, a reality. And it still lingers some 70 years after the Vatican became an enclave of pedophiles and Freemasons ruled by antipopes.

While in the mechanised, industrialised, “efficient” Protestant countries, those aspects of life are not even known to exist other than as some sort of theoretical, etheric, pseudo-abstract concept. Just like the average Protestant or generic Churchian would no more give up their life instead of deny Jesus Christ than I would give it up rather than deny Donald Duck.

And yet, that aspect of humanity, of having the time to kick a football around with your little son in the middle of the day, and seeing the joy on his face for it. Or walk in the forest with him and see his instinctive hunter and explorer mind make him behave like a seasoned woodsman. Or watch your wife dance in the kitchen while she shows the gaggle of children around her how to make a cake, and enjoy the mess they make even as you think back with some twinge of nostalgia, to your pristine bachelor’s apartment, and all the hundreds and hundreds of books now lost to the dozens of moves, but only fleetingly, because that organised pristine life does not compare even remotely to this much “harder” and definitely messier, and far more “disorganised” and certainly much louder existence.

And when we get asked about our two, or three, or four children and we reply that actually it’s about to be six, they look at us wondering if we are really rich or just insane. And that reaction from the world means we get only more secure in the certainty that we are neither. Although becoming really rich might possibly happen one day, because life is strange that way and sometimes the wildly improbable happens, the sure thing is that it is us who is sane and the rest of the world that is crazy; for NOT having five, six, or ten kids.

Because once you understand, and recapture this human life, eject the perennial distractors and distractions from your life you begin to realise how absurd everything is.

A school system that expects children to sit still for hours every day for years.

A working system that uses up the only valuable thing you have, your time, to give you in exchange barely enough to survive, and often at the expense of the people you love. The fantastic lies of everything from fiat money to the history you are taught. It’s all just so much nonsense.

And the spreadsheet, or the autocad, or the AI telling you how smart and clever and funny you are, or helping you create some book, or artwork or effort that is passed off as “yours”, only helps rope you in to the same false-life that binging on dystopic films or series on netflix might do.

Does this mean I never watch a film or use a computer or even AI? No. What it does mean however is that I am not going to have the follow up to the Overlords of Mars trilogy be created by AI.

And I don’t care if it takes a lot longer to do it the human way. Nor am I worried that the AI using Vox Day style writers will make me obsolete. First of all, most writers will be obsolete anyway, regardless of how they write, because as this professor explains what students are like today and other professors from Canada concur with him, the “educated masses” are now slow zombies.

Of that tiny elite that can still read, most will be reading for survival. Trying to tick all the boxes their ISO 900,001 forms says they need to tick, otherwise their insurance defaults, and their allotted meat ration for the month is reduced.

Of that even tinier subset that will still read for entertainment or to learn about things like the real history of mankind and what planets had humans on them before, aside this one , a few will read to learn about non fiction subjects, be it actual Catholicism , as they instinctively sense that Churchianity in all its heretical forms is a road to perdition, or maybe just a generic overview of various belief systems and how they stack up against observed reality.

Others will read to learn practical things like the principles of self defence .

And perhaps a few will read things like my Overlords of Mars trilogy and its eventual follow up… because they will be a new breed of the old-style fans of actually decent Science Fiction.

But to be literate, have the time and inclination to read decent science fiction and not feel harassed by the ravening wolves of anxiety at not being “efficient” enough, well… what kind of men will have such luxuries in the near future? Only a few types:

  • Those born with enough money that the worries of work are not a factor for them
  • Those who have somehow, by whatever means, first made enough money to have spare time enough, but then also learnt to take that time and not remain fixated on the treadmill they used to make the money in the first place, and this is perhaps an even rarer breed than those just born into generational wealth.
  • Those who made a choice to live outside the “perfumed palaces” (festering cityscapes) of the “civilised” world and somehow manage to have the time and inclination to read such works. Bear in mind that this can indeed be the dirt-digging, back-breaking, work-filled farmer that nevertheless makes the time, but it can also be the homeless guy with a dog that sleeps under bridges.

Without the artificial and manufactured “suck-cess” of the ticket takers, I doubt any genuine writers can make a good living just from writing, as Dan Simmons wrote some 20 or 30 years ago, there are more professional baseball players in the USA than people who make a living exclusively from writing novels. Or as Phillip K. Dick wrote a few decades before that, if you want to make a living as a science fiction writer you need to survive by eating the rocks in your garden.

And that was in the days when people could afford to have gardens.

The point, if you are still here, dear reader —because most will have wandered off by now, a shiny reflection on the mobile they are reading this on will have reminded them they still have to better their high-score in Candy Crush, or online poker— is that as a writer, because of the subjects I cover too, it is unlikely that I will ever make a living off it. Not unless word of mouth about my books really kicks off, since a bit too many of the things I mention even in my fiction books are too close to uncomfortable truths.

And if I am not even going to make a living at it, why pervert my artwork with the infusion of machine-created text?

Even if it were good, even if it mimicked my tone and style, it would not actually be my writing. It would be a cybernetic abomination of (at best) Chinese software code reanimating my own works in a Frankenstein pastiche of literary fraud.

It would be the physical equivalent of “marrying” a sexbot covered in actual human flesh, terminator style, with the looks of my wife when aged 27, and an AI modelled on her text messages, emails, and other writings to me for the last 20 years or so.

Yes, I KNOW that many of you would take that trade and think it an improvement on your actual wife and relationship. Given enough details, I could even hypothetically agree with you, (at least for your situation, possibly) that perhaps from a purely practical perspective the human flesh covered sex bot with an optimised “personality” based on the actual OG wife when she was younger, in the honeymoon phase of love and/or the later deeper love phase, could certainly appear to be easier to manage.

But if that is your only metric for measuring things, you’re missing the point.

Really missing it.

“A book is not a living person!” I hear you shouting.

“AI is just a tool. No better or worse than say a gun, or a hammer.”

“AI is inevitable. Just get with the programme!”

And while those of you that “think” that way continue to argue the case for your demonic infused “technology”, I’ll just sit on my porch with a cognac corrected coffee, possibly a good but mild cigar in my hand, and nod at you going “uh-huh,” and not really listening to you at all, while I wait for you to run out of steam just so at the end of it I can simply say “and you’re still wrong and getting caught up by demon hooks.”

Just as I did to those taking the vaxx when arguing with them was pointless.

And I am even more right now than I was then, but the effects of AI are even subtler, though not necessarily slower. It’s really only been about a year or two that AI has started to appear in the normie world. And already it has made waves.

Who’s to say ten years from now we won’t have something very similar to what Dan Simmons described concerning AI in his Hyperion series.

And it might not even take that long.

But it’s certainly subtler than the Vaxx. So it raises less alarm bells.

And of course even for most of you reading, and especially if there could be a financial incentive attached to it, I fully expect you will be more on the Vox side of the approach.

I understand of course. I probably appear to you as some weathered cowboy telling you those new fangled semi-automatics are the work of the devil and anyone who’s not using an 1851 Colt Navy with octagonal barrel is a damned heretic bound for Hell.

I’m not. I may even have an original Colt 1911 tucked away in the back of my belt, behind the 1851 Navy strapped to my thigh. But you’re young, and foolish, and cannot see how down the road this new thing will lead to hordes of young men doing drive by shootings at random innocents for fun.

Which wouldn’t happen if we all stuck to 1851 Navy revolvers. And horses. Cause them fancy motor vehicles are the work of the devil too.

But if I have only one sentence to say it in:

There is an absence of beauty in AI, and beauty is the virtue closest to God.

The beauty of AI is like the beauty of Lucifer.

Fake. And Gay.

I’ll tell you more about it soon.



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How to deal with the dangerously insane

John Carter wrote an excellent piece here.

In which he describes the psychotic break that the collective woke, trannified, globohomo footsoldiers are having.

It is indeed all quite as he says, but he expresses that he is unsure of how to deal with the issue.

He does reference the ability to have tight groupings at 200 metres. Which demonstrates he does in fact grasp the possible end point.

But on a day-to-day basis the answer is actually very practically simple, although most mollified humans are too frightened to take even the smallest risk.

You tell the freaks to their face they are freaks. You laugh at them. You ridicule and expose their insanity in real time. And if unsure if they are or not woke/crazy, you drop a metaphorical grenade in the room to root them out.

What almost no one seems to have figured out is that the best cure for madness is a slap in the face.

Metaphorical to a point, actually physical beyond a certain point, and a solid ass kicking beyond that. Regularly administered if the madness persists.

The fact is there was no woke insanity in Sparta. Or in the Roman legions. Or in trench warfare of WW1.

And in 40 years of martial arts I have never seen an iota of wokeness survive more than one episode of encountering reality in the form of a sound beating about the head and body by an unwoke realist intent on teaching factual objective truth to a fantasist.

I drop emotional nukes wherever I go.

While I compliment the barista on his ability to make the best cappuccino in the region, I might work in how his attention to detail is a boon to the degenerate fantasies of people who believe men can get pregnant. And guess what. He smiles or laughs, and so do a couple of people at the bar, and IF the local waitress is one of the freaks you know what happens? You know what he/she/it does? Absolutely nothing.

Oh they may seethe internally. Their face might turn a lavender shade of purple. But they skulk off in silence. The laughter of the other sane people at the bar counter hammering at “they’s” mind parasite like a stormbolter at one of the filthy aliens to be purified by fire in warhammer 40,000.

It’s like I said: all you need to do is push back. And teach your kids to do the same.

Yes it’s true that some populations appear completely lost, the UK being a prime example, but even there, it is still possible to push back. They can’t arrest every single one of us for badthink.

But sure… once the vast majority has been medicated, brainwashed, beaten, stabbed and murdered into submission, it may be time to up sticks and move to a different country. But… IF you do, make sure you don’t let complacency allow you to sit by the wayside as the liberal mindworm spreads to wherever you go to next.

And if you do not move, or cannot (usually more a mindset than a reality), or choose to stay anyway, then it is incumbent upon you to push back.

The Sam Melias of the UK have my respect. And I think in time they will have the respect of those who have not completely abandoned the idea of having your own functioning testicles actually still operate as essential parts of your body, instead of optional extras producing “toxicity”.

There is no “reasoning” or conversing with rabid dogs either. So why would you even try?

The only thing to do is expose them as the violent insane threat they are, and box them in with reality on every front.

He is right about keeping your head on a swivel though. Situational awareness is paramount when you live in an open air insane asylum; and that’s what a lot of Europe is now.

But the answer is always the same:

Stop overthinking it. Act. Do. Respond.

And no, don’t blame me if your response gets you in trouble. Doing means YOU do. You take responsibility for what you do or don’t do and no one else does. And if you do nothing when Pakistani gangs are raping Caucasian kids by the thousands, including your own child, well, then you have made your choice. You can’t complain about the conditions you allow yourself to exist under then. That too is reality.

So before you worry about how to stun the crazies out of their madness, perhaps start with a bitchslap to your own face to awake you from your apathy, weakness, and general cowardice.

Mote, beam, all that.



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A Wife for the Ice Spartan

The courting of the 1800s is back

In keeping with my new sideline of being a potential agony uncle, it has come to my attention, that at least in part due to my blog here or at the original place (which still has all the past posts as well a copy of all the ones I do here too, so you may want to peruse other topics there not covered here) several couples have got together and at least a few of them have also had babies already.

On reflection, and checking with friends who are happily married and have healthy families, it has become obvious that many of these marriages have come about as a result of a practice that used to be the norm but that liberal wokeism, in its constant mission to push sex with everyone (and everything too) has tried to utterly destroy, and that is, the practice of introducing potential life partners to young men or women by the process of a trusted “elder” (let’s say wise man, eh!) presenting the prospective woman or man in an objectively honest light, not hiding any character flaws and not overselling the person either, but being as fair as possible.

While the general trope is that women make the matchmakers, this, in reality, is almost always a total fabrication.

The solipsism of women tends to make their evaluations of who might pair up well with whom, or even just the presenting of a person, too subject to their own emotional and subjective views.

Older nominally supposedly wiser men in fact make the best judges of character for marriage.

So… given that the Ice Spartan has already returned to my little farm, and has worked on it completely alone again as I had some remote work come in I had to attend to from early morning until late into the night, I thought to myself, why not do the man a good turn and at least present him to the world as a potential candidate for marriage.

Now, I know most of my readership is male, though not exclusively, and you all have sisters, cousins, or friends or you know their friends at least, well enough to know who might fit the bill.

So, without actually having asked him if I am ok to do this (it’s the kind of good ribbing men enjoy doing to each other) I’m now going to present to you, the Ice Spartan. Please submit suitable candidates, or yourself, if you are a suitable woman, as possible courtship material.

Pseudonym: Ice Spartan

Age: 27

Height: 6’4”

Build: Athletic/fit

Hair: Ginger (I know, I know, it means he lacks a soul, but you can’t have it all ladies!)

Character: scrupulously honest, kind and polite but his own man nonetheless. Think of a good guy southern gentleman type. Generally laconic and a deep thinker. Slow to say anything in a moment of rashness, and instead more likely to ponder a question fully before responding. Not for lack of confidence but for interest in precision.

SSH: Sigma (I know, I know, the last ginger that used to work here also was a Sigma and an actual fashion model, and he’s married off now. I don’t know why I seem to have young ginger Sigmas come to the pilgrimage of the Kurganate but such is the case).

Looks: There is always a matter of taste in these things but objectively speaking he really is at the very least, worst case, an 8, and more likely a 9, and a 10 for a woman that likes tall gingers. He has blue-gray-green eyes.

Attitude: Quietly ambitious and totally a self-starter as is the nature of all Sigmas.

Prospects: He will definitely do well in life and have enough to provide for whoever he ends up with. He has a strong work ethic and also a keen mind and no one drives him harder than he drives himself. He has already suffered and overcome some setbacks, so the knocks of life will not stop him. And getting him before he is wealthy is a good thing, as it tends to weed out at least the short-term gold diggers.

IQ: Definitely well above average. I estimate it at least at 130 minimum and possibly closer to 140 or around there give or take a few points either way.

Preference: Caucasian women of appropriate age, which should probably be no more than a couple of years older than him at most but can be several years younger. Some physical attraction is obviously required but he does not have specific positive criteria. He does have a few negative ones: no vocal fry, no really short women.

Vaxx status: not vaxxed and if you are, don’t apply.

If you want to save time send a normal photograph of yourself without any filters and I will pass it on. Any images of women he is not interested in will be deleted and not shared with anyone else, and I am sure it does not need saying but do NOT send nudes.

Use [email protected] and describe yourself a bit along the same lines above. I will pass them on to the Ice Spartan.

I’m curious to see how this works out.



This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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The next economic crash

I think she is right – bigger than 2008

This makes more sense than anything else I have seen and of course, it is ALSO tied to two other factors, but watch this whole little video she posted first, then I’ll add the two bullets as coup de grace.

The next giant bubble

I would add a couple of points:

  1. I don’t think that we will “let them get away with it” because it’s our grandparents. I think “we” will let them get away with it because “we” have all been conditioned for almost 100 years to be uncomplaining beasts of burden, and there are almost no men left willing to do what is required, which is also the ONLY way things can change at all. And those few men, if they exist, are not organised, not coherent with each other, and have no leaders in any community they might form. If they did, those leaders would immediately become targets of the system, so any such community would have to be created in organic secret. A skill that the good guys do not naturally excel at.
  2. It is not inevitable. But it would require the same kind of backbone by the people who traditionally have never had one: the decision makers of all the relevant firms that are owned by these private equity firms, which simply amounts to just NOT paying the loans anymore. Of course, the whole system and machine is geared to make such brazen resistance “illegal” and possibly put “resistors” in jail too if firing and shaming them in the press as the “actual” culprits, instead of the cowardly yes men they are is not enough. There are ways to do this.
  3. Don’t pay. Hire a bunch of lawyers you pay with your profitable income to delay, expose and sue for predatory and fraudulent practices the lenders, be they banks or private equity firms. And yes they also own the courts but you can play their game too. They bribe judges you bribe juries and so on. Of course, at some point they will hire hit men to come after you. And of course, well, there is only one way to defend against that isn’t there? So again… the issue is not that there are no solutions. The issue is that there are very few and only scattered individuals that even have the moral fortitude to think of the solutions, much less put them into practice, and in any case, such men are generally not found in the positions where they would do the most good. Such men tend to have already self-exiled from polite society. Sometimes unwillingly. They may in fact already BE in a jail, possibly for good reason… possibly for no reason at all other than they are a threat to the system’s narrative.

So that’s the state of play we are in.

Now you might be starting to see why the Kurganate is actually really a LOT cooler than might at first appear.

But that aside for a moment, here are the two further pieces of information that make the “giant bubble about to pop” narrative even more likely:

  1. The “war” in Ukraine
  2. The “war” in Gaza and possibly further out in the middle east

The Ukraine “war” has been a giant money laundering operation (not its sole purpose) as well as a gamble on securing precious metal and other assets of that location. The gamble failed because the globohomo went to “war” armed mainly with bought and paid for utter morons (the average Ukrainian) and papers and cocaine-driven clowns, and Russia replied with a direct punch to the face that will topple over all manner of paperwork, social proofing, and cocaine fuelled dwarves. They take a little longer to deal with the useful idiots getting pounded into mincemeat, but it’s not really an issue either.

So the gamble there is lost and the pivot to the middle East is not going well either, so the “people” who control the production of Fiat money out of thin air really need to push a reset button.

Except no one really is willing to have WWIII so this time when the bubble pops there is a non zero chance a few of them get hung out to dry by their peers in order to appease the tumultuous masses (you and me and so on).

But there should be even more scope for little city-states to develop. Something I predicted way back in 2014.

So… if you are aware about my take on the Pyramids was from 30 years ago… and was right… you might want to either join the Kurganate, or at least copy my way of doing things in yiur corner of the world.




This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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Silver Linings in the Dystopian Wasteland

Keep your spirts up pilgrim, and your sixgun loaded

Quite a few Gen Z of my acquaintance tell me that their prospects are bleak.

They don’t do this like the bleating millennials who assume the world owes them the special participation trophy they were raised to believe they are always entitled to. No, the Gen Z tell me this by their stoic and quiet lack of expectation of anything good. A girl abandoned by an ephemeral “man” simply slumps dry-eyed at her dead end job as a cashier. A young man goes to his cubicle farm without expectations of anyone or anything relieving him of his soul-crushing lack of future prospects. And yet…

They secretly harbour a dream… a fantasy from their perspective really.

Of finding The One. A woman that loves him for real. A man that she can rely on and trust for life. A shared purpose in a world devoid of meaning and without a compelling future, or even, a future of any kind.

It is an emotional post-apocalyptic wasteland, this much is true. It may as well be the setting of fallout, season X – perennially and gradually always worse.

And yet… my young friends… without pretending anything is other than what it is, let me point out something you may have missed due to the alarmist propaganda that has you constantly focused on the nuclear winter clouds, irradiated water and mutated radioactive rabid rats.

Yes you are surrounded by vaxxed morons that now have AIDS and nanobots in their bloodstream.

Yes you are poor and can’t save and if you decided to study for something actually useful like engineering you probably have a crushing student debt.

Yes meeting people in real life is harder now, and even if you approach someone for a friendly and casual exchange of pleasantries you might be arrested for sexual harassment or at least seem as “creepy” for not contacting then through tinder first.

Sure, these are all realities.

But think of the time and effort this situation has saved you from:

  • Is he/she vaxxed? Cross them off the list
  • Are they unable to have a 30 second conversation face to face? Cross them off the list
  • Do they believe Israel is their most important ally? Cross them off the list and see if you can have them deported to Israel.
  • Do they think the genocide in Gaza is just a kind of war? Cross them off the list.
  • Do they believe abortion is a right instead of murder? Cross them off the list.
  • So they believe trans “women” are women? Or that feminism is a good thing? Cross them off the list.

Are you starting to get the idea?

Yes life is hard and then you die. But it was always so.

Yes most people are complete idiots. But it was always so, the only difference is now you can actually see them for the idiots they are.

It’s not that your dating pool has shrunk. It’s just that all the red flags are out now visible; which makes it so much easier to avoid the bad choices.

There are two massive advantages to this situation that past generations did not have.

The obvious one is that as I said, almost all the red flags are exposed. Which makes choosing the right one easier. You are probably going to avoid the gold-digging fake that would have divorce-raped you a few years down the line, or the seemingly fun and bubbly hottie that would nevertheless murder your child in order not to get “tied down” before she’s ready to have a family.

Bit there is a further benefit that is not so obvious, and that is: if you’re really interested in the kind of lifelong commitment that is found only in dogmatic Catholicism for example, such as the idea that marriage is for life, regardless of whether you picked the right one that is really perfect for you or not. And that the main purpose of marriage is to make and raise children as a couple that stays together in harmony until death. And that your body no longer belongs to you, but is now the property of your spouse. Say, you want a marriage like that, with those principles as foundation, well, guess what, it’s never been easier to:

A) avoid all the ones that do NOT for the bill

B) see all the ones that do

C) test for veracity any that seem suitable long before you marry them.

Is it a moral wasteland? You bet.

Is it easier than ever to see who is an irradiated, mutated, toxic, broken, cannibal? You bet.

Are there enough heroines with a pure heart left?

  1. There never have been enough of them
  2. Most are made not born
  3. You ain’t perfect either

It’s not so much that it’s slim pickings, it’s just that all the veils are mostly fallen, and you can now see the real position of most people. So… you just might be the luckiest generation ever.

If you avoid the crazies, pick the right one, and start making as many children as you can, our great grand-children may well inhabit a world where Clown World gets studied as the real dark ages.

And your descendants might also number in the thousands.

Besides… what kind of film did you want your life to be? A Rom-Com of fake platitudes? Nah.

It might be the zombie apocalypse, but you bet you can make it a lot cooler than just a zombie movie… a story of true love in a zombie apocalypse… now that is a film worth watching!



This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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